14:00:17 <melwitt> #startmeeting nova 14:00:18 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jun 14 14:00:17 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is melwitt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:20 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:22 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 14:00:26 <takashin> o/ 14:00:28 <melwitt> hello everybody 14:00:29 * dansmith gurgles 14:00:41 <mriedem> o/ 14:00:46 <artom> o/ 14:00:48 <gibi> \o 14:00:52 * melwitt imagines dansmith is a zombie 14:01:00 <tssurya> o/ 14:01:02 <dansmith> BRAIIINS 14:01:08 <efried> ō/ 14:01:15 <melwitt> *gasp* 14:01:30 <edleafe> \o 14:01:30 <melwitt> let's start 14:01:34 <melwitt> #topic Release News 14:01:43 <melwitt> #link Rocky release schedule: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Rocky_Release_Schedule 14:02:12 <melwitt> we just had the r-2 milestone last week, and I've updated the release schedule with the denver ptg dates september 10-14 14:02:28 <melwitt> #info released nova, python-novaclient, osc-placement, and os-traits 14:02:34 <melwitt> #link nova https://review.openstack.org/573495 14:02:35 <patchbot> patch 573495 - releases - rocky: release nova (MERGED) 14:02:40 <melwitt> #link python-novaclient https://review.openstack.org/573453 14:02:40 <patchbot> patch 573453 - releases - rocky: release python-novaclient 10.3.0 (MERGED) 14:02:45 <melwitt> #link osc-placement https://review.openstack.org/573456 14:02:46 <patchbot> patch 573456 - releases - rocky: release osc-placement 1.2.0 (MERGED) 14:02:50 <melwitt> #link os-traits https://review.openstack.org/573454 14:02:51 <patchbot> patch 573454 - releases - rocky: release os-traits 0.7.0 (MERGED) 14:03:10 <melwitt> #link Rocky review runways: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-runways-rocky 14:03:14 <melwitt> current runways: 14:03:31 <melwitt> #link runway #1: Certificate Validation - https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/nova-validate-certificates (bpoulos) [END DATE: 2018-06-15] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:master+topic:bp/nova-validate-certificates 14:03:32 <melwitt> #link runway #2: Neutron new port binding API for live migration: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/neutron-new-port-binding-api (mriedem) [END DATE: 2018-06-20] Starts here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/558001/ 14:03:33 <patchbot> patch 558001 - nova - Wait for network-vif-plugged before starting live ... 14:03:33 <melwitt> #link runway #3: Libvirt file backed memory: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-file-backed-memory (zcornelius) [END DATE: 2018-06-26] starts here https://review.openstack.org/571030 14:03:34 <patchbot> patch 571030 - nova - Refactor libvirt get_memory_used_mb() (MERGED) 14:04:13 <melwitt> I've started a thread on the dev ML for runways mid cycle feedback, so please chime in there if you have some thoughts on runways 14:04:18 <melwitt> #link runways feedback thread: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131476.html 14:04:40 <melwitt> I think that's all I have for release news and runways. anyone else have anything to add? 14:05:11 <melwitt> #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 14:05:24 <melwitt> no critical bugs in the link 14:05:31 <melwitt> #link 47 new untriaged bugs (up 3 since the last meeting): https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 14:05:38 <melwitt> #link 14 untagged untriaged bugs: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=-*&field.status%3Alist=NEW 14:05:45 <melwitt> #help need help with bug triage 14:05:52 <melwitt> #link bug triage how-to: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/BugTriage#Tags 14:06:14 <melwitt> Gate status: 14:06:20 <melwitt> #link check queue gate status http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/index.html 14:06:27 <melwitt> #link nova-cells-v1 gate failure http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131480.html 14:06:57 <melwitt> you probably noticed the failures of the nova-cells-v1 job yesterday/early today, the fix has merged so it's now safe to recheck changes that failed from it 14:07:07 <melwitt> 3rd party CI: 14:07:13 <melwitt> #link 3rd party CI status http://ci-watch.tintri.com/project?project=nova&time=7+days 14:07:35 <melwitt> anything else for bugs or gate status or 3rd party CI? 14:07:58 <melwitt> #topic Reminders 14:08:08 <melwitt> #link Rocky Subteam Patches n Bugs https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rocky-nova-priorities-tracking 14:08:25 <melwitt> also, I will be out next week, just FYI 14:08:47 <melwitt> and I think mriedem is out wed-fri next week 14:08:59 <melwitt> does anyone have any other reminders to call out? 14:09:00 <mriedem> yup 14:09:32 <melwitt> #topic Stable branch status 14:09:37 <melwitt> #link stable/queens: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/queens,n,z 14:09:56 <melwitt> not too many queens backports (noyce) 14:09:58 <melwitt> #link stable/pike: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/pike,n,z 14:10:16 <mriedem> probably just haven't been fixing bugs on master... 14:10:26 <melwitt> :( wah wah 14:10:27 <mriedem> i know we have several open bug fixes on master that will need to be backported 14:10:45 * melwitt nods 14:11:05 <melwitt> we have a fair number of pike backports proposed, need to review some of those 14:11:15 <melwitt> #link stable/ocata: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/ocata,n,z 14:11:28 <melwitt> and not too many for ocata 14:11:41 <melwitt> #link ocata 15.1.3 released on 2018-06-11 https://review.openstack.org/571522 14:11:41 <patchbot> patch 571522 - releases - nova: release ocata 15.1.3 (MERGED) 14:11:43 <bauzas> shit, I forgot the meeting 14:11:51 * bauzas waves super late 14:12:06 <melwitt> anything else for stable branch status? 14:12:23 <melwitt> #topic Subteam Highlights 14:12:51 <melwitt> we skipped the cells v2 meeting this week. anything you'd like to highlight dansmith? 14:13:04 <dansmith> nay, just the cellsv1 gate thing you already mentioned 14:13:13 <mriedem> and, 14:13:13 <melwitt> k 14:13:25 <mriedem> tssurya is working on a poc for the alternatives to the handling a down cell spec it sounds like 14:13:33 <mriedem> which is going to be a late priority for rocky i think 14:13:48 <tssurya> right\ 14:14:24 <melwitt> k, let's take a look at that 14:14:24 <mriedem> we probably need to sh* or get off that pot pretty soon though 14:14:34 <mriedem> like, week after next 14:14:37 <mriedem> once people are back 14:14:48 <melwitt> yeah 14:15:04 <dansmith> yep 14:15:31 <melwitt> okay, let's make sure we prioritize handling of a down cell when we're back 14:15:40 <melwitt> scheduler subteam, efried? 14:15:44 <efried> We discussed the performance issue brought up by edmondsw in the reshape spec -- #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/572583/ -- and decided to go with update_provider_tree getting None for allocs and raising MigrationNeeded if it decides a migration is needed. Spec has been updated accordingly, but there's still a question as to whether we should allow reshapes to happen only on startup or on every periodic. Need dan 14:15:45 <patchbot> patch 572583 - nova-specs - Spec: Handling Reshaped Provider Trees 14:16:12 <efried> On reshape, we also brought up the patch for #link placement direct https://review.openstack.org/#/c/572576/ 14:16:14 <patchbot> patch 572576 - nova - Provide a direct interface to placement 14:16:24 <efried> which has been updated and is now ready for review. 14:16:30 <mriedem> i'll hit that again 14:16:39 * cdent shows up 14:16:56 <efried> Then we got status on the other major efforts in play, namely: 14:17:14 <efried> #link consumer gens https://review.openstack.org/#/c/567678/ -- this is undergoing active review & revision, merging by stages 14:17:15 <patchbot> patch 567678 - nova - placement: always create consumer records (MERGED) 14:17:38 <efried> bottom of that series is now https://review.openstack.org/#/c/565405/ 14:17:39 <patchbot> patch 565405 - nova - placement: Allocation.consumer field 14:17:59 <efried> #link nrp-in-alloc-cands https://review.openstack.org/#/c/559480/ -- likewise undergoing active review. 14:17:59 <patchbot> patch 559480 - nova - Return all nested providers in tree 14:18:36 <efried> This one is a bit tougher because of time zone pain. We (Jay and I) need to stay on making sure we review this every day so we don't lose days. 14:18:46 <efried> #link placement extraction https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362766/ 14:18:47 <patchbot> patch 362766 - nova - Optional separate database for placement API 14:19:01 <efried> This series is ready for review as well - I think cdent queued it up for a runway? 14:19:13 <cdent> I did, yeah 14:19:27 <cdent> gibi found an important issue on the release note, but it is otherwise good 14:19:45 <efried> Then we talked about priorities and setting some, but decided that was more appropriate for.... this meeting. 14:19:50 <efried> <eom> 14:19:54 * mriedem notes jay is on PTO 14:20:04 <efried> Oh, and cdent needs a new n 14:20:35 <melwitt> okay, lots of good info and progress there 14:20:37 <cdent> I sent that keyboard in for repair, which is why I'm late here 14:21:20 <bauzas> no excuse, you now have intelligent loudspeakers 14:21:40 <efried> btw, we still need an official new chair for those meetings. 14:21:53 <efried> And someone to update https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NovaScheduler which is a few weeks behind at this point. 14:22:13 * bauzas runs off because kids 14:22:32 <mriedem> efried: sounds like you just volunteered 14:22:54 * efried has been assiduously avoiding 14:23:22 <efried> I've been hoping cdent would do it. 14:23:29 <efried> He's been running the meetings 14:23:36 <mriedem> maybe talk it over after *this* meeting 14:23:42 <cdent> only because nobody else has. 14:23:45 <cdent> mriedem++ 14:24:08 <melwitt> on the priorities setting, did you want to talk about that now or maybe start a dev ML thread about it? I had thought the reshape/upgrade/migration is most important 14:25:02 <efried> I can speak to priorities from a sched point of view, but outside of that... nominate mriedem? 14:25:28 <melwitt> oh, I thought when you said it, it was in the context of the placement subteam priorities 14:26:05 <efried> I think we're pretty clear on those within the subteam. mriedem brought up overall release priorities 14:26:18 <melwitt> okay, I see 14:26:38 <mriedem> you want to do that now or in open discussion? 14:26:42 <mriedem> i have generic thoughts 14:26:49 <efried> which of course need to include placement priorities. I think there's some concern that a) we've got too many things going to be able to finish, and b) we're not completely clear what those things are. 14:26:59 <mriedem> efried: exactly 14:27:00 <efried> Open discussion sounds more appropriate. 14:27:16 <melwitt> agreed, let's do open discussion 14:27:32 <melwitt> next subteam, notifications, gibi? 14:27:46 <gibi> there was no meeting this week but I sent a status mail 14:27:51 <gibi> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-June/131357.html 14:27:59 <gibi> EOM 14:28:15 <melwitt> cool, thanks 14:28:23 <melwitt> anything for subteams? 14:28:39 <melwitt> #topic Stuck Reviews 14:28:52 <melwitt> no items in the agenda. does anyone in the room have anything for stuck reviews? 14:29:32 <melwitt> #topic Open discussion 14:29:58 <melwitt> overall priorities. mriedem you have some generic thoughts? 14:30:11 <mriedem> so in the last few releases when we got into the 3rd milestone, 14:30:24 <mriedem> i eventually started an etherpad of the approved but not yet completed blueprints, 14:30:29 <mriedem> and i found this email from queens http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-January/125953.html 14:30:33 <mriedem> which is the general idea 14:30:50 <mriedem> the queens blueprint tracking status etherpad is in there, but mostly empty because i removed stuff as it burned down or was deferred out of queens 14:31:05 <mriedem> but that helped me get an overall view of what we've agreed to do and what status all of those thing were in 14:31:25 <mriedem> b/c even though some bps have been approved by now, they are either blocked, stalled or don't even have code up yet 14:31:40 <mriedem> from that list, i think we can get an idea of what the absolute must get done in rocky things are 14:31:50 <mriedem> and once we know that, prioritize / make a plan for getting them done 14:31:59 <mriedem> we have about 6 weeks to FF 14:32:33 <mriedem> so, my recommendation would be to start making an etherpad to track our currently approved but not yet merged blueprints and their status 14:32:45 <melwitt> okay, I can use this as a guide to make something similar for rocky 14:32:46 <mriedem> or a board in storyboard if you're so inclined 14:33:25 <mriedem> since the etherpad is really just a kanban board of sorts 14:33:39 <mriedem> up to you 14:34:16 <melwitt> I like etherpad, so I think I'll do that. I'll create that today 14:34:18 <mriedem> i don't think this conflicts with runways, because those are still a good "this is what's ready for review and people should be reviewing these things" tool 14:35:09 <melwitt> yeah, okay. so I'll get that created and then we can all take a look and shake out the priorities from that 14:35:20 <mriedem> sounds good 14:35:26 <melwitt> cool, thank you 14:35:31 <mriedem> efried: dansmith: work for you? 14:35:35 <mriedem> cdent: ^? 14:35:37 <mriedem> gibi 14:35:38 <mriedem> all hands 14:35:46 <efried> Sounds great to me. 14:35:49 <cdent> wfm 14:35:51 <dansmith> sure 14:35:59 <gibi> +1 14:36:38 <gibi> melwitt: there is a section in the notification status mail with blocked or no progress bps that could help creating the etherpad 14:36:58 <mriedem> that's also generally available in launchpad 14:37:06 <mriedem> since there would be on changes posted for a given bp 14:37:14 <mriedem> all hail launchpad! 14:37:15 <dansmith> but launchpad isn't cool anymore 14:37:25 <cdent> and there will be a long lost placement update tomorrow which should help add some what's up with placement and priorities context 14:37:25 <mriedem> my mom says it's cool 14:37:34 <cdent> yeah, but your mom says you're cool 14:37:41 <dansmith> mriedem: I think you should keep all your blueprints in a brown paper sack 14:37:45 <efried> burrrrned 14:38:05 <mriedem> https://frinkiac.com/gif/S05E18/281864/285818/QlVUIE1ZIE1PTSBTQVlTCiBJJ00gQ09PTC4= 14:38:08 <melwitt> heh 14:38:13 <mriedem> for our non-simpsons knowing friends 14:38:32 <melwitt> gibi, cdent: cool, I'll take a look at those updates. thanks 14:38:55 <melwitt> alright, anything else for open discussion before we wrap up? 14:39:01 <dansmith> I do 14:39:19 <dansmith> I would like to make a shameless plea to get this +Wd so we can let it soak in the gate for a while before the release: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/566696/ 14:39:20 <patchbot> patch 566696 - nova - Use oslo.messaging per-call monitoring 14:39:38 <mriedem> ++ - see the dnm patch at the end of the series that tested it 14:39:48 <mriedem> shows the heartbeats hitting during pre_live_migration 14:39:55 <efried> put it in a runway, or it's dead to me. 14:40:02 <mriedem> it's not a bp 14:40:09 <efried> your funeral 14:40:23 <melwitt> I'll take a look at it if someone else doesn't beat me to it 14:40:24 * cdent collapses 14:40:57 <dansmith> thanks 14:41:13 <melwitt> anyone have anything else for open discussion? 14:42:22 <cdent> I just wanted to say thanks for the mass of +2 on placement related stuff earlier this week 14:42:25 * mriedem notes we've all moved to aix bashing in -nova 14:42:26 <cdent> we merged a lot of stuff 14:42:38 <cdent> including some big milestones 14:42:46 <efried> Oh, yah, we should brag some 14:42:53 <efried> That's appropriate for open discussion. 14:42:53 <mriedem> brag once the docs land... :) 14:43:05 <cdent> mriedem buzzkillington 14:43:10 <efried> yeah, geez 14:43:10 <mriedem> the III 14:43:27 <melwitt> cool cdent, that's nice to hear :) 14:43:30 <dansmith> mriedem: Harshing the mellow since 2012 14:43:45 <mriedem> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFtLONl4cNc ? 14:44:18 <efried> what am I watching?? 14:44:20 <cdent> that video is good for my currently standing desk 14:44:26 <cdent> efried: srsly? how old are you? 14:45:05 <mriedem> end? 14:45:07 <efried> I was apparently 6 when this was happening. 14:45:11 <dansmith> ffs, end 14:45:28 <cdent> heh 14:45:31 <melwitt> okay, fun time over. thanks everyone 14:45:32 <melwitt> #endmeeting