20:00:05 <johnsom> #startmeeting Octavia 20:00:05 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 17 20:00:05 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is johnsom. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:06 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:00:06 <sbalukoff> Howdy, howdy! 20:00:08 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 20:00:12 * mhayden stumbles in 20:00:13 <johnsom> Hi folks 20:00:20 <fnaval> hi 20:00:22 <blogan> hello 20:00:26 <blogan> \o/ 20:00:27 <ajmiller> o/ 20:00:29 <minwang2> o/ 20:00:38 <johnsom> Let's roll as we have a long agenda today 20:00:39 <rm_work> o/ 20:00:40 <johnsom> #topic Announcements 20:00:55 <johnsom> L7 stuff is under review 20:00:57 <johnsom> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/lbaas-l7-todo-list 20:01:05 <blogan> and under assault 20:01:09 <johnsom> Please try it out and review the patches. 20:01:10 <sbalukoff> Haha 20:01:18 <madhu_ak> \o/ 20:01:23 <dougwig> o/ 20:01:24 <sbalukoff> Also, we need more attention on the Neutron-LBaaS side of things. 20:01:26 <johnsom> Well, yes, but that has happened to all of us, so I wasn't going to rub more salt. 20:01:38 <sbalukoff> We have a couple reviews there for shared pools that have sat without reviews all last week. 20:01:43 <blogan> i like salt 20:01:48 <johnsom> Today is the last day to vote for summit sessions 20:01:58 <johnsom> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Austin-LBaaS-talks 20:02:12 <TrevorV> o/ 20:02:13 <Aish> o/ 20:02:16 <johnsom> This link has the LBaaS related talks that I am aware of, add as needed 20:02:36 <bana_k> hi 20:02:40 <johnsom> #topic Mitaka blueprints/rfes/m-3 bugs for neutron-lbaas and octavia 20:02:58 <johnsom> dougwig Any items you want to hit before I bring up Octavia bugs? 20:03:09 <dougwig> johnsom: no, go for it 20:03:44 <johnsom> Ok, I went through the Octavia bugs yesterday and tagged the ones I think we should try to get done for Mitaka 20:03:46 <johnsom> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/octavia/+bugs?field.tag=target-mitaka 20:03:52 <sbalukoff> Nice! 20:04:24 <johnsom> I'm open for comment on the list. I'm extra open to people assigning these to themselves and working on them! 20:04:59 <sbalukoff> Ok, I'll start chewing through that list as I wait for feedback on the L7 stuff. 20:05:04 <ptoohill> I have a review out for 1489963 that i probably wont get to any time soon 20:05:22 <johnsom> I'll let folks have time to look at these and we can review next week what is open, comments, etc. Or bring them up in the channel 20:05:23 <ptoohill> It requires restarting the service, which doesnt seem to work at all 20:05:54 <sbalukoff> johnsom: Sounds good. 20:06:08 <johnsom> Yeah, that service restart issue is on the list below as well. xgerman is the current owner. 20:06:13 <johnsom> Would love an update 20:06:19 <ptoohill> :) 20:06:23 <xgerman> :-) 20:06:53 <johnsom> #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/octavia/+bug/1496628 20:06:53 <openstack> Launchpad bug 1496628 in octavia "Amphora agent reload fails with socket in use" [High,In progress] - Assigned to German Eichberger (german-eichberger) 20:07:03 <xgerman> yeah, need to find time to look.fix 20:07:25 <johnsom> Ok. If you think you can work on it great, otherwise we should take you off as owner 20:07:34 <johnsom> #action xgerman to work on https://bugs.launchpad.net/octavia/+bug/1496628 20:08:01 <xgerman> I wouldn’t put myself into a critical path 20:08:07 <johnsom> #topic Tempest-Plugin for Octavia tempest tests 20:08:15 <johnsom> Madhu you have the floor 20:08:19 <ptoohill> if we figure that out then my review should start working. I added the config and code to bind to proper ip 20:08:25 <madhu_ak> would like to see tempest integration with octavia tempest tests. Currently in lbaas, it is hardcoding the test discovery for tempest tests, which I feel, it is not the right thing to do. It can be implemented easily as per: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/tempest/plugin.html 20:08:44 <madhu_ak> I can push a dummy patch in octavia for tempest plugin. Depending on the patch, I can create a job for the same without touching gate hooks. 20:09:12 <TrevorV> madhu_ak have you talked with fnaval about this at all? 20:09:18 <madhu_ak> fnaval: Is that sounds good to you? 20:09:48 <madhu_ak> nope TrevorV maybe we need to talk about this and keep going ? 20:10:03 <blogan> using the plugin sounds like a good idea overall 20:10:05 <fnaval> i've barely seen how the plugin works - do other projects use this as well 20:10:22 <fnaval> i'm worried that we may be the early adopters of it, and thus have issues with it 20:10:23 <blogan> i dont know if there are any issues with it though 20:10:36 <johnsom> We can spend a little time here if everyone is present. I know we talked about this at the mid-cycle and we need to keep moving on tests for Octavia 20:10:48 <madhu_ak> yes. For VPN, it is in review. for FW, it is already implemented. 20:10:59 <dougwig> did the lbaas tests ever get converted to being a tempest plugin? 20:11:06 <sbalukoff> Agreed-- I am looking forward to having real scenario tests for Octavia. :) 20:11:12 <madhu_ak> sadly no 20:11:52 <fnaval> the neutron-lbaas tests have not become a plugin; I was unaware that is was a requirement 20:12:36 <johnsom> dougwig Is this a requirement or nice to have? Is it something that is high priority? 20:12:46 <TrevorV> madhu_ak I think I'm missing something. fnaval has a review with octavia tempest tests already, is there some reason those are insufficient? 20:12:48 <fnaval> we have scenario test in review that does not implement the plugin interface; but we can definitely look into that as a later refactor? 20:13:11 <madhu_ak> yep. the crent tempest tests for octavia will not be disturbed at all. 20:13:15 <madhu_ak> current* 20:13:31 <sbalukoff> Would using the plugin mean we have to copy less of the tempest tree into Octavia? 20:13:45 <sbalukoff> (ie. helps us avoid code that will surely become crufty in Octavia?) 20:13:51 <madhu_ak> it is just for runnign the tests as a part of gate job 20:14:46 <dougwig> johnsom: tempest team is waiting on us to undo the mess of cloned tempest, but that mostly affects us being broken. 20:14:50 <TrevorV> Okay, what's the idea here. We don't want tempest testing in tree? Is that what this is supposed to fix? 20:15:11 <fnaval> the tests should still be in-tree; what i'm missing is what does the plugin accomplish? i guess if we were testing internal implementations, it would be easy to plug in different test cases 20:15:20 <fnaval> since upstream would differ from down 20:15:34 <rm_work> it's for test discovery 20:15:38 <madhu_ak> nope. We can have tempest tree in our tree. rather than hardcoding the test patch in gate hooks, its best to have tempest plguin that wil discover the tests path automatically 20:15:38 <rm_work> i mentioned this at the midcycle 20:15:43 <dougwig> fnaval: we currently have half of tempest cloned into neutron-lbaas, interfacing with tempest-lib. it's very brittle. 20:16:08 <madhu_ak> have tempest tests* 20:16:15 <johnsom> dougwig +1 20:16:36 <fnaval> so, the octavia tests are using tempest_lib; as I understand it now, there is a request to also use tempest plugins 20:16:41 <minwang2> the current octavia tempest test is more like a combination of tempest and tempest-lib 20:16:52 <xgerman> +1 20:17:04 <rm_work> having the plugin stuff done is a good idea IMO 20:17:14 <ptoohill> fnaval: has put quite a bit of work in from where min left off 20:17:21 <ptoohill> im not sure thats the case anymore minwang2 20:17:23 <sbalukoff> Yeah. 20:17:24 <rm_work> i just wasn't sure of the work effort involved -- if madhu_ak knows how to do it, and can easily do so, i say go for it 20:17:40 <dougwig> my latest understanding is that tempest-lib is going away in favor of 'tempest' being in pypi, btw. so plugins are the future. 20:17:43 <rm_work> we'll merge what makes sense 20:17:55 <madhu_ak> yep. lets go for it. 20:17:58 <xgerman> +1 20:18:02 <TrevorV> rm_work I'm not sure what we're talking about changing... Is it like adding a line above each test or a header in each file that allows tempest to magically pick up what tests its supposed to run? 20:18:08 <fnaval> if you can do it with neutron-lbaas or direct me to an example implementation using Tempest plugins with FwaaS, I can research it 20:18:08 <blogan> dougwig: but tempest-lib was the future 20:18:11 <fnaval> madhu_ak: 20:18:15 <rm_work> it's kinda like how devstack-plugin works 20:18:21 <blogan> dougwig: who's to say tempest in pypi isn't an alternate future as well 20:18:25 <rm_work> it just changes how the gate scripts are written to simplify stuff 20:18:28 <dougwig> it's openstack, the future changes before it arrives. 20:18:37 <xgerman> yeah, there is a reason I was advocating rally 20:18:44 <ptoohill> lol 20:18:48 <rm_work> >_< 20:18:52 <madhu_ak> sure, fnaval I shall post some links to keep moving forward 20:19:06 <johnsom> I am just looking for the alternate future where we have good scenario test coverage and it's clear for people how to write new tests. 20:19:14 <fnaval> madhu_ak: thanks. any help is appreciated 20:19:15 <xgerman> +1 20:19:26 <blogan> johnsom: that is the future that shall not exist 20:19:26 * johnsom throws rally eraser at xgerman 20:19:28 <minwang2> tempest-lib mostly overwrites a lot of the methods in tempest, in octavia some of the methods cannot call it directly from tempest-lib, that’s why we can see the combination of tempest and temespt-lib 20:19:49 <sbalukoff> haha 20:19:53 <fnaval> what is up for review totally works now, but if we have the time to refactor it again, I can definitely do that. but I strongly think it should be a future task. 20:20:05 <madhu_ak> +1 fnaval 20:20:19 <sbalukoff> That sounds reasonable to me. 20:20:30 <blogan> yeah 20:20:37 <madhu_ak> however tempest_plugon implementation will no way affect fnaval's patch 20:20:48 <johnsom> Ok, so the plan for Mitaka is move forward with the work fnaval has been doing (Thank you!) and for Newton look at tempest plugin? 20:20:57 <fnaval> cool madhu_ak 20:21:05 <dougwig> this is openstack, we should -2 it because someone might someday do it differently. 20:21:14 <ptoohill> +1 20:21:28 <sbalukoff> Haha! 20:22:00 <johnsom> dougwig Let's vote on the -2 20:22:01 <rm_work> johnsom: it's not really a big deal, we can get it in now probably if it's ready 20:22:09 <rm_work> it doesn't affect the actual test code 20:22:17 <madhu_ak> +1 rm_work 20:22:23 <rm_work> they're ... really fairly unrelated as much as that's possible 20:22:25 <johnsom> Ok, just trying to understand what was decided. So, parallel development? 20:22:34 <johnsom> Ok, got it. 20:22:53 <xgerman> who has the action? 20:22:55 <minwang2> how it would be better for us to review, how much workload for this plugin madhu_ak 20:23:16 <johnsom> #agreed Move forward with current scenario tests, in parallel madhu_ak will implement tempest plugin for Octavia 20:23:18 <madhu_ak> plugin implementation can take a day or two to push a patch 20:23:27 <madhu_ak> agreed 20:23:38 <minwang2> cool 20:23:38 <xgerman> #action made_ak add plugin code 20:23:41 <johnsom> Nice. 20:23:50 <fnaval> cool - please involve me with that madhu_ak as I want to know more about how that works 20:23:56 <TrevorV> xgerman mispelling names since 2014 20:24:03 <johnsom> #topic Octavia models 20:24:03 <madhu_ak> sure fnaval 20:24:07 <sbalukoff> Haha! 20:24:09 <fnaval> thanks madhu_ak 20:24:11 <xgerman> lol 20:24:11 <madhu_ak> heh 20:24:11 <johnsom> Ok, I will start, RED 20:24:39 <johnsom> No, just kidding. So we had a loooooonnnnggg discussion about the models Friday. Monday I think they got fixed. 20:24:48 <johnsom> Is there more we need to discuss here? 20:24:59 <sbalukoff> Not until after Mitaka, I think. 20:25:07 <rm_work> assuming the fix works :) 20:25:12 <sbalukoff> So long as L7 doesn't get blocked because of it. ;) 20:25:12 <blogan> maybe discuss the possibility of moving away from the static data models, to just using the SA models throughout 20:25:19 <xgerman> can we get some ERD diagram 20:25:20 <xgerman> ? 20:25:23 <johnsom> Ok, yeah, there was some talk of moving to sqlalchemy models. Definitely post Mitaka 20:25:28 <blogan> yep 20:25:43 <dougwig> we should vote on when to discuss votig. 20:25:50 <sbalukoff> Haha 20:25:57 <johnsom> dougwig don't tempt me 20:26:09 <xgerman> well, I like to have some more architecture docs — 20:26:30 <johnsom> Ok, so we are cool on the models and order for the Mitaka release. My testing so far today looks good. 20:26:58 <johnsom> Probably a few more little bugs (need to check the peer ports bana_k mentioned), but we should be able to fix those. 20:26:59 <sbalukoff> Yay! 20:27:24 <johnsom> #topic Ideas for other options for the single management network (blogan) 20:27:35 <johnsom> blogan You have the floor 20:27:54 <dougwig> ssh driver! 20:28:03 <sbalukoff> dougwig: Almost dead! 20:28:07 <xgerman> is dougwig a bot? 20:28:10 <johnsom> dougwig It's dead!!!! sbalukoff is an over-achiever 20:28:24 <dougwig> dougwig got up early today, so he closely approximates a bot, but less useful. 20:28:34 * mhayden finds this topic intriguing ;) 20:28:35 <johnsom> Well, I haven't reviewed yet, but it warmed my heart to see the patch 20:28:51 <blogan> oh god sorry 20:28:53 <blogan> im back 20:28:56 <sbalukoff> johnsom: I'm probably missing something important, because it was way too easy to kill. :/ 20:29:13 * dougwig mutters about over-complicated over-engineering, and picks up his red stapler. 20:29:18 <johnsom> blogan You have the floor for your mgmt-net topic 20:29:21 <Apsu> No more ssh driver makes me happy after seeing how it did its business... 20:29:32 <blogan> so roiginally the single mgmt net was a solution that either meant deployers use a provider network for it, or we come up with something better in the future 20:29:43 <bharathm> sbalukoff: I commented on your ssh-driver removal patch 20:29:45 <blogan> well we should start coming up with an optional better way to do it 20:29:56 <sbalukoff> blogan: Agreed! 20:30:45 * rm_work still likes the ssh-driver <_< 20:30:53 <blogan> one way is just create a mgmt net for eveyr lb and connect all controllers to this mgmt net, that has scaling issues but can be solved with more complicated clustering 20:30:56 * sbalukoff beats rm_work with a stick. 20:31:21 <sbalukoff> blogan: What's the problem we're trying to solve by making that change? 20:31:28 <johnsom> The idea I have had is to have one or more controller networks, that are routable with many amphora mgmt networks, likely managed by housekeeping. 20:31:34 <mhayden> blogan: makes me wonder if we could use IPv6 to help with the scalability somehow 20:31:44 <blogan> antoher is what johnsom suggested yesterday in that we have a single controller network that every controller is plugged into, a router is also plugged into it, and each lb has its own network plugged into the router 20:31:51 <johnsom> mhayden Yes, IPv6 is good 20:31:52 <sbalukoff> mhayden: +1 20:31:58 <xgerman> +1 20:32:02 <mhayden> a /64 subnet would serve a LOT of LB's :) 20:32:19 * mhayden skips the math 20:32:19 <xgerman> well, I think we just support a list of management networks and leave it to the operator to set that up 20:32:23 <johnsom> blogan LB, tenant, or some number of amphora 20:32:32 <blogan> mhayden: the scale problem for option 1 is the number of ports is multiplied by the number of controllers, give or take a few 20:32:37 <sbalukoff> I like johnsom's idea. Means the controller doesn't have to re-bind when a new loadbalancer is deployed. 20:32:53 <mhayden> blogan: ah, do we have a neutron limitation when we have too many ports on a particular subnet/network? 20:33:07 <blogan> mhayden: in our public cloud yes :) 20:33:08 <xgerman> I think we should leave it to the operator and just support a way for them to tell us where to plug 20:33:09 * johnsom notes sbalukoff likes my idea in the history book 20:33:15 <blogan> we have a limit per network, and a global limit 20:33:15 <sbalukoff> Haha! 20:33:31 <mhayden> what if an LB only had connectivity in the tenant's network? 20:33:37 <Apsu> Seems like I'll be in the minority, but I'd prefer to not have a management "network" at all. Management in Neutron across basically every other service is out-of-band, on purpose. 20:33:40 <mhayden> we'd have issues reaching out to it from wherever octavia is running (possibly) 20:33:48 <johnsom> Some folks have mentioned number as low as ~250 ports per network. 20:34:19 <TrevorV> Apsu how would you connect to a LB for maintenance tasks or something similar? Over the customer network? 20:34:20 <blogan> Apsu: yeah another option is realize a way to meet our requirements without a mgmt network, if its possible 20:34:51 <xgerman> well, can we agree that having only one management net si limiting? 20:34:54 <mhayden> perhaps octavia could have an agent/worker of some sort that sits on the tenant network? as routers do today 20:35:06 <blogan> xgerman: a pool of mgmt networks, how would that be different than a mgmt network for each lb 20:35:06 <Apsu> TrevorV: Well there's a few options for getting data in/out without having to couple the data and control plane networks. Metadata, mountpoints, agent/worker on tenant (per mhayden), etc. 20:35:07 <sbalukoff> xgerman: +1 20:35:17 <blogan> xgerman: yes we can if its not a provider network 20:35:57 <mhayden> if we put the LB *only* on the tenant network, we would be eating additional IP addresses in the tenant network to support the LB, which is annoying :/ 20:36:15 <johnsom> So, this is a Newton project. How do you all want to start working on it? An etherpad for ideas? 20:36:23 <TrevorV> mhayden isn't that also the case with an agent/worker on their network? 20:36:29 <sbalukoff> mhayden: LB in the tenant network probably wouldn't happen with active-active. 20:36:30 <Apsu> mhayden: Yep. Another reason I don't like having a network for management whatsoever, insofar as "network" means "something neutron/nova configure out of the cloud's resources" 20:36:35 <mhayden> TrevorV: indeed it is :/ 20:36:37 <xgerman> johnsom sounds goopd 20:37:03 <rm_work> we had discussed putting an agent on the *VM host*, don't know where that went or if it's feasible in real deployments (might not be) 20:37:04 <sbalukoff> Apsu: i don't see that as a show-stopper. We're consuming resources on the cloud by launching amphorae. 20:37:09 <mhayden> or another idea is to build a couple of LB VM's per tenant and put containers/namespaces in that VM 20:37:17 <mhayden> but we could be putting a lot of eggs into one basket 20:37:26 <rm_work> yeah, not a huge fan of that 20:37:29 <TrevorV> Same 20:37:40 <sbalukoff> Yep. 20:37:42 <Apsu> sbalukoff: Sure. Personally I'd prefer to see a namespace driver, but that's probably also a minority opinion. 20:37:55 <Apsu> On the plus side, it gives you the OOB control for free, given shared process namespace. 20:37:55 <sbalukoff> Apsu: Namespace driver doesn't scale. 20:38:05 <TrevorV> rm_work the agent per VM host still communicated over a network we built for the Octavia service, which still counts as a "management network" of sorts 20:38:08 <sbalukoff> The whole *point* of Octavia is scale. 20:38:45 <Apsu> sbalukoff: Well, it's not as automatic to scale if you equate namespaces with "don't run on compute nodes", sure 20:38:52 <dougwig> i don't think we should spend any more time on the namespace driver. it's not the ref. if someone wants to take it on, fine. 20:38:59 <Apsu> But nothing prevents you from using network namespaces on compute nodes, without actually running in VMs. 20:39:03 <xgerman> dougwig +1 20:39:18 <johnsom> Ok, let's collect ideas in an etherpad 20:39:22 <johnsom> #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/Octavia_Mgmt_Net_Ideas 20:39:45 <sbalukoff> Apsu: I think that's really far from the direction we were planning on taking with Octavia. Far enough to be its own load balancer project, perhaps. 20:39:55 <mhayden> could we formally deprecate the namespace driver in mitaka/newton for lbaasv2? 20:40:14 <xgerman> that has been controversial since it has it’s fnas 20:40:21 <xgerman> fans 20:40:27 <johnsom> mhayden It would probably need to be O since is is used 20:40:28 <Apsu> sbalukoff: Fair enough. I'll leave that alone. I still think OOB comms is a worthwhile pursuit 20:40:35 <sbalukoff> mhayden: I would like to; I think we need to make sure that Octavia deployment is simpler and performance is definitely at or better than namespace to do that. 20:40:53 <dougwig> i'd vote to deprecate and let someone maintain in a separate repo if they want. 20:41:02 <xgerman> dougwig +1 20:41:05 <sbalukoff> dougwig: +1 20:41:20 <xgerman> so #startvote 20:41:28 <blogan> i still kind of like having it as a simpler driver 20:41:31 <mhayden> i'm happy to help with some octavia docs, but i'll need some help on that to get the concepts right 20:41:42 <johnsom> Sounds like another agenda topic to cover at the next meeting? I would like to advertise that one before a vote. 20:41:49 <sbalukoff> mhayden: I'll do my best to help you there. 20:41:50 <xgerman> ha 20:41:51 <sbalukoff> Please ping me. 20:41:52 <blogan> with new features, right now we have to implement it in octavia and neutron-lbaas, which sucks 20:42:04 <johnsom> #topic Do we need an admin tenant? (blogan) 20:42:35 <johnsom> Please update the etherpad with mgmt-net ideas. Moving on to blogan's next gernade 20:42:49 <sbalukoff> Haha! Ok. 20:42:51 <blogan> yeah so neutron has rbac now, which allows a user to say this tenant can create ports on my network 20:42:53 <blogan> basically 20:42:57 <mhayden> to be fair, i pushed blogan to throw these grenades :P 20:43:02 * blogan throws grenade at johnsom 20:43:38 <blogan> mhayden: well they're good topics anyway, the mgmt net needs improving, and if people are adverse to having an admin account then it should be noted at least 20:43:49 <johnsom> Sounds like the ACL fun we are having with barbican 20:44:08 <sbalukoff> Yep. 20:44:16 <blogan> johnsom: yep, however, we could just use an admin account to only set the rbac policy to allow a normal octavia user to do it 20:44:21 <xgerman> Yeah, BBQ is a time sink for me 20:44:27 <rm_work> yeah I don't think ACLs are working properly in consumers still 20:44:28 <blogan> so it lessens the admin calls, but still would require an admin account 20:44:38 <dougwig> blogan: we don't gate on it or test it *at all*. that sounds deprecated to me. 20:44:48 <rm_work> someone needs to poke at some barbican devs, i haven't had time/priority to look at it 20:44:54 <rm_work> i had a patch up a while back 20:45:08 * blogan hops in his time machine to reply to dougwig's comment 20:45:28 <xgerman> then there are nova quotas which require an admin count to be changed 20:45:58 <blogan> xgerman: true, so there's probaby a lot of little gotchas like that 20:46:05 <xgerman> yep 20:46:11 <blogan> but in that case, that should be the deployer who ups those quotas for the octavia user 20:46:21 <xgerman> and this is where I have spend some of my time recently ;-) 20:46:32 <blogan> but octavia will automatically do security group rules, which may require admin access, i honestly can't remember 20:46:43 <xgerman> yep, we do 20:46:52 <johnsom> blogan If we still need an admin account, what is it really buying us? 20:46:57 <TrevorV> Okay so the answer is, "yes we need an admin tenant" 20:46:59 <TrevorV> Is that it? 20:47:17 <xgerman> well, you could make roles in kesytone 20:47:25 <xgerman> there is admin stuff we don’t need 20:47:33 <blogan> johnsom: the point of tihs discussion is if htere's a way to not have an admin account we should use it and rbac seemed like a possibility but sounds like there's a lot of gotchas on it 20:47:42 <bharathm> We can have a different tenant.. but admin role to do all the above 20:48:03 <Apsu> Role membership seems like a reasonable middle ground. Least privilege required and such 20:48:11 <sbalukoff> Is this because permissions on "admin" stuff aren't granular enough? 20:48:54 <blogan> could be, and if thats the case then the roles and policy can be done by deployers 20:49:05 <blogan> and this is a moot subject 20:49:15 <blogan> if thats the solution 20:49:15 <TrevorV> A better question for me is, why don't we want admin tenant if we can use it? 20:49:32 <xgerman> if octavia gets compromised... 20:49:48 <blogan> the more admin accounts, the greater the attack vectors 20:49:50 <sbalukoff> TrevorV: "Least privilege" is a basic security requirement in most places. 20:49:52 <ptoohill> disable octavia service account? 20:49:52 <Apsu> ^ 20:50:30 <johnsom> blogan Newton time frame? 20:50:48 <sbalukoff> johnsom: +1 20:50:51 <blogan> johnsom: or its a deployer problem 20:50:53 <johnsom> or is this something that is more urgent for folks? 20:50:58 <blogan> johnsom: but yeah never intended to be for Mitaka 20:51:04 <johnsom> Ok 20:51:09 <blogan> would require too much work 20:51:42 <xgerman> deployer problem 20:51:46 <johnsom> I think the unique tenant/account with roles might be a good way to go. I'm not sure about the RBAC stuff as I haven't really looked at it. 20:52:15 <johnsom> #topic LBaaS tests with OVN in the gate? 20:52:27 <johnsom> Someone added this one to the agenda 20:53:11 <johnsom> Anyone claim it? dougwig? You seem to like more gates.... 20:53:36 <dougwig> any context on this topic? 20:53:54 <johnsom> Just the line someone added to the agenda. First I have heard of it 20:53:55 <blogan> i have no experience with OVN mitts 20:54:14 <sbalukoff> Huh. 20:54:26 * mhayden gets it 20:54:29 <blogan> lol 20:54:31 <blogan> ovn = oven 20:54:35 <johnsom> Ok, if nobody claims it, I will declare it's a drive-by OVN 20:54:40 <sbalukoff> Haha! 20:54:41 * mhayden resists posting ascii-art 20:54:48 <Apsu> Drive-by baking 20:54:49 <johnsom> #topic Open Discussion 20:55:15 <sbalukoff> xgerman: What was the name of that distro to look into to try to cut down on amphora image size? 20:55:17 <sbalukoff> Alpine? 20:55:24 <sbalukoff> What's its license? 20:55:26 <xgerman> yep, alpine 20:55:41 <mhayden> could always go with something like RancherOS and containerize ;) 20:55:42 <Apsu> sbalukoff: What distro is it based on currently? 20:55:46 <xgerman> #link http://www.alpinelinux.org 20:55:48 <sbalukoff> Apsu: Ubuntu. 20:55:51 <sbalukoff> Ok. 20:55:54 <sbalukoff> I'll have a look. 20:55:55 <Apsu> sbalukoff: Have you seen Ubuntu Core? 20:56:03 <xgerman> yeah, it’s on my list 20:56:07 <mhayden> or CoreOS? :) 20:56:07 <xgerman> alpine 20:56:17 <sbalukoff> mhayden: Eventually we do want containers. But it sounds like that's going to take some work. 20:56:22 <blogan> coudl go with red star os too 20:56:30 <johnsom> Or clearOS 20:56:45 <sbalukoff> I'd just like to get to a VM that boots a lot quicker even with vmx. 20:56:55 <xgerman> well, one negative from the last lab was memory consumption — I hope alpine can help 20:56:59 <Apsu> sbalukoff: Would probably be the least movement from the current image, and their goal is tiny footprint. It's the basis for the new transactional pkg mgmt they're working on, too 20:57:00 <sbalukoff> Yep. 20:57:08 <Apsu> But seems like it might be a good candidate 20:57:23 <sbalukoff> Apsu: Thanks for the recommendation, eh! 20:57:29 <johnsom> Oh, I guess it's clear linux, not clearos. The distro Intel was pitching in Vancouver 20:57:32 <Apsu> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Core yep 20:57:45 <xgerman> yeah, I wish that disk image build had some good tiny ones build in 20:58:03 <sbalukoff> Also: does anyone here know enough about virtualization tech to know whether using a 32-bit image would actually gain us anything? 20:58:15 <sbalukoff> (As far as resource footprint) 20:58:23 <johnsom> I tried the ubuntu core DIB element about six months ago. It was broken. 20:58:43 <sbalukoff> (since I think it's unlikely we'll need to support >4GB haproxy processes for the forseeable future...) 20:59:02 <sbalukoff> johnsom: aah, good to know. 20:59:03 <johnsom> sbalukoff 32bit would get us a smaller on disk footprint. 20:59:18 <sbalukoff> johnsom: But on a 64-bit host, doesn't save us ram? 20:59:29 <Apsu> It wouldn't on modern processors, tmk. The virt engines actually work harder to run 32-bit instructions because (afaik) they use 64-bit for all memory addressing regardless of instruction size and class. 20:59:39 <sbalukoff> Ok. 20:59:45 <sbalukoff> So, don't bother with 32-bit. :/ 20:59:48 <Apsu> So it's a conversion on 32-bit instructions. I could be wrong, but that's how I understand it. 20:59:50 <johnsom> sbalukoff probably. 21:00:10 <sbalukoff> I'll ping Dustin, as he keeps up on this far better than I... 21:00:14 <johnsom> Ubuntu core could be worth looking at it again. It just wasn't working last time I tried it. 21:00:33 <sbalukoff> johnsom: Ok! 21:00:56 <Apsu> I suspect talking with Canonical and mentioning the intended use of Core would probably get some hands to help make it right from their side, if it's broken 21:01:02 * Apsu shrugs 21:01:10 <johnsom> I don't see a DIB element for alpine yet, so might be some work. 21:01:15 <johnsom> Ok, that is time. 21:01:18 <sbalukoff> Yeah. 21:01:19 <johnsom> #endmeeting