14:00:20 <melwitt> #startmeeting nova 14:00:21 <openstack> Meeting started Thu May 17 14:00:20 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is melwitt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:22 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:24 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 14:00:30 <mriedem> o/ 14:00:30 <bauzas> \o 14:00:32 <dansmith> o/ 14:00:35 <melwitt> hi everybody 14:00:38 <takashin> o/ 14:00:43 <edleafe> \o 14:00:46 <cdent> o 14:00:59 <stephenfin> o/ 14:01:04 <melwitt> #topic Release News 14:01:07 <tetsuro> o/ 14:01:14 <melwitt> #link Rocky release schedule: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Rocky_Release_Schedule 14:01:27 <melwitt> the summit is next week 14:01:43 <melwitt> hope to see you there 14:01:44 <edmondsw> o/ 14:02:14 <melwitt> #link Rocky review runways: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-runways-rocky 14:02:19 <efried> ō/ 14:02:24 <melwitt> current runways: 14:02:32 <melwitt> #link runway #1: PowerVM Driver https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/powervm-localdisk [END DATE: 2018-05-28] series starting at https://review.openstack.org/549053 14:02:41 <melwitt> #link runway #2: Granular Placement Policy https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/granular-placement-policy (mriedem) [END DATE: 2018-05-30] series starting at https://review.openstack.org/564846 14:02:47 <melwitt> #link runway #3: vGPU work in rocky https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vgpu-rocky (naichuans) [END DATE: 2018-05-30] series starting at https://review.openstack.org/526346 14:03:13 <bauzas> mmmm 14:03:36 <bauzas> the vgpu-rocky series also has libvirt changes, if people want to review those 14:03:44 <mriedem> no one wants to review the libvirt changes 14:03:45 <bauzas> but I can update the etherpad 14:03:53 <mriedem> bauzas: you have a spec for that so not sure what the status is 14:04:01 <bauzas> mriedem: free beers call 14:04:02 <gibi> o/ 14:04:10 * mriedem doesn't drink 14:04:18 * gibi needs to leave in the middle of the meeting 14:04:21 <mriedem> anyway, what's posted in the runway was for xenapi 14:04:23 <bauzas> mriedem: let's punt that discussion in -nova 14:04:26 <mriedem> since i'm not sure what the status is on the libvirt stuff 14:04:47 <bauzas> libvirt is mostly ready for reviews, at least the 3 changes uploaded 14:04:54 <melwitt> do the xenapi and libvirt stuff share the same blueprint? 14:04:55 <bauzas> a spec was required due to a conf opt 14:05:03 <bauzas> I updated it 14:05:04 <mriedem> melwitt: yes 14:05:18 <melwitt> k 14:05:40 <melwitt> does anyone have anything else for release news or runways? 14:06:00 <melwitt> #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 14:06:06 <melwitt> no critical bugs 14:06:15 <melwitt> #link 39 new untriaged bugs (up 5 since the last meeting): https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 14:06:24 <melwitt> #link 12 untagged untriaged bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=-*&field.status%3Alist=NEW 14:06:53 <melwitt> bug count is creeping up again. I figured that's because people have been preparing for the summit 14:07:03 <melwitt> #link bug triage how-to: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/BugTriage#Tags 14:07:06 <bauzas> zactly 14:07:22 <melwitt> please help out with bug triage if you can, how-to guide ^ 14:07:46 <melwitt> #link check queue gate status http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/index.html 14:08:03 <melwitt> gate has been okay-ish, as far as I've noticed 14:08:19 <melwitt> #link 3rd party CI status http://ci-watch.tintri.com/project?project=nova&time=7+days 14:08:51 <melwitt> anything else for bugs or gate status or 3rd party CI? 14:09:09 <melwitt> #topic Reminders 14:09:21 <melwitt> same reminder as last week: 14:09:23 <melwitt> #link Forum session moderators, create your etherpads and link them at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Forum/Vancouver2018 14:09:51 <melwitt> #link Rocky Review Priorities https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rocky-nova-priorities-tracking 14:10:09 <melwitt> subteam and bug etherpad ^ 14:10:34 <melwitt> does anyone else have any reminders to highlight? 14:11:02 <melwitt> #topic Stable branch status 14:11:10 <melwitt> #link stable/queens: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/queens,n,z 14:11:23 <melwitt> #link queens 17.0.4 was released on 2018-05-14 https://review.openstack.org/567842 14:11:34 <melwitt> #link stable/pike: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/pike,n,z 14:11:45 <melwitt> #link pike 16.1.3 was released on 2018-05-14 https://review.openstack.org/567844 14:11:51 <melwitt> #link stable/ocata: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/ocata,n,z 14:11:56 <melwitt> #link ocata 15.1.2 was released on 2018-05-14 https://review.openstack.org/567847 14:12:07 <melwitt> we did some stable releases to get some regression fixes out ^ 14:12:23 <melwitt> anything else for stable branch status? 14:12:46 <melwitt> #topic Subteam Highlights 14:13:01 <melwitt> we didn't have a cells v2 meeting this week because we didn't need a meeting 14:13:08 <melwitt> anything else to highlight dansmith? 14:13:12 <dansmith> nay 14:13:14 <mriedem> there are some highlights from this morning 14:13:21 <mriedem> tssurya said cern cells v2 upgrade was mostly ok, 14:13:29 <mriedem> she is now working on profiling time taken in the scheduler, 14:13:41 <mriedem> suspecting maybe alternate hosts calculation is new added time they didn't expect 14:14:05 <dansmith> they disable retries, right? 14:14:13 <dansmith> so shouldn't we be not collecting any alternates? 14:14:32 <mriedem> if max_attempts is 0 then we shouldn't be getting alternates 14:14:47 <mriedem> er 1 14:15:01 <mriedem> anyway, fyi 14:15:01 <dansmith> right, and I thought they should have that set 14:15:05 <dansmith> yeah, cool 14:15:09 <mriedem> that's what belmiro said in boston yeah 14:15:21 <melwitt> thanks for the update 14:15:30 <edleafe> alternates have already gone through filters/weighers 14:15:49 <edleafe> the only thing we check is the cell matches the selected host 14:16:48 <mriedem> i think we can move on until tssurya reports findings in -nova 14:17:04 <melwitt> k, cool 14:17:15 <melwitt> next, scheduler, edleafe? 14:17:37 <mriedem> he doesn't run that meeting anymore 14:17:48 <edleafe> just about to type that 14:17:53 <edleafe> jaypipes ran it 14:17:57 <dansmith> jaypipes ran it I think 14:18:02 <mriedem> i heard jay ran it 14:18:20 <melwitt> okay, need to update the nick on the nova meeting wiki then 14:18:21 <melwitt> he did 14:18:38 <efried> Jay ran that meeting 14:18:47 <efried> (Thought we needed a ninth confirmation of that) 14:18:59 <mriedem> was anyone at the actual meeting? 14:19:00 <mriedem> and can report 14:19:13 <melwitt> I was, trying to remember 14:19:21 <efried> I was there, but would have to read the logs to refresh my memory. 14:19:42 <mriedem> let me paraphrase, 14:19:45 <mriedem> something something placement 14:19:52 <mriedem> something something granular allocatoin trait classes 14:20:09 <mriedem> moving on? 14:20:14 <cdent> I asked for input on https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/YVR-placement-extraction and got some, but having more from the wider group would be groovy 14:20:35 <mriedem> cdent: i expect that session will mostly be, 14:20:41 <mriedem> giving operators in the room options, 14:20:47 <mriedem> 1 or 2 saying they don't hate something, 14:20:51 <mriedem> 1 more asking for something crazy, 14:20:55 <mriedem> and 95% not saying anything 14:21:21 <cdent> mriedem: yeah, I agree, which is why I'd like to have some options before then... 14:21:36 <melwitt> I do remember that I asked about NRP "completion" at the scheduler meeting and it's close, the nrp-allocation-candidates series and the nova side of the granular series are what's left, IIUC 14:21:37 <bauzas> like I said, I won't be able to attend it 14:22:12 <melwitt> and once those are done nova/neutron/cyborg can start using NRP 14:22:30 <melwitt> I thought that was exciting 14:22:50 <melwitt> okay, moving on to notification subteam, gibi left a couple of notes 14:22:55 <gibi> No meeting this week 14:22:59 * bauzas needs to run off 14:22:59 <gibi> Latest status mail: #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-May/130450.html 14:23:01 <melwitt> oh hi 14:23:08 <gibi> end I have to run now :) 14:23:15 <melwitt> heh o/ 14:23:18 <melwitt> thanks gibi 14:23:19 <gibi> bye 14:23:30 <melwitt> anything else for subteams? 14:23:40 <efried> looks like meetbot didn't capture the sched meeting :( 14:24:00 <melwitt> it did, it was just named "scheduler" different than the others http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/scheduler/2018/scheduler.2018-05-14-14.01.html 14:24:14 <efried> ah, yeah 14:24:28 <melwitt> I had to go find it 14:24:52 <melwitt> #topic Stuck Reviews 14:24:59 <melwitt> no items in the agenda 14:25:04 <melwitt> does anyone have anything for stuck reviews? 14:25:24 <melwitt> #topic Open discussion 14:25:29 <melwitt> no items in the agenda 14:25:41 <melwitt> does anyone have anything they'd like to discuss openly? 14:26:41 <melwitt> okay, guess that's it for today 14:26:51 <melwitt> happy travels for those attending the summit. see you there! 14:26:54 <melwitt> #endmeeting