16:03:18 #startmeeting nova 16:03:18 Meeting started Tue Feb 4 16:03:18 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is bauzas. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:03:18 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:03:18 The meeting name has been set to 'nova' 16:03:27 sorry I was on a meeting 16:03:42 o/ 16:03:48 o/ 16:03:53 o/ 16:03:58 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:04:16 o/ 16:04:45 o/ 16:05:44 while we get started i have one item for open discuss, specificaly corrdinating patches and microversion for the 3 api feature we have in flight. i would like to propose spice 2.98 schduler hitns 2.99 and image properties 2.100 16:05:54 we can loop back to that later in the meeting 16:06:04 sean-k-mooney: sure, that's a good ask 16:06:19 we'll discuss that in open discussion 16:06:31 let's start 16:06:34 #topic Bugs (stuck/critical) 16:06:40 #info One Critical bug 16:06:46 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/2070501 16:07:12 I don't know why the bug state changed, that one looks to be fixed 16:07:43 o/ 16:07:48 o/ 16:08:06 unless people argue, I'll set again the bug state to Invalid 16:08:36 it look like it was triage by someone 16:08:45 yup 16:08:50 i think revert back to invalid is correct 16:08:51 moving it back to Invalid 16:08:55 moving on then 16:09:02 #info Add yourself in the team bug roster if you want to help https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-bug-triage-roster 16:09:08 #topic Gate status 16:09:14 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=gate-failure Nova gate bugs 16:09:20 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-ci-failures-minimal 16:09:25 #link https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?project=openstack%2Fnova&project=openstack%2Fplacement&branch=stable%2F*&branch=master&pipeline=periodic-weekly&skip=0 Nova&Placement periodic jobs status 16:09:58 I clicked on that page 30 mins before and I'm still awaiting the result 16:10:19 #info Please look at the gate failures and file a bug report with the gate-failure tag. 16:10:25 #info Please try to provide meaningful comment when you recheck 16:11:17 okay, I won't wait too much, moving on 16:11:25 anything about the gate state ? 16:11:38 fwiw, I started back to look at upstream and AFAIK, nothing new 16:12:14 okay, crickets 16:12:21 I guess it's time to go to the next topic 16:12:30 #topic Release Planning 16:12:37 #link https://releases.openstack.org/epoxy/schedule.html 16:12:43 #info Nova deadlines are set in the above schedule 16:12:49 #info 3 weeks before Feature Freeze 16:12:55 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/940363 os-traits was released this week 16:13:15 time is flying 16:13:19 we may want to do another release of os-traits 16:13:37 that was planned in my mind 16:13:42 there are some nice to have triats for the spice-direct supprot 16:13:54 I definitely want to go back reviewing this week 16:14:01 so if we proceed with merging those we shoudl ideally do another one this week 16:14:02 so I'll probably figure out when to release traits 16:14:17 sean-k-mooney: cool 16:14:28 moving on the status, because we could disucss that there 16:14:35 #topic Review priorities 16:14:39 o/ 16:14:42 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-2025.1-status 16:14:53 the etherpad is stale but I'll update it tomorrow 16:15:28 for traits, I could also look at the existing series and try to organize a list of traits changes to review 16:15:35 those things are small 16:16:05 sean-k-mooney: for the question you asked at the beginning, that's probably the right time to talk about it 16:16:35 sean-k-mooney: so you wanna want to prioritize all the API changes by a list ? I'm like fine with that, we did this previously IIRC 16:16:56 yes so we have 3 api changes competing for 2.98 16:17:21 i woudl like to merge the speic direct patches with that since it was there first effectivly 16:17:49 the other two serise are the two to add schduler hints to server show and image properties 16:18:13 im not sure about the sate of the later two series in terms fo which can merge first 16:18:33 does the spice series close to land? 16:18:48 i am +2 on the first 3 patches which is up to the api change 16:19:02 I basically have no clear view on the mergeable state of those 3 series :( 16:19:05 the final too add sound devices and usb to spice 16:19:10 but we can try something 16:19:17 so those are optional and can merge later 16:19:37 gibi: so up to here https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/924844/29 yes 16:19:50 what we can do for THIS week is to try to merge spice-direct API microversion 16:19:51 thats the mvp for that feature 16:19:59 ack 16:20:18 if we're not able to merge it, then we can discuss whether one of the two other API patches can merge before that one 16:20:29 let's say during the nova meeting 16:20:47 call it sprint, call it runway, I don't care 16:20:57 does anyone know the state of the other two api series? 16:20:58 but let's try to merge spice-direct first 16:21:24 im hopign to take a pass over both thise week but have not been following them closely 16:21:32 sean-k-mooney: I have a one week old context on the image properties 16:21:35 sean-k-mooney, functional tests are failing on my series. 16:21:48 there we needed extend the series for the rebuild response 16:21:58 I think the same requirement is true for the scheduler hints 16:22:17 ack i think doug is working on that currently but i dont know the eta 16:22:31 so soudn like either of those could be 2.99 and the other will get 2.100 16:22:38 yepp 16:22:44 sean-k-mooney, for this https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/939649 I am also not sure how to correctly write rebulid schema validation. 16:23:12 it shoudl be identical to the server show repsponce schema 16:23:45 sean-k-mooney: there is no server show response schema yet in tree :) 16:23:53 is anyone merging 2.100 getting a perk ? :) 16:23:53 there is 16:23:56 rebuild has it, it needs to be extended 16:24:05 sean-k-mooney, there is no server show response schema here https://opendev.org/openstack/nova/src/branch/master/nova/api/openstack/compute/schemas/servers.py 16:24:26 i tough ti linked to the chagne where it was added 16:24:44 maybe show is using the rebuild schdmea but i tought this was merrged in novmber 16:24:55 gibi, but the catch here is that we are adding 'image_properties' in 'properties' subkey and 'properties' has special meaning in schema validation, so we might need to change it to 'image_properties' in response. 16:24:56 we can follow up after the metting 16:25:15 are we then clear with what I proposed ? 16:25:22 sean-k-mooney, sure. 16:25:31 oh ok stephn responded so rebuild is there btu show is still pending 16:25:42 sean-k-mooney: yep that is my view 16:26:25 ratailor: even if properties is a keyword for jsonschema we should have a way to have a schema that matches a field called properties :) but I have to load context and dig 16:26:49 ok ya looking at https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/915743/8/nova/api/openstack/compute/schemas/servers.py that correct. 16:27:15 gibi: oh does it not like having a feild in the repsonce called properties 16:27:33 gibi, sure. Thanks! that would be helpful. 16:29:10 can we move on folks ? 16:29:14 yep 16:29:21 I think we agreed on the plan 16:29:32 we can pick this up on gerrit or after the meeting 16:29:36 we'll look where we are next week 16:29:46 cool 16:29:54 #topic Stable Branches 16:29:59 elodilles: welcome back 16:30:02 o/ 16:30:06 #info nothing to report, stable gates seem to be healthy 16:30:13 #info stable branch status / gate failures tracking etherpad: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-stable-branch-ci 16:30:19 that's all i got 16:32:18 thanks 16:32:24 moving on 16:32:33 #topic vmwareapi 3rd-party CI efforts Highlights 16:32:40 fwiesel: hello 16:33:03 any news so far ? 16:33:06 So, I fixed the "regression". As it turns out, I didn't clean properly up after each run in the network department, which eventually became too much. 16:33:41 Looking at the past test runs, it looks fairly stable with the one know broken test. 16:33:43 bravo then 16:33:45 That's from my side. 16:34:03 excellent news and thanks for the hard work on investigating the root cause and fixing it 16:34:26 #topic Open discussion 16:34:47 I have one topic 16:35:04 bauzas: I want to add one topic (request) , is it ok? 16:36:08 r-taketn: sure, I'm just grabbing some email link, sec 16:36:52 I have another topic to mention from last week.. 16:37:08 there we go 16:37:21 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/message/3DBNNHXAPGVUX44NHH43WTDFMIDJ3X5U/ 16:37:30 disabling the instance info caching 16:37:47 sean-k-mooney: I guess we can move forward and propose the patch, then ? 16:38:13 we said to look at the results this week 16:38:23 and the only person who replied was very happy with it 16:38:44 sean-k-mooney: so I guess you'll propose the instance info cache disabling patch 16:38:55 ah well the patch is already up 16:39:00 so we can proceed with the review 16:39:10 oh my bad you're right 16:39:13 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/939476 16:39:29 I'll then proceed with the review 16:40:04 i have at least one typo to correct so ill respin it this evnnign or tomorrow 16:40:12 ++ 16:40:14 cool 16:40:17 so if there are other comments ill try and adress those too 16:40:20 r-taketn: your turn then 16:40:46 ok, i just added topic today's agenda. 16:40:56 Request for replies on the following - About RDT/MPAM feature 16:41:04 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/HIKLBMNMTJR6GFPKFKODECMR56SYPT5J/ 16:41:07 oh sorry 16:41:25 I removed it because I was thinking it was the topic we discussed last week 16:41:29 but indeed, this is different 16:41:46 * bauzas clicks on the email 16:41:59 Yes. I have another topic to mention from last week. 16:42:08 I'm considering the feasibility of MPAM/RDT feature within OpenStack to solve noisy neighbor problems on VM clouds. 16:42:08 r-taketn: the best way to move forward with that is to start a spec and bring it up to dicuss in the ptg 16:42:50 r-taketn: depending on how its mature it may be something that can be supproted 16:42:54 agreed 16:42:59 its a very invasive change 16:43:27 which is partly why the previous efforts were abandonded 16:44:18 r-taketn: the PTG dates are now known 16:44:18 I intended to discuss the feasibility of this before submitting spec because its implementation will not be simple 16:44:33 r-taketn: would you be able to join us remotely ? 16:45:09 sure. 16:45:20 cool thanks 16:45:29 then let's discuss this at the PTG 16:45:39 I need to create an etherpad for tracking those topics 16:45:43 r-taketn i was off on firday and yesterday so i have not fully read your latest post on this topic 16:45:53 ill see if i can do that later today 16:46:12 sean-k-mooney: Thanks 16:46:58 It's for confirming. Should I submit a spec before the PTG? 16:47:07 it would be nice 16:47:17 fwiw, I just created a PTG etherpad 16:47:20 it does not hurt to do so, it give use somethign concrete to dicuss 16:47:22 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/nova-2025.2-ptg 16:47:38 r-taketn: could you please add your two topics at the bottom of that etherpad ? 16:47:49 ok, i'll prepare 16:47:58 bauzas: ok i'll add 16:48:00 the one we discuss last week and the other one from this week 16:48:09 r-taketn: thanks 16:48:17 I'll also add a couple of topics too 16:48:27 and I'll tell about the PTG etherpad next week 16:49:24 are we done for today? 16:49:27 is it okay to start adding some topics on the etherpad? 16:49:34 I have a question. I was wondering if it is still possible to request an exception to add this bp https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack/?searchtext=add-burst-length-support to Eproxy. The code change is minor and is ready for review https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova/+/939490 16:49:37 it's quick question. 16:49:46 r-taketn: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/nova-specs/+/662264 was the spec i wrote for RDT 5 years ago just an fyi. 16:50:03 masahito: yes indeed, you can add topics 16:50:14 MengyangZhang[m]: its very very late to do that 16:50:14 thanks. 16:50:34 MengyangZhang[m]: yeah unfortunately, we're past approval freeze from 3 weeks now 16:50:42 and feature freeze is in 3 weeks too 16:51:18 the main reason why we have that approval freeze is for making sure we have enough capacity to review all the already approved ones 16:51:55 understood sorry i was away for two weeks, so i will need to resubmit it for 2025-02? 16:51:57 that wouldn't be fair to unprioritize some reviews by looking at some other patch, whatever big it is 16:52:06 sean-k-mooney: thanks, and sorry, i have not checked it. 16:52:17 MengyangZhang[m]: unfortunately yes 16:52:36 okk will do 16:53:00 thanks 16:53:04 I guess we're done then 16:53:06 thanks all 16:53:09 MengyangZhang[m]: the folder is already created and the specs for next cycle are open for review, so this could be done early next cycle 16:53:09 do i need to re-attend nova meeting once that's updated? 16:53:53 not nessisarly we can just review it once its posted 16:54:02 okk thanks! 16:54:29 MengyangZhang[m]: you don't need to attend the meeting in person, but please add it in our agenda for asking for a specless blueprint when you want 16:55:03 ok do you have a link to the agenda? 16:55:26 https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/Nova#Agenda_for_next_meeting 16:55:39 thanks! 16:55:42 just add it in the open discussion and request for a specless blueprint approval 16:56:56 see the documentation here for trivial features approval https://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/readme.html#trivial-specifications 16:57:30 or ping me whenever you want 16:57:38 anyway, we're almost at time 16:57:43 thanks! 16:57:44 anything anyone ? 16:58:08 then thanks all 16:58:12 #endmeeting