17:02:51 <alaski> #startmeeting nova_cells 17:02:52 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Dec 16 17:02:51 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is alaski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:02:53 <purp> Piece of earth. =] 17:02:53 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:02:56 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova_cells' 17:03:00 <leecalcote> Goodwill towards people 17:03:19 <alaski> anyone around for the cells meeting? 17:03:22 <mriedem> o/ 17:03:26 <doffm> o/ 17:03:29 <rlrossit> o/ 17:03:34 * rlrossit lurks in the shadows 17:03:38 <alaski> heh, new faces 17:03:46 <doffm> I warned you ") 17:04:02 <alaski> :) 17:04:09 <alaski> none of the regulars showed up this week though 17:04:15 <alaski> so this'll be quick 17:04:28 <alaski> #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/NovaCellsv2 17:04:35 <alaski> #topic cells testing 17:04:48 <alaski> melwitt normally provides the update here 17:04:56 <alaski> but it's been quite on this front for a bit now 17:05:05 <alaski> *quiet 17:05:36 <alaski> I guess I should call out https://review.openstack.org/#/c/225199/ 17:05:41 <mriedem> the link doesn't work for the cells v1 testing, 17:05:47 <mriedem> but i haven't heard of any issues with the cells v1 job 17:06:10 <alaski> huh, looks like logstash was upgraded 17:06:24 <alaski> #action alaski redo the cellsv1 testing link 17:06:36 * bauzas waves super late 17:06:37 <mriedem> you just noticed that? 17:06:42 <mriedem> :P 17:06:57 <mriedem> graphite is probably a better indicator of the job status anyway 17:07:00 <mriedem> i could dig up those links 17:07:23 <bauzas> mriedem: we can also ask grafana to be updated 17:07:23 <alaski> heh, I should probably look at logstash more. but you and bauzas do such a great job dissemenating info 17:07:37 <mriedem> one question i had about cells v2 + testing, 17:07:38 <alaski> mriedem: okay, that would be great 17:07:45 <mriedem> was are we at any place today where we could start some very trivial job 17:07:51 <mriedem> like just making sure things setup and start properly 17:08:09 <mriedem> or what is the criteria before we can do something interesting in a CI job for cells v21? 17:08:11 <mriedem> *v2 17:08:39 <alaski> mriedem: if everything works as plans then non-cells turns into cellsv2 mostly without anyone noticing 17:09:03 <alaski> so I don't think we'll need a separate job 17:09:03 <mriedem> oh right 17:09:32 <alaski> there may be some devstack updates to make sure the nova-api db is up and running and new things are configured though 17:09:33 <mriedem> which would also give us neutron 17:09:52 <alaski> yeah 17:09:59 <mriedem> so things like neutron callbacks should implicitly work with cells v2? 17:10:09 <alaski> yes 17:10:12 <bauzas> mriedem: alaski: yup, I feel that should be mostly grenade changes without really needing new tempest coveragre 17:10:15 <bauzas> (hopefully) 17:10:31 * melwitt sneaks in late 17:11:48 <alaski> mriedem: there's going to be a routing layer to send api requests to the right cell for an instance, but it'll be used by default. and no having to add new calls to it 17:12:16 <alaski> any more on testing? 17:12:35 <alaski> #topic Open reviews 17:12:43 <alaski> this is mostly just advertising https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-nova-priorities-tracking 17:12:56 <alaski> there are some cells patches up there, and any news ones should be added there 17:13:21 <alaski> #topic Open Discussion 17:13:39 <doffm> As well as reviews is it worth me trying my hand at: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/cells-scheduling-interaction? 17:13:53 <doffm> I would need some assistance at first / questions about spec. 17:14:09 <alaski> sure 17:14:11 <melwitt> I did some work to make see how we can get coverage of ssh verification in our tempest job and then found out someone else already did the same thing (tempest config option for secgroups) 17:14:26 <alaski> doffm: I just posted a patch to start it off, but we can certainly collaborate on the spec 17:14:32 <melwitt> gerrit's not working for me right now, I want to link the patch 17:14:36 <doffm> alaski: Sounds good. 17:14:42 <alaski> melwitt: gerrit is upgrading atm 17:14:53 <rlrossit> melwitt: gerrit be down for the next 4 hours 17:15:00 <melwitt> oh 17:15:14 <bauzas> yeah, that's not really impacting me 17:15:16 <bauzas> :) 17:15:20 <bauzas> come in EU, folks 17:15:25 <alaski> melwitt: when you do get the link can you add it to https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/mitaka-nova-priorities-tracking 17:16:00 <melwitt> alaski: sure. it hit a snag, got a -1 review over at tempest so we need to see how we can resolve the issues raised 17:16:16 <alaski> gotcha 17:16:27 <mriedem> melwitt: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/225199/ ? 17:16:46 <melwitt> mriedem: I can't see that right now but if it's the tempest config option for security groups, then yes 17:16:56 <mriedem> melwitt: that's chuck's, yeah 17:17:22 <melwitt> yeah. we need that because currently we've got no test coverage of network connectivity for instances booted with cells 17:17:49 <mriedem> b/c those tests assume security groups 17:17:55 <melwitt> right 17:18:14 <melwitt> we used to have coverage by the devstack tempest job that did the exercises.sh 17:18:26 <melwitt> it at least did pings 17:18:52 <melwitt> I don't remember if it did ssh too 17:18:59 <alaski> was there pushback on the idea itself, or just an issue with the specific changes? 17:19:38 <mriedem> there was some comment about neutron 17:19:50 <mriedem> i didn't really dig in, but noted that we don't have a job for cells v1 + neutron 17:20:02 <mriedem> we could, i had the patches for it, but thought no one wanted that right now 17:20:08 <bauzas> right 17:20:11 <melwitt> I think it's around the fact that the config option only makes sense for cells and not so much in general. that is, security groups are only a problem for cells with nova-network 17:20:42 <mriedem> well, security groups are optional regardless of cells 17:20:48 <melwitt> the other issue raised was how disabling security groups but leaving ssh verification in makes the assumption that the default group will have port 22 open 17:20:50 <mriedem> that's why this is a feature toggle in tempest 17:20:51 <alaski> yeah 17:20:56 <bauzas> it's mostly because we want to be super clear that cells v1 is experimental and that we shouldn't boil the ocean of fixing it 17:21:45 <alaski> how is the default group set? is that baked into nova, or done via nova-manage or something? 17:21:46 <mriedem> i don't have an answer for the default secgroup and port 22 17:22:00 <mriedem> i thought it was baked in 17:22:06 <mriedem> would have to dig though 17:22:13 <melwitt> I also think it's baked in 17:22:18 <mriedem> or rlrossit would have to look 17:22:35 <alaski> if that's the case I think it would be reasonable to assume it's open, if that's the default 17:22:58 <alaski> since Nova would be unlikely to change that for backwards compat reasons 17:24:00 <melwitt> yeah, I'm not sure what the default port status is or how it gets to be open during the test jobs 17:24:14 <mriedem> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/db/sqlalchemy/api.py#L4354 17:25:31 <mriedem> https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/api/openstack/compute/security_group_default_rules.py 17:25:34 <mriedem> so must be coming in from the api 17:25:45 <mriedem> i dont see anything in nova-manage for it 17:26:01 <alaski> okay. so assuming port 22 is open isn't really valid then 17:26:34 <rlrossit> wait are we wondering if port 22 is open in the default secgroup from the get-go? 17:26:42 <rlrossit> default usually has nothing open 17:26:48 <melwitt> yeah, that's what I thought 17:26:49 <alaski> yeah, okay 17:26:53 <rlrossit> but an API call can open up whatever you want on the default group 17:27:06 <mriedem> also note that the security group API is completely pluggable 17:27:18 <mriedem> so we can't even say nova-network/neutron here 17:28:37 <alaski> pluggable enough to have a security group api defaulting everything open? 17:29:08 <mriedem> sure 17:29:10 <alaski> could be something added and used for cells if that would work 17:29:57 <melwitt> I guess I'm confused because something must be opening port 22 since the test does work even when skipping the security group creation 17:30:16 <mriedem> i'm checking devstack 17:30:28 <melwitt> that is, we should be able to get it to work without adding something 17:31:17 <rlrossit> my guess would be in tempest if you have checking ssh enabled, it would turn on 22 in the default secgroup for you 17:31:50 <rlrossit> I guess this is semantics, but skipping security group *creation* doesn't count changing the default... 17:32:17 <alaski> melwitt: I wonder if the security group failures are just when one needs to be looked up in the cell 17:32:32 <alaski> security group creation should work, it just doesn't propogate beyond the api 17:32:36 <melwitt> alaski: right 17:33:20 <alaski> setting the default to be open might work, if that's passed down with the boot request properly 17:33:31 <alaski> and using a custom one could still be broken 17:33:54 <alaski> I'm just guessing, it's been a while since I looked at the failures 17:35:11 <melwitt> yeah, I think so. somehow that's how it is currently, with chuck's patch, the server basic ops test works using the default group, somehow port 22 is open. I just can't find where that's being set so far 17:35:47 <mriedem> mtreinish was looking too 17:35:53 <mriedem> maybe we just set an action item to figure it out 17:35:55 <mriedem> and move on 17:36:00 <alaski> yeah 17:36:08 <mtreinish> mriedem: there is a validation config group in tempest that's used to control how tempest ssh's into things 17:36:19 <mtreinish> (well to a certain extent anyway) 17:36:35 <mtreinish> and there are options there to set the resources created as part of setup to enable ssh 17:36:39 <alaski> #action figure out how default security group works will cellsv1, and address concerns around a tempest feature toggle for it 17:36:53 <mtreinish> https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/config.py#L671 17:37:18 <mtreinish> specifically https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/config.py#L678-L683 seem to be what you're looking for 17:37:41 <mtreinish> the helps probably need to be reworded 17:38:03 <alaski> cool 17:38:12 <doffm> Quick question.. could anyone point me to any discussion about cells v1-v2 upgrades? 17:38:16 <alaski> once gerrit is back up we can look at how that connects with what was being done 17:38:37 <mriedem> https://github.com/openstack/tempest/blob/master/tempest/common/validation_resources.py 17:38:38 <doffm> I don't know.. well i don't know what decisions have been made with regards to upgrades. 17:39:03 <alaski> doffm: I'm not sure anything has been written down about that. at least not much 17:39:45 <melwitt> mtreinish mriedem: thank you! mystery solved 17:39:47 <alaski> doffm: the basic gist is that a current cellsv1 global cell is treated as a cellsv2 api cell, and cellsv1 cells are migrated into cellsv2 cells 17:40:27 <mtreinish> melwitt: one thing is that those options might not be universally honored yet, it's still an inprogress bp 17:40:32 <alaski> doffm: sorry, a cellsv1 global cell turns into a full cellsv2 deploy, and cellsv1 cells are migrated up into the new cells 17:40:37 <mtreinish> but I think for everything you run on the cells job it's probably fine 17:40:56 <melwitt> okay 17:41:40 <doffm> alaski: Thanks. I think its something that we (here) have to look in to. 17:42:07 <alaski> doffm: it's something I should be pushed into writing down so others can look at it and poke holes in it 17:42:46 <alaski> I have one open discussion topic: we should cancel the next two meetings due to holidays. 17:42:58 <melwitt> +1 17:43:15 <doffm> +1 17:43:37 <alaski> so we would start back at 2100UTC on the 6th of Jan 17:43:49 <alaski> cool 17:43:52 <alaski> anything else today? 17:44:32 <alaski> I'm excited to see some new faces. welcome aboard 17:44:33 <bauzas> 2100UTC ? great 17:44:34 <alaski> thanks all! 17:44:40 <doffm> Thanks. 17:44:51 <mriedem> you're excited to see my face even? 17:45:07 <mriedem> let's jump to -qa and talk to andreaf 17:45:08 <alaski> a tiny bit 17:45:15 <alaski> #endmeeting