17:00:34 <gibi> #startmeeting nova notification 17:00:35 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Nov 29 17:00:34 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gibi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:00:36 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 17:00:37 <gibi> hi! 17:00:39 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'nova_notification' 17:00:54 <gibi> who we have here for today? 17:08:59 <stewie925> gibi: hi 17:09:07 <gibi> hi 17:09:14 <gibi> I almost give up 17:09:19 <stewie925> o/ 17:09:37 <stewie925> sorry my meeting overran 17:09:42 <gibi> no problem 17:09:54 <gibi> you are the only one here so you are the best amongst many :) 17:10:02 <stewie925> so I saw your note on that rescue notification, I have to check why I didnt include that in the test_instance_action 17:10:16 <stewie925> yeah right the best 17:10:16 <stewie925> lol 17:10:39 <stewie925> I'll continue looking at it, gibi, thanks for your input 17:10:45 <gibi> OK besides that the rescue patch looks good 17:10:59 <stewie925> thanks gibi, just learning from the best 17:11:06 <gibi> do you have any questions? 17:11:37 <stewie925> no I don't 17:11:44 <gibi> OK 17:11:48 <gibi> short status: 17:12:01 <gibi> transformation progresses as before 17:12:14 <raj_singh> o/ 17:12:24 <aunnam> o/ 17:12:36 <gibi> json schema work seems a bit slowed down I have to check with syjulian 17:12:52 <gibi> raj_singh, aunnam 17:12:55 <gibi> hi! 17:13:06 <aunnam> hi gibi 17:13:10 <raj_singh> gibi: We will like to work on any searchlight related bugs 17:13:17 <gibi> the searchlight bugs transformed to a bp 17:13:20 <gibi> #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/additional-notification-fields-for-searchlight 17:13:26 <gibi> and that got approved recently 17:13:50 <gibi> so if somebody want to take it or pieces of it then let's talk about it 17:13:59 <aunnam> gibi:so can we start working on the blueprint? 17:14:01 <raj_singh> gibi: How can we help on ^ 17:14:11 <gibi> you can take it 17:14:25 <gibi> it is assigned to me right now but you can assign it 17:14:29 <gibi> i mean re-assing it 17:14:42 <gibi> I suggest to start with step1 17:14:48 <raj_singh> aunnam: There you go, got yourself a bp 17:15:13 <raj_singh> gibi: Thx 17:15:41 <gibi> do you need technical help to get started with it? 17:15:50 <aunnam> Cool, will start looking into it 17:15:58 <aunnam> gibi: yes gibi 17:16:16 * gibi trying to look up some examples 17:17:07 <gibi> so let's take an easy one 17:17:15 <gibi> locked field of the the instance 17:17:42 <gibi> here you have the notification payload definition #link https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/notifications/objects/instance.py#L19 17:18:04 <gibi> the SCHEMA field maps the instance object field to the notification payload field 17:18:12 <gibi> so to add the locked field to the payload 17:18:32 <gibi> you have to add the field definition to the fields dict 17:18:42 <gibi> and then add the mapping definition to the SCHEMA field 17:19:15 <raj_singh> gibi: Do we bump the version with any addition? 17:19:17 <gibi> this will make sure that the there will be a new field in all the instance.<action> notification 17:19:31 <gibi> raj_singh: yes 17:19:49 <gibi> this will be version 1.1 of the InstancePayload 17:20:03 <raj_singh> gibi: got it 17:20:22 <gibi> you can the easy fields in a single patch to avoid multiple version bumps 17:20:39 <gibi> I mean you can add the easy fields... 17:21:08 <raj_singh> gibi: Any release notes or documentation goes with it? 17:21:08 <aunnam> by easy fields you mean? 17:21:23 <gibi> raj_singh: hm good point 17:21:27 <raj_singh> aunnam: simple 17:21:40 <raj_singh> aunnam: few lines of code change 17:21:50 <gibi> until now we I added one single release note at the end of the cycle to summarize the transformation progress 17:22:06 <gibi> but you work will extend already transformed notifications 17:22:27 <gibi> I think it is better to add a release notes about the extension separately 17:22:37 <gibi> to make sure I won't forget it at the end 17:22:49 <gibi> just note that you bumped the version and extended the payload 17:23:27 <raj_singh> gibi: ok 17:23:51 <gibi> you will have to update the notification samples with the new field 17:24:28 <gibi> but you will notice it as the sample tests will fail 17:25:08 <gibi> the KeyPair and the Tag fields a bit more complex 17:25:32 <raj_singh> gibi: Few bugs reported to this are all marked as invalid/incomplete. So no need to do that? 17:26:11 <gibi> raj_singh: I hope this bp covers the missing pieces reported in the bugs 17:26:20 <raj_singh> ok 17:26:24 <gibi> raj_singh: if not then please raise the concern 17:26:54 <raj_singh> gibi: cool, we can start with easy ones and see how it goes. 17:26:57 <gibi> so for the KeyPair and the Tag you have to create some separate payload sub object similar to the FlavorPayload 17:27:07 <gibi> raj_singh: cool 17:27:47 <gibi> if you stuck just ping me on IRC 17:27:56 <gibi> I work in UTC+1 timezone 17:28:21 <gibi> mostly available between 8:00 - 17:00 UTC 17:28:36 <raj_singh> gibi: so aunnam will be doing the heavy lifting and I will like to contribute and review some of it. 17:28:56 <gibi> cool, put me in the review and I will help 17:29:47 <gibi> also I suggest to look at the reviews on the bp/versioned-notification-transformation-ocata topic 17:30:07 <gibi> you can learn and at the same time help us reviewing those patches 17:30:26 <raj_singh> will do 17:30:30 <aunnam> sure 17:31:17 <gibi> thanks for taking the bp 17:32:22 <raj_singh> np, glad to help 17:32:37 <gibi> aunnam: I've just assigned the bp to you ;) 17:33:07 <gibi> anything else we need to discuss on the searchlight bp? 17:33:35 <aunnam> great, thanks gibi for the help 17:33:51 <aunnam> i'll look into that more deeply and come up with the questions 17:34:01 <gibi> aunnam: cool 17:34:15 <gibi> anything else to discuss in general today? 17:35:18 <gibi> I feel we are done for today 17:35:31 <gibi> thanks for joining 17:35:54 <gibi> #endmeeting