16:00:21 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:21 Meeting started Wed Jan 25 16:00:21 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:21 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:21 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:26 o/ 16:00:31 Hi everyone 16:00:34 o/ 16:01:04 Hey 16:02:14 Hello 16:03:10 #topic Announcements 16:03:14 * Antelope Release schedule 16:03:18 just a reminder 16:03:27 we are 2 weeks from the final release for non-client librairies 16:03:36 AFAIK we have no open patch for octavia-lib 16:04:11 Yep, nothing there that is ready to go 16:04:56 and FYI we registered Octavia for the virtual PTG in March 16:05:14 any other announcements that I missed? 16:05:49 Individual registration is open for the March PTG as well, so sign up! 16:05:57 It is virtual and free 16:06:03 +1 16:08:01 #topic Amphorav2+Jobboard security issue 16:08:28 we had a new story last week about a security issue when using amphorav2+jobboard with taskflow logs set to >=INFO 16:08:55 when creating a TLS listener, the certificates and private_keys are written to the octavia worker logs 16:08:59 #link https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/2010523 16:09:13 please note these important things: 16:09:24 - jobboard is not enabled by default in Octavia 16:09:48 - taskflow logger is only >=WARNING by default, INFO messages are not enabled 16:09:54 - the data is only visible by the admins of the cloud 16:10:35 the fix is already on master, patches have been proposed on stable branches 16:10:41 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/I2df8a49851feb1445b5128ce99b880ddb77782ad 16:10:49 (I had a merge conflict, so please review carefully) 16:11:13 then we will cut new releases when the patches are merged 16:12:00 any questions/comments? 16:13:44 o/ 16:15:49 Thanks for working on this. I think the patch looks good. 16:16:13 thanks for the reviews ;-) 16:17:04 BTW I will open a bug against taskflow, the INFO-level messages are maybe printing too many details 16:18:34 #topic CI Status 16:18:35 Yep, let me know when that is ready for review 16:18:38 ack 16:19:16 for the CI: we had a new issue with grenade last week, because nova has enabled the sRBAC by default on master 16:19:37 johnsom fixed it by adding new roles for the users in octavia-tempest-plugin 16:19:46 johnsom: thanks! 16:19:50 NP 16:19:59 and for this week, nothing new to report 16:20:24 Yeah, I guess every cloud will need to make changes to every account on upgrade to Antelope due to the "secure-RBAC" goal. 16:21:50 This surprised me 16:22:41 yeah 16:24:32 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:25:20 so this week, I had to work on this security issue 16:26:29 and with tweining[m], we have worked on migration to openstacksdk in the neutron driver 16:26:37 I think it is ready for reviews now: 16:26:47 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/866327 16:27:27 and if you want to test it and you also have the ovn-octavia-provider in your env, you need to update it too (with https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ovn-octavia-provider/+/870514) 16:28:46 I think that for the rest of the week I will review the barbican secrets consumers patch 16:30:25 #topic Open Discussion 16:30:34 gthiemonge: ack 16:31:27 I have a question regarding pool lb_algorithm. 16:31:56 yebinama: hi 16:32:03 hello :) 16:32:21 I'm currently developing a provider driver for my company internal loadbalancing solution (that may become opensource in the future). We use 'MAGLEV' as the loadbalancing algorithm. 16:32:41 When creating a pool, the Octavia API checks the payload sent by the user and only allow to specify one of ROUND_ROBIN, LEAST_CONNECTIONS, SOURCE_IP or SOURCE_IP_PORT as lb_algorithm so I can't send "MAGLEV". Before doing a merge request, I wanted to know what would be the preferred way: either add 'MAGLEV' to Octavia library or maybe just remove the check from the Octavia API as each driver does its own check to 16:32:41 validate user payload and may support other algorithms than those 4. 16:33:25 BTW creating a driver is very easy and well documented 16:34:05 yebinama Thank you for the kind words. 16:34:30 So, Maglev is a load balancer offering, but I don't think it is a proprietary load balancing algorithm. 16:34:51 It' an algorithm from Google 16:35:02 You can use it in IPVS for example 16:35:04 It uses ECMP, which most default implementation use round robin 16:36:28 Some will use source tuples with consistent hashing 16:37:20 ECMP is used to reach the servers that are acting as lb, to contact the members it is indeed done wit some kind of hashing 16:37:44 (sorry, I was dropped) 16:37:45 So, instead of "maglev" it might be best to use some kind of generic (i.e. used by other LB implementations) term for the algorithm. 16:39:18 Sure, something like "hashing" will be fine 16:39:35 I haven't read up on Maglev in a while, but I think it has an option (beyond round-robin) for a consistent hash based on protocol, source IP, source port, destination address, destination port. 16:39:53 Yep that is how we used it 16:40:07 To reach the same member, whatever the lb you hit 16:40:08 So, yeah, maybe "5-tuple" or something similar that we can explain in the docs somewhere. 16:41:00 That way other provider drivers can also use that algorithm if they support it and not be labeled "maglev". 16:41:37 Yes, it's a good solution 16:42:11 Yeah, so first step on that is to propose a patch to octavia-lib, adding the new algorithm. 16:42:37 Also, be careful to understand the different between the load balancing algorithm and session persistence. They are two different things. 16:43:21 LB algorithm is about how the first member server is selected, session persistence is about how subsequent packets for the client are handled. 16:43:34 Yes I'm talking about the lb algorithm 16:44:18 I may need to also update the python-octaviaclient as it doesn't use the octavia lib to check on user input 16:44:21 Yeah, if I remember, maglev does not support session persistence concepts, but generally behaves that way. 16:45:08 Correct, after it is added to octavia-lib, the main octavia, client, and dashboard will need to be updated to support this new algorithm. 16:45:18 It's really pretty easy to add these. 16:46:32 Sure I'll update these also 16:46:41 Oh, and probably the OpenStack SDK 16:47:20 I'll take a look on it to be sure 16:47:37 Yeah, so welcome. If you have questions this is a good place to ask them or the discuss mailing list. 16:47:45 We are happy to help you 16:47:47 So to open the request I go with "5-tuple"? 16:47:55 Thanks :) 16:48:27 Yeah, that is my personal thought on the algorithm name. Maybe others here or reviewers will have other ideas. 16:48:38 Propose it, can't hurt 16:48:45 it's ok for me 16:48:48 Easy to change if you get better feedback 16:49:33 Fine then. Thank you, I'll try to open it next week. 16:50:48 great! 16:51:59 anything else folks? 16:52:37 Nothing from me, welcome yebinama 16:53:10 thanks oschwart 16:53:31 No 16:53:51 ok, thank you guys! 16:53:53 #endmeeting