20:00:14 #startmeeting Octavia 20:00:15 Meeting started Wed Dec 14 20:00:14 2016 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is johnsom. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 20:00:16 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 20:00:19 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 20:00:22 o/ 20:00:38 Hello everyone. 20:01:03 I know some folks can't make it today, so it might be a little light on attendance 20:01:18 #topic Announcements 20:01:26 Ocata-2 milestone this week 20:01:27 hope it’s not just us two ;-) 20:01:34 #link https://releases.openstack.org/ocata/schedule.html 20:01:37 Hi 20:01:43 Hi perelman 20:01:55 It's just three of us :) 20:02:04 Hi all 20:02:09 Just a reminder, Ocata is now in the last stretch towards Ocata-3 milestone. 20:02:24 I have a question - whe 20:02:37 We still have our merge priority review list: 20:02:40 Are there dates for the next mid cycly 20:02:44 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/octavia-ocata-merge-review-priority 20:02:45 Ecycle 20:03:02 hello 20:03:10 perelman Currently the next meet up is going to be the PTG 20:03:21 #link http://www.openstack.org/ptg 20:03:25 o/ 20:03:26 * xgerman hoping he figures out how to attend 20:03:26 Feb 20-24 20:03:31 Hi 20:03:32 Sorry for mistakes - a bit strange keyboard 20:04:03 NP 20:04:05 So we won't have a separate mid cycle. 20:04:06 hello everyone 20:04:08 o/ 20:04:16 Hi there. 20:04:21 hey people 20:04:41 Any other announcements before we head into progress reports/ patches needing review? 20:05:25 Folks might also be interested in the "community goals" for Pike. See the mailing list for the discussion. 20:05:29 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 20:06:09 Ok, Nir had two on the agenda that have been hanging around a while. Both related to the legacy namespace driver 20:06:16 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/344658/ 20:06:24 #link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/299998/ 20:06:35 I think some folks have started reviews/ testing on those 20:06:57 o/ 20:07:49 hi rm_work 20:07:53 A number of us have been working through the diskimage-builder issues. Ugh, what a bunch of issues opened by that change 20:08:32 We are down to some issues with the amphora-agent under the new python3 environment 20:08:39 At least as far as I can see 20:08:53 thanks a lot for your cycles for ^^ , please ping me for any question you might have 20:09:03 (the patches johnsom linked) 20:09:05 Any other updates? 20:09:52 #topic Meeting schedule for the next few weeks 20:10:13 So number of folks have holidays over the next few weeks. 20:10:41 I would like to cancel the 28th as most folks in the US will be taking time off (myself included). 20:10:52 +1 20:10:56 +1 20:10:57 Do you want to meet next week or should we follow other teams and cancel it as well? 20:10:59 happy holidays guys :) 20:11:32 I guess asking another way, are you all going to be around next Wednesday? 20:11:35 I could probably make it, but not sure how much we'll have 20:11:46 +1 20:11:48 johnsom, i think that if anything urgent comes up we can just communicate via mail this time. 20:11:56 * johnsom Hopes a celebration that the DIB issue is resolved 20:12:09 +1000 20:13:19 Ok, so no strong signal either way, so I think we should cancel the next two week's meetings and pick up again on the 4th of January. 20:13:39 I will send a note out to the mailing list and update the agenda pages 20:14:17 #topic Meeting time discussion 20:14:24 #link https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/octavia-weekly-meeting-time 20:15:01 Please remember to put your timezone information on the etherpad. 20:15:15 It still looks a little light for the folks that participate in the meeting. 20:16:03 Yet crowded with people who usually don't - as this hour is tough on us :) 20:16:07 kobis Maybe have some options/recommendations for times when there is a channel available for the 4th meeting? 20:16:56 I guess that we should wait till we have some more feedback before we suggest anything? 20:17:11 +1 in my opinion 20:17:34 Yeah, that was why I was thinking the 4th meeting, but I'm happy to delay. 20:17:42 kobis, are there any specific votes we are waiting to see? 20:18:18 Nms 20:18:20 A 20:19:08 I would have expected to see some of the asia-pacific area folks to jump in as well. 20:19:09 I guess that most of the poeple who are around the US haven't voted/noted 20:19:32 And none from India and Eastern Asia 20:19:49 At least at the last time which i checked 20:20:06 Yeah, so maybe a bit more time and a reminder in my e-mail about the meeting cancellation. 20:21:02 #topic legacy namespace driver upgrade path after the merge (nmagnezi) 20:21:15 hi everyone 20:21:35 so, i added this to the agenda: "[nmagnezi]: Due to neutron-lbaas and Octavia merge, we should discuss the Newton -> Ocata upgrade path for haproxy in namespace users (Howto)." 20:21:51 So i think the topic name actually says it all :) , that is actually a question / a start of discussion about the situation of upgrades for current user of the old driver. 20:21:52 To start this topic I should probably mention, given where we are at with the merge work and Ocata-2, I doubt we will be moving drivers in Ocata. 20:22:50 johnsom, if we won't make it, will ppl you use the old driver need to activate some sort of proxy to keep it running? 20:23:18 i mean a pass through proxy for the API 20:23:28 No, for the Ocata cycle we will probably end up staying the way we are. 20:23:54 Just having the API running in Ocata, but not yet used/advertised as an endpoint. 20:24:37 My hope for the legacy driver is to just need a database migration, but given how intertwined it is with neutron, it may require more. 20:25:06 aye, but since we don't know for 100% what will be the situation at the release of Ocata (maybe we will make it..), are we sure that will be the case for the old driver users? 20:25:39 if not, i'm willing to help with this and maybe write some spec / doc , but i will need guidance :) 20:25:45 * johnsom thinks "nothing is ever sure in OpenStack" 20:25:57 +1 20:25:58 :D 20:26:14 Since work to move the legacy namespace driver has not started, I can't give you more of an answer. 20:26:16 not sure why we need the namespace driver - is there a requirement octavia doesn’t meet 20:26:25 ? 20:26:26 If you would like to start that work, please do 20:26:36 xgerman +1 20:26:50 xgerman, operators take their time to move forward 20:26:52 Unless there's someone who actually use it... and would like to upgrade 20:27:08 It's a good question. My feeling is a number of folks are actively using it. It would at least need to go through deprecation cycle 20:27:41 I know heat and magnum are using it for testing 20:28:14 johnsom, xgerman, i know it is being used, the future is Octavia of course, but some folks take time to adopt new things. 20:28:22 That said, I think they could change 20:28:43 this is why we have deprecation time 20:28:43 well, octavia has been around for years now ;-) 20:28:51 and we gonna work on migrations tools 20:29:07 diltram don’t make promises like that 20:29:20 ? 20:29:32 xgerman, for the debian tribe ;) , when I finish with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/331841/ our customers can also adapt Octavia 20:29:42 adopt* 20:29:48 xgerman: if anyone has a customer who uses it outside of openstack testing projects then they'll have to migrate 20:30:11 diltram migration is hard and I am not sure if we should suck it out of DB and recreate in octavia 20:30:18 nmagnezi awesome 20:30:19 And as we never officially announced that namespace driver is deprecated... why should they make an effort 20:30:41 kobis don’t get me started why that was never announced 20:30:46 * xgerman looks at blogan 20:30:53 :D 20:31:18 Ha 20:31:34 kobis, as long is it was not deprecated officially, you cannot force ppl not to use it :) 20:31:49 My point exactly 20:31:49 Well, there are two steps here. One, migration to legacy namespace driver running under Octavia API. 20:32:10 * blogan xgerman looks back confused 20:32:15 The other would be migration to using octavia driver instead of legacy namespace. Two different problems 20:32:18 * blogan cant type 20:32:27 Maybe we should do that asap and avoid the challenge of having namespace under octavia 20:33:05 We can try, but I expect folks to come out of the woodwork (so to say) saying they need it. 20:33:19 johnsom, well then they can support it 20:33:20 I wasn't serious about this 20:33:22 We could start with a mailing list post asking about it's use 20:33:31 +1 20:33:40 kobis, i would vote against it for now, as long we cannot use octavia without neutron-lbaas 20:33:40 well it'll cause those people to need more capacity in their nova deploys, so i assume it'll cause some people issues 20:34:03 True 20:34:16 But free up like 100 network nodes, so.... GRIN 20:34:26 lol 20:34:30 * xgerman thinks we should have build that wall between neutron and nova 20:34:32 :) 20:35:15 Ok, no harm in sending out a survey e-mail. "Raise your hand if you are using the legacy namespace driver" 20:35:36 I just expect to see a lot of hands... 20:35:56 i expect to see very little because the people who are using it won't be paying attention to the ML 20:36:02 When do we expect nlbaas to be out of business? 20:36:05 nmagnezi Did you get enough info out of that conversation? 20:36:23 johnsom, for now yes, thank you :) 20:36:47 kobis Realistically at our current rate, it would be Pike when nlbaas is just a pass through proxy. 20:37:14 We just don't have enough in place at the end of Ocata-2 to start moving drivers 20:38:03 kobis: are you going to be able to do that conduit between the neutron plugin and an octavia driver? 20:38:45 I do - idk if ill have that ready this week... 20:38:53 did devstack change something with the version of qemu-kvm that gets installed??? like, NOW? 20:38:55 bleh 20:39:03 all the sudden lots of dep issues on centos7 20:39:06 kobis: oh yeah that'd be surprising if you did 20:39:47 rm_work Don't know 20:39:53 Ok, let's move on. 20:40:02 #topic Octavia event notifier blueprint 20:40:13 There is a proposed blueprint and patch up 20:40:25 #link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/octavia/+spec/octavia-event-notifier 20:40:44 It is being driven by the senlin folks. 20:41:10 I reviewed that patch and they have some work to do 20:41:13 I have some concerns about it 20:41:29 I am also very rusty on that olso notifications stuff they are using. 20:41:47 well, it’s just a shim over rabbit topics 20:41:52 I am interested in the rest of the community comments on this proposal 20:42:21 Yeah, it's more publish-subscribe than the queuing we are using now right? 20:42:30 johnsom, sorry for asking but what is senlin? 20:42:49 Im guessing that his should enable stats and status collection form lbaas? 20:42:51 #link https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Senlin 20:43:01 Don't be sorry, I had to look it up myself. 20:43:16 oh, yet another open stack project i didn't knew existed 20:43:17 nice :D 20:43:32 there are new ones every day 20:43:45 My initial question is do we want to enable this type of messaging or drive folks towards just using the API. 20:43:57 There are trade offs both ways in my oppinion 20:44:10 to kobis using some topic might be the wrong approach for stats 20:44:40 Then I want to make sure we don't ddos the oslo messaging queues because there is nobody subscribed to these 20:44:54 johnsom as long as it is pluggable we can do both 20:44:58 Yeah, that was also a bit different 20:44:59 xgerman: sure - maybe we should just advise about how _we_ prefer to implement stats 20:45:43 yeah, and make them all use kafka :-) 20:45:55 zeromq 20:46:55 So, I'm not hearing feedback that it's bad in concept, we just need to work on implementation details. 20:47:21 I get fidgety when we are integrating with other projects outside of the API.... 20:48:00 yeah, but we were talking about some pluggable reporter all along 20:48:03 Ok, please comment any concerns on the blueprint and patch 20:48:29 #topic Open Discussion 20:48:33 Other topics for today? 20:48:41 Horizon?! 20:49:10 we need to see if we can get that to work again 20:49:15 Ok, what about it. I asked if folks could help with it last week. More on that topic? 20:49:34 do we have a list of what is broken? 20:49:38 Yes, I think ankur-gupta-f was looking at it. 20:49:54 ok, cool 20:50:07 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron-lbaas-dashboard 20:50:13 That is the bug list for it. 20:50:18 That is a good place to start 20:50:32 ankur failed on this 20:50:35 I don't think ankur-gupta-f got very far looking at it however. 20:50:48 yeah, noone of us is horizon 20:51:10 Right, I think all of the folks that were working on it have changed jobs now.... 20:51:22 So, help is needed. 20:51:28 yep 20:52:05 who is the PTL over there those days? 20:52:19 I am, it is now an Octavia project 20:52:28 Or are you asking about horizon? 20:52:35 yep, horizon 20:52:54 Richard Jones 20:53:24 ok, wil look him up 20:54:24 #link https://governance.openstack.org/tc/reference/projects/horizon.html 20:54:59 Any other topics for the last few minutes? 20:55:19 he likes to fix bugs: http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2016-September/103515.html 20:55:21 :-) 20:55:46 Grin 20:56:11 Ok, thanks folks. Enjoy your break from Octavia/LBaaS meetings! 20:56:30 #endmeeting