16:00:00 <bauzas> #startmeeting nova 16:00:00 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Nov 30 16:00:00 2021 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:00 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:00 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 16:00:12 <bauzas> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:00:19 <bauzas> good 'day, 'vyone 16:00:23 <gibi> \o 16:00:50 <ganso> o/ 16:00:53 <elodilles> o/ 16:01:37 <bauzas> okay, let's statry 16:02:13 * bauzas shouldn't wear mittens when typing 16:02:29 <bauzas> #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:02:35 <bauzas> #info No Critical bug 16:02:40 <bauzas> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 23 new untriaged bugs (-6 since the last meeting) 16:02:53 <bauzas> thanks to all who helped 16:03:00 <bauzas> #help Nova bug triage help is appreciated https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/BugTriage 16:03:33 <bauzas> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/placement 25 open stories (-8 since the last meeting) in Storyboard for Placement 16:03:37 <bauzas> ditto ^ 16:03:47 <bauzas> impressive number 16:04:08 <bauzas> I know the names :p 16:04:27 <dansmith> o/ 16:04:30 <bauzas> any particular bug to discuss before we move to the next topic ? 16:05:13 <bauzas> I guess no 16:05:20 <bauzas> #topic Gate status 16:05:27 <bauzas> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:05:43 <bauzas> no new gate bug I can see 16:05:51 <bauzas> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fplacement&pipeline=periodic-weekly Placement periodic job status 16:06:08 <bauzas> the issue we discussed last week is fixed ^ 16:06:27 <bauzas> #info Please look at the gate failures, file a bug, and add an elastic-recheck signature in the opendev/elastic-recheck repo (example: https://review.opendev.org/#/c/759967) 16:06:55 <bauzas> fwiw, I haven't see any specific issue with our gate 16:07:06 <gibi> bauzas: the issue is not fixed it just did not appear in the recent runs 16:07:21 <bauzas> ah right, it was a race 16:07:23 <gibi> I don't know about any active effor on our side making that fixed 16:07:32 <gibi> it was about the pmlogger service 16:07:39 <bauzas> right 16:08:18 <bauzas> ok, nothing else to tell ? 16:08:50 <bauzas> #topic Release Planning 16:09:03 <bauzas> #info Yoga-2 is due Jan 6th#link https://releases.openstack.org/yoga/schedule.html#y-2 16:09:05 <bauzas> #undo 16:09:05 <opendevmeet> Removing item from minutes: #info Yoga-2 is due Jan 6th#link https://releases.openstack.org/yoga/schedule.html#y-2 16:09:19 <bauzas> #info Yoga-2 is due Jan 6th 16:09:21 <bauzas> #link https://releases.openstack.org/yoga/schedule.html#y-2 16:09:37 <bauzas> #info Next spec review day to be planned for mid-Dec 16:09:41 <bauzas> so, 16:10:08 <bauzas> what do you think about Dec 14th for a new spec review day ? 16:10:21 <bauzas> the next week, I'll be off 16:10:23 <sean-k-mooney> +1 for 14th 16:10:44 <gibi> 14th works for me 16:10:49 <bauzas> we have a few open specs 16:10:58 <gibi> I'm off from the 20th 16:11:11 <bauzas> gibi: maybe like me 16:11:32 <bauzas> maybe I'll work on the Dec 22th day 16:11:38 <bauzas> but... 16:11:57 <bauzas> I'm not sure we would have quorum 16:12:09 <bauzas> ok, any other thought? 16:13:03 <bauzas> #agreed Next spec review day will be Tuesday Dec 14th 16:13:08 <gibi> I will not be around in the week of Yoga-2 16:13:19 <bauzas> I'll provide a new ML email 16:13:20 <gibi> I will be back on the 10th of Jan 16:13:32 <bauzas> gibi: oh, you're now living in France ? 16:13:37 <bauzas> :p 16:14:00 <gibi> I've just checked, no :D 16:14:21 <bauzas> anyway, no worries 16:14:37 <bauzas> we will only have the spec deadline for yoga-2 16:15:25 <gibi> I have two placement specs to get approved :) 16:15:31 <bauzas> I've seen them :p 16:15:50 <bauzas> anyway, moving on 16:16:08 <bauzas> #topic Review priorities 16:16:16 <bauzas> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+(project:openstack/nova+OR+project:openstack/placement)+label:Review-Priority%252B1 16:16:22 <bauzas> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/816861 bauzas proposing a documentation change for helping contributors to ask for reviews 16:16:32 <bauzas> I'm afraid I didn't had time to modify it 16:16:49 <bauzas> nothing to discuss then for this week 16:17:05 <bauzas> unless people want to have review priorities ? 16:17:46 <bauzas> fwiw, my main priority will be unified limits reviews 16:18:32 <bauzas> OK, next topic 16:18:39 <bauzas> #topic Stable Branches 16:18:48 <bauzas> I'm sitting down, listening to elodilles 16:18:52 <elodilles> #info stable gates are OK 16:19:00 <elodilles> stable/xena has ~3 merged bug fixes, maybe we can wait some more bug fix to land before we do a release 16:19:10 <elodilles> and that's it 16:20:12 <bauzas> I was triaging a bug related to the compute service delete issue, and I saw we hadn't yet merged https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/802847 16:20:55 <bauzas> I'll look at other backports that are fixing bad bugs, and I'll try to review them 16:21:25 <elodilles> thanks in advance \o/ 16:22:01 <bauzas> well, no problem 16:22:08 <bauzas> moving on 16:22:16 <bauzas> #topic Sub/related team Highlights 16:22:24 <bauzas> Libvirt :lyarwood ? 16:22:33 <lyarwood> Nothing from me 16:22:36 <bauzas> cool 16:22:43 <bauzas> #topic Open discussion 16:22:48 <bauzas> (gmann) Specless BP approval request for RBAC community-wide goal 16:23:02 <bauzas> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/policy-defaults-refresh-2 16:23:12 <bauzas> gmann: around ? 16:23:51 <dansmith> I am, if you have questions 16:24:09 <bauzas> honestly, I don't think I have any concerns 16:24:32 <dansmith> I've been working on a patch to get servers back to the place where we want it, 16:24:33 <bauzas> maybe one about upgrades and what it means for operators that were modifying the policies 16:24:35 <dansmith> as an example people can work from 16:24:39 <dansmith> and it's very close 16:24:51 <bauzas> but this is just changing the defaults 16:24:54 <dansmith> gmann and johnthetubaguy[m] are mostly happy I think, just working out one more functional thing 16:25:19 <dansmith> bauzas: well, this is pretty much all about defaults anyway, 16:25:34 <dansmith> and nobody could really have rolled to the new ones yet anyway, so not an upgrade concern, IMHO 16:25:46 <dansmith> but the revised plan involves less change when they do upgrade 16:26:31 <bauzas> dansmith: I guess you're referring to https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/815158/20/goals/proposed/consistent-and-secure-rbac.rst as the revised plan ? 16:26:40 <dansmith> yep 16:27:24 <bauzas> ok, 16:27:45 <bauzas> this plan isn't yet sold but whatever it will be, nothing will really change from nova 16:28:02 <dansmith> well, things have to change in nova of course, 16:28:08 <bauzas> so as you said, I don't think there is any upgrade concern then 16:28:29 <bauzas> nothing will really change from a nova perspective if you prefer 16:28:37 <dansmith> but mostly just undoing some of the proposed stuff that hasn't been able to be realized yet.. stepping back from some of that stuff that we merged proactively 16:28:40 <bauzas> things have to change, but upgrades aren't a concern either way 16:29:00 <dansmith> much less of a concern than what they were, but of the stuff we're keeping, no real change, yeah 16:29:24 <dansmith> and keystone will go first which will help our upgrade be even less impactful than it was going to be, if we ever got past the big bubble we had going 16:29:48 <bauzas> to answer the original paperwork question, I think there is no controversy to tell it's a specless BP and we don't to document this as we already have https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/815158/20/goals/proposed/consistent-and-secure-rbac.rst 16:30:02 <bauzas> we don't need* to 16:30:13 <dansmith> ++ 16:30:44 <bauzas> that said, of course this work will need some release notes 16:30:54 <dansmith> obviously 16:30:55 <bauzas> to explain the changes to the operators 16:31:00 <bauzas> ok 16:31:04 <bauzas> anyone has other concerns N? 16:31:22 <bauzas> dang, I need to learn typing 16:31:58 <bauzas> (and that's what happens when you have a french keyboard with ? located near n and requiring shift) 16:32:08 <bauzas> anyway 16:32:41 <bauzas> #agreed https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/policy-defaults-refresh-2 accepted as a specless BP as the direction is already explained in https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/815158/ 16:32:50 <bauzas> moving on, last topic 16:33:12 <bauzas> (ganso) Raising awareness of vif_multiqueue_enabled in flavor work that is ready to be reviewed/merged 16:33:15 <bauzas> ganso: around ? 16:33:21 <ganso> o/ 16:33:34 <bauzas> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/multiqueue-flavor-extra-spec 16:33:49 <ganso> so as the topic titles says: https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22bp%252Fmultiqueue-flavor-extra-spec%22+(status:open%20OR%20status:merged) 16:34:14 <ganso> we've discussed 2-3 weeks ago about this and that it could/may be specless, but it was approved to be specless ~6 months ago 16:34:20 <bauzas> ganso: nothing changed during the implementation phase requiring further discussion ? 16:34:45 <ganso> bauzas: as far as I know, nothing changed and the code is complete 16:35:05 <bauzas> the BP was previously approved as specless so I don't see problems approving it again providing there were no changes in design 16:35:08 <ganso> I rebased it and it is passing CI 16:35:13 <bauzas> (requiring further discussions) 16:36:11 <ganso> I'm pretty much shepherding this set of changes now, but the work was done by stephenfin 16:36:12 <bauzas> ganso: I guess you're taking over stephenfin's work ? 16:36:22 <ganso> yes 16:36:25 <bauzas> OK, that's crystal clear then 16:36:39 <bauzas> I don't have any problems reapproving it 16:36:49 <bauzas> anyone else disagreeing ? 16:36:49 <ganso> great =) 16:37:28 <bauzas> #agreed https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/multiqueue-flavor-extra-spec to approve it again as a specless BP for the yoga release cycle 16:37:50 <bauzas> we're at the end of the agenda, anything else to mention ? 16:38:15 <bauzas> I'm happy to say we were quick this time :) 16:38:24 <gibi> \o/ 16:38:30 <bauzas> if not, 16:38:34 <bauzas> #endmeeting*