14:00:16 #startmeeting nova_scheuler 14:00:16 Meeting started Mon Apr 30 14:00:16 2018 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is edleafe. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 14:00:17 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 14:00:20 The meeting name has been set to 'nova_scheuler' 14:00:23 ō/ 14:00:24 o/ 14:00:27 Good UGT morning! Who's here? 14:00:31 o/ 14:00:42 o/ 14:01:35 o/ 14:02:27 * efried draws pentagram, summons jaypipes 14:03:07 #topic Specs & Reviews 14:03:12 #link Latest Placement Update http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2018-April/129941.html 14:03:43 posting a single link is so much easier than prepping a full list :) 14:04:38 * jaypipes appears from the mist 14:04:42 Since https://review.openstack.org/#/c/554529/ is merged, can we say that nested resource providers support is now officially in? 14:04:49 Sundar: No 14:05:14 Sundar: That's some of the internal framework, but we still don't have API support for nrp in alloc cands. 14:05:20 Well, it *is* in. It just can't be used 14:05:34 To my knowledge, that patch (which will come with a microversion) is not yet proposed. 14:06:13 On that subject, I would like to request that mriedem and melwitt ack https://review.openstack.org/#/c/559466/ as we're one patch away from needing that to proceed with ^ 14:06:33 i was waiting for updates, will (re)review this morning 14:06:40 thx 14:06:44 yep, will do 14:07:01 I also wanted to ask for some reviews for the consumer generation stuff 14:07:16 There are two ways posted for handling it: 14:07:30 #link Using Consumer Objects https://review.openstack.org/561407 14:07:41 Is there a comprehensive list of things that are pending for full nRP support? 14:07:47 #link Not using objects https://review.openstack.org/564641 14:08:21 The object-based approach got very messy very quickly, which is why I went back to my original approach 14:08:45 Sundar: Here's the current bottom of the series: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/556450/ 14:08:57 Unless someone has strong feelings about the object approach, I'm going to proceed with the other 14:09:11 edleafe: I'll take a look at that this morning. 14:09:19 efried: thx 14:09:25 though I expect jaypipes to be the deciding vote. 14:09:45 cdent shared my distaste for Consumer objects 14:12:08 Speaking of the absent cdent, his patch for the optional separate db for placement has been sitting ready for merging for some time 14:12:22 #link Optional placement db https://review.openstack.org/#/c/362766/ 14:12:33 edleafe: I'll look at the new series today. 14:12:36 It would be nice to get that in 14:12:51 jaypipes: kewl 14:13:00 edleafe: you know you've got unit test failures on it, though, right? 14:13:49 jaypipes: you mean the one labeled 'WIP'? Yes 14:14:51 When a problem comes along, you must WIP it.... 14:15:28 OK, anything else for specs/reviews? 14:16:20 #topic Bugs 14:16:27 One new bug this week 14:16:38 Although it's more of a feature request 14:17:15 #link Make association_refresh configurable https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1767309 14:17:17 Launchpad bug 1767309 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Placement - Make association_refresh configurable" [Undecided,New] - Assigned to Surya Seetharaman (tssurya) 14:17:19 efried: "we still don't have API support for nrp in alloc cands." Is there a plan to propose a changeset for that? 14:17:41 edleafe: I think we talked about this with tssurya last week. 14:17:59 yes 14:18:09 We're eventually going to get rid of the association_refresh timer entirely. 14:18:25 efried: yea, but would be nice to have some solution in queens 14:18:27 tssurya: You were going to try extending that interval in your env and see if it helped your load issues. Did it? 14:18:31 even if we fix this in master 14:18:39 hm, I see. 14:18:42 efried: yea! big time improvement 14:19:21 holy shit, forgot that meeting 14:19:27 Okay; is it a done thing to introduce a conf option in a backport? 14:19:30 and now I need to leave :/ 14:19:44 And immediately deprecate/remove it in master? 14:20:01 I was going to say, I don't think adding a config option just to queens is going to be desirable 14:20:04 efried: maybe we introduce the config in master first since the deprecation is not yet merged 14:20:32 and I didn't think we normally backport config options in general anyway 14:20:42 we don't indeed 14:20:43 melwitt: okay, yea I understand 14:20:52 um 14:20:58 tssurya: I'm trying to think whether we could just rip it out in queens. But we can't, because not all of the generation stuff was there. We would have to backport several supporting patches. 14:21:06 backporting a config option which by default is the same thing that is hard-coded seems fine to me 14:21:07 https://docs.openstack.org/project-team-guide/stable-branches.html#review-guidelines 14:21:08 (rip out the association refresh) 14:21:18 this isn't a new feature 14:21:21 if that's defaulted, sure we can 14:21:26 okay, mriedem is the expert 14:21:29 yes it would default to 300 14:21:36 so no change in behavior 14:21:39 but lets ops tweak it 14:21:40 but that needs to not change anything 14:21:44 mriedem: cool! 14:22:05 I'm fine with that. Should be a pretty trivial change. More paperwork than code. 14:22:11 if we didn't backport config options, kashyap's pcid thing wouldn't be in ocata right now... 14:22:34 efried, mriedem: awesome thanks so will introduce this in master and then backport to Queens 14:22:41 that was an exceptional case. originally we (redhat) thought we weren't going to be allowed to backport it 14:22:47 tssurya: sounds good, ping me when the patch is up 14:22:54 tssurya: don't forget reno :) 14:23:47 Glad that's settled. Any other bugs to discuss? 14:24:29 mriedem, efried : ack 14:24:46 #topic Open Discussion 14:25:02 Anything else to discuss? Or should we get back to work? 14:25:43 I'll take that as a sign that everyone's already back at work 14:25:45 #endmeeting