14:00:14 <melwitt> #startmeeting nova 14:00:16 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Jul 12 14:00:14 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is melwitt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:17 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:20 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 14:00:22 <mriedem> o/ 14:00:23 <gibi> o/ 14:00:25 <melwitt> hello everyone 14:00:27 <dansmith> o/ 14:00:29 <efried> ō/ 14:00:34 <takashin> o/ 14:00:46 <edleafe> \o 14:00:59 <melwitt> #topic Release News 14:01:06 <melwitt> #link Rocky release schedule: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Rocky_Release_Schedule 14:01:24 <melwitt> we're just two weeks out from feature freeze r-3 July 26 14:01:48 <melwitt> we have a blueprint status tracking etherpad to help with organizing review for completing blueprints 14:01:50 <melwitt> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-rocky-blueprint-status 14:02:30 * alex_xu waves late 14:02:31 <melwitt> the placement reshaper and cells v2 handling of a down cell are high priority things I expect to go past feature freeze 14:03:45 <melwitt> if there are any other FFE candidates, I'd like to collect those somewhere, maybe by adding comments to the blueprint status etherpad. so please add comments there if there are things that need an FFE 14:04:24 <melwitt> #link Rocky review runways: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-runways-rocky 14:04:36 <tssurya> o/ 14:04:41 <melwitt> runways got populated with new blueprints on tuesday 14:04:48 <melwitt> #link runway #1: Allow abort live migrations in queued status https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/abort-live-migration-in-queued-status (Kevin Zheng) [END DATE: 2018-07-25] starts here https://review.openstack.org/563505 14:04:53 <melwitt> #link runway #2: Add z/VM driver https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-zvm-driver-rocky (jichen) [END DATE: 2018-07-25] starts here https://review.openstack.org/523387 14:05:00 <melwitt> #link runway #3: Support traits in Glance https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/glance-image-traits (arvindn05) [END DATE: 2018-07-25] last patch https://review.openstack.org/569498 14:05:34 <melwitt> does anyone have any questions or comments to add about release news or runways? 14:06:25 <melwitt> #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 14:06:33 <melwitt> no critical bugs in the link 14:06:40 <melwitt> #link 50 new untriaged bugs (down 1 since the last meeting): https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 14:06:46 <melwitt> #link 6 untagged untriaged bugs (down 1 since the last meeting): https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=-*&field.status%3Alist=NEW 14:06:53 <melwitt> #link bug triage how-to: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/BugTriage#Tags 14:06:58 <melwitt> #help need help with bug triage 14:07:28 <melwitt> we're keeping the bug count at bay the past week, which is good, but we do need to do more triage 14:07:42 <melwitt> and try to whittle that down 14:07:48 <melwitt> Gate status: 14:07:53 <melwitt> #link check queue gate status http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/index.html 14:07:57 <melwitt> gate seems to have been ok 14:08:03 <melwitt> 3rd party CI: 14:08:08 <melwitt> #link 3rd party CI status http://ci-watch.tintri.com/project?project=nova&time=7+days 14:08:36 <melwitt> anyone have anything else for bugs or gate status or third party CI? 14:09:25 <melwitt> #topic Reminders 14:09:32 <melwitt> #link Rocky Subteam Patches n Bugs: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/rocky-nova-priorities-tracking 14:09:40 <melwitt> #link Stein PTG planning has commenced: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-ptg-stein 14:09:55 <melwitt> we have an etherpad for collecting topic ideas for the denver PTG ^ 14:10:19 <melwitt> so please feel free to start using it 14:10:44 <melwitt> that's all I have for reminders. anyone have anything to add for reminders? 14:11:18 <melwitt> #topic Stable branch status 14:11:24 <melwitt> #link stable/queens: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/queens,n,z 14:12:00 <melwitt> we could use some stable reviews on queens, there are 8 proposed 14:12:07 <melwitt> #link stable/pike: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/pike,n,z 14:12:25 <melwitt> similar on pike, several already have one +2 there 14:12:34 <melwitt> #link stable/ocata: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/ocata,n,z 14:13:06 <melwitt> and finally, there are a couple of reviews to do on ocata, patches that are not -W 14:13:28 <melwitt> does anyone have anything else for stable branch status? 14:13:47 <melwitt> #topic Subteam Highlights 14:14:14 <melwitt> cells v2, we skipped having a meeting this week. and work on handling a down cell is underway. anything else to highlight dansmith? 14:14:20 <dansmith> nay 14:14:28 <melwitt> cool 14:14:40 <melwitt> scheduler/placement, efried? 14:14:43 <efried> #link NovaScheduler meeting log http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/nova_scheduler/2018/nova_scheduler.2018-07-09-14.01.log.html 14:14:43 <efried> => Discussed the relative merits of having Project Management for the reshaper effort, since there's so many moving parts & different people on the hook for different parts. I don't think we landed on anything solid there. 14:14:43 <efried> => We did discuss the scheduling/pacing of the work and determined that 14:14:43 <efried> - sql-fu (jaypipes) needs to be done by Wednesday (yesterday) 14:14:43 <efried> - POST /reshaper API (cdent) by end of this week (not sure this was well planned, since cdent is out today & tomorrow) 14:14:44 <efried> - client-side bits (resource tracker (efried) and management CLI (dansmith)) by FF (7/26) 14:14:44 <efried> => We discussed the various consumer gen bugs & blockers. Most of that work has since merged. 14:14:45 <efried> => We had a question from Jack1 about placement affordance for PCI_DEVICE (there isn't any) which we continued discussing in #openstack-placement after the meeting. 14:14:45 <efried> => cdent asked to stop being on the hook to run the scheduler meetings; efried agreed to take over. 14:14:46 <efried> <EOM> 14:15:33 <melwitt> nice summary, thanks 14:16:14 <efried> I think the main takeaway there is that we're getting dangerously close to being behind on reshaper stuff... 14:16:46 <melwitt> AFAIK the sql-fu hasn't been proposed yet but we're on the lookout for it 14:17:42 <melwitt> we expect this work to continue past FF but of course it's best to get it done sooner than later 14:17:55 <mriedem> we only have 2 weeks between FF and rc1 don't we? 14:18:21 <mriedem> yeah 7/26 to 8/9 14:18:39 <mriedem> so i guess we should re-assess as we get toward FF, but there really isn't any window post-FF 14:18:56 <mriedem> if it's like 1 change, then maybe that's ok 14:19:15 <melwitt> hm, okay 14:19:19 <mriedem> and dansmith is out next week so no reviews from him 14:19:23 <dansmith> yup 14:19:25 <dansmith> and agree, 14:19:34 <dansmith> it's pretty scary stuff to be doing far into FF 14:20:06 <mriedem> jaypipes: are you around this week to work on the sql part of reshaper? 14:20:51 <mriedem> i guess we should move on, but that worries me 14:21:09 <melwitt> aye 14:21:38 <melwitt> okay, so it sounds like it would be a bad idea to continue work on reshaper past FF but we'll re-assess where we are closer to FF 14:22:03 <melwitt> moving on, notification subteam highlights, gibi? 14:22:25 <gibi> melwitt: sure 14:22:43 <gibi> there was no meeting but there is a status mail #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-July/132068.html 14:23:08 <gibi> the last notification only bp is closed ( bp add-action-initiator-to-instance-action-notifications) 14:23:29 <gibi> that is all 14:23:44 <melwitt> coolness, thanks gibi 14:24:02 <melwitt> we have a new addition to the subteam agenda, API subteam from gmann 14:24:44 <melwitt> he said he might not be able to attend this week but will in the future, for this week we have a link to a highlight mail to the ML 14:24:50 <melwitt> #link API highlights post from the ML: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-July/132148.html 14:25:09 <melwitt> that's all I have for subteams. anyone have anything else for subteams? 14:25:38 <melwitt> #topic Stuck Reviews 14:25:54 <melwitt> no items in the agenda, does anyone in the room have anything for stuck reviews? 14:26:14 <melwitt> #topic Open discussion 14:26:26 <melwitt> I have one item that's a follow up from last meeting 14:26:42 <melwitt> about the specless blueprint, proof-of-concept code has been uploaded (jmlowe) https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/rbd-erasure-coding 14:26:47 <melwitt> #link proof-of-concept code https://review.openstack.org/581055 14:27:43 <melwitt> last week we agreed that approval of the blueprint would be contingent on 1) proof-of-concept code being uploaded 2) two core reviewers committing to reviewing it 14:28:05 <dansmith> just curious, but EC implies some amount of overhead for the parity data.. does ceph hide that in what it tells us is free space if enabled? 14:28:40 <melwitt> from what I understand about what jmlowe said, ceph will not hide that in what it tells for usage 14:28:51 <dansmith> usage or free space? 14:29:24 <dansmith> if usage then our allocations don't really line up with the inventory and we need to have some reserved amount to cover the overhead I guess? 14:30:07 <melwitt> oh, yeah that's a good point to bring up 14:30:26 <melwitt> he had said usage but I don't know if that applies to free space too 14:30:27 <jaypipes> mriedem: sorry, was out. yes, I am currently underway on the reshaper sql series. 14:30:54 <dansmith> melwitt: those kind of questions are what I'd ask in a spec, FWIW 14:31:09 <mriedem> i'm personally not interested in being distracted by the EC stuff at this point in the cycle 14:32:19 <melwitt> if it's more involved than the POC that's been posted, then I agree it's too late in the cycle to mess with it 14:32:47 <mriedem> the libvirt driver can report disk_gb overhead to the RT, but that's only used for claims which we don't do if you've disabled the DiskFilter 14:33:16 <mriedem> our workaround for overhead from the driver is increasing reserved on the provider inventory 14:33:26 <mriedem> which we don't do automatically 14:33:32 <dansmith> yeah, 14:33:34 <melwitt> okay, that's helpful info 14:33:40 <dansmith> but what is not straightforward, 14:33:46 <dansmith> is if one compute has this enabled but another doesn't, 14:34:07 <dansmith> does that mean the allocations for just that compute node will be 20% off? 14:34:08 <dansmith> also, the scheduler makes those and doesn't know how the compute is configured 14:34:27 <dansmith> I know 20% is likely high, just using it as an example 14:34:32 <efried> dansmith: Are we talking about a shared disk here? 14:34:47 <dansmith> efried: it's ceph, so shared pool 14:34:55 <efried> And who's managing the rp for that? 14:34:58 <dansmith> which we don't do correctly right now anyway, granted, but.. 14:35:38 <efried> If the op does it, like for nfs shared storage, then the driver will never touch the reserved value, because the driver doesn't report it at all. 14:35:49 <efried> So the op gets to set the reserved value (and allocation ratio and total, and....) 14:36:05 <dansmith> melwitt: anyway, I think in five minutes we've justified some spec-worthy Q&A 14:36:42 <melwitt> yep, that's fair. I'll chat with jmlowe and let him know this should indeed be a spec because of the usage/allocations piece 14:36:57 <melwitt> thanks everyone for the discussion 14:37:06 <melwitt> does anyone else have anything for open discussion before we wrap up? 14:37:51 <melwitt> alrighty, thanks everyone 14:37:54 <melwitt> #endmeeting