16:00:43 <gthiemonge> #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:43 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Mar 16 16:00:43 2022 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:43 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:43 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:49 <gthiemonge> Hi 16:01:24 <tweining> hi 16:02:21 <gthiemonge> #topic Announcements 16:02:31 <gthiemonge> * Yoga release schedule 16:03:01 <gthiemonge> FYI we released Octavia 10.0.0 rc1 last week! 16:03:32 <gthiemonge> it should be the final release for Yoga as we are not expecting any additional fixes 16:03:56 <gthiemonge> and Yoga release is in 2 weeks! 16:04:16 <johnsom> o/ 16:04:22 <tweining> yay, release party in 2 weeks!! ;) 16:06:38 <gthiemonge> * Zed PTG 16:06:45 <gthiemonge> Reminder for the Octavia PTG 16:07:01 <gthiemonge> April 7th and 8th (14:00-17:00 UTC) 16:07:05 <gthiemonge> there's an etherpad for Octavia: 16:07:14 <gthiemonge> #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/zed-ptg-octavia 16:08:28 <gthiemonge> any other announcements folks? 16:11:13 <gthiemonge> #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:11:32 <gthiemonge> I have updated an old patch to build haproxy from source: 16:11:54 <gthiemonge> #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/698086 16:12:06 <gthiemonge> I added a non-voting job that uses this feature 16:12:21 <gthiemonge> (maybe an experimental job would have been better?) 16:12:43 <gthiemonge> QUIC is enabled in this haproxy build, if someone wants to start working on it ;-) 16:13:17 <gthiemonge> (haproxy 2.5 supports QUIC only for the frontend, it also requires a custom openssl lib) 16:13:35 <gthiemonge> (the openssl lib is also built in the change) 16:15:32 <johnsom> 2.6 might have a more complete QUIC implementation. Lots of patches are merging for it. 16:16:10 <johnsom> It's good to get ahead of this however, so a job is awesome. 16:19:13 <tweining> how fast is the build? maybe it makes sense to use at least make -j2? 16:19:40 <gthiemonge> Yeah I don't use any -jX option :/ 16:19:49 <gthiemonge> but it's not really slower than the other jobs 16:20:20 <gthiemonge> 2h17 for the last run, 2h09 for the default c8s job (no build) 16:20:31 <gthiemonge> (yeah it is based on c8s) 16:21:15 <tweining> QUIC is important for HTTP3 support? 16:22:06 <johnsom> Yes, HTTP3 is based on it 16:22:33 <johnsom> QUIC is also already widely deployed. 16:24:44 <gthiemonge> I guess HTTP3 support will be discussed during the PTG 16:25:28 <tweining> tiny fix for devstack that would nice to get merged: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/828724 16:25:39 <johnsom> Last time I checked, HTTP3 wasn't yet ratified 16:27:34 <johnsom> Yeah, still not an RFC... 16:28:50 <johnsom> New draft last week though: https://quicwg.org/base-drafts/draft-ietf-quic-http.html 16:32:15 <gthiemonge> #topic Open Discussion 16:33:43 <gthiemonge> any other topics? 16:34:18 <tweining> not from my side 16:36:24 <gthiemonge> ok 16:36:33 <gthiemonge> thank you folks 16:36:39 <gthiemonge> #endmeeting