16:00:16 <bauzas> #startmeeting nova 16:00:16 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Mar 22 16:00:16 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:17 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:17 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 16:00:21 <bauzas> hey ho 16:00:24 <elodilles> o/ 16:00:26 <chateaulav> \o 16:00:33 <bauzas> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:00:45 <gmann> o/ 16:00:50 <dansmith> o/ 16:01:24 <artom> ~o~ 16:01:30 <bauzas> ok, let's start 16:01:35 <bauzas> #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:01:40 <bauzas> #info No Critical bug 16:01:44 <bauzas> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 28 new untriaged bugs (+0 since the last meeting) 16:01:48 <bauzas> #help Nova bug triage help is appreciated https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/BugTriage 16:01:53 <bauzas> #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/placement 26 open stories (0 since the last meeting) in Storyboard for Placement 16:02:02 <bauzas> any bug in particular to discuss ? 16:02:17 <bauzas> I triaged a few of them but I need to create some env for verifying some others 16:03:07 <bauzas> ok, looks not 16:03:10 <bauzas> next, 16:03:15 <bauzas> #topic Gate status 16:03:18 <bauzas> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:03:23 <bauzas> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fplacement&pipeline=periodic-weekly Placement periodic job status 16:03:26 <bauzas> #info Please look at the gate failures and file a bug report with the gate-failure tag. 16:03:33 <bauzas> I haven't seen any new problem 16:04:14 <gmann> one update for centos9 stream volume detach failure 16:04:35 <gmann> it is fixed now as SSH-able series is merged #link https://review.opendev.org/q/(topic:bug/1960346+OR+topic:wait_until_sshable_pingable)+status:merged 16:04:48 <gmann> I have made centos9-stream as voting job in tempest gate 16:04:53 <bauzas> \o/ 16:05:05 <dansmith> gmann: really, that makes it all pass reliably? 16:05:16 <gmann> and proposed to be voting in devstack side too #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/devstack/+/834546 16:05:22 <gmann> dansmith: for now yes:) 16:05:26 <dansmith> cool 16:05:49 <dansmith> fips job in glance was still failing this morning I think, but I will look and see if it ran against that or not 16:05:52 <gmann> and we will monitor it carefully now as we made it voting. n-v jobs always gets ignored somehow 16:05:57 <dansmith> yeah cool 16:06:13 <artom> So I wonder, would there be anything else to understand at the guest:host interaction level to understand why Ubuntu doesn't need to wait for SSHABLE? 16:06:43 <dansmith> artom: I'm super curious as well, as this seems like an odd thing to have changed with just newer libvirt/qemu, although certainly possible 16:06:54 <dansmith> we'll see if more weirdness comes out of running it in the full firehose 16:07:03 <gmann> dansmith: yeah, you can try with recheck. this patch fixed the last test #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/tempest/+/831608 16:07:04 <bauzas> agreed, it's weird but ok 16:07:07 <dansmith> as I was seeing other problems (on stream 8 mind you) when we were running it voting 16:07:29 <bauzas> thanks gmann btw. for having worked on it :) 16:07:51 <gmann> np!, just carried lyarwood work in this. 16:07:53 <bauzas> can we move ? 16:08:13 <gmann> yeah 16:08:40 <bauzas> kk 16:08:48 <bauzas> #topic Release Planning 16:08:50 <bauzas> shit 16:08:51 <bauzas> #topic Release Planning 16:08:56 <bauzas> #link https://releases.openstack.org/yoga/schedule.html#y-rc1 RC1 is past now 16:09:01 <bauzas> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-yoga-rc-potential Etherpad for RC tracking 16:09:05 <bauzas> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=yoga-rc-potential RC potential tags 16:09:14 <bauzas> this is Regression chasing time ! 16:09:33 <bauzas> we only have 2 days to provide a RC2 if we find a regression 16:09:45 <bauzas> for the moment, we haven't see any of them 16:10:05 <bauzas> #info RC2 deadline is in 2 days, so we can only fix regressions before 16:10:21 <bauzas> actually, this is RC-deadline 16:10:28 <bauzas> not really a specific RC2 16:10:46 <bauzas> we could have a RC2 release tomorrow and then a RC2 on Thursday 16:10:51 <bauzas> shit, RC3 on Thurs 16:11:01 * dansmith watches where he steps in here 16:11:51 <bauzas> this is just, either we find regressions before Thursday and then we need to merge the changes before, or we would have a Yoga GA release with some known issue and we could only fix the regression by a next stable release 16:12:13 <bauzas> but, as you can see https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=yoga-rc-potential is empty 16:12:41 <bauzas> anyway 16:13:02 <bauzas> that's it for me 16:13:25 <bauzas> any question or discussion for Yoga before we go to the next topic ? 16:14:19 <bauzas> looks not 16:14:37 <bauzas> #topic PTG preparation 16:14:44 <bauzas> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-zed-ptg Nova Zed PTG etherpad 16:15:27 <bauzas> nothing to say, please provide your topics you would like to discuss 16:16:03 <bauzas> the PTG will be in 2 weeks, so I'd prefer to see all the topics before end of the next week 16:16:08 <bauzas> for the moment, we only have a few of them 16:16:53 <bauzas> anything to discuss about the PTG ? 16:17:36 <bauzas> reminder, PTG will be April 4 - 8, 2022 16:17:42 <Uggla> bauzas, sorry for the noob question, will we review bp/specs for zed ? 16:18:06 <bauzas> Uggla: no worries, it's your first PTG 16:18:34 <Uggla> should we put the bp/specs in the agenda ? 16:18:34 <bauzas> Uggla: in general, we discuss about some specs if people have some stuff they'd like to see the community to find a consensus 16:18:51 <bauzas> Uggla: we don't generally look at all the open specs 16:19:15 <bauzas> people can also go and discuss about something they'd like to see or work, without having a spec yes 16:19:17 <bauzas> yet* 16:19:46 <bauzas> Uggla: look at the Xena PTG we had so you'll see what we discussed https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-xena-ptg 16:20:58 <Uggla> bauzas, I will have a look, thanks. 16:21:07 <bauzas> ok, moving on, then 16:21:28 <bauzas> #topic Review priorities 16:21:34 <bauzas> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+(project:openstack/nova+OR+project:openstack/placement+OR+project:openstack/os-traits+OR+project:openstack/os-resource-classes+OR+project:openstack/os-vif+OR+project:openstack/python-novaclient+OR+project:openstack/osc-placement)+label:Review-Priority%252B1 16:22:16 <artom> (No osc/sdk in there?) 16:22:16 <bauzas> I have seen new changes 16:22:32 <artom> (What with moving towards deprecation of the novaclient CLI) 16:22:44 <bauzas> artom: nope 16:23:38 <bauzas> artom: osc is another community but I understand your point 16:23:58 <bauzas> artom: this is just, this label is only supported for our repos 16:24:10 <artom> Ah, right 16:24:11 <bauzas> (AFAIK) 16:24:22 <sean-k-mooney> artom: we deprecated teh novaclint cli already 16:24:30 <artom> Yeah, I wasn't sure 16:24:35 <bauzas> artom: but if you want us to look at OSC changes, we can do this by some etherpad 16:24:38 <sean-k-mooney> the python binding are still allowed to be extended 16:25:11 <bauzas> artom: but you know what ? let's discuss this at the PTG to see how the nova community can review those OSC changes :) 16:25:23 <bauzas> artom: hopefully you'll provide a topic, right? 16:25:24 <bauzas> :) 16:26:09 <artom> Shoudve kept my fat mouth shut :P 16:26:11 * artom will 16:26:24 <bauzas> artom: :p 16:26:29 <bauzas> moving on 16:26:34 <bauzas> #topic Stable Branches 16:26:37 <bauzas> elodilles: your point 16:26:41 <elodilles> #info xena branch seems to be blocked by nova-tox-functional-centos8-py36 job - https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=nova-tox-functional-centos8-py36 16:26:54 <elodilles> #info pike branch is blocked - fix: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/833666 16:27:10 <elodilles> and finally a reminder: 16:27:15 <elodilles> Victoria Extended Maintenance transition is due ~ in a month (2022-04-27) 16:27:33 <bauzas> wow, time flies 16:27:44 <elodilles> yes yes 16:28:09 <elodilles> that's it i think 16:28:12 <bauzas> elodilles: can we make the centos8 job non-voting ? 16:28:23 <elodilles> bauzas: that's an option 16:28:43 <bauzas> does someone already look at the issue ? 16:28:53 <elodilles> i had a quick look only 16:29:07 <artom> Seems to be spurious... 16:29:11 <bauzas> elodilles: ping me tomorrow morning and we'll jump onto it 16:29:18 <artom> The last few runs passed 16:29:18 <elodilles> it seems to be related to some mirror issue, but not sure 16:29:28 <bauzas> artom: not the stable/xena branch 16:29:55 <gmann> yeah seems mirror issue otherwise we can see same version conflict in other places also 16:29:55 <elodilles> bauzas: sure, thanks 16:30:04 <artom> ... then which? stephenfin has a fix up for the pike one, looks like... 16:30:21 <artom> So 'NFO: pip is looking at multiple versions of openstack-placement' is new, no? 16:30:33 <bauzas> for the pike branch, agreed on reviewing the fix 16:30:35 <artom> On my laptop, for stable/ussuri, it's taking forever 16:30:58 <gmann> elodilles: let's wait for few more run. 16:31:10 <bauzas> I don't want us to dig into the job resolution for now 16:31:23 <bauzas> but people can start looking at it after the meeting if they want 16:31:40 <elodilles> gmann: ack 16:31:40 <bauzas> this is just, I don't want this branch holding because of one single job 16:32:06 <bauzas> gmann: elodilles: I'd appreciate some DNM patches to make sure we don't hit this every change 16:33:15 <bauzas> looks we discuss all the thingies by now 16:33:20 <bauzas> discussed* 16:33:25 <bauzas> can we move ? 16:33:30 <gmann> did recheck on 828413, let's see 16:33:54 <bauzas> gmann: ++ 16:34:11 <elodilles> yes, thanks, let's move on 16:35:15 <bauzas> last topic then 16:35:21 <bauzas> #topic Open discussion 16:35:24 <bauzas> I have one 16:35:32 <bauzas> (bauzas) Upgrade our minimum service check https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/833440 16:35:50 <bauzas> takashi gently provided a changes for bumping our min version support 16:36:10 <bauzas> before merging it, I'd like to make sure all people here agree on it 16:36:24 <dansmith> so one thing we might want to consider, 16:36:32 <bauzas> (that said, there is a grenade issue on its change, so even with +Wing it...) 16:36:48 <dansmith> is a PTG topic about the check (and the problems with it that we didn't foresee) to see if there's any better way we could or should be doing that whole thing 16:36:56 <dansmith> and just punt on the patch until we have that discussion 16:37:34 <bauzas> I already opened a PTG topic 16:37:46 <bauzas> I'll add the service check in it 16:37:52 <dansmith> okay 16:39:00 <bauzas> just done 16:39:07 <bauzas> people agree with this plan ? 16:39:22 <bauzas> either way, as said the change itself has grenade issues that need to be fixed 16:39:43 <bauzas> and I don't see any reason for rushing on it being merged 16:39:49 <bauzas> we have the whole zed timeframe for this 16:40:05 <elodilles> (grenade issue might be because devstack does not have yet stable/yoga) 16:40:34 <elodilles> (so that should be OK in 1 or 2 days) 16:40:40 <bauzas> we haven't released stable/yoga 16:40:53 <bauzas> this will be done on next Wed 16:41:12 <bauzas> elodilles: but yeah, sounds this 16:41:30 <elodilles> ++ 16:41:31 <gmann> yeah, we should do that soon, neutron face same ssue. 16:41:41 <gmann> elodilles: I will discuss in release channel 16:41:48 <elodilles> gmann: ack 16:43:18 <bauzas> ok, I guess we're done then 16:43:50 <artom> Oh, can we chat about https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/833453? 16:43:53 <bauzas> #agreed let's hold https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/833440 until we correctly discuss this at the PTG 16:44:21 * bauzas clicks on artom's patch 16:44:52 <artom> Really only bringing it up here because, as a periodic, we'd have to check up on the status, presumably here 16:44:56 <artom> Here == the meeting 16:45:13 <bauzas> artom: yeah, that's my point 16:45:24 <bauzas> we already do a few checks during the gate topic 16:45:45 <bauzas> but I wonder whether that wouldn't be better if we could agree on this at the PTG 16:46:19 <EugenMayer> is it possible to set the flavor of an instance manually using the api? 16:46:49 <EugenMayer> Oh - sorry. Still meeting time. Ignore me. 16:46:55 <artom> bauzas, doesn't seem controversial, but OK :) 16:47:07 <bauzas> artom: yup, I don't disagree 16:47:24 <bauzas> do people have concerns with adding a periodic check on whitebox ? 16:47:29 <artom> I guess the downside is CI resource usage, but... one nightly job seems OK? 16:47:58 <bauzas> I heard news of some CI resource shortage, but I'm not in the TC 16:48:10 <artom> Yet ;) 16:48:19 <bauzas> dansmith: gmann: can we just add a periodic job without being concerned ? 16:48:20 <artom> dansmith said someone is pulling out 16:48:31 <artom> (phrasing </archer>) 16:48:39 <dansmith> periodic is probably not a big deal I would imagine 16:48:54 <dansmith> I think we're going to need to trim down nova's per-patch jobs too, as it's getting pretty heavy 16:49:40 <bauzas> yeah, I don't think this is a big thing if we add a periodic 16:49:58 <bauzas> dansmith: adding a PTG topic about it fwiw 16:49:58 <gmann> yeah, and periodic also we can see if daily or weekly? 16:50:56 <bauzas> tbh, the only matter is how much we'll check its status and that will be weekly (during the team meeting) 16:51:04 <gmann> bauzas: artom along with periodic, add in experimental pipeline too for manual trigger. that helps to avoid adding it in check/gate pipeline if anyone want to run maually 16:51:38 <artom> bauzas, yep, no point in making it daily if we're only checking the status weekly 16:51:44 <artom> gmann, ack, can do 16:51:45 <gmann> +1 16:51:57 <dansmith> yeah daily seems excessive 16:53:07 <bauzas> artom: update this change with the weekly period time and mention in the commit msg we'll need to verify it during weekly meetings 16:53:34 * artom will have to find example of periodic weekly to figure out the correct Zuul words magic 16:53:43 <bauzas> look at the placement ones 16:53:50 <artom> Oh yeah! 16:53:56 <gmann> artom: https://github.com/openstack/placement/blob/master/.zuul.yaml#L64 16:54:00 <gmann> yeah 16:54:14 <artom> Hah, that was easy 16:54:15 <bauzas> this is another pipeline IIRC 16:54:20 <sean-k-mooney> by the way i think weekly jobs in general suit use better as we can review them in the weekly meeting 16:54:32 <sean-k-mooney> if we have a nightly we proably wont look at it every day 16:54:38 <bauzas> oh yeah 16:54:51 <bauzas> I just hope this meeting won't transform into some CI meeting 16:54:57 <chateaulav> artom: nova zuul has an example of weekly periodic now 16:55:02 <bauzas> if we start adding more periodics 16:55:22 <artom> I mean, feel free to nack the idea entirely :) 16:55:29 <sean-k-mooney> bauzas: well it should just be (are they green no we shoudl look at X after the meeting) 16:55:31 <artom> I'll obviously try to debate/convince you 16:55:37 <bauzas> artom: nah, I like the idea, I just want us to buy it 16:55:47 <artom> But if we think whitebox doesn't bring value to Nova CI, let's just not do it :) 16:56:04 <bauzas> we're approaching meeting's end time 16:56:14 <artom> End times are nigh 16:56:18 <bauzas> any other item to mention before we close ? 16:56:19 <sean-k-mooney> :) 16:56:27 * artom gets raptured 16:56:33 <sean-k-mooney> ah i actully had two blueprints i wanted to raise 16:56:47 <sean-k-mooney> we defered updating the defaults for allcoation ratios 16:57:00 <bauzas> sean-k-mooney: oh I forgot to mention I changed Launchpad to reflect zed as the active series 16:57:16 <sean-k-mooney> shall we proceed with that or discuss at ptg 16:57:29 <sean-k-mooney> also kasyaps blueprint for usign the new libvirt apis 16:57:35 <bauzas> we're a bit short in time for reapproving specless bps by now 16:57:37 <sean-k-mooney> can we retarget both to zed 16:57:45 <sean-k-mooney> ack 16:57:51 <bauzas> but we can look at them during next meeting 16:57:52 <sean-k-mooney> we can disucss it next week or at ptg 16:58:03 <bauzas> well, Zed is open 16:58:13 <bauzas> I'm OK with approving things by now 16:58:19 <bauzas> and the specs repo is ready 16:58:50 <bauzas> sean-k-mooney: just propose your two blueprints for the next meeting so we'll reapprove them (unless concerns of course) 16:59:04 <sean-k-mooney> ack 16:59:29 <bauzas> fwiw, I leave the non-implemented blueprints in Deferred state 17:00:01 <bauzas> once we start reapproving some, I'd change back their state 17:00:11 <bauzas> but anyway, we're on time 17:00:13 <bauzas> thanks all 17:00:16 <bauzas> #endmeeting