20:59:15 <mikal> #startmeeting nova 20:59:15 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jan 15 20:59:15 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mikal. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:59:17 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:59:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 20:59:21 <mikal> Who is here for the nova meeting? 20:59:24 <dansmith> o/ 20:59:24 <anteaya> o/ 20:59:24 <edleafe> o/ 20:59:26 <melwitt> o/ 20:59:27 <flip214> o/ 20:59:29 <mriedem> hi 20:59:31 <n0ano> o/ (your 45 seconds early) 20:59:36 <flashgordon> o/ 20:59:45 <mikal> pings for: k mikal tjones cburgess jgrimm adrian_otto funzo mjturek jcook ekhugen irina_pov krtaylor danpb alexpilotti flip214 raildo jaypipes gilliard garyk edleafe dims moshele anteaya 20:59:50 <sdague> o/ 20:59:50 <mikal> Heh, cut and paste fail 20:59:58 <bauzas> \o 21:00:02 <flashgordon> mikal: you pinged yourself? 21:00:04 <gilliard> hi! 21:00:06 <dims> \o/ 21:00:10 <bauzas> eh, 1 min 21:00:32 <mikal> flashgordon: its how I roll 21:00:37 <mikal> Sorry if this week is a bit disorganized 21:00:41 <mikal> I'm at a conf and doing this on my laptop 21:00:52 <mikal> Which means I can't have the agenda up at the same time as the IRC session 21:00:56 <mikal> So... That said... 21:01:05 <mikal> #topic Kilo specs 21:01:08 <mriedem> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova 21:01:16 <mikal> So, we've announced the spec exception process 21:01:19 <mriedem> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-January/054039.html 21:01:23 <mikal> And we've had 18 specs already request an exception 21:01:33 <mikal> Which is a lot 21:02:05 <mikal> So, I'd suggest if you want an exception and haven't emailed yet, do that nowish 21:02:14 * alaski slinks in late 21:02:16 <mikal> I also think we should give exception priority to priority work 21:02:31 <mikal> Noting that I can't actually compell reviewers to review in any particular manner 21:02:36 <mikal> Any other thoughts on the exception process? 21:02:40 <bauzas> anyway, it has to be accepted by 2 weeks before K-2 right, so in 1 week ? 21:02:51 <mriedem> 1/22 21:02:57 <mriedem> yes 21:02:58 <mikal> Yeah, the deadline is 22 Jan 21:03:02 <mikal> Which is just before the mid-cycle 21:03:03 <mriedem> feature freeze is 2/5 21:03:15 <flip214> If I just want to get into Kilo release, but not necessarily kilo-2, is it enough to find a few reviewers for the spec and the code? 21:03:16 <bauzas> mikal: so indeed, people have to rush if they want exceptions 21:03:33 <mikal> bauzas: rush to request yes 21:03:37 <edleafe> Is there a plan for core spec reviewers to go over the requests? 21:03:39 <n0ano> I'd like to discuss this at the mid-cycle for future releases, I think there could be improvements in the process 21:03:42 <mikal> There is a little time for reviewers to do their thing though 21:03:57 <bauzas> mikal: yeah was unclear, rush is for proposers 21:04:00 <mikal> n0ano: please put it on the agenda etherpad? 21:04:01 <jichen> feature freeze means any new code patch to be submitted before 2/5? 21:04:06 <n0ano> mikal, will do 21:04:12 <mriedem> n0ano: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-nova-midcycle 21:04:14 <mikal> jichen: yes, any new _features_ 21:04:20 <mikal> jichen: bug fixes can be later than that 21:04:35 <jichen> mikal: ok, got it ,thanks 21:04:37 <mikal> edleafe: there was a proposal for another specs review day 21:04:44 <anteaya> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Kilo_Release_Schedule 21:04:44 <mikal> edleafe: but the date has falled out of my brain right now 21:04:47 <mikal> It was next week IIRC 21:04:49 <bauzas> interesting 21:04:57 <edleafe> mikal: thanks 21:05:21 <mikal> So, anything else on spec freeze before we move on? 21:05:42 <flip214> mikal: so, for inclusion in kilo, code before feb 5th? 21:05:57 <mriedem> code should be up now for anything 21:05:58 <mikal> flip214: if that code is for a feature yes 21:06:08 <mriedem> including for the 1/22 date 21:06:08 <mikal> flip214: assuming that feature has a spec approved, or is exempt from specs 21:06:31 <mikal> Oh yeah, fair point 21:06:38 <mikal> The 5 Feb date is the merge deadline 21:06:43 <flip214> mikal: I submitted the spec start of Dec, but it was not approved yet. Sadly, zz_johnthetubagu admitted to have forgotten it. 21:06:45 <mikal> So you need to leave time for people to review as well 21:06:45 <mriedem> yes before FF 21:07:06 <mikal> flip214: review number for the spec? 21:07:24 <flip214> mikal: see http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-January/054225.html for the exemption mail 21:07:36 <mikal> Ok 21:07:36 <flip214> spec at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134153/https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134153/ 21:07:39 <flip214> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134153/ 21:07:44 <mikal> So if an exception has already been requested then its in process 21:07:53 <flip214> all right, thank you. 21:08:10 <cburgess> late but here 21:08:41 <mikal> Moving on? 21:08:43 <edleafe> Is there a list of specs requesting an exception? Link? 21:08:52 <mikal> edleafe: its email on openstack-dev 21:08:56 <mikal> edleafe: I started making a list this morning 21:08:57 <edleafe> ah 21:09:04 <mikal> edleafe: I will publish after this meeting 21:09:11 <edleafe> I gotta stop reading that at the end of the day :) 21:10:11 <mikal> ["135387", "136490", "105404", "127283", "130732", "146914", "115716", "138808", "130732", "131729", "127863", "138270", "139910", "133534", "130715", "128825", "134153", "127609"] are the ones I am aware of at this time 21:10:14 <bauzas> is it me or the bot is on vacation now ? 21:10:23 <mikal> Meeting bot? 21:10:26 <bauzas> yup 21:10:28 <anteaya> good point 21:10:28 <mikal> It talked at us at the begining 21:10:33 * anteaya moves to infra 21:10:34 <mikal> Anyways, let's move on 21:10:42 <mikal> #topic Kilo priorities 21:10:53 <mikal> So, this is our regular checkup on priority tasks 21:11:16 <mikal> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-nova-priorities-tracking 21:11:25 <mikal> Is our list out currently outstanding priority reviews 21:11:31 <mikal> I'm hoping people have kept that relatively updated 21:11:46 <mikal> But I will admit I've been on vacation and haven't looked at it in the last couple of weeks 21:11:49 <dansmith> I know objects and cells have been kept up to date 21:11:55 <mikal> Cool 21:11:56 <dansmith> it seemed to help in the beginning, 21:12:03 <dansmith> but I don't think that people are actively using it as reference anymore 21:12:07 <mikal> We should add that etherpad to our agenda for the mid-cycle 21:12:14 <bauzas> scheduler is quite up to date too 21:12:15 <mikal> As in, did that experiment work? 21:12:18 <dansmith> measured only by the lack of attention I think those reviews are getting 21:12:20 <flashgordon> ++ 21:12:29 <mikal> So, do we think a reminder email to openstack-dev would help? 21:12:32 <bauzas> mikal: I liked that approach 21:12:32 * Vek pulls up the etherpad and makes a mental note to check out some of the outstanding reviews 21:12:46 <dansmith> I'd really like to use a hot poker at this point, but we can start with an email :) 21:12:47 <mikal> Certainly we should be mentioning it here every week as a reminder 21:12:51 <mikal> Heh 21:13:13 <mikal> Ok, I will send a reminder email after this meeting 21:13:16 * anteaya updates her section 21:13:24 <Vek> a periodic summary to the email list would probably also be handy 21:13:57 <mikal> Ok, are there any priority things which need a more explicit callout than the etherpad? 21:14:02 <mikal> How are we blocking people right now? 21:14:08 <mikal> (Specs are probably the most obvious thing) 21:14:58 <mikal> Nothing? 21:15:12 <mikal> Its good to hear we're perfect 21:15:15 <mikal> I find that reassuring 21:15:16 <bauzas> mikal: eh 21:15:16 <flashgordon> I think the holidays got me out of a good habbit 21:15:19 * Vek snorts 21:15:32 <mikal> flashgordon: I feel the same 21:15:36 <mikal> But you've been reminded now 21:15:40 <mikal> So reviewy reviewy 21:15:53 <sdague> yeh, that's pretty normal, it happened last year as well. 21:15:56 * flashgordon gets coffee ... linus finally shut up 21:16:01 <mikal> Heh 21:16:09 <mikal> Let's move on while Joe isn't looking 21:16:12 <mikal> #topic Gate status 21:16:22 <mikal> I've been on vacation, blissfully unaware of the gate 21:16:26 <mikal> But something about eventlet? 21:16:33 <mikal> I assume it was fun and someone wants to tell the tale? 21:16:44 <mriedem> http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-January/054529.html 21:16:46 <mriedem> that's the tale 21:16:49 <Vek> apparently, 0.16.0 was released which dropped a util.py 21:17:00 <Vek> that blew up the gate, and people started working. 21:17:03 <mikal> mriedem: is there any further action required? Or fixed now? 21:17:08 <Vek> then 0.16.1 was released which really dropped util.py 21:17:10 <mriedem> mikal: there were several terrible things busted in the last few days, so it's a mess 21:17:13 <mriedem> mikal: fixed 21:17:15 <Vek> my understanding is that it's fixed now 21:17:20 <mikal> This is good 21:17:29 <mikal> Who do I need to thank for the fixings? 21:17:30 <mriedem> however, ec2 https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1410622 21:17:34 <Vek> yeah, eventlet wasn't the only one... 21:17:38 <mriedem> latest ec2 is still capped 21:17:46 <mikal> Ahh yeah, I put the ec2 thing on the etherpad for the mid-cycle in case we haven't resolved it by then 21:17:53 <mriedem> 2 tests fail, keystone complains about not getting a signature, i'm trying to debug it 21:18:24 <mikal> mriedem: do you need help? 21:18:40 <mriedem> mikal: dims is helping 21:18:48 <mriedem> keystone people would be helpful? 21:18:49 <mikal> Cool 21:18:51 <mriedem> or people that know ec2 21:18:51 <mikal> Cool even 21:19:12 <mikal> Cloud scaling had a bunch of ec2 people IIRC 21:19:15 <mikal> Not sure where they went though 21:19:16 <mriedem> follow along here if yo ucare https://review.openstack.org/#/c/147601/ 21:19:21 <mriedem> they went to stackforge 21:19:35 <mikal> We could also ping dolphm or someone like that about the keystone stuff? 21:19:50 <dansmith> should we dig into the ec2 reaping discussion here? 21:20:00 <mikal> reaping? 21:20:01 <dims> mikal: mriedem: i popped in to keystone once, let's gather some more evidence and ping them 21:20:02 <mriedem> dansmith: maybe open discussion? 21:20:11 <dansmith> mriedem: sure 21:20:14 <mikal> Ok 21:20:15 * dansmith readies his flame thrower 21:20:21 <mikal> Move on then? 21:20:23 <mriedem> ha, like kurt russell in the thing 21:20:32 <mriedem> yes move on 21:20:34 <mikal> #topic Mid-cycle meetup 21:20:39 <mikal> Ok, so lots of people registered 21:20:52 <mikal> I need to remind people that its a dev meetup and that we wont be very interesting to watch as performance art 21:21:06 <mikal> I feel that the agenda etherpad needs a lot more work 21:21:12 <mikal> Its been pretty quiet there 21:21:14 <mriedem> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-nova-midcycle 21:21:16 <mriedem> i've been tryinhg 21:21:19 <mikal> Which I guess is because of the holidays 21:21:35 <mriedem> my fear of advertising that is it's going to become a spec exception billboard 21:21:38 <mriedem> which will be annoying 21:21:45 <dansmith> yeah 21:22:00 <mikal> So, hopefully my spec exception summary thread will distract people 21:22:00 <cburgess> For those of us who did not register and thus won't be there, will their be remote participation of any type? 21:22:02 <mikal> When I post it 21:22:13 <Vek> there probably should be a separate etherpad for spec exceptions, then 21:22:17 <mikal> cburgess: nothing formal 21:22:31 <mikal> cburgess: vmware is chasing their av people because the glance guys had a plan 21:22:35 <cburgess> I ask because of one of mriedem topics is one I agreed to tackle. 21:22:36 <mikal> But nothing has come of it yet that I've seen 21:22:39 <yjiang5> mriedem: it happens after FEE conclusion, right 21:22:59 <cburgess> OK... I'll wait patiently. then. 21:23:09 <mikal> cburgess: or could you brief someone to cover for you? 21:23:14 <tjones1> yeah i don't think our IT folks will get anything - sorry 21:23:16 <mikal> cburgess: or we could try and google hangout you in for that bit? 21:23:28 <cburgess> Yeah I can work with mriedem on it. Its the whole livesnapshot thing. 21:23:34 <mikal> Ok, cool 21:23:38 <dansmith> mriedem won't be there right? 21:23:41 <mriedem> nope 21:23:42 <cburgess> Or not... 21:23:48 <mriedem> i'll be on irc 21:23:52 <mriedem> as normal 21:23:53 <mriedem> out next week 21:24:00 <dansmith> unfortunately, there are a lot of people not coming 21:24:07 <cburgess> Well I could come if there was space 21:24:10 <dansmith> and I think having a hangout running the whole time is probably something we should try to do 21:24:17 <cburgess> But I was slow on the uptake and didn't register. 21:24:22 * mriedem would have to get a working headset :) 21:24:24 <cburgess> Yeah I can be in a hang out for sure. 21:24:31 <mikal> cburgess: I can sneak you in if you'd prefer that 21:24:33 <bauzas> dansmith: +1 21:24:41 <mriedem> hangout would be good though 21:24:41 <mikal> cburgess: that is acutally possible for a very small number of cases 21:24:42 <cburgess> mikal: Lets take it offline. 21:24:44 <n0ano> dansmith, we tried that in Portland and it didn't work out that well but I don't know an alternative 21:24:56 <dansmith> n0ano: it worked well in utah 21:25:08 <dansmith> n0ano: in portland it was kinda off the cuff and wasn't as successful, agreed 21:25:14 <dansmith> personally, I'd rather not even try, 21:25:14 <mikal> Ok, so let's take the specifics of that out of this meeting too 21:25:16 <dansmith> but ... 21:25:47 <anteaya> alternative 21:25:50 <mikal> I don't feel like we'll solve that in a single IRC meeting 21:25:50 <anteaya> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Infrastructure/Conferencing 21:26:06 <cburgess> Sorry for the distraction. tabled. 21:26:20 <mikal> cburgess: it was a fair question, we just need to grind on it a bit more 21:26:41 <mikal> Move on from this topic? 21:26:51 <mikal> Just please do things on the etherpad 21:27:10 <mikal> #topic Bugs 21:27:27 <mikal> Next topic is bugs we should be worried about at the moment 21:27:49 <mriedem> nothing exploding the gate atm 21:27:57 <mikal> Herm 21:27:58 <mriedem> ec2 is capped so we can work that at our leisure 21:28:04 <mikal> There are two vmware bugs marked as critical 21:28:10 <mikal> I thought we agreed that wasn't a thing? 21:28:11 <sdague> yeh, the ec2 bug is notable though 21:28:24 <mriedem> i know, i'm leisurely joking 21:28:45 <mriedem> again https://launchpad.net/bugs/1410622 21:29:18 <sdague> https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1374000 is the 2 year old SSL vuln bug 21:29:23 <mikal> mriedem: that's the one you and dims are chasing, yes? 21:29:28 <mriedem> mikal: yes 21:29:53 <mikal> sdague: also single driver, so not critical by definition, yes? 21:30:02 <dims> sdague: there's a review up for 1374000, am working it 21:30:10 <dims> mikal: yes, true 21:30:13 <sdague> well, it was the security bug that was critical, we split it into 5 bugs critical 21:30:28 <dansmith> mikal: yes 21:30:29 <mikal> sdague: ahh, ok 21:30:34 <sdague> we can downgrade it because it's now a single driver 21:30:38 <mikal> Looks like there is a fix proposed for oslo.vmware now? 21:30:39 <dims> sdague: +1 21:30:53 <dims> mikal: yes, it depends on another review and MineSweeper ok 21:30:56 <sdague> but just for history. IIRC the xen version of the bug is unfixable 21:31:03 <dims> yep 21:31:19 <melwitt> pretty much. unless python version is at least 2.7 I think 21:31:34 <melwitt> and they have 2.4 21:31:39 <mikal> Yeah 21:31:54 <mikal> So it looks to me like people are working on the critical bugs 21:31:59 <mikal> Have I missed any? 21:32:10 <sdague> melwitt: 2.6 is fixable if you use requests, it's just that you can't install that in the xen env 21:32:41 <melwitt> sdague: yes, true. I was about to correct myself. I think you can go back farther too if you install m2crypto but that's not something that's wanted 21:33:01 <mikal> #topic Stuck reviews 21:33:13 <mikal> I'm not actually tracking any off the rails reviews at the moment 21:33:25 <mikal> Is there anything we need to discuss or do we move on here? 21:33:28 <anish> erm, what counts as a "stuck" review (sorry for noobishness)? 21:33:31 <mriedem> well, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135700/ 21:33:38 <mriedem> ^ is for a thing we want for priorities 21:33:40 <dansmith> mriedem: oh now you didnuh 21:33:41 <mriedem> needs more core eyes 21:33:47 <mikal> anish: reviews where the reviewers can't agree without a higher bandwidth discussion 21:33:49 <dansmith> s/now/no/ 21:33:55 <anish> mikal: gotcha, thanks 21:34:06 <mriedem> dansmith is going into the 'deep bush' for a week so we should talk about whether or not it's safe to merge in his absence 21:34:22 <dansmith> true story 21:34:22 <mriedem> i need to do another pass on it, but was happy with the replies to my previous scrub 21:34:29 <mikal> mriedem: well, if we trick dansmith into reviewing before he goes we'd be ok, right? 21:34:31 <mriedem> and melwitt found some goodies 21:34:33 <dansmith> ndipanov had concerns, but didn't comment them on the review 21:34:57 <mriedem> dansmith: when do you actually leave? 21:34:57 <mikal> Oh, dan is the author 21:35:00 <mikal> So can't review 21:35:15 <dansmith> but given the weight of this, I am (a) thinking we need more than a couple cores, and (b) need to be sure we leave time for things to 'splode before I go I think 21:35:18 <mriedem> wondering if ndipanov could review in time for replies 21:35:21 <dansmith> mriedem: I'm here monday, but that's it 21:35:31 <mikal> Do we want to have dansmith WIP this until he gets back if he's still waiting for people? 21:35:32 <mriedem> oh so the weekend 21:35:44 <mriedem> could.. 21:35:51 <dansmith> mikal: I have a sticky -2 on it so it doesn't merge without my permission 21:35:55 <mikal> Worst case we work through it at the mid-cycle, right? 21:36:01 <dansmith> yep 21:36:16 <mikal> dansmith: is the -2 earlier in the chain? 21:36:19 <mikal> dansmith: I don't see it? 21:36:20 <dansmith> yes 21:36:25 <dansmith> it's on the point of no return patch 21:36:27 <mikal> Ahhhh, cool 21:36:49 <dansmith> it's big and fugly, 21:36:57 <sdague> dansmith: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135700/ is legitimately failing unit tests, right? 21:36:58 <dansmith> but see my comments on the patch about it 21:37:15 <dansmith> and I've discussed with a few people about how it's almost impossible to make it smaller without complicaitng things 21:37:24 <dansmith> sdague: is it? I rebased this morning and have been heads down on something else 21:37:37 <mriedem> http://logs.openstack.org/00/135700/45/check/gate-nova-python27/695fb8d/console.html#_2015-01-15_15_08_30_561 21:37:40 <sdague> yeh, there's a bunch of fails that seem legit 21:37:42 <dansmith> oh fuckity 21:37:42 <Vek> yeah, everything in the chain is jenkins-1 21:37:49 <mikal> Heh 21:37:56 <mriedem> could be random, i had a random test failure yesterday 21:37:57 <dansmith> this is why I want to either merge it or kill it 21:37:59 <melwitt> sdague: that's new with the latest patch set 21:38:04 <dansmith> because it's super invasive and a rebase nightmare 21:38:10 <mriedem> the rpc fixture thing might be causing issues 21:38:11 <Vek> db datasets is also -1 21:38:14 <dansmith> these are probably just new tests that need converting 21:38:24 * anteaya shakes a finger at dansmith 21:38:25 <melwitt> prior to that it was passing fine 21:38:25 <dansmith> Vek: before the rebase this morning, everything was green I think 21:38:35 <melwitt> yes 21:38:36 <sdague> mriedem: that would only impact things talking between services, this is straight up db 21:38:50 <mriedem> nvm 21:38:51 <mriedem> File "nova/objects/instance.py", line 444, in _maybe_migrate_flavor 21:38:55 <mriedem> dansmith's fault :) 21:39:03 <mriedem> _maybe_blow_up 21:39:04 <dansmith> yep, new tests I'm sure 21:39:04 <mikal> The system works! 21:39:18 <dansmith> I'll try to get those fixed up this afternoon 21:39:19 <dansmith> but still, 21:39:24 <dansmith> the contentious part is not the test results 21:39:34 <dansmith> so reviews are still doable :) 21:40:08 <mikal> dansmith: it sounds like the usual suspects are aware of the patch, just need to get down and review it 21:40:18 <mikal> dansmith: so there's no mileage in pinging people for reviews, yeah? 21:40:19 <dansmith> yeah, there has been lots of talk 21:40:19 <mriedem> well, they are now 21:40:22 <dansmith> not so much with the follow through :/ 21:40:28 <mikal> Stupid humans 21:40:42 <dansmith> I've been busy enough with other things that I haven't been actively harassing people 21:40:51 <mikal> Ok, so we're low on time and I think we should move on 21:40:52 <Vek> if only we could automate them, eh mikal? :) 21:40:52 <dansmith> if it takes until the midcycle then that's fine 21:40:56 <mikal> Any final words on this one? 21:41:03 <dansmith> but then we need to poo or get off the pooper 21:41:12 <mikal> dansmith: ummmm, ok 21:41:13 <Vek> heh 21:41:32 <mikal> #topic nova-net to Neutron migration 21:41:38 <mikal> anteaya: its your time to shine 21:41:47 * anteaya tries 21:41:51 <anteaya> so people are talking 21:42:08 <mikal> gus tells me he's working on some tweaks to the neutron spec 21:42:12 <anteaya> there is a meeting: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova-nettoNeutronMigration 21:42:15 <dansmith> talkin' 'bout people? 21:42:15 <mikal> But they're not ready yet 21:42:39 <anteaya> I am harassing gus for his promised patchset appearing here soon https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142456/ 21:42:39 <mikal> The impact for us sounds like it might be a small migration command line tool which talks to conductor 21:42:53 <dansmith> yeah, we blessed that in paris, right? 21:42:56 <mikal> Yeah 21:42:56 <mriedem> dansmith: this isn't a bonnie raitt song 21:42:56 <anteaya> there was an lca meeting: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-network-migration-lca2015 21:43:06 <mikal> They're still nailing down the details though 21:43:11 <mikal> But I don't think its a big problem for us 21:43:21 <dansmith> mriedem: +1 for catching that :) 21:43:41 <anteaya> trying to make it not a big problem for nova, or at leaset not a big surprise 21:43:42 <mikal> So, its on the agenda for the mid-cycle 21:43:45 <anteaya> it is 21:43:50 <mikal> And it sounds like we'll have a neutron spec we should read before then 21:43:53 <mikal> To make sure we like it 21:43:58 <anteaya> yes 21:44:19 <mriedem> isn't that https://review.openstack.org/#/c/142456/ ? 21:44:29 <anteaya> if I have to I'll up harassing gus today since he leaves for a week of vacy 21:44:40 <dansmith> I've skimmed the spec 21:44:47 <mikal> mriedem: yes, but with updates in flight 21:44:49 <dansmith> the whole thing kinda makes me nauseous 21:44:57 <anteaya> gus is re-writting it 21:45:09 <dansmith> but as long as they just (ab)use our RPC stuff and don't require us to have external APIs and such, then ... meh 21:45:14 <anteaya> and told me it would be up fro review yesterday but it didnt' happen 21:45:29 <mikal> dansmith: well, it might be a command line tool instead of public APIs or REST 21:45:34 <dansmith> right 21:45:38 <mikal> dansmith: which I don't think we have a particular problem with 21:45:41 <dansmith> right 21:45:45 <mikal> So yeah 21:45:49 <dansmith> and it doesn't even need to be in our tree, AFAIK 21:45:51 <mikal> anteaya will continue chasing gus 21:45:55 <anteaya> yes 21:45:58 <mikal> And we shall continue being all helpful over here in the corner 21:46:04 <anteaya> sorry I wanted to have the revision done today 21:46:16 <mikal> dansmith: I think we might want it in our tree because it talks to conductor, but we can review that on its merits at the time 21:46:19 <anteaya> sorry to waste your time 21:46:31 <mikal> anteaya: no, its good for us to know people are still working on it 21:46:36 <mikal> anteaya: and that it hasn't been forgotten 21:46:43 <anteaya> it hasn't been forgotten 21:46:50 <mikal> Let's move on though, cause 12 minutes left 21:46:54 <dansmith> mikal: well, it's going to be a hack, and it's just going to slow them down if it's in our tree 21:46:55 <mikal> #topic Open Discussion 21:46:59 <dansmith> so I don't think it matters, but whatever 21:47:06 <mikal> Please enjoy your 12 minutes of open discussion 21:47:32 <mriedem> ec2? http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-January/054117.html 21:47:53 <dansmith> kill it 21:48:00 <mriedem> as in it's busted and people are actively hacking on it in stackforge 21:48:05 <mikal> I feel like we never find volunteers for it 21:48:07 <mriedem> but not bringing things back to nova from what i can tell 21:48:13 * Vek remembers a meeting format he once participated in which had a recurring "Sucks!" report... 21:48:16 <mikal> But if we kill it there will be a lot of blow back 21:48:16 <mriedem> it was forked last june 21:48:34 <mriedem> yeah, there would need to be a migration path 21:48:37 <mikal> Has anyone looked at the stackforge one recently? 21:48:41 <mikal> Is it a viable alternative? 21:48:43 <mriedem> i looked at the commits 21:48:53 <mriedem> just saw it was a billion times more active than the nova ec2 api tree 21:49:15 <mriedem> not sure what the diffs are right now 21:49:29 <flashgordon> mriedem: sounds like good fodder for mid cycle to me 21:49:32 <anish> a question regarding "jan 22 : Nova non-priority feature code proposal deadline". does that just imply code should be up for review by then. 21:49:37 <mriedem> flashgordon: it's on the etherpad 21:49:47 <flashgordon> mriedem: \o/ 21:49:52 <mikal> Yep, let's make sure we cover ec2 at mid-cycle 21:49:55 <mriedem> anish: you should have code up now for anything that's not approved 21:49:58 <mriedem> if you're trying to get approved 21:50:05 <anish> I do 21:50:19 <anish> but there are close to 7 other changes all hitting the same path 21:50:27 <anish> definitely going to need rebasing and some extra work 21:50:55 <yjiang5> mikal: I remember I was told that no code should be uploaded before a spec approved . 21:51:07 <mriedem> yjiang5: you can always have POC code 21:51:13 <mriedem> it helps when you're reviewing the spec sometimes 21:51:17 <mikal> yjiang5: just WIP the code? 21:51:19 <dansmith> yjiang5: yeah, you can upload whatever you want 21:51:30 <dansmith> yjiang5: just don't expect it to merge or not need lots of change 21:51:30 <mriedem> it just doesn't mean it's a golden ticket 21:51:42 <anish> so I'm not sure how that affects the deadline. 21:51:50 <yjiang5> got it, thanks. I will upload my patches then. 21:52:15 <mikal> anish: I don't understand? 21:52:53 <mriedem> anish: if you have the spec exception request in the ML and the code up for review (albeit maybe needs changes), then you just have to sit tight 21:52:54 <anish> mikal: there are patches with ahead of mine in the review process that completely remove a function that I modify 21:52:59 <mriedem> anish: and review other stuff in the queue 21:53:23 <anish> my spec was approved way back at the start of dec, don't need an exception (I believe ?) 21:53:23 <mikal> anish: ahead as in your patch depends on them? 21:53:35 <anish> mikal: does not depend on them, but they both change the same function 21:53:37 <mikal> anish: if you spec is approved already then you don't need an exception 21:53:50 <mikal> anish: sure, so if that other thing merges first, then you might need to rebase 21:53:52 <mriedem> anish: so maybe comment on those changes 21:53:59 <anish> already doing that to keep track 21:54:00 <mriedem> or rebase on top of them 21:54:08 <mriedem> git review -d 21:54:16 <mikal> Noting that rebasing on top of them hitchs your wagon to their things merging as well 21:54:27 <anish> yes, which is why I have not done that yet 21:54:39 <mriedem> yeah there is that 21:54:43 <mriedem> anyway, business as usual 21:54:56 <mikal> anish: is your BP in LP targetted to a milestone? 21:55:00 <anish> k2 21:55:08 <anteaya> this is the etherpad of the gus, markmcclain, jogo discussion at lca that gus is currently turning into the newest patchset for the nova-net to neutron migration: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-neutron-migration-discussion 21:55:11 <mikal> Because that should help get review attention too, we're just not focussed ont aht yet 21:55:22 <yjiang5> I sent a question to the mailing list at http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-January/054468.html and hope get some feedback. It's a genertal question about the constraints from both flavor and image properties. 21:55:30 <anteaya> found gus running to a session at at least got that 21:55:53 <anish> mikal: cool, thanks ! will sit tight 21:56:33 <mikal> yjiang5: yep, I am sure people will see that 21:56:33 <mriedem> end early? 21:56:38 <mikal> I think we've covered everything 21:56:40 <mikal> Early mark? 21:56:50 <yjiang5> mikal: sent two days before, and hope someone will notice it. 21:56:57 <tjones1> thanks dansmith for getting that song stuck in my head 21:57:04 <dansmith> tjones1: no problem :) 21:57:21 <tjones1> at least i like it 21:57:23 <mikal> yjiang5: well, people know about it now so hopefully soon? 21:57:32 <yjiang5> mikal: :) 21:57:37 <mikal> Anyways, thanks for coming to my super exciting meeting everyone 21:57:43 <mikal> Early mark! 21:57:44 <tjones1> :-D 21:57:47 <mikal> #endmeeting