19:59:31 <xgerman> #startmeeting octavia 19:59:31 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Dec 2 19:59:31 2015 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is xgerman. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:59:33 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:59:35 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 19:59:37 <johnsom> o/ 19:59:37 <blallau> Hi, 19:59:38 <rm_work> o/ 19:59:38 <blogan> hi 19:59:43 <xgerman> #chair blogan 19:59:44 <openstack> Current chairs: blogan xgerman 19:59:49 <bana_k> hi 19:59:54 <rm_work> I am back from being kinda-mostly-away for a month 19:59:59 <xgerman> #topic Announcements 20:00:22 <eranra> Hi 20:00:22 <xgerman> bana_k I have some question for you in Open Discussion so don’t leave early :-) 20:00:28 <ajmiller> hi 20:00:35 <bana_k> xgerman : sure 20:00:42 <johnsom> Welcome back rm_work. No more raw chicken for you 20:00:42 <xgerman> Midcycle in San Antonio, TX - January 12-15 20:00:53 <rm_work> heh, maybe just a little bit? :P 20:00:56 <xgerman> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/lbaas-mitaka-midcycle 20:01:00 <minwang2> o/ 20:01:07 <dougw2> please rsvp on that etherpad, all. 20:01:13 <xgerman> +1 20:01:27 <xgerman> and please offer a good remote option for people who are budget constraint 20:01:34 <blogan> dougw2 = dougwig? 20:01:47 <xgerman> yep, irccloud is down 20:01:55 <xgerman> I had to fire up alocal client 20:01:56 <rm_work> Yeah I don't know how well my camera-on-a-trashcan thing worked last time? 20:01:57 <TrevorV> o/ 20:01:58 <rm_work> was that ... OK? 20:02:00 <dougw2> blogan: yes, irccloud is hosed today 20:02:15 <xgerman> hope they give us our money back 20:02:31 <rm_work> if they actually let us in the actual CEC this time we should have videoconferencing? 20:02:32 <dougw2> freenode got ddos'ed, so i don't think it's irccloud's fault. 20:02:42 <rm_work> and Vidyo is more friendly for external access I think than our old system 20:02:48 <xgerman> cool 20:02:56 <xgerman> also we are collocated with FwaaS 20:03:03 <rm_work> we'll have to check it out, but hopefully will have a better plan in place 20:03:12 <xgerman> cool 20:03:29 <xgerman> next announcement: 20:03:33 <xgerman> GSLB Midcycle in Seattle - January 20-22? 20:03:38 <rm_work> worst case i put my webcam up high again 20:03:55 <johnsom> Yes, Kosmos Jan 20-22 Seattle 20:04:12 <xgerman> mugsie wanted Seattle your RAX DNS guys must have roughed him up in San Antonio 20:04:15 <rm_work> I'm still really interested in finding out what Kosmos is doing and how that's moving along, but still don't have time <_< 20:04:49 <xgerman> next Elections for Sub-Project-PTL ongoing 20:04:50 <johnsom> rm_work You haven't missed much yet. 20:05:05 <blogan> your dns guys are mostly in Austin 20:05:13 <dougw2> anyone with a commit in the last two cycles should've gotten an email ballot. if not, ping me privately. 20:05:15 <blogan> i mean our 20:06:35 <xgerman> that explains it - they probably brainwashed him :-) 20:06:58 <xgerman> next Backwards compat for libraries and clients. 20:07:06 <xgerman> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/226157/ 20:07:27 <xgerman> release manager johnsom take note: process change for closing bugs when patches merge 20:07:35 <xgerman> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-November/080288.html 20:07:44 <johnsom> Yeah, I saw that 20:07:51 <xgerman> the next one is really important 20:07:53 <xgerman> Release Notes for *aaS Projects 20:08:01 <xgerman> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-December/081105.html 20:08:26 <xgerman> so they want us to put our release notes closer to the code. Not sure how diligent we were with the release notes for M1 20:08:36 <xgerman> I think that got cut today 20:08:45 <dougw2> it was a wiki before. if you've never seen it, this will not affect you. :) 20:08:55 <blogan> pretty sure we werent diligent 20:09:01 <xgerman> yep, I don;t think we have been very diligent 20:09:08 <rm_work> erk 20:09:26 <johnsom> I manually wrote the octavia release notes as we didn't have a previous release to reference 20:09:39 <xgerman> well, let’s improve on that one ;-) 20:10:01 <xgerman> and lastly Evolving the stadium concept 20:10:10 <xgerman> #link http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-December/080865.html 20:10:13 <johnsom> The tools assumed a previous release. Plus we aren't being good with launchpad. So this is probably good for us. 20:10:43 <dougw2> i encourage folks to read and comment on that stadium thread. or if you're not comfortable with the ML, ping one of us in channel or privately. 20:11:59 <xgerman> to sum it up LBaaS and/or Octavia might become their own OpenStack project... 20:12:30 <xgerman> so if you have an opinion one way or the other please comment 20:12:31 <dougw2> well… to sum it up, armax is asking whether the stadium is too big, too small, or just right. it sort of feels "too big". the exact effects of that are under discussion. 20:12:51 <rm_work> agree 20:12:56 <blogan> too big for one PTL 20:12:58 <rm_work> seems a bit too big 20:13:02 <blogan> bc most have their own core teams 20:13:06 <dougw2> i don't think *any* stadium project is ready to be it's own TC project at the moment. 20:13:24 <xgerman> well, I am sure we have enough manpower 20:13:57 <xgerman> but Neutron is a cozy place ;-) 20:14:03 <johnsom> Yeah, the overhead could be high for some projects. Maybe the advanced services become a "stadium" 20:15:01 <xgerman> and then we have neutron as a sub-project ;-) 20:15:04 <dougw2> i'd rather see each of the three survive on their own merits, in the case of adv.services. just IMO. 20:15:13 * johnsom looks for the panic on dougw2's face 20:15:14 <blogan> same for me 20:16:24 <rm_work> So LBaaS and Octavia would BOTH fall under one? 20:16:36 <dougw2> rm_work: i believe so, in some fashion. 20:16:37 <rm_work> or, that is part of the discussion I guess 20:16:43 <dougw2> rm_work: yep 20:16:48 <xgerman> yep, we would need to discuss and decide 20:16:53 <rm_work> seems fairly reasonable, the overlap is not 100% but it is significant 20:17:17 <xgerman> also I am a bit worried that we need to increase the TC when all those projects hit 20:17:34 <dougw2> that's the TC's problem to figure out. 20:17:46 <dougw2> plus, this won't all hit all of the sudden, unless we go insane. 20:17:52 <blogan> cross that bridge when it happens 20:18:44 <xgerman> yeah, ML for that one 20:18:53 <xgerman> #topic Brief progress reports 20:19:49 <johnsom> Active/Standby I have been iterating on comments. Will post another update for open review in a few minutes. 20:19:57 <blogan> i'm starting on the get me a lb work 20:20:28 <johnsom> I have the failover flow updates for active/standby coded, but still have some work to do on it. 20:20:28 <blallau> great 20:20:51 <xgerman> blogan please coordinate with doug-fish 20:21:23 <blogan> i have a review up that includes a graphite dashboard that shows the neutron lbaas jobs history 20:21:25 <blogan> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/252178/ 20:21:27 <xgerman> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/242277/ is stuck in merge conflict but I am hoping we will have that ready for review soon again 20:21:47 <blogan> nice to be able to see the job history and easy to see the failure rate 20:22:16 <xgerman> cool 20:22:36 <blogan> bc our jobs are failing intermittently bc of this bug 20:22:39 <blogan> https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1504465 20:22:39 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1504465 in neutron "neutron_lbaas.tests.tempest.v2.api.test_health_monitors_non_admin.TestHealthMonitors failed to clean up loadbalancer" [Medium,In progress] - Assigned to Syed Ahsan Shamim Zaidi (ahsanmohsin04) 20:22:59 <dougw2> is it being actively worked on, or does it need to be reassigned? 20:23:15 <blogan> i do not knwo but i was giong to look into it anyway 20:23:19 <xgerman> also how do I see that dashboard? Link? 20:23:30 <dougw2> open the html file locally 20:23:31 <blogan> i'm going ot have to get a tiny url 20:23:33 <blogan> one sec 20:23:51 <xgerman> they are all rst 20:23:58 <blogan> but normally ou'd just build the docs 20:24:04 <xgerman> but yes, I can build it 20:24:24 <xgerman> was hoping for a cdentrally hosted one… 20:24:40 <xgerman> but who has a public cloud those days... 20:24:44 <blogan> welp this allows one to be easily built, at least link to the graphs 20:24:47 <dougw2> blogan: you now own that bug. 20:25:00 <blogan> dougw2: hate you 20:25:06 <johnsom> Just click on the docs gate 20:25:28 <rm_work> octavia.io does central hosting for building docs... 20:25:29 <blogan> lol 20:25:36 <blogan> i have never clicked on that 20:25:45 <blogan> that is much easier 20:25:46 <rm_work> not 100% sure what you're talking about but we could also host more stuff there :P 20:25:48 <xgerman> brilliant 20:25:58 <rm_work> but yeah once built it renders via that link yes :P 20:26:00 <dougw2> that site has been down 100% of the times i've tried to use it. 20:26:05 <rm_work> dougw2: really? 20:26:11 <dougw2> yep. i gave up. 20:26:17 <xgerman> fanatical support, eh? 20:26:19 <rm_work> try using it now 20:26:32 <rm_work> it's been up for at least most of the month, was down for a few days due to a reqs issue 20:26:52 <rm_work> it'll move you to like... 33% :P 20:27:17 <xgerman> ok, anyhting else progressing? 20:27:27 <rm_work> i have mostly been away or focused on internal stuff or various upstream fixes that don't fall into a specific category -- but am behind on reviews by a lot and plan to get through at least some today/tomorrow 20:27:28 <xgerman> event streamer? 20:27:30 <dougw2> my current success rate allows me to apply any reply from doesdouglikeit.com to your site. 20:27:41 <rm_work> I am reviewing EventStreamer NOW 20:27:50 <xgerman> ok, cool 20:27:52 <blogan> event streamer, i put some comments in nothing major 20:27:57 <rm_work> I think it needs a little more love 20:28:00 <rm_work> but just minor stuff 20:28:03 <blogan> crc32_znc: is welcome to respond 20:28:08 <rm_work> very close, yeah 20:28:20 <xgerman> also blogan you said our gate is now better 20:28:42 <xgerman> so I cut back on my human CI work :-) 20:28:57 <rm_work> oh I think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/216140/ really could be merged, although I am not sure if the current test suites actually hit that code 20:29:13 <rm_work> do they run through TLS stuff? anyone know before I go digging? 20:29:20 <xgerman> no 20:29:26 <xgerman> no TLS scenarios run/exist 20:29:31 <rm_work> bleh 20:29:49 <xgerman> yeah, fnaval said he would work on it… 20:29:53 <johnsom> Yeah, we got bit on that one with the initial octavia release, TLS was broken 20:29:58 <rm_work> yes 20:30:10 <fnaval> yep - on my list of things to do 20:30:18 <rm_work> so, would love to merge this, but i understand if people are hesitant 20:30:31 <xgerman> well, we just need to test which takes time 20:30:48 <johnsom> Same here, just hasn't bubbled up yet 20:30:57 <xgerman> maybe mwang2 has cycles... 20:31:15 <rm_work> yeah even for me, I can say "it worked fine" but that was a ton of patches ago, dunno if current master broke it, it has sat for a while 20:31:19 <xgerman> speaking of which: dougw2 who approved Octavia backports 20:31:31 <xgerman> approves 20:31:36 <dougw2> that'd be the neutron-stable-maint team. 20:31:46 <dougw2> i think, let me check our gerrit ACLs 20:32:07 <dougw2> yep. 20:32:16 <xgerman> thanks — now as we have a release we need to keep backporting bugfixes and people really want TL:S to work 20:32:23 <rm_work> yes 20:32:36 <rm_work> having working TLS (since it was one of our big features) would be good :P 20:32:59 <xgerman> well, we are a few +2s/+A away in Liberty 20:33:00 <blogan> we have working tls passthrough 20:33:09 <rm_work> heh 20:33:10 <dougw2> don't expect that team to do the backports. we should be cherry-picking what we want back into liberty, within the definitions of acceptable backports. 20:33:20 <xgerman> we did the backports 20:33:23 <dougw2> ok 20:33:31 <dougw2> if they're not looking at them, just ping them on IRC. 20:33:45 <dougw2> mestery and ihrachys are pretty fast on those usually. 20:33:54 <xgerman> they might not check Octavia 20:34:18 <johnsom> Is there a process for those with the cores? Like we need to +1 it before they look at them? 20:34:43 <rm_work> a few of us did already 20:34:51 <dougw2> no, since it's mechanical. just asked in neutron channel. 20:34:54 <xgerman> #action xgerman ping neutron-stable-maint team for approving Octavia backports 20:35:05 <johnsom> Yeah, just curious 20:35:40 <xgerman> bana_k what’s the status of the LBaaS V2 heat template? 20:36:03 <xgerman> any place we can check? 20:36:08 <bana_k> markvan is working on it. 20:36:22 <xgerman> ETA? 20:36:38 <xgerman> will it hit Mitaka? M2? 20:36:54 <bana_k> I have to check with them for that. 20:37:07 <markvan> hi, the new LBaaS v2 heat resources are our for review 20:37:10 <xgerman> ok, please do - and let me know if I need to start looking for people to help 20:37:18 <dougw2> can you link the review here? 20:37:25 <xgerman> markvan great!! 20:37:47 <markvan> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack/heat+branch:master+topic:bp/lbaasv2-suport,n,z 20:38:03 <xgerman> thanks 20:38:32 <xgerman> lastly, LBaaS V2 horizon panel is making progress. I roped ajmiller in to write a devstack plugin :-) 20:38:50 <dougw2> markvan: ty 20:39:02 <ajmiller> xgerman: Yup - have a skeleton patch up, working on it as I have time today. 20:39:10 <ihrachys> dougw2: I use the Kyle's dashboard for stable stuff https://github.com/openstack/gerrit-dash-creator/blob/master/dashboards/neutron-subprojects-stable.dash 20:39:26 <ajmiller> Might get a somewhat functioning version up later today. 20:39:27 <ihrachys> since the project is in the list, should eventually work. 20:39:46 <xgerman> awesome!! 20:40:12 <ihrachys> that said, we have other stuff to care, so it does not occur overnight 20:40:44 <dougw2> ihrachys: ty 20:40:54 <xgerman> thanks 20:42:10 <blogan> oh want to add one more thing 20:42:55 <blogan> since scenario tests are running the real octavia drivers, but its not voting, reviewers should not approve if the scenario job fails 20:43:32 <blogan> most likely its one of those intermittent failures and a recheck will pass it, but it might catch an actual regression 20:43:35 <rm_work> which one is this? 20:43:42 <rm_work> gate-neutron-lbaasv2-dsvm-scenario 20:43:43 <rm_work> ? 20:43:46 <blogan> yes 20:43:48 <rm_work> ok 20:43:48 <dougw2> and please don't recheck spam. if you don't have the time or knowledge to debug, flag someone. 20:43:49 <blogan> its non-voting right now 20:43:50 <rm_work> good to know 20:44:01 <blogan> i'd like to get it stable enough to make it voting but its failure rate is higher than wanted 20:44:02 <dougw2> we need to fix the errors, not spam them in. 20:44:09 <rm_work> ^^ 20:44:16 <xgerman> dougw2 +1 20:44:35 <johnsom> +1 20:44:48 <blogan> lets spam fixes in! 20:44:54 <xgerman> #topic Open Discussion 20:44:57 <minwang2> also i feel it is a good habbit to check HP-Octavia-Sonar-CI to make sure we have unit tests 20:45:08 <xgerman> minwang2 +1 20:45:10 <blogan> good idea minwang2 20:45:26 <johnsom> Yep, it is handy for that 20:45:32 <minwang2> #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/251479/ 20:45:39 <xgerman> about that Sonar system — with our public cloud shutting down... 20:46:01 <blogan> lol 20:46:03 <minwang2> this patch and its dependent patches need review, it is octavia backport for TLS 20:46:13 <xgerman> minwang2 we discussed that earlier 20:46:27 <minwang2> yeah, just put the link here :) 20:46:30 <johnsom> Yeah, right now we don't have a landing place for the sonar gate. 20:46:44 <xgerman> though we unaerthed some Azure credit 20:46:54 <johnsom> I have pretty detailed docs and would sign up to install it somewhere. 20:48:12 <xgerman> we don’t need to solve it today… 20:48:38 <xgerman> and I am hopinf that a company who actually manufactures servers can spare one or twp 20:49:19 <dougw2> i'll run it, but i'll mock you OPERATORS mercilessly. 20:50:05 <johnsom> Grin 20:50:07 <rm_work> well, we're eventually going to have a CI for rackspace's stuff 20:50:13 <rm_work> I imagine it could also do Sonar? 20:50:22 <rm_work> but that's down the road a bit 20:50:31 <blogan> only if we can rename it to RAX-SONAR-GATE 20:50:39 <xgerman> deal 20:50:41 <blogan> wait we can't use rax 20:50:45 <blogan> has to be RACKS 20:50:47 <blogan> lol 20:51:11 <rm_work> >_> 20:51:17 <xgerman> yeah, we shut down 1/31 20:51:32 <johnsom> I think that is perfectly fair. You can call it TOWING-SONAR-GATE if you want 20:51:36 <xgerman> (will also take your server with it dougwig2) 20:52:33 <johnsom> I would like to target early January for that. So if we can make a call on where it goes by then it would be great. 20:52:43 <blogan> i was joking, i dont care what its called, well has to have sonar in the name 20:52:46 <johnsom> Then I will work with whoever wants it on the details. 20:53:17 <rm_work> k, i'm sure we can spin up a machine 20:53:20 <blogan> maybe a christmas cloud server gift? 20:53:22 <rm_work> how big is the machine now 20:53:36 <dougw2> i'll want to call it hp-welfare-gate 20:53:41 <blogan> lol 20:53:43 <johnsom> 4CPU/8GB 20:53:46 <rm_work> the meeting is effectively over? I think we can take this to main channel 20:54:12 <dougw2> move to adjourn 20:54:13 <rm_work> unless someone has anything else 20:54:27 <xgerman> #endmeeting