16:00:26 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:26 Meeting started Wed Feb 1 16:00:26 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:26 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:26 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:29 hi folks 16:00:36 o/ 16:00:44 o/ 16:01:49 o/ 16:02:19 o/ 16:03:24 #topic Announcements 16:03:39 * PTL Elections 16:04:20 FYI Today begins the 2023.2 Election season 16:04:25 #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-January/031960.html 16:05:55 * Antelope Release Schedule 16:06:08 Next week is final release for non-client libs! 16:06:28 If you want to add patches to octavia-lib, this is the deadline 16:07:25 any other announcements folks? 16:08:02 I think no 16:08:31 BTW Feature freeze is in 2 weeks 16:09:29 is sqlalchemy2 migration considered a feature? 16:09:57 Yes 16:10:10 cool, I would rather wait for the B cycle 16:10:12 Plus I don't think we are done there. 16:10:33 It's a high risk change, so should land prior to feature freeze. 16:10:41 other than that I don't see a new feature at first glance over the priority review list 16:10:54 (except the ones merged) 16:11:12 Barbican secrets consumers? 16:11:35 right 16:11:50 johnsom: what about https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/862671/ 16:11:55 "Add zookeeper backend for jobboard in devstack" 16:12:08 it only changes the devstack files 16:12:13 is it a feature patch? 16:13:25 I will need to check if the barbican client release has happened, it was planned for Antelope, so we should be able to merge that for Antelope. 16:13:51 nice 16:14:16 Zookeeper would be a feature as welll, but as mentioned, it's really just test coverage/devstack, so should be lower risk for including in antelope. 16:15:29 right, it's not enabled by default 16:15:56 This is what I got from the barbican team (#openstack-barbican) last week: johnsom: we still have the last patch to merge for barbicanclient command line changes, we'll merge it this week and create a release shortly after 16:16:17 ok 16:17:25 #topic CI Status 16:17:36 Nothing to report here AFAIK 16:18:54 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:19:41 the neutronclient removal patches can be reviewed now 16:19:56 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/866327 16:20:12 great! 16:20:16 This would be another patch we should land before feature freeze or bump to bobcat 16:20:26 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/ovn-octavia-provider/+/870514 (not sure if it belongs here though) 16:20:51 if the octavia patch merges, we need to ensure that the ovn-octavia-provider merges too 16:21:05 (or there will be conflicts with the config options :/) 16:21:28 I'm still doing some manual tests though esp. wrt. various config variants 16:21:41 I think this is a big patch for Octavia, but it's not a difficult patch to review 16:22:19 I tested it for some time, and it looked good to me 16:22:24 1. we need to ensure that we are communicating with neutron with 2 different methods (service_auth or tenant context) 16:22:25 yeah it's an XL patch, but easy to review. and it makes no sense to split it into smaller pieces IMO 16:22:29 Nope, OVN provider is a neutron project, that is not something we will track 16:22:40 2. we need to check that the paramas of the methods have not been renamed 16:22:52 johnsom: we need to help them to track it 16:23:43 Yeah, that is fine. I assume the release notes call out any incompatibility it may cause for the provider drivers? (I have not looked at this patch yet) 16:24:11 I think the release notes are solid. but I'll double-check 16:24:33 yeah, please do. thanks 16:24:35 Oh, and if they were using code outside of our documented API, that is on them..... 16:25:22 Landing the Octavia side early is a good indication to the providers to fix their issues where they didn't follow the guide. 16:26:59 yeah 16:28:35 #topic Open Discussion 16:33:36 no additional topic? 16:34:42 no I guess 16:35:27 I don't have anything 16:35:42 Be sure to sign up for the virtual PTG if you haven't yet 16:36:09 I think I did it twice, or not. I don't remember 16:36:18 I did it a while ago 16:36:23 Me too 16:38:16 ok, so I think that's all for today! 16:39:06 thanks! 16:39:08 #endmeeting