16:00:18 #startmeeting nova 16:00:18 Meeting started Tue Sep 27 16:00:18 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:18 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:18 The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 16:00:43 hello, hola, hi, bonjour 16:00:48 Hi 16:01:01 I'd like to propose a topic 16:01:07 o/ 16:01:41 I'd like to discuss the actions needed to add support for Napatech SmartNIC in Nova 16:01:47 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:01:56 justas_napa: add your topic at the end of ^ 16:02:18 and we'll discuss it during the open discussion topic 16:03:05 o/ 16:03:08 ok, let's start and people will join 16:03:26 #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:03:32 #info No Critical bug 16:03:38 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 5 new untriaged bugs (+0 since the last meeting) 16:03:52 I looked at them and I'd like to discuss about two bug reports 16:04:06 but let's do this after the other pointds 16:04:15 #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/openstack/placement 26 open stories (+0 since the last meeting) in Storyboard for Placement 16:04:21 #info Add yourself in the team bug roster if you want to help https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-roster 16:04:36 so, about the bugs, 16:04:58 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1955035 16:05:34 looks to me an incomplete bug report as we need to verify whether it's also a problem for devstack 16:05:44 thoughts ? 16:07:02 I haven't looked at it 16:07:34 I have another bug report 16:07:51 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1981562 16:08:15 I think we could also ask the reporter to verify the comment provided by melwitt 16:08:54 sure the later can be put in Incomplete with a comment about that ^^ 16:09:31 OK, I'll do it 16:09:41 anyway, that's it for me 16:10:14 elodilles: can then you got the bug baton for this week ? 16:10:14 o/ 16:10:54 bauzas: well, i meant last week that the *following* weeks will be a bit busy to me o:) 16:11:36 i mean, hopefully it will be a calm period, but still, we have the release next week ;) 16:11:51 so i'd rather skip one more week 16:12:35 sorry for not writing it clearly last week :S 16:12:37 elodilles: okay, then I can continue to look about the bug reports next week 16:13:31 #info bug baton is continued to be used by bauzas for this week 16:13:46 thanks & sorry :S 16:13:51 any other bugs, folks ? 16:13:54 elodilles: np at all 16:15:11 moving on 16:15:21 #topic Gate status 16:15:36 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:15:41 #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fplacement&pipeline=periodic-weekly Placement periodic job status 16:15:46 #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=tempest-integrated-compute-centos-9-stream&project=openstack%2Fnova&pipeline=periodic-weekly Centos 9 Stream periodic job status 16:15:51 #link https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/builds?job_name=nova-emulation&pipeline=periodic-weekly&skip=0 Emulation periodic job runs 16:16:02 all the runs are good ^ 16:16:10 #info Please look at the gate failures and file a bug report with the gate-failure tag. 16:16:18 as a reminder, 16:16:20 #info STOP DOING BLIND RECHECKS aka. 'recheck' https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/testing.html#how-to-handle-test-failures 16:16:29 moving on 16:18:17 #topic Release Planning 16:18:22 (sorry, got a call) 16:18:30 #link https://releases.openstack.org/zed/schedule.html 16:19:09 #info RC2 delivered on last Friday 16:19:15 #info Zed GA planned next week 16:19:25 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-zed-rc-potential Zed RC tracking etherpad 16:19:34 honestly, I think for us that Zed is done 16:19:46 \o/ 16:19:48 soooo 16:19:59 (no regressions I've seen btw.) 16:20:10 time to discuss about Antelope 16:20:13 #topic PTG planning 16:20:19 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-antelope-ptg Antelope PTG etherpad 16:20:25 #link https://ptg.opendev.org/ptg.html PTG schedule 16:21:12 I'll create a email for asking folks to provide their topics before next week 16:21:27 so, we could organize the planning 16:22:11 obviously, we could have other topics after next week, but I'd prefer to have a lot of them by next week 16:22:21 ack 16:22:23 so, please do this if you want to discuss 16:22:57 also, I said last week I was starting to draft the operators etherpad 16:23:02 so 16:23:03 also would be nice to have a countdown til the PTG, we have 4 weeks til the PTG if I count well 16:23:18 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/oct2022-ptg-operator-hour-nova 16:23:27 gibi: hah, good point 16:23:39 #info 4 weeks before the PTG 16:23:50 (i count only 3 weeks) 16:23:56 #undo 16:23:56 Removing item from minutes: #info 4 weeks before the PTG 16:24:00 #info 3 weeks before the PTG 16:24:16 that depends on how you count but yeah 16:24:34 yeah 16:24:40 then I lost a week :/ 16:24:52 #link https://releases.openstack.org/antelope/schedule.html#a-ptg 16:24:54 * gibi need to set aside some time to prepare for the PTG 16:25:11 me too, I'd like to look at the open specs 16:25:18 anyway 16:25:39 about the operators etherpad, I just created a few topics as you see 16:25:46 the same ones we had from Berlin 16:26:01 if you want to add more topics for asking operators, add them 16:26:45 (keeping in mind we have two operator hours on Tues and 1 hour on Wed) 16:27:21 anything to mention about the PTG ? 16:29:01 looks not 16:29:10 #topic Review priorities 16:29:18 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+(project:openstack/nova+OR+project:openstack/placement+OR+project:openstack/os-traits+OR+project:openstack/os-resource-classes+OR+project:openstack/os-vif+OR+project:openstack/python-novaclient+OR+project:openstack/osc-placement)+(label:Review-Priority%252B1+OR+label:Review-Priority%252B2) 16:29:43 nothing to tell about those 16:30:53 moving on 16:31:04 #topic Stable Branches 16:31:08 elodilles: time is yours 16:31:14 #info stable/yoga is unblocked openstacksdk fix has merged 16:31:22 #info stable/stein (and older) are blocked: grenade and other devstack based jobs fail with the same timeout issue as stable/train was previously 16:31:30 #info stable branch status / gate failures tracking etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-stable-branch-ci 16:31:42 and that is all from me 16:32:16 ok 16:32:39 thanks all for unblocking the yoga branch 16:33:37 yepp, thanks to openstacksdk team 16:34:04 ok, anything to add ? 16:34:41 ok, eventually the last topic then 16:34:51 #topic Open discussion 16:35:02 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/859290 Add support of Napatech SmartNICs 16:35:08 justas_napa: tell us more 16:35:18 So maybe I'll start with a quick intro 16:35:35 I'm Justas Poderys, product architect working on Napatech LinkVirtualization products 16:36:05 We have been running OpenStack on our SmartNICs for over a year now, and internally support (via patches) everything from Victoria to Zed 16:36:41 Going forward we'd like to enable OpenStack to work with Napa's smartnics out of the box 16:36:56 for that we would like to add a VIF type corresponding to Napatech SmartNIC 16:37:08 ein a simmilar fashion like Netronomes Agillio 16:37:33 But at the same time we do not need a new VNIC type 16:37:33 do you work with Neutron ? 16:37:38 Yes 16:37:46 so I guess you also have a neutron spec 16:38:15 We have extremely small update to Neutron, but yes, we will do a Neutron spec as well 16:38:55 this doesn't look a lot of change for nova, right? 16:39:11 we already support *some* smartnic experiments 16:39:13 no, I think it's less than 50 lines 16:40:13 justas_napa: I guess you already know about what Nova supports by the Wallaby release ? 16:40:16 We will publish all changes to Nova and Os-Vif on OpenDev in the next few days 16:40:33 bauzas What do you mean? 16:41:08 sorry, wrong release 16:41:13 justas_napa: I was talking of https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/xena/implemented/sriov-smartnic-support.html 16:41:39 oh wait no, my bad 16:41:45 again, wrong spec 16:42:15 https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/yoga/implemented/integration-with-off-path-network-backends.html 16:42:57 anyway, I just pointed out the existing specs 16:43:10 afaics, this is just a review ask 16:43:28 so, we'll review it 16:43:43 justas_napa: would you want to discuss your topic during the PTG ? 16:43:51 in case we have concerns 16:43:52 Sure, I can do that 16:44:15 thanks 16:44:19 if you can't do, no worriezs 16:44:27 Re: off-path networking backed - we are in the progress of integrating Intel Big Spring Canyon platform to du just that 16:44:32 justas_napa: and you don't need to be on the whole PTG times 16:44:57 justas_napa: we could just ping you when we are at the topic 16:45:01 sure 16:45:15 thanks 16:45:30 So what's the path from here: 1. We puiblish code changes and ask for review in channel? 16:45:35 and then PTG? 16:45:38 anyone having questions or thoughts for this ? 16:45:49 justas_napa: indeed 16:45:56 cool. 16:46:17 we will review your spec first, but if you have implementation changes, that would be nice 16:46:29 as if we have concerns, we could just look at your changes 16:46:36 Yes, we have implemetation changes as well, since we are running it internally anyway 16:46:38 I agree with bauzas 16:46:40 to understand what you need 16:47:21 btw - is it OK to bring one more topick to PTG. Specifically, how to support Packed Ring Libvirt option (packed=on) and which project should implement that. 16:47:27 justas_napa: I guess you know how to depend on neutron changes ? 16:47:38 justas_napa: yeah, no worries 16:47:46 the PTG is here for discussing 16:48:08 Yes, I'm aware that we need changes in Nova *and* Neutron to make this work 16:48:18 justas_napa: my only concern is about how to test your nova changes if you need an os-vif release 16:48:33 as you can't Depends-On 16:48:52 gibi: correct for os-vif, right? 16:49:17 I meant, can we depend-on os-vif patches ? 16:49:29 I'm not sure either 16:49:49 I'll put this also as TBD item for our dev team 16:49:59 justas_napa: do you understand about my question ? 16:50:18 justas_napa: if you upload three changes, each for a different repo 16:50:32 bauzas: it depends on how the zuul job is set up. Are we testing with released os-vif lib or are we taking master all the time? 16:50:37 justas_napa: in general, you can depend a gerrit cvhange on another one 16:50:58 Yes, I understand the issue of cross-project dependancy 16:51:14 bauzas: if the former, then the a DNM nova patch on top of the nova series could configure zuul to use the later method + add a Depends-On to the os-vig patch 16:51:18 and that our change is not atomic across the projects 16:51:24 justas_napa: but here, the question is that for some libraries, we maybe use a specific release and not using master 16:51:52 gibi: yeah, that would work 16:52:06 justas_napa: do you understand what gibi is explaining ? 16:52:08 OK, I understand the issue, but I'm not sure I can offer a solution. 16:52:44 justas_napa: well, we maybe have a solution, that's the point 16:52:45 One way is to use our ci/cd setup where we runn all regression tests and have control of releases of all projects 16:53:21 anyway, we should be discussing this in the spec 16:53:43 justas_napa: are you saying you could provide a third-party CI for nova/neutron ? :D 16:53:58 this would be lovely 16:54:16 not sure what you mean 3rd party 16:54:44 but we have our own ci/cd pipeline running integration tests with our changes 16:54:55 ok, then we'll discuss this in the spec and we can also provide you some links if you want 16:55:09 to ensure we do not break anything with our OS patches 16:55:19 justas_napa: are you running tempest tests ? 16:55:22 yes 16:55:44 cool, then that's something we need to discuss then 16:55:55 anyway, I guess we're done about your topic 16:56:01 we'll continue discussing 16:56:21 sure, thanks for all questions and comments 16:56:25 folks, any other item to bring before we end the meeting ? 16:56:58 looks not 16:57:01 thanks all 16:57:04 #endmeeting