16:00:04 <bauzas> #startmeeting nova 16:00:04 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Tue Apr 4 16:00:04 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:04 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:04 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 16:00:14 <bauzas> hey folks 16:00:25 <bauzas> hope you had a good PTG 16:00:29 <Uggla> o/ 16:00:37 <bauzas> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:00:45 <elodilles> o/ 16:00:46 * bauzas again misses all of you 16:00:53 <TheJulia> sean-k-mooney: I looked at the query on the db, just looks like it is not there based upon the error. Only option I have is to attempt local reproduction most likely. 16:01:06 <auniyal> o/ 16:01:12 <bauzas> TheJulia: sorry but we just started our weekly meeting 16:01:29 <TheJulia> I'm aware 16:01:37 * bauzas awaits for folks to be arriving 16:01:42 <dansmith> o/ 16:02:23 <gibi> o/ 16:03:02 <bauzas> ok, let's start then 16:03:08 <bauzas> #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:03:13 <bauzas> #info No Critical bug 16:03:18 <bauzas> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New 22 new untriaged bugs (+5 since the last meeting) 16:03:30 <bauzas> sorry I didn't had time to look at all the bugs 16:04:08 <bauzas> that said, I think we could quickly close some of them when I just opened ^ 16:04:11 <bauzas> so, 16:04:26 <bauzas> I'll continue to have the bug baton for this weeek 16:04:32 <bauzas> #info Add yourself in the team bug roster if you want to help https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-roster 16:04:37 <bauzas> #info bug baton is being passed to bauzas 16:04:56 <bauzas> any bug to discuss before we move ? 16:05:46 <bauzas> looks not 16:06:05 <bauzas> #topic Gate status 16:06:10 <bauzas> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:06:14 <bauzas> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-ci-failures 16:06:21 <bauzas> I need to look again on the ci failures 16:06:27 <dansmith> I haven't had anything in the gate since before PTG, but it sounds like things are sucking a gain? 16:06:41 <bauzas> I saw some other issues so I'll try to verify whether they are a lot 16:07:17 <bauzas> dansmith: unfortunately yes, see for example https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/875621 and https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/878693 16:08:26 <bauzas> anyway, let's move on 16:08:40 <bauzas> #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fnova&project=openstack%2Fplacement&pipeline=periodic-weekly Nova&Placement periodic jobs status 16:09:06 <bauzas> all greens :) 16:09:21 <bauzas> #info Please look at the gate failures and file a bug report with the gate-failure tag. 16:09:28 <bauzas> #info STOP DOING BLIND RECHECKS aka. 'recheck' https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/testing.html#how-to-handle-test-failures 16:09:31 <bauzas> that's it 16:09:45 <bauzas> moving on ? 16:11:06 <bauzas> looks so 16:11:16 <bauzas> #topic Release Planning 16:11:22 <bauzas> #link https://releases.openstack.org/bobcat/schedule.html 16:11:28 <bauzas> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/877094 Proposed deadlines for Bobcat 16:11:42 <gmann> o/ 16:11:44 <bauzas> as I said on Friday, I eventually provided a new revision 16:11:54 <bauzas> #link https://storage.bhs.cloud.ovh.net/v1/AUTH_dcaab5e32b234d56b626f72581e3644c/zuul_opendev_logs_2b8/877094/3/check/openstack-tox-docs/2b8febf/docs/bobcat/schedule.html Generated HTML for proposed deadlines 16:12:02 <bauzas> please review those dates 16:12:08 <bauzas> before tomorrow 16:12:16 <bauzas> #info Nova contributors should review this change before tomorrow 1600UTC. 16:12:21 <bauzas> I added one stable review day 16:12:30 <bauzas> and I added a second feature review day 16:13:03 <bauzas> on milestone-1 we could review the stable branches 16:13:27 <elodilles> ++ 16:13:29 <bauzas> then we'll have one spec review day *before* the summit 16:13:54 <bauzas> and another one two weeks after the summit (one week before spec feature freeze) 16:14:04 <bauzas> spec approval freeze sorry 16:14:50 <bauzas> then, on the day after the spec approval freeze, we could review some series from accepted blueprints 16:15:21 <bauzas> and eventually, a second implementation review day the last week of July 16:15:45 <bauzas> (which would be 5 weeks before FF) 16:16:06 <bauzas> that's it. 16:16:46 <bauzas> we could review some series on the week before FF, but honestly, I think it's late (and also I'll just be back from PTO) 16:17:20 <bauzas> so I'd prefer to tell the blueprints owners to provide their series one month before (as we also discussed during the PTG) 16:17:56 <bauzas> anyway, as a reminder, please review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/877094 before tomorrow 1600UTC 16:18:04 <bauzas> again, that's it on this topic for me 16:19:20 <bauzas> moving on, I guess 16:19:38 <bauzas> oh, last point 16:19:41 <bauzas> #info Bobcat-1 is in 5 weeks. 16:19:47 <opendevreview> Merged openstack/nova master: Update min support for Bobcat https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/875621 16:19:52 <bauzas> woooohoooooooooooooooooooooooo 16:19:54 <bauzas> ^ 16:20:08 <bauzas> so, next topic 16:20:15 <bauzas> #topic vPTG feedback 16:20:22 <bauzas> #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-April/033124.html 16:20:39 <bauzas> I provided an email summary ^ 16:20:55 <bauzas> btw. heh, sorry about s/NFV/NFS :p 16:21:16 <bauzas> -ETOOMANYNETWORKINGDISCUSSIONS 16:21:26 <elodilles> :) 16:21:32 <bauzas> anyway, it was more a FYI 16:21:41 <bauzas> #topic Review priorities 16:21:50 <bauzas> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/status:open+(project:openstack/nova+OR+project:openstack/placement+OR+project:openstack/os-traits+OR+project:openstack/os-resource-classes+OR+project:openstack/os-vif+OR+project:openstack/python-novaclient+OR+project:openstack/osc-placement)+(label:Review-Priority%252B1+OR+label:Review-Priority%252B2) 16:21:55 <bauzas> #info As a reminder, cores eager to review changes can +1 to indicate their interest, +2 for committing to the review 16:22:04 <bauzas> next topic 16:22:10 <bauzas> #topic Stable Branches 16:22:24 <bauzas> elodilles: before I'm asking you, let me first add something :) 16:22:31 <elodilles> sure :) 16:22:33 <bauzas> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/878860 Xena stable branche EM proposal 16:22:39 <bauzas> so, 16:22:49 <bauzas> I said last week we should discuss the Xena EM approval this week 16:23:21 <bauzas> #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/xena+is:open 16:23:31 <bauzas> those are the open changes we have 16:23:33 <bauzas> so, question 16:23:35 <opendevreview> Rajesh Tailor proposed openstack/nova master: Fix trivial doc issues https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/878779 16:24:27 <bauzas> does anyone want to have their series be merged in xena before we EM ? 16:24:42 <bauzas> as a reminder, we can continue to merge patches in that branch 16:25:10 <bauzas> this is just we won't have an upstream .z or .y release after EM tag 16:25:41 <bauzas> anyone ? 16:25:41 <auniyal> this is a clean backport for xena https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/874066 16:26:15 <elodilles> just an addition to what bauzas said: anyone see any patch that "would be good to get merged & released as final"? 16:26:27 <elodilles> in xena 16:26:44 <bauzas> elodilles: maybe we could wait for https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/866156 to be merged 16:26:55 <bauzas> since it's a bit of a regression 16:27:12 <bauzas> and yoga was merged 16:27:15 <elodilles> btw, we have a tracking pad if needed: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-stable-xena-em 16:27:26 <elodilles> so we can add these patches there ^^^ 16:27:39 <sean-k-mooney> ill review that backport now 16:27:56 <bauzas> auniyal: the problem is that the patch you proposed needs to have its yoga backport approved before 16:27:57 <elodilles> and (stable) cores could review them when they have time 16:28:20 <elodilles> i can also help with some reviews hopefully 16:28:31 <bauzas> elodilles: remind me when the deadline for Xena EM is ? 16:28:33 <auniyal> yeah my bad its not merged in yoga 16:28:45 <elodilles> well, the transition date is April 20th 16:29:02 <elodilles> should be good to release earlier though 16:29:05 <bauzas> ok, then we'll track the progress every week 16:29:16 <bauzas> and every week, I'll ask the question 16:29:26 <elodilles> maybe we can see if next week we can cut a release 16:29:35 <bauzas> in the meantime, people can merge whatever they want 16:29:40 <bauzas> elodilles: yup 16:29:51 <bauzas> don't disagree 16:30:14 <elodilles> note also, that we had a xena release around end of january (24.2.0) 16:30:29 <bauzas> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-stable-xena-em Tracking etherpad for Xena 16:30:31 <elodilles> so really the open patches is mostly the ones that we need to consider 16:31:05 <sean-k-mooney> bauzas: i have approved the mdev patch 16:31:05 <bauzas> #info please tell the nova community which patches you want to have to be released before next week by pinging bauzas on IRC 16:31:11 <sean-k-mooney> just skimin gthe open ones now 16:31:18 <bauzas> cool thanks 16:31:29 <bauzas> anyway, elodilles, add your points now 16:31:30 <elodilles> ++ 16:31:50 <elodilles> well, there is nothing left just the usual 16:31:53 <elodilles> #info stable gates seem to be OK - though it's hard to merge patches due to intermittent failures 16:31:58 <elodilles> #info stable branch status / gate failures tracking etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-stable-branch-ci 16:33:23 <bauzas> cool 16:33:37 <bauzas> last topic then 16:33:42 <bauzas> #topic Open discussion 16:33:45 <bauzas> the agenda is empty 16:33:53 <auniyal> so I was looking for backports in 2023.1, zed and yoga 16:33:55 <bauzas> anyone wants to discuss about something that we missed at the PTG ? 16:34:51 <gibi> bauzas: the lower constraint job discussion was punted last week 16:35:31 <bauzas> gibi: yup, I haven't asked you if you wanted to discuss about it today 16:35:32 <gibi> bauzas: I have not much to add to what was in the current or in the previous PTG etherpad just that I have the intention to add a limited lower constraint job 16:35:36 <bauzas> gibi: do you want now ? 16:35:40 <gibi> we can 16:35:44 <bauzas> cool 16:36:05 <bauzas> (we also have other punted topics, but again, those were not prioritary for this week) 16:36:16 <bauzas> gibi: so, shoot 16:36:18 <gibi> yeah, this is not priority either 16:36:36 <bauzas> we discussed your topic briefly 16:36:50 <bauzas> concerns were coming from any potential transitive dependencies and the scope 16:37:01 <gibi> so I see that sean-k-mooney prefer not to have it 16:37:04 <bauzas> we said this was for unittests and functionaltests 16:37:11 <dansmith> gmann also had comments I think 16:37:11 <gibi> so the scope is intentionally limited 16:37:25 <bauzas> correct 16:37:30 <sean-k-mooney> i do not wnat nova to be the only ones to have it if we do i would prefer it to be a perodic 16:37:35 <gibi> so run unit and functional test, only with the some of our direct depds pinned to lowest 16:37:43 <bauzas> and if I'm not wrong, this wouldn't be having transitive deps in the filez 16:37:45 <bauzas> file 16:37:54 <gibi> no transitives yes 16:38:02 <sean-k-mooney> im more or less ok with that but limitation 16:38:04 <bauzas> ok, then I wasn't wrong 16:38:06 <dansmith> I didn't hear the pitch about why we should, but I too am a bit skeptical 16:38:23 <bauzas> dansmith: it was due to a regression we had with os-traits 16:38:33 <bauzas> we modified the code by using the new traits 16:38:33 <gibi> dansmith: in Zed we released nova code that depended on os-traits versions but we forgot to bump the version 16:38:38 <gmann> gibi: did you try how it will run with nova as lower bound and other deps's deps as upper bound ? 16:38:40 <bauzas> that yeah 16:38:59 <gibi> gmann: not yet, I had some local trials but mostly got sidetracked 16:39:07 <gmann> I am ok to run unit test lower bound job but just wondering how complex it will be to setup and keep green 16:39:11 <dansmith> traits is kinda weird though right? we sort of always need that to move in lockstep with our usage of it yeah/ 16:39:16 <gmann> gibi: ack 16:39:29 <dansmith> so requirements and the lower constraint is always the same? 16:39:49 <dansmith> it's not like libvirt where we actually want to support a range of older and newer versions 16:40:14 <gibi> dansmith: yeah, in case of os-traits we have a fairly hard connection 16:40:15 <gmann> I think we need to keep lower constraint file as requirements.txt constraints might be higher than lowest supported versions 16:40:32 <dansmith> so was the miss that we always get the latest os-traits from other stuff and we didn't notice we needed a bump? 16:40:33 <sean-k-mooney> gmann: they should not be 16:40:36 <gmann> or gibi you want to test what we have in requirements.txt as lower bound and not actual lower bound ? 16:40:39 <gibi> gmann: I thought that the minimum in requiremenets.txt is the lowest we need to test with 16:40:44 <gmann> ok 16:40:48 <sean-k-mooney> requirements has our lower bound 16:41:11 <sean-k-mooney> while lower version might work if you dont use all features 16:41:27 <gmann> sean-k-mooney: yeah but they are no guaranteed to be lowest bound, we can have b>8 where it might work b==6 also 16:41:28 <gibi> dansmith: os-vif is a bit softer, i.e. lower != higher, but we can break the dep the same way 16:41:29 <dansmith> that's true of libvirt but probably less so os-traits 16:41:54 <sean-k-mooney> gmann: if you use somthing older then in in requiremtns i would say thats an unsupported config 16:42:03 <dansmith> so is the proposal to maintain a separate list, or to sed the >= out of requirements.txt? 16:42:14 <bauzas> do people say we shall pin our versions in reqs.txt ? 16:42:23 <gmann> that is why there are two things 1. test what we have lower bound in requirements.txt 2. test actual lower(st) bound work for nova 16:42:26 <gibi> dansmith: basically sedding the requirements.txt 16:42:50 <dansmith> gibi: okay if it's that, and periodic, then I'm okay with it.. what I don't want is a second list and pre-merge testing (just because of the load) 16:42:50 <sean-k-mooney> we dont want to do 2 16:42:52 <bauzas> hah 16:43:04 <bauzas> so, s/>=/== then ? 16:43:07 <sean-k-mooney> we could do 1 16:43:08 <gibi> dansmith: ack, I'm OK to make it periodic 16:43:10 <gmann> yeah, doing 2 is difficult 16:43:10 <bauzas> automatically from reqs.txt ? 16:43:20 <dansmith> bauzas: yeah, I think that's reasonable 16:43:20 <sean-k-mooney> i would say 2 is a non goal 16:43:22 <gibi> bauzas: that is the idea 16:43:28 <gmann> I am ok to doing 1 and even in check pipeline as unit test also ok 16:43:34 <gmann> sean-k-mooney: yes 16:43:41 <bauzas> so a specific tox target ? 16:43:55 <gibi> bauzas: yepp 16:43:59 <bauzas> to -epy38-min ? 16:44:00 <gmann> yeah, that will be helpful to check locally also 16:44:12 <bauzas> ok, then I don't disagree the idea 16:44:16 <dansmith> a specific tox target that runs both in a single go would be nice to avoid needing separate unit/functional jobs yeah 16:44:22 <bauzas> I see 16:44:38 <dansmith> and I'd prefer periodic until/unless we see it breaking more often 16:44:39 <gibi> sean-k-mooney, gmann : I agree to aim for 1. If somebody want to find the real lower bound (i.e 2) then that person can play with the requirements.txt and with the new job 16:44:42 <bauzas> so the tox target would call out a script that would copy/sed reqs.txt by pinning to the mins 16:45:09 <gmann> gibi: agree 16:45:17 <gibi> bauzas: yeah 16:45:36 <bauzas> and the gate would periodically run a job that would call this target 16:45:42 <bauzas> then I don't disagree 16:45:46 <gibi> cool 16:45:51 <gibi> I see an agreement forming :) 16:45:52 <bauzas> anyone having concerns ? 16:46:05 <gibi> (now I need to find the time to do the scripting) 16:46:17 <bauzas> say it now or forever hold your peace 16:46:34 <bauzas> crickets, all cool 16:46:38 <gibi> thanks 16:46:44 <gibi> and sorry again for missing the firday sessions 16:46:51 <gibi> Friday even 16:47:12 <bauzas> #agreed gibi to work on a new tox target that would run unittests with a pinned min version of reqs.txt, with a periodic job testing it weekly 16:47:53 <bauzas> gibi: I guess you may want to do it as well for functional tests but this doesn't harm to me 16:48:14 <gibi> bauzas: yeah, lets see the unit first, adding functional to it is easy then 16:48:24 <bauzas> cool 16:48:31 <bauzas> I think dust is settled now 16:48:43 <bauzas> anything else before I call it a wrap ? 16:48:47 <auniyal> bauzas, I dont have anything w.r.t PTG missing item, can we discuss few backports ? 16:48:55 <gibi> I've updated the etherpad with the link to this meeting log 16:49:10 <bauzas> gibi: excellent for tracking decisions 16:49:27 <bauzas> auniyal: are you asking for specific change reviews ? 16:49:36 <auniyal> I have few backports which can be merged mostly for zed and yoga, I have reviewed them from my end, I would like to request cores to review them 16:49:46 <bauzas> if so, I'd prefer if you could ping folks off the meeting 16:50:04 <bauzas> (we generally try to avoid review requests during the meeting, for obvious reasons) 16:50:09 <auniyal> okay 16:50:23 <bauzas> (the main one is brevity) 16:50:37 <bauzas> ok, so, last call ? 16:51:51 <bauzas> thanks all 16:51:56 <bauzas> #endmeeting