21:00:00 <dansmith> #startmeeting nova_cells 21:00:01 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Jul 12 21:00:00 2017 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is dansmith. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:00:02 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:00:04 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova_cells' 21:00:09 <melwitt> o/ 21:00:13 <mriedem> o. 21:00:14 <dansmith> begin meetito checkin 21:00:23 <dansmith> #topic boogs 21:00:33 <melwitt> D9: what happened to mriedem's arm 21:00:42 <mriedem> combine 21:00:57 <melwitt> ow 21:00:58 <mriedem> do people know what a combine is outside the mid states? 21:01:00 <dansmith> he's from ND so I'm guessing: wood chipper 21:01:04 <dansmith> mriedem: yes 21:01:09 <mriedem> SD dick 21:01:10 <dtp> at first i thought you were giving a transformers order 21:01:15 <melwitt> it took me a few seconds but I knew what it is! 21:01:16 <dtp> but then i remembered my midwest roots 21:01:35 <dansmith> melwitt: one of the dakotas is all that matters 21:01:42 * melwitt nods 21:01:43 <dansmith> so I'm guessing no pressing bugs then? 21:01:57 <mriedem> the only bug that came up last week, 21:01:58 <melwitt> we're just that good 21:02:04 <mriedem> was the external events thing that is fixed by mdbooth's change 21:02:15 <dansmith> mriedem: yeah I wanted to bring that up 21:02:19 <dansmith> hoping for reviews 21:02:39 <dansmith> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/445142/ 21:03:21 <mriedem> yeah it's in the pile of 400 21:03:24 <mriedem> somewhere 21:03:30 <dansmith> okay, so no other bugs? 21:03:58 <mriedem> not that i know of 21:03:58 <dansmith> #topic open reviews 21:04:08 <dansmith> other than the above one about external events, 21:04:15 <dansmith> obviously melwitt's quotas stuff is important 21:04:34 <dansmith> mriedem had review diarrhea on it yesterday so I assume we'll see an update to that before too long and we can go forward 21:04:44 <mriedem> i wanted to ask about that too, 21:04:56 <mriedem> since i didn't even get through the compute api - still had the resize stuff to review yet, plus everythign else after that 21:05:11 <melwitt> thanks for the reviews so far. I was thinking I shan't update it until you both look at the resize part so as not to confuse things 21:05:11 <mriedem> melwitt: were you addressing comments so i should hold off for round 2, or just go back into it now? 21:05:16 <mriedem> ok 21:05:30 <dansmith> oh okay I was waiting for the update before going at it 21:05:47 <mriedem> i can get the rest done today/tonight 21:05:53 <melwitt> oh, it's up to what you think. I didn't want to make it more confusing. if it would help if I update it right away, I shall 21:06:31 <melwitt> I wasn't sure if updating it out from under you was going to be a possibility 21:06:31 <mriedem> i'd prefer to complete my review on it before it's updated, because then i have to review the old stuff i didn't get to and the changes 21:06:35 <dansmith> it would help me, but if mriedem wants to finish then that's fine 21:06:45 <dansmith> ack, that's cool 21:06:48 <melwitt> k 21:06:59 <dansmith> well, none of this is cool, but.. 21:07:07 <melwitt> true. 21:07:13 <dansmith> okay, and the other one is the uuids set, 21:07:22 <mriedem> it's totally rad \.../ 21:07:22 <dansmith> which is waiting for an update and a few comments to be addressed I think 21:07:36 <mriedem> yeah the uuids set is going to set for a bit 21:07:39 <melwitt> I also have console patches up, finally got them passing tempest. what I want to do next is depends-on'ing it on top of the fleetify patch and see if I can run websocketproxy on the subnode and see if that works 21:07:45 <mriedem> because i have to rebase and then i'll just have to rebase again, 21:07:50 <mriedem> so i'm waiting for microversions to settle a bit 21:08:11 <dansmith> melwitt: okay if they're ready to review I'll try to also hit those 21:08:36 <dansmith> I've not had the appetite or attention for long reviews lately, but those are a bit more bite-sized 21:08:49 <melwitt> bottom patch is here https://review.openstack.org/#/c/334614/ 21:08:57 * melwitt nods 21:09:30 <mriedem> heh 21:09:36 <mriedem> my uuids ones are pretty small... 21:09:45 <dansmith> mriedem: yeah, and sitting there with my +2 on them, so.. 21:09:51 <mriedem> blame aelx 21:09:52 <mriedem> *alex 21:09:57 <dansmith> my +2s have poo all over them, but.. they're there 21:10:07 <melwitt> lol 21:10:08 <mriedem> i know, next week 21:10:15 <dansmith> okay anything else here? 21:10:41 <mriedem> nope 21:10:47 <melwitt> nay 21:10:58 <dansmith> #topic open discussion 21:11:24 <mriedem> i wanted to discuss the fact i wake up from 2-4am every night thinking about openstack and how much shit there is to do 21:11:25 <mriedem> and it sucks 21:11:31 <dansmith> the ironic people say things are good now with ironic and the fleetify patch, 21:11:37 <dansmith> so once we get quotas in I think we're good for round 2 21:11:39 <dansmith> mriedem: heh 21:11:55 <dtp> i'm probably ready for a new task 21:12:01 <melwitt> mriedem: :( 21:12:23 <mriedem> dtp: i know we need to get our story straight about some docs updates for pike, 21:12:31 <mriedem> but i don't have a list right now 21:12:43 <dansmith> mriedem: you could offload that nova-status thing on him maybe? 21:12:53 <mriedem> which thing was that/ 21:12:54 <mriedem> ? 21:12:55 <dansmith> docs made me think of that 21:13:06 <mriedem> min compute? 21:13:13 <dansmith> this? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/442787/ 21:13:14 <dansmith> yeah 21:13:24 <mriedem> sure 21:13:57 <mriedem> might be kind of hard sorting out the comments 21:13:58 <dansmith> dtp: mom and dad don't agree on how to do this, so dad told mom to do it herself 21:14:41 <dtp> ok, i'll give it a read 21:15:01 <mriedem> at some point, 21:15:26 <mriedem> i think i/we/someone just needs to start going through release notes and finding things that are going to need more thorough explanation in the actual devref 21:15:37 <mriedem> than a 1-2 sentence blurb in the releasenotes 21:15:41 <dansmith> yeah, that would be useful too, although not very glamorous of course 21:15:46 <mriedem> like, 21:15:56 <mriedem> the topology that the fleetify patch creates, 21:16:04 <mriedem> and the configs for like api using cell0, 21:16:12 <mriedem> and the services in the controller node goign into cell0, 21:16:15 <mriedem> that kind of stuff should be doc'ed 21:16:45 <dansmith> yeah, well, if we don't get the instance listing sorted for this cycle, you won't want to be doing much of that outside of test environments I think 21:17:13 <mriedem> much of what? multi cell? 21:17:14 <dansmith> but doc'ing what a full cells deploy will eventually look like would be good I guess 21:17:22 <melwitt> gonna need to doc the need to run websocketproxy per cell somewhere too. I'm wondering if we can make or use a diagram from dansmith's talk to put up in the docs to show what the deployment is supposed to look like, where each service goes and whatnot 21:17:31 <dansmith> the instance list stuff mdbooth was going to do 21:17:34 <mriedem> melwitt: tha'ts what i'm asking for 21:17:38 <dansmith> melwitt: yeah something like that 21:17:50 <melwitt> ++ 21:18:10 <mriedem> i think, 21:18:20 <mriedem> remember i was trying to remember something we said to doc at some point but i couldn't remmeber it? 21:18:21 <mriedem> remember?! 21:18:29 <mriedem> i think it was the neutron metadata api proxy being global 21:18:31 <melwitt> o.O 21:18:52 <mriedem> there were some assumptions that was per cell 21:19:10 <mriedem> b/c we had some bugs that metadata api couldn't get the instance since it didn't have the cell context for the db lookup 21:19:44 <dansmith> yeah 21:20:04 <dansmith> mriedem: maybe just start throwing things into a list so we can circle back and do them 21:20:16 <mriedem> yeah 21:20:19 <dansmith> this meetito is getting a little fat in the middle 21:20:20 <mriedem> i'll start an etherpad 21:20:26 <mriedem> hey 21:20:26 <dansmith> anything else? 21:20:58 <mriedem> no kill me 21:21:00 <mriedem> i mean it 21:21:22 <dansmith> eh? 21:21:44 <mriedem> the meeting 21:21:50 <dansmith> oh heh 21:21:52 <dansmith> #endmeeting