21:00:10 <mriedem> #startmeeting nova 21:00:10 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Aug 13 21:00:10 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is mriedem. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:11 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:13 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 21:00:17 <alaski> o/ 21:00:20 <dansmith> o- 21:00:21 <mriedem> mikal tjones cburgess jgrimm adrian_otto funzo mjturek jcookekhugen irina_pov krtaylor danpb alexpilotti flip214 jaypipes garyk edleafe dims moshele anteaya Nisha sileht claudiub lxsli neiljerram markus_z swamireddy alevine tonyb andreykurilin ndipanov sc68cal akuriata artom jlvillal mnestratov kashyap aloga rgeragnov bauzas xyang tpatil med_ nic scottda nagyz dannywilson - please all set calendar reminders 21:00:22 <mriedem> lazy bones 21:00:24 <rlrossit> o/ 21:00:24 <n0ano> o/ 21:00:29 <jaypipes> o.../ 21:00:32 <nagyz> o/ 21:00:34 <scottda> hi 21:00:37 <melwitt> o/ 21:00:38 <dannywilson> hello 21:00:40 <med_> \o 21:00:41 <tjones> hi 21:00:41 <claudiub> o/ 21:00:46 <edleafe> o/ 21:00:50 <cburgess> here 21:00:51 <mriedem> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting 21:00:54 <cburgess> o/ 21:00:58 <cburgess> or whatever we say now 21:00:59 <mriedem> #topic releasestatus 21:01:15 <mriedem> alright, there is a thing in the agenda saying feature proposal freeze is 8/18 21:01:20 <mriedem> which seems odd to me 21:01:23 <mriedem> we're already past feature freeze 21:01:46 <mriedem> also, FFE requests were processed last week in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-nova-non-priority-feature-freeze 21:01:49 <mriedem> so thats probably old news 21:02:07 <mriedem> schedule https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Liberty_Release_Schedule#Dates_overview 21:02:17 <mriedem> liberty-3 is 9/1 21:02:32 <mriedem> i think after that is stringfreeze 21:02:43 <mriedem> so get your user facing error message changes in before then 21:02:45 <mriedem> or else 21:02:55 <mriedem> questions? 21:03:03 <mriedem> #topic bugs 21:03:07 <mriedem> the gate is gr8 21:03:16 <mriedem> well, logstash is behind by 13 hours so we don't know, but seems ok 21:03:27 <mriedem> i don't see any critical bugs 21:03:40 <mriedem> stable branches are coolio 21:03:42 <mriedem> at least for nova 21:03:45 <mriedem> some other projects are borked 21:03:46 <mriedem> but meh 21:03:54 <mriedem> questions? 21:04:04 * edleafe thinks this will be the fastest meeting ever 21:04:06 <mriedem> #topic reviewreminders 21:04:10 <mriedem> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-nova-priorities-tracking 21:04:15 <mriedem> review stuff in there 21:04:25 <mriedem> i actually dabbled in some of the sub-team stuff earlier in the week 21:04:27 <mriedem> for hyper-v bugs 21:04:33 * n0ano wonders if we can have a meeting where mriedem is the only talker 21:04:37 <claudiub> ty :) 21:04:55 <mriedem> john was asking sub-teams to keep high priority bugs in there 21:05:07 <mriedem> i think garyk was going to do that for vmware 21:05:15 <mriedem> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-nova-liberty-summit-action-items 21:05:22 <mriedem> summit actions - that all seems old hat 21:05:33 <edleafe> n0ano: sorry, claudiub ruined it. :) 21:05:36 <mriedem> if you still have summit actions and haven't done them, you're a terrible person 21:05:51 <mriedem> questions? 21:05:58 <mriedem> #topic stuckreviews 21:06:07 <mriedem> there are two 21:06:08 <mriedem> 1. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/206576/ 21:06:08 <dansmith> once again, 21:06:10 <dansmith> these don't seem stuck 21:06:23 <mriedem> nagyz: around? 21:06:25 <nagyz> yes 21:06:35 <mriedem> encrypted rbd volumes, go 21:06:39 <nagyz> they are stuck in a sense that there is disagreement at least for that. 21:06:56 <nagyz> the original code change changes how qemu handles ceph disks 21:07:11 <nagyz> instead of using the native qemu driver for encryption we must first attach it to the hypervisor. 21:07:27 <nagyz> thus some people think this should merit a spec, some don't 21:07:30 <nagyz> thus the disagreement 21:07:39 <dansmith> it doesn't matter about the spec 21:07:42 <dansmith> it matters if it's a feature or a bug 21:07:44 <nagyz> the original meat of the patch is around 10 lines, but due to the volume driver cleanup it has the tests refactored 21:07:51 <dansmith> and I agree with danpb, that it's a featuer, spec or not 21:07:52 <nagyz> it's a bug 21:08:15 <dansmith> it adds a new driver thing, a new entrypoint, etc -> feature, IMHO 21:08:32 <dansmith> titled "add $foo support" -> feature, IMHO 21:08:45 <nagyz> I can rename it to "fix rbd mapping for encryptors" ;) 21:09:02 <dansmith> also depends on an unmerged devstack change 21:09:08 <mriedem> for context, the bug was really that the encrypted cinder volumes test was passing in jenkins for ceph, when in fact they weren't encrypted 21:09:10 <dansmith> with no traffic all month 21:09:22 <mriedem> the nova and devstack change are intertwined 21:09:24 <nagyz> dansmith, we cannot merge in the devstack change until this patch is in 21:09:33 <nagyz> otherwise gate gets b0rked 21:09:35 <dansmith> well, you depends-on the devstack change 21:09:40 <mriedem> i believe we fixed the bug by failing fast that stuff that's not encrypted will fail 21:09:42 <dansmith> which means you can't land nova until the devstack one 21:09:43 <nagyz> so we can run the ceph tests 21:09:50 <mriedem> if asked to be created from an encrypted volume type in cinder 21:09:53 <nagyz> it's a bit... strange. the depends-on doesn't work the other way around 21:10:06 <dansmith> nagyz: regardless, the way you have it, it won't merge 21:10:09 <nagyz> mriedem, right, and currently the ceph encrypted tests are just skipped 21:10:36 <nagyz> dansmith, correct, but this was necessary in order to run the patch on the gate. the plan was to remove the depends-on once we agree that it can be merged 21:10:39 <mriedem> devstack doesn't run the ceph job, 21:10:42 <nagyz> and only after merge in the devstack change 21:10:46 <mriedem> that's why the depends-on is the way it is 21:10:50 <dansmith> okay 21:11:04 <mriedem> i did confirm that with the change, the encrypted volumes test is passing 21:11:09 <dansmith> shall I throw my -2 on it to document? 21:11:11 <mriedem> in the ceph job with that devstack change 21:11:23 <nagyz> dansmith, without the patch basically nova encryption is pretty useless 21:11:34 <mriedem> for rbd 21:11:39 <mriedem> and many other volume drivers 21:11:41 <nagyz> the only thing it works for is iSCSI 21:11:44 <mriedem> fc and iscsi work 21:11:45 <nagyz> at the moment 21:11:47 <dansmith> lots of features didn't make it 21:11:48 <nagyz> not sure about FC 21:12:09 <nagyz> dansmith, it's really about making the rbd volume accessible to the encryptors 21:12:27 <dansmith> this patch won't fix FC if it doesn't already work, AFAICT 21:12:40 <dansmith> anyway, I'll comment on the patch 21:12:42 <nagyz> correct, just saying that the ONLY driver I'm pretty sure it works now is iSCSI 21:12:45 <mriedem> fibrechannel encryption works 21:12:49 <nagyz> ok, then FC too. 21:12:51 <mriedem> after i fixed compute.filters 21:13:02 <mriedem> fc == fibrechannel so that we're on the same page :) 21:13:16 <nagyz> according to the survey, ceph is ~50% of the cinder usage 21:13:20 <nagyz> as underlying storage 21:13:51 <cburgess> Not sure if it matters but I know a number of operators who have wanted encryption so it would be a "nice to have" for some of us. 21:13:54 <mriedem> yeah, but we also didn't approve nic's snapshot improvement after FF 21:14:07 <nic> Nope 21:14:20 <cburgess> That one too but... yeah... FF 21:14:22 <nagyz> cburgess, it should matter. hopefully. 21:14:33 <nagyz> without the flattening, snapshotting still works. 21:14:37 <nagyz> without this patch encryption with ceph doesn't work 21:14:59 <mriedem> i think danpb had some other design concerns in the change 21:15:14 <cburgess> Works is relative... as long as you have as much disk available locally to hold the snapshot as you do in CEPH then you are golden. So for all practical use cases it doesn't work. 21:15:15 <mriedem> so those would at least have to be reconciled before i think we could talk about allowing this into liberty 21:15:34 <mriedem> we need to move on 21:15:36 <nagyz> mriedem, and I'm happy to work on the patch to shape it into whatever gets acceptable. 21:15:43 <nagyz> if there's a change we can get it into L 21:16:08 <mriedem> nagyz: so you have the todo to talk to danpb about it i guess, but if he's not in favor then i think it's a dead end 21:16:17 <mriedem> for liberty i mean 21:16:23 <mriedem> moving on 21:16:25 <nagyz> he categorically denied support for L 21:16:25 <nagyz> ok. 21:16:29 <mriedem> dannywilson: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/205726/ - discard support, go 21:16:40 <dannywilson> I updated the review with more detail in commit message 21:16:41 <mriedem> danpb was +2 on ^ 21:16:55 <dannywilson> and added version check as well for min qemu version 21:16:56 <mriedem> there was a related cinder change that made L to set the discard flag 21:17:10 <mriedem> so the question is, do we allow this in nova in liberty to use what cinder is providing 21:17:42 <mriedem> it's still a bp imo 21:17:46 <mriedem> doesn't need a spec 21:17:48 <mriedem> there was a cinder spec 21:18:02 <mriedem> given it's a bp and given precedent on not allowing bp's in after the freeze, 21:18:06 <mriedem> i'm inclined to tow that line 21:18:29 <dannywilson> too late for FFE? thingee and jgriffith were for getting it in 21:18:40 <mriedem> FFE deadline passed a couple of week sago 21:18:52 <dansmith> I think it's squarely a feature 21:18:56 <dannywilson> gotcha 21:19:17 <mriedem> so it sucks, 21:19:18 <dansmith> it's a little more in the main path and smaller, but we have to draw the line somewhere and this doesn't seem to fit any of the guidelines for breaking rules 21:19:33 <dansmith> ...he says as if there are guidelines 21:19:39 <mriedem> yeah, we have to be equal opportunity offenders imo 21:19:44 <dansmith> yup 21:20:03 <dannywilson> understood, thanks for talking about it and I will get it in for M 21:20:09 <jgriffith> bummer... thanks anyway 21:20:09 <mriedem> cool 21:20:22 <mriedem> any more stuck reviews? 21:20:23 <dansmith> dannywilson: should be super trivial for early in M.. feel free to ping me 21:20:23 <mriedem> no? 21:20:24 <mriedem> ok 21:20:31 <mriedem> #topic opendiscussion 21:20:32 <dannywilson> dansmith: thanks 21:20:34 <mriedem> john had this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198622/6/specs/liberty/approved/add-vif-net-id-in-vif-list.rst,cm 21:20:41 <mriedem> "its a spec for an API bug fix, about the v2 compatibility mode being broken, seems we should merge this one" 21:20:51 <alaski> I asked him to add that one 21:21:01 <alaski> it's an API change, but it's also a regression 21:21:10 <mriedem> john is +2 on it, sdague and kenichi are +1 21:21:21 <dansmith> this is the thing we talked about at midcycle, right? 21:21:23 <mriedem> alaski: so i guess it's a spec b/c we've said spec for all api changes? 21:21:28 <alaski> mriedem: right 21:21:29 <dansmith> I thought there was more to be done to get it right.. was that done? 21:21:43 <mriedem> "Thanks for working on hard on finding a good compromise here. I think this looks good." 21:21:45 <mriedem> looks like it 21:21:48 <dansmith> oh, no, this is not that, nevermind 21:22:19 <mriedem> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1470690 21:22:19 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1470690 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "No 'OS-EXT-VIF-NET' extension in v2.1" [High,In progress] - Assigned to Ghanshyam Mann (ghanshyammann) 21:22:23 <mriedem> that's the bug fwiw 21:22:28 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1470690 in nova "No 'OS-EXT-VIF-NET' extension in v2.1" [High,In progress] 21:22:29 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1470690 in nova "No 'OS-EXT-VIF-NET' extension in v2.1" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1470690 21:22:29 <alaski> I'm fine moving forward on this because it is a regression, but it is well past the deadline 21:22:53 <mriedem> yeah, this seems like an exceptional case however 21:23:07 <dansmith> yeah 21:23:11 <mriedem> and this isn't a feature add 21:23:25 <mriedem> the spec appears to be purely for process 21:23:29 <mriedem> so seems fine to me 21:23:30 <dansmith> yep, just docs 21:23:32 <alaski> yep 21:23:37 <alaski> okay, I'll approve then 21:23:51 <mriedem> ok 21:23:55 <alaski> thanks 21:23:56 <mriedem> any other open discussion? 21:24:05 <tonyb> mriedem: I added https://review.openstack.org/#/c/127427/ 21:24:08 <melwitt> do the tempest jobs catch these kind of regressions? 21:24:27 <mriedem> melwitt: i guess not in this case? 21:24:37 <dansmith> melwitt: should != do 21:24:43 <mriedem> melwitt: we should dig into that though since we have a v2.1 job 21:24:45 <alaski> melwitt: not if it's unused, which this must be for tempest 21:24:50 <mriedem> i know we don't have upper bounds testing on v2.1 yet 21:25:01 <dansmith> we should also catch this with api samples, right? 21:25:02 <mriedem> yeah, tempest doesn't have great n-net specific api testing 21:25:15 <melwitt> okay. was just thinking about if there might be more of these and how we can catch them 21:25:30 <mriedem> there is a QA meetup mid september that kenich is going to, and i'm trying to go to 21:25:41 <mriedem> so we could add it there as a thing to cover - i know microversoin testing for nova will be covered 21:25:51 <mriedem> *ken'ichi 21:26:02 <mriedem> tonyb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/127427/ - go 21:26:12 <tonyb> mriedem: It's not mine 21:26:17 <mriedem> yeah 21:26:20 <mriedem> tjones: perma rebase 21:26:24 <tonyb> mriedem: but it's one that need to rebased very often 21:26:31 <mriedem> so it's a request for review 21:26:35 <tonyb> just wanted to ask for some reviws from @core 21:26:47 <tonyb> mriedem: Yeah 21:27:28 <mriedem> alright 21:27:36 <dansmith> done? 21:27:38 <mriedem> anything else for open discussion? 21:27:47 <mriedem> nope 21:27:52 <dansmith> move to adjourn with extreme prejudice 21:27:52 <mriedem> ok, thanks, fin. 21:27:55 <mriedem> #endmeeting