12:00:21 <alexus> #startmeeting nova api 12:00:22 <openstack> Meeting started Fri Jul 17 12:00:21 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is alexus. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 12:00:23 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 12:00:25 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova_api' 12:00:38 <alexus> Hello~ who is here today? 12:00:43 <johnthetubaguy> hi 12:00:45 <gmann> hi 12:00:51 <bauwser> \o 12:00:53 <Jeffrey4l> hi 12:01:02 <alexus> hey everyone! 12:01:10 <alexus> #topic status of liberty priority items 12:01:11 <Jeffrey4l> alexus, alex_xu? 12:01:19 <alexus> Jeffrey4l: yes, it is me 12:01:32 <Jeffrey4l> u got a new name 12:01:54 <alexus> There is too much thing today. Most of thing is on good status 12:02:09 <alexus> #link https://review.openstack.org/152569 12:02:25 <alexus> Microversion client implement is going to right direction I think 12:02:42 <johnthetubaguy> so my ask is, do let me know if anything is blocking you all, so I can get it unblocked at the midcycle (if possible) 12:02:59 <johnthetubaguy> alexus: ah, good news, I am glad we are getting agreement there now 12:03:11 <alexus> johnthetubaguy: cool, got it, will let you know 12:03:29 <alexus> johnthetubaguy: yea, we just need focus on coding detail now 12:03:49 <alexus> appreciate everyone can review it 12:04:08 <alexus> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/193725/ 12:04:09 <johnthetubaguy> alexus: yeah, possibly just a case of keeping this etherpad up to date: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-nova-priorities-tracking 12:04:20 <johnthetubaguy> I am hoping that gets more attention now 12:04:46 <alexus> johnthetubaguy: ok, no problem 12:04:46 <bauwser> +1 12:04:59 <bauwser> I use this etherpad for knowing which reviews should be done 12:05:35 <alexus> I should add a calendar reminder for updating it every week 12:05:52 <bauwser> alexus: I can hassle you :p 12:06:28 <alexus> bauwser: cool, I should thanks :) 12:06:41 <alexus> the previous link is remove v3 12:07:20 <alexus> the first patch is ready, and the author want to get some review to know they are one the right direction before they are going to send out other patches 12:07:49 <alexus> basically it is good for me, but hope the team give some review. 12:08:00 <bauwser> fatty !- 12:08:03 <alexus> and I should update https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/liberty-nova-priorities-tracking ! 12:08:13 <bauwser> :( 12:08:29 <alexus> bauwser: yea, not so easy to review althought just renaming 12:08:56 <bauwser> alexus: yup, let's discuss that out, I have an idea for helping 12:09:11 <johnthetubaguy> sdague: seems like we have a review of doom to look at soon: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/193725/ 12:09:15 <alexus> bauwser: cool, waiting for your idea 12:09:23 <johnthetubaguy> so thats a patch we could make sure we land next week 12:09:27 <sdague> johnthetubaguy: oh, the move 12:09:34 <sdague> yeh, is edleafe going to be in MN? 12:09:35 <johnthetubaguy> sdague: yeah 12:09:47 <sdague> honestly I'd rather just have a few of us sit around and just do that 12:09:56 <johnthetubaguy> sdague: unsure, I forget I am afraid, but yeah, thats what I am thinking 12:10:22 <bauwser> alexus: my take is that we should leave the existing module and redirect it to the newer 12:10:42 <sdague> alexus: I had a question on - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/150687/ - I was expecting the hard code permissions moves to include a policy patch at the same time, and if not, to explain why 12:10:44 <bauwser> alexus: it would prevent that big hairy change 12:11:39 <johnthetubaguy> bauwser: big and scary will be fine if we get a bunch of us in the same room, just like the unit test move 12:12:03 <bauwser> johnthetubaguy: the problem is that it's adding more than just a rename 12:12:12 <sdague> bauwser: that's fine, we'll look it over together 12:12:25 <sdague> but the current tree structure is confusing people 12:12:31 <bauwser> sdague: not at midcycle - IRL, trying to get virtually 12:12:37 <johnthetubaguy> sdague: +1 12:12:45 <alexus> sorry, I just reboot my compute, I can't type any word suddenly... 12:13:05 <sdague> bauwser: sure, but we'll have enough eyes at midcycle to move something like that through 12:13:06 <bauwser> sdague: I certainly appreciate the move, I just think it probably needs a soften approach 12:13:10 <sdague> it's agreed direction 12:14:03 <bauwser> moving on ? :) 12:14:17 <alexus> yea, I'm checking the word I missed 12:15:07 <alexus> sdague: I'm not quite understand your question 12:16:13 <alexus> sdague: anyway I will check the patch detail after the meeting 12:16:27 <alexus> #link https://review.openstack.org/202900 12:16:33 <alexus> I sent out the spec for remove extension 12:16:40 <sdague> alexus: so, if we remove a hard coded permissions check from the db layer 12:16:49 <alexus> sdague: yup 12:16:51 <sdague> that was the default permissions that we wanted 12:16:58 <alexus> sdague: yes 12:17:02 <johnthetubaguy> sdague: ed is registered, I just checked 12:17:09 <sdague> so I expect those changes also include a policy.json change 12:17:28 <sdague> or a comment about why they do not (it was already done previously) 12:17:59 <sdague> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/150687/ just removes a permissions check with no reference to either of those things 12:18:25 <alexus> we need ensure whether there is any API entry for this db call 12:18:45 <alexus> or maybe there elevated context in the code 12:19:23 <sdague> sure, anyway, I -1ed it for now based on those grounds, but for these kinds of reviews it would be really good to explain why other changes aren't needed if they are not. Otherwise I get concerned that we're just openning up security holes. 12:19:47 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, that extra context is really handy 12:19:53 <alexus> sdague: ok, agree, the commit message should describe something 12:21:17 <sdague> alexus: as it was another intel person, I thought maybe good to highlight and you might be regularly talking with them as well 12:21:24 <sdague> anyway, we can move on from that 12:21:30 <alexus> and I hope get some review for this https://review.openstack.org/188235 bug fix, it is waiting for a long time 12:21:46 <alexus> sdague: yea, I will check with the author 12:22:12 <alexus> it is related to policy 12:22:23 <johnthetubaguy> alexus: great stuff for that priority etherpad 12:22:41 <alexus> johnthetubaguy: yea, it's on the etherpad 12:22:58 <johnthetubaguy> alexus: yeah, I need to get more folks to read it! 12:23:41 <alexus> ok, that is all I have for the prority items 12:23:56 <alexus> anyone have question? 12:24:23 <gmann> Need review on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198622/ 12:24:50 <gmann> based on that we can move on removing vif extension from v2.1 list - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198934/ 12:25:00 <alexus> yea, that is bug 12:25:31 <johnthetubaguy> I did raise that in the nova meeting, and I need to take a look myself 12:25:41 <gmann> johnthetubaguy: Thanks 12:25:54 <alexus> johnthetubaguy: thanks 12:26:24 <sdague> johnthetubaguy: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198622/ seems like it should be a fast approve, it's just completely a bug 12:27:19 <johnthetubaguy> sdague: its an API change though, it certainly skips the freeze 12:27:52 <johnthetubaguy> so, are we sure we want OS-EXT-VIF-NET in the bit we add to v2.1? 12:28:21 <johnthetubaguy> I guess we want that so it says the same as v2.0 12:28:49 <sdague> johnthetubaguy: oh, so the patch is to just fix v2.1 to not list OS-EXT-VIF-NET as an extension 12:29:04 <sdague> gmann: do you then intend to do a microversion bump to put it back in? 12:29:20 <johnthetubaguy> the spec is the microverison bump to add it in, I think 12:29:22 <alexus> johnthetubaguy: re-add that field by microversion 12:29:23 <gmann> johnthetubaguy: sdague : yea, users want to move for v2.1 and for vif-net they can have microversion ready to provide that 12:30:11 <alexus> I guess johnthetubaguy talk about spec, sdague talk about the bug patch 12:30:20 <gmann> sdague: we discussed of adding it directly but that will be API contract break s v2.1 released 12:30:23 <johnthetubaguy> so I read the spec upside down 12:30:31 <johnthetubaguy> the spec is doing what I expected 12:30:44 <gmann> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198622/ 12:30:50 <alexus> at line 60 describe the bug pach to remove extension entry https://review.openstack.org/#/c/198622/5/specs/liberty/approved/add-vif-net-id-in-vif-list.rst 12:30:57 <gmann> johnthetubaguy: yea 12:31:29 <gmann> L60 is just information but will not be part of microversion impl 12:31:54 <alexus> But I think we should merged https://review.openstack.org/198934 after spec approved, then everyone know the whole plan 12:32:31 <johnthetubaguy> should the patch not point at the blueprint the spec is creating? 12:32:39 <johnthetubaguy> I mean we could point the spec at the bug 12:33:05 <johnthetubaguy> anyways, we can tidy the paper work up later 12:33:15 <gmann> johnthetubaguy: ok, i will do that. that will be all info together 12:33:24 <johnthetubaguy> gmann: cool, thank you 12:33:33 <alexus> gmann: thanks 12:33:48 <sdague> yeh, it probably should Depends-On the spec 12:34:07 <sdague> just to keep the process right and not land it prematurely 12:34:20 <alexus> sdague: +1 12:35:03 <gmann> done 12:35:17 <alexus> #topic open 12:35:26 <alexus> anymore open? 12:35:54 <Jeffrey4l> https://bugs.launchpad.net/python-novaclient/+bug/1325304 this bug. 12:35:56 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1325304 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "hypervisors.staticstics().running_vms count includes shutdown vms" [Wishlist,In progress] - Assigned to Jeffrey Zhang (jeffrey4l) 12:35:58 <sdague> alexus / gmann either of you going to be in MN next week? 12:36:12 <alexus> sdague: I won't go there 12:36:37 <Jeffrey4l> I want't to know add a new field `total_vms` is a good directions? 12:36:42 <gmann> sdague: I also would not be able to make 12:37:04 <alexus> sdague: let us know if there are change happen at MN 12:37:33 <gmann> alexus: +1 12:37:34 <sdague> Jeffrey4l: that seems like a broader nova question beyond the api. 12:37:47 <Jeffrey4l> ok. I am sorry. 12:38:11 <johnthetubaguy> Jeffrey4l: I think its worth a spec, but I recon that could work in a microversion 12:38:32 <sdague> yeh, given that it will be an additional field added 12:38:41 <alexus> looks like we can't change existed field's meaning 12:38:54 <johnthetubaguy> Jeffrey4l: its probalby because in most deployments shutdown VMs are counted as running, because they still use resources (local storage, etc), and have the resources locked for that specific host 12:39:06 <Jeffrey4l> johnthetubaguy, yep. I am working on it. Just want to know is that a right directions. 12:39:08 <johnthetubaguy> Jeffrey4l: it depends what you want to do with running vms really 12:39:08 <bauwser> johnthetubaguy: +1 12:39:14 <bauwser> shelved instances too 12:39:16 * alexus ignore my word 12:39:45 <johnthetubaguy> bauwser: actually shelved probably shouldn't be counted, long term, but yeah, they do mess that up 12:40:03 <johnthetubaguy> (because they shouldn't lock the resources, once offloaded) 12:40:21 <bauwser> Jeffrey4l: from a Nova PoV, we count the total of existing instances, whether they are running or not 12:40:40 <bauwser> Jeffrey4l: that's only when an instance is deleted that we consider it out of the resources scope 12:40:48 <bauwser> but we're far off-topic :) 12:41:18 <Jeffrey4l> ok. Got it. we can continue the talk in the bp's bug. 12:41:24 <Jeffrey4l> sorry for the off topic. 12:41:30 <Jeffrey4l> let's move on. 12:41:38 <bauwser> Jeffrey4l: for sure, I'm tempted to consider it as invalid :/ 12:41:52 <bauwser> Jeffrey4l: but let's consider that in the LP bug 12:41:59 <Jeffrey4l> ok\ 12:41:59 <johnthetubaguy> Jeffrey4l: it would need a nova-spec to land that change, if that helps your thinking on that 12:42:05 <bauwser> ++ 12:42:07 <johnthetubaguy> (because its an API change) 12:42:32 <bauwser> and because it's far more important than just counting, it means what we consider a running instance 12:42:48 <bauwser> oops 12:42:53 <johnthetubaguy> Jeffrey4l: just need to describe the use case behind why the existing count doesn't work for you, so we can understand the problem you have, and then we can help you fix that 12:42:54 <bauwser> s/running/active 12:43:22 <johnthetubaguy> Jeffrey4l: its a bit hard to tell from the bug, the current behaviour is intectional 12:43:39 <bauwser> moving on ? :) 12:43:44 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, a rename of running to active, would be a good thing in a microversion 12:43:49 <johnthetubaguy> yeah, I think we are all done 12:44:03 <Jeffrey4l> ok. I will add move in the LP bug. 12:44:04 <gmann> last from me. need to ask reviews for sample tests merge patches 12:44:04 <bauwser> johnthetubaguy: re: midcycle, saw your link 12:44:07 <gmann> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/nova+branch:master+topic:merge_sample_tests,n,z 12:44:27 <johnthetubaguy> bauwser: my link? 12:44:29 <bauwser> johnthetubaguy: keep it up-to-date while you try to provide such remote connectivity 12:44:39 <bauwser> johnthetubaguy: oh sorry, the hangout link 12:44:39 <gmann> sdague: Thanks for reviewing, please review more. After those we will be able to remove v3 things from api-paste 12:44:53 <johnthetubaguy> bauwser: oh right, yeah, just going to talk in #openstack-nova about that, but lets not get off topic... 12:45:18 <bauwser> alexus: gmann: see the prio etherpad, there is a way to get some traction from the midcycle - but that would be async :) 12:45:32 <bauwser> johnthetubaguy: sure thing - diverting 12:45:47 <alexus> bauwser: ok 12:46:06 <alexus> so any question, then we close the meeting 12:46:14 <alexus> 3... 12:46:15 <gmann> bauwser: ok 12:46:19 <alexus> 2.. 12:46:24 <alexus> 1. 12:46:30 <alexus> thanks all 12:46:33 <johnthetubaguy> alexus: thank you! 12:46:35 <gmann> Thanks all 12:46:39 <alexus> #endmeeting