16:01:27 #startmeeting Octavia 16:01:27 Meeting started Wed Feb 8 16:01:27 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:27 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:27 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:01:35 o/ 16:01:40 o/ 16:01:44 Hi Folks 16:03:14 o/ 16:03:19 o/ 16:03:47 #topic Announcements 16:04:07 octavia-lib for Antelope released 16:04:11 Next week is Antelope-3 milestone: Feature Freeze 16:04:15 +1 16:04:27 Yep, and client releases 16:04:27 I'll focus on reviewing feature patches 16:04:54 there's only one patch for the client 16:05:10 reminder, the review priority list is: 16:05:13 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/octavia-priority-reviews 16:06:07 I have +2'd that already. Maybe tweining can have a look 16:07:04 ok 16:07:26 any other announcement folks? 16:09:48 #topic CI Status 16:10:09 we fixed issues with grenade and pylint this week, I think all the fixes are merged now 16:10:16 (master and stable branches) 16:11:14 another topic: 16:11:46 froyo is adding new tests (missing tests) to test_traffic_ops in octavia-tempest-plugin 16:12:25 it increases the duration of the scenario jobs, the c9s job seems to time out really often now 16:12:57 I tried to split the class into 2 classes but c9s still fails from time to time 16:13:23 so maybe it's time to take another approach: spliting the scenario job into 2 jobs (for instance traffic classes vs the rest) 16:13:33 what do you think about that? 16:14:10 if it makes the execution faster, fine with me 16:14:17 Sounds good to me 16:14:34 We have done that in the past. Though, I have not looked at this patch from froyo to see if we can optimize it better. 16:14:58 I would like to review it before we merge it. 16:15:07 running the test_traffic_ops class takes 2h in my env 16:15:09 sure 16:15:21 we will not merge it until we get acceptable durations for the jobs 16:15:35 plus we probably don't want to merge that at this point in the release as we probably have priority patches we don't want to impact 16:15:48 right 16:16:18 repeat=19 16:16:32 Yeah, that is probably more time than we really need to spend in the test 16:17:35 in most jobs, this test class finished more than one hour after the other classes (ok we have only 2 concurrent classes at a time) 16:18:56 anywys, I will propose a test patch that splits the job, so we can see the durations 16:19:20 Each one of those new test cases will make 19 requests now, so yeah, huge jump in test runtime needed. This needs some review time. 16:19:54 note that c9s job fails already with a lot of timeouts 16:20:29 Yeah, agreed, C9S is slow... 16:20:51 I'm just not sure we need to add 228 round trips to the members to have a good test. 16:21:32 ok 16:24:20 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:25:30 on my side, I've worked on these gate issues (pylint/grenade) 16:25:45 + reviews 16:25:54 + a lot of downstream stuff 16:26:22 Would this failure mean that we still have pylint issues on stable branches? 16:26:25 Lots of review for me 16:26:29 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-octaviaclient/+/869806 16:27:22 oschwart: I fixed only the octavia repo, I'll take a look at the octaviaclient, but here it passed 10min ago 16:27:38 I updated the patch that adds an tick-tock CI grenade upgrade job 16:27:41 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/860221 16:28:04 oschwart: it seems that we need to backport 16:28:05 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-octaviaclient/+/872357 16:28:57 Oh, nice. The terminology is a mess for tick-tock vs slurp and the docs seem to contradict themselves. I'm glad someone took the time to figure out what needs to happen there. 16:29:05 gthiemonge: I will take care of it if you guys are ok with it 16:29:47 oschwart: ok! it seems that it is only needed on zed 16:30:01 yeah, I guess SLURP is the correct name now. I can update the patch if you want 16:31:23 gthiemonge: ack 16:31:39 tweining: should we keep the ffu u/s job then? 16:31:43 and regarding oschwart's comment about removing octavia-grenade-ffu. I guess he's right. I will update the patch 16:32:22 is stein even supported anymore? 16:32:46 tweining: haha no 16:33:08 tweining: I tried to update the grenade-ffu job, but it was not working at all 16:35:25 Tom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia master: Add octavia-grenade-slurp CI job https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/860221 16:38:56 #topic Open Discussion 16:41:57 Omer Schwartz proposed openstack/python-octaviaclient stable/zed: Add munch explicitly to requirements https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-octaviaclient/+/873151 16:42:10 any other topics folks? 16:43:04 Nothing from me. I will prob ask you guys to review the munch backport patches as we have until next week (?) for the client patches 16:43:22 I guess it will be merged before the end of week ;-) 16:44:08 gthiemonge: ack 16:44:13 ok folks, thank you! 16:44:16 have a great week 16:44:19 #endmeeting