18:00:36 <markus_z> #startmeeting nova-bugs-team 18:00:37 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Apr 5 18:00:36 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is markus_z. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 18:00:38 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 18:00:41 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova_bugs_team' 18:00:43 <mriedem> o/ 18:00:53 <sarafraj> o/ 18:01:04 <claudiub> o/ 18:01:25 <markus_z> cool, we're getting more :) 18:01:56 <markus_z> So, honestly, I don't have a hard agenda here. I mainly use to figure out what needs work. 18:02:22 <markus_z> sarafraj: You're new here I guess, any questions on the bug process itself? 18:02:43 <sarafraj> I did go through wiki regarding this. Ok for now. 18:03:31 <markus_z> auggy is busy this week with API work, anyone open for a week of bug skimming? I can help there if needed. 18:04:11 <mriedem> ha https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1201266 18:04:12 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1201266 in Cinder "'is_public' filter should be handled when nova calls glance via V2" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Mehdi Abaakouk (sileht) 18:04:23 <mriedem> 995 days old 18:04:45 <markus_z> Ah, and a change some days ago 18:04:49 <mriedem> for cinder 18:05:04 <markus_z> right 18:05:13 <mriedem> so with something like that, we have a glance v2 blueprint, we should just add the bug to the blueprint in LP and invalidate it for nova 18:05:18 <mriedem> i can do that quick 18:05:40 <markus_z> That would be great, thank you 18:06:42 <sarafraj> markus_z: I can help where ever you need, but I am pretty new to Nova so might need to pair up or tag along with someone for assistance. 18:07:06 <markus_z> sarafraj: yep, we can do that. 18:07:25 <markus_z> sarafraj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=-*&field.status%3Alist=NEW 18:07:44 <markus_z> That's the query for new bugs which aren't yet have a proper tag. It's good to start with that. 18:08:17 <markus_z> sarafraj: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Nova/BugTriage#Tags 18:08:32 <sarafraj> markus_z: So this should be done as bugs get filed, like once a day or something. 18:08:43 <mriedem> markus_z: so, do the tag owners do any triage? 18:08:51 <markus_z> sarafraj: yep, once every morning is fine 18:09:01 <sarafraj> markus_z: ok 18:09:02 <markus_z> mriedem: I don't see that happen a lot. 18:09:12 <markus_z> mriedem: api and scheduler is working, the rest, meh 18:09:27 <markus_z> mriedem: live-migration with PaulMurray works too 18:09:53 <markus_z> mriedem: I asked on the ML for more bug tag onwners once, but that didn't find any response. 18:10:21 <mriedem> yeah... 18:10:26 <markus_z> sarafraj: I'm in the UTC+1 timezone (just in case you wonder when I'm not responding) 18:10:38 <mriedem> tagging is good to categorize things but if people aren't looking at them it's not very helpful 18:10:41 <markus_z> mriedem: I'll ask again on the ML, maybe you can throw your PTL weight in 18:10:51 <mriedem> well, i can't really force people to triage bugs 18:11:04 <mriedem> just like i can't force people to rview code 18:11:29 <markus_z> agreed. I don't see how I can give incentives here to do it. 18:11:39 <mriedem> it does seem like we could spend a day cleaning up a bunch of the garbage though 18:11:48 <mriedem> like, we do bug squashing days, but those are for reviewing bug fixes 18:12:03 <mriedem> maybe we need a bug triaging / cleanup day 18:12:21 <sarafraj> markus_z: I have a team of 3-4 people for now and growing. I can ask them to start joining. We are dedicated to Nova 18:12:41 <markus_z> mriedem: A cleanup day could be useful. Just to remove the old clutter no one really is looking at. 18:12:44 <mriedem> like looking at the stale and inconsistent tabs in that dashboard 18:13:05 <mriedem> some of the stale stuff might already be fixed, or no longer valid 18:14:24 <markus_z> true, takes a little time to do that. When would be the best slot to do such a cleanup day? Before the summit? 18:14:36 <markus_z> After newton-1? 18:15:06 <mriedem> let me check the release schedule 18:15:43 <mriedem> newton-1 is the end of may, that's too far out 18:16:10 <markus_z> I guess the most folks wanna get their specs merged until newton-1 and don't want to spent time on cleaning up bug reports. 18:16:11 <mriedem> i was thinking like the week before the summit 18:16:26 <mriedem> well we're in spec freeze right now for new things 18:16:50 <mriedem> and we'll probably lift that a bit after the summit, which will add another level of distraction 18:17:08 <mriedem> i generally don't expect a lot of code landing the week before the summit b/c people are prepping and traveling 18:17:23 <mriedem> so that might be a good time to do it 18:17:58 <mriedem> it needs to be focused though, so what would we want to target from that dashboard? 18:18:00 <markus_z> mriedem: So, maybe April 18th (MO)? 18:18:10 <mriedem> i'd think mostly cleaning up the stale / inconsistent tabs 18:18:36 <markus_z> yeah, makes the most sense 18:18:37 <mriedem> yeah 4/18 probably works 18:18:57 <mriedem> tuesdays and wednesdays are bad b/c of lots of community meetings 18:19:03 <mriedem> i'll send something to the dev list 18:19:57 <markus_z> OK, cool. Let's focus on that. 18:20:11 <sarafraj> mriedem: Can you please share a link to subscribe to dev list? 18:20:24 <markus_z> sarafraj: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Mailing_Lists 18:20:34 <sarafraj> markus_z: thx 18:20:50 <markus_z> openstack-dev is the important one 18:21:55 <markus_z> Another item anyone want to talk about? 18:22:02 <mriedem> #action mriedem to propose a launchpad bug backlog cleanup day for 4/18 18:22:45 <mriedem> i don't have anything else 18:22:58 <markus_z> OK, let's close for today. Thanks for your participation! 18:23:07 <markus_z> #endmeeting