21:00:04 <melwitt> #startmeeting nova 21:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Thu Dec 6 21:00:04 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is melwitt. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 21:00:19 <melwitt> hello team, welcome to the nova meeting 21:00:33 <takashin> o/ 21:00:35 <mriedem> o/ 21:01:07 <melwitt> hm, this might be a short one with just us 21:01:12 <melwitt> let's make a start 21:01:20 <edleafe> \o 21:01:23 <melwitt> #topic Release News 21:01:30 <melwitt> #link Stein release schedule: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/Stein_Release_Schedule 21:01:40 <melwitt> milestone 2 is coming up early next year Jan 10 21:01:53 <melwitt> and soon people are going to start going on holiday PTO 21:02:14 <melwitt> so I was wondering if anyone thought it would be a good idea to do another spec review day next week ahead of s-2 spec freeze? 21:02:30 <melwitt> I sent a mail to the ML but no responses 21:02:49 <melwitt> so it seemed like maybe people don't think it's needed 21:03:20 <mriedem> i am ambivalent 21:03:29 <mriedem> runways aren't getting attention, 21:03:38 <mriedem> i don't know where we are with stuff we've already approved, 21:03:42 <mriedem> or themes set out at the ptg 21:03:56 <melwitt> ok 21:03:56 <mriedem> so i'm a big meh on spending a lot of time reviewing more specs, especially when a lot of people don't review them 21:04:32 <melwitt> that's fair 21:04:59 <dansmith> I'm kinda -0.9 on spec days in general, but definitely not interested in spending one of the days of my last week this year on it 21:05:33 <dansmith> also seems like we've got a lot of things approved already, and not much going through the gate, but I could be wrong 21:05:40 <mriedem> the gate is f'ed 21:05:50 <melwitt> mriedem: based on what you said though, I'll put together an etherpad with our approved blueprints so we can start tracking (I had been originally going to wait until spec freeze). and also on there put all the items for the themes 21:05:51 <dansmith> seems like it has been effed for a while 21:05:53 <mriedem> so yes, half our time is spent rechecking things, if they even get reviewed 21:06:46 <melwitt> ok, I appreciate the input. I'll reply to myself on the ML that we're gonna not do a spec review day 21:07:30 <melwitt> and I don't know the latest on what's going on with the gate, so I'll look to see if there's some way I can help there 21:07:41 <melwitt> thanks for mentioning it 21:08:14 <melwitt> #link Stein runway etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/nova-runways-stein 21:08:25 <melwitt> #link runway #1: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/initial-allocation-ratios (yikun) [END 2018-12-10] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/initial-allocation-ratios+(status:open+OR+status:merged) 21:08:34 <melwitt> #link runway #2: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/local-disk-serial-numbers (mdbooth) [END 2018-12-14] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/local-disk-serial-numbers+(status:open+OR+status:merged) 21:08:41 <melwitt> #link runway #3 https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/live-migration-force-after-timeout (yikun) [END 2018-12-19] https://review.openstack.org/#/q/topic:bp/live-migration-force-after-timeout+(status:open+OR+status:merged) 21:09:01 <mriedem> #1 is approved, except docs patches at the end 21:09:06 <mriedem> which ta da need review 21:09:21 <mriedem> so we could drop it from the runway queue if we care 21:09:25 <mriedem> or just recheck it the rest of the week 21:09:54 <mriedem> i'll also mention reshaper was dropped for the 2nd time 21:10:09 <melwitt> yeah :( 21:10:45 <dansmith> if #1 is still in the gate and has un-reviewed stuff, I say leave it in the runway 21:11:02 <melwitt> I need to poke bauzas about responding to the -1 on the patch 21:11:24 <melwitt> dansmith: yeah, might as well 21:12:33 <melwitt> ok, so we really need to review what's in the runways. I'll review the docs patches and take a look at the other runways too 21:13:05 <melwitt> anything else for release news? 21:13:13 <melwitt> #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 21:13:23 <melwitt> no critical bugz 21:13:31 <melwitt> #link 58 new untriaged bugs (up 4 since the last meeting): https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 21:13:49 <melwitt> this count ^ was 64 yesterday, so big ol thanks for mriedem for doing a bunch of triage 21:14:02 <melwitt> #link 12 untagged untriaged bugs (up 3 since the last meeting): https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=-*&field.status%3Alist=NEW 21:14:43 <melwitt> and thanks to all for staying vigilant on tagging bugs. we need to triage those tags 21:14:48 <melwitt> #link bug triage how-to: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/BugTriage#Tags 21:14:53 <melwitt> #help need help with bug triage 21:14:58 <melwitt> Gate status 21:15:05 <melwitt> #link check queue gate status http://status.openstack.org/elastic-recheck/index.html 21:15:38 <melwitt> 64% classification rate for the integrated gate 21:16:13 <mriedem> might be time for a summary email to the ML from clarkb 21:16:27 <melwitt> yeah, I was just thinking the same 21:16:29 <mriedem> b/c between zuul restarts, slow nodes, and lots of other issues i don't know what's on fire 21:16:38 <mriedem> beyond everything 21:16:41 <clarkb> well its all on fire :P 21:16:45 <mriedem> jinx 21:17:08 <clarkb> I've been mostly looking at tripleo resets recently as they have higher cost 21:17:18 <mriedem> can we just like, not run CI on tripleo? 21:17:25 <melwitt> haha 21:17:39 <clarkb> but integrated gate continues to show py3 test flakyness and neutron functional is perpetually unhappy 21:17:59 <mriedem> if i were to conjure sdague of old, 21:18:06 <mriedem> we'd probably be making things non-voting 21:18:20 <clarkb> the slow nodes dont help but arent the only bugs, its more that they are really great at showing whhere we are inefficient 21:18:34 <mriedem> yes the n-api things were good to find 21:18:49 <dansmith> I have some patches up for those rpc things 21:18:56 <dansmith> but we're still waiting for the first run 21:19:04 <mriedem> same for the client inits 21:19:06 <dansmith> should have those by tomorrow (eek) 21:19:18 <melwitt> gr8t 21:19:34 <clarkb> but noted I should write an email 21:19:39 <mriedem> thanks 21:19:41 <clarkb> will try to get to that after lunch 21:19:55 <melwitt> clarkb: yeah, your email last time was awesome. thank you for doing it 21:20:34 <dansmith> are we like, moving on here? 21:20:45 <melwitt> #link patch to help with slow node failures https://review.openstack.org/623282 21:20:48 <melwitt> I was looking for links 21:21:12 <melwitt> *patches 21:21:15 <mriedem> and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/623246/ 21:21:23 <mriedem> and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/623265/ 21:21:35 <melwitt> thank you 21:21:37 <melwitt> ok 21:21:46 <melwitt> 3rd party CI 21:21:54 <melwitt> #link 3rd party CI status http://ciwatch.mmedvede.net/project?project=nova&time=7+days 21:22:01 <melwitt> new link for this apparently 21:22:14 <melwitt> ooh, this one's a lot faster 21:22:45 <melwitt> ok, anything else on bugs, gate, CI? 21:22:56 <melwitt> #topic Reminders 21:23:03 <melwitt> #link Stein Subteam Patches n Bugs: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stein-nova-subteam-tracking 21:23:17 <melwitt> anyone else have any reminders? 21:23:29 <melwitt> ok 21:23:31 <melwitt> #topic Stable branch status 21:23:40 <melwitt> #link stable/rocky: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/rocky,n,z 21:24:01 <melwitt> bunch of reviews needed 21:24:12 <melwitt> #link stable/queens: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/queens,n,z 21:24:18 <melwitt> #link stable/pike: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/pike,n,z 21:24:41 <melwitt> we release rocky recently but not queens and pike. so we can consider doing a queens and pike release 21:25:21 <melwitt> I think we should, but have to flush out the reviews 21:25:41 <melwitt> I'll spend some time on stable reviews this week 21:25:48 <melwitt> anything else for stable? 21:26:04 <melwitt> #topic Subteam Highlights 21:26:21 <melwitt> I think efried_cya_jan is off on PTO 21:26:28 <edleafe> yep 21:26:32 <efried_cya_jan> true story 21:26:33 <edleafe> I can summarize 21:26:39 <melwitt> ok, great 21:26:41 <edleafe> oh, you want to do it? 21:26:48 <efried_cya_jan> no, please go ahead 21:26:55 <edleafe> We discussed the motion to move os-resource-classes to its own OpenStack repo 21:26:58 <edleafe> The consensus (without jaypipes present) was that simpler was better, so we went with cdent's repo 21:27:01 <edleafe> edleafe agreed to do the necessary paperwork with infra 21:27:04 <edleafe> #link Add os-resource-classes https://review.openstack.org/#/c/621666/ 21:27:07 <edleafe> We discussed the nova-to-placement traffic reduction series now starting at 21:27:10 <edleafe> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/615646/ 21:27:12 <edleafe> Also discussed this contribution from zzzeek: 21:27:15 <edleafe> #link data fixture cleanup https://review.openstack.org/#/c/621304/ 21:27:17 <edleafe> Under bugs, we talked about: 21:27:20 <edleafe> #link ensure aggregates under load https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1804453 21:27:21 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1804453 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "maximum recursion possible while setting aggregates in placement" [Undecided,New] 21:27:23 <edleafe> This only shows under a heavy recursive loop; agreed to discuss further after the meeting 21:27:26 <edleafe> EOM 21:27:34 <melwitt> cool, thanks 21:28:21 <melwitt> I spoke to jaypipes in #openstack-placement yesterday about the os-resource-classes proposal and he is OK with it though not preferred approach 21:28:56 <melwitt> so I'll be acking those patches 21:29:00 <edleafe> It did seem a bit heavy for something that shouldn't be changing very often 21:29:21 <melwitt> yeah, I saw pros and cons with either way 21:30:04 <melwitt> ok, next API, no notes from gmann 21:30:13 <melwitt> anything else for subteams? 21:30:32 <melwitt> #topic Stuck Reviews 21:30:47 <melwitt> no items in the agenda, so I assume we skip it 21:30:53 <melwitt> #topic Open discussion 21:30:59 <melwitt> I have one item here 21:31:04 <melwitt> (melwitt): hallway track from summit - operator contributed patch to add extend volume support for RBD https://review.openstack.org/613039. Question: specless blueprint or spec needed? 21:31:30 <mriedem> libvirt volume driver feature parity is traditionally specless bp 21:31:50 <melwitt> ah, good point 21:31:52 <gaudenz> hi I'm the operator in question. I'm here to today if you have any questions specific. I added a response on the review. 21:32:04 <mriedem> we do have tempest testing for that feature though, so as i've said to him before, i'd want to see the ceph job passing on that change with that test enabled 21:32:15 <gaudenz> Other similar changes have been done in the past without a spec: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554679/ 21:32:35 <mriedem> gaudenz: spec != blueprint 21:32:45 <melwitt> gaudenz: right. this will be a specless blueprint. so all you need to do is create a launchpad blueprint with the summary and link it to the patch 21:32:48 <mriedem> and that was like 15 LOC 21:33:21 <melwitt> I can help with running the ceph job on the change with extend volume enabled 21:33:59 <gaudenz> melwitt: I can do that. So just a summary on launchpad to be able to link any other changes (tempest?) that would be needed? 21:34:15 <gaudenz> Or is there an approval process for specless blueprints too? 21:34:27 <mriedem> we'd approve it after this meeting, 21:34:29 <melwitt> gaudenz: yes. you'll mention the blueprint in the commit message of any changes related to it 21:34:34 <mriedem> tempest already has a test, 21:34:37 <mriedem> the ceph job doesn't run it 21:35:21 <gaudenz> So I would need to do a change to tempest to enable this. right? I guess that should be fairly easy to do. 21:35:25 <melwitt> gaudenz: I'm familiar with the ceph job so I can add the patch for having the ceph job run the already existing tempest test 21:35:28 <mriedem> in fact, the ceph job test blacklist used to be in nova but i forget where it moved 21:35:34 <melwitt> gaudenz: or I can just show you what to do 21:35:44 <mriedem> https://github.com/openstack/devstack-plugin-ceph/blob/master/tempest_blacklist.txt 21:35:46 <gaudenz> melwitt: yes would be appreciated. 21:35:54 <mriedem> the extend test is probably marked slow... 21:36:17 <mriedem> anyway, move that to -nova 21:36:27 <melwitt> ok, cool. thanks 21:36:48 <melwitt> alright, that's all from the agenda 21:36:59 <melwitt> anything else people want to talk about before we call it? 21:37:24 <melwitt> ok, thanks everyone 21:37:27 <melwitt> #endmeeting