16:00:33 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:33 Meeting started Wed Feb 22 16:00:33 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:33 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:33 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:38 Hi 16:00:41 o/ 16:00:43 o/ 16:00:49 o/ 16:01:44 o/ 16:03:21 #topic Announcements 16:03:26 * Antelope Release schedule: RC1 next week 16:03:40 RC1 is next week 16:03:54 we plan to merge all the bugfixes for Antelope before RC1 16:04:50 ack 16:04:57 reminder the priority review list is 16:05:00 https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/octavia-priority-reviews 16:05:16 if you see that some patches are missing, don't hesitate to add them to the list 16:05:57 thanks for the heads up 16:07:40 any other announcements? 16:08:27 PTG Teams List was announced, but nothing new 16:09:52 there aren't many new features in Antelope, right? 16:10:09 I think there's only the amphora vertical scaling 16:10:26 yeah, that's the only one that comes to mind 16:10:44 we spent a lot of time on sqlalchemy2/python-neutronclient (that are still open) 16:13:07 we both underestimated the effort for these 16:13:45 well, it's not visible to the end user :D 16:14:01 but yeah 16:15:21 #topic CI Status 16:15:59 I didn't see many issues these last weeks with the CI 16:16:54 anything to report guys? 16:17:06 nope 16:18:22 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:18:49 I did many reviews, now I need to circle back if some patches have been updated 16:18:58 I'm also working on the migration to sqlalchemy2 16:19:21 I did some early patches with sqlachemy1.4 with the 2.0 deprecations enabled 16:19:26 now I'm testing the real stuff 16:19:51 jobboard is broken, I think we will have to update taskflow too 16:20:17 I also did a few reviews, but I need to ramp it up again in the next few days 16:20:36 I have spent most of my time on non-octavia related stuff 16:22:24 I also need to work the rockylinux support 16:22:44 it seems that there's an issue with the firewall on the o-hm0 port in the WIP patch 16:22:52 I cannot reproduce it locally 16:23:02 maybe a mess with iptables and nftables 16:25:41 #topic Open Discussion 16:27:45 tweining: johnsom: what do you think about this patch: https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/python-octaviaclient/+/874553 16:28:05 this is a followup patch for the munch dependency in the client, this patch removes the use of munch 16:28:34 I would like to know if we need to wait before cutting stable releases, maybe it's worth it to wait for this patch 16:28:35 I think if it passes it is good to remove dependencies 16:28:42 hmm, I think I saw another patch that added munch dep to some requirements.txt 16:29:08 The client has already branched right? 16:29:24 but if we can life without it, I think we should remove it 16:29:28 nop, I haven't approved it yet 16:31:03 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/874451 16:32:30 maybe it can wait for the next bugfix release in antelope 16:32:48 but I don't want to create stable releases now if they need this patch 16:33:05 Yeah, it might be nice to drop the requirement in antelope though. But either will be fine 16:33:10 ok 16:33:48 so it means that we need a 3.3.1? and that one will be the start point of the 2023.1 branch? 16:34:09 Right 16:34:17 ack 16:34:30 Actually 3.4.0? Since it's a requirement change 16:34:39 h 16:34:40 a 16:34:41 ok 16:35:15 ok, let's review/test this patch, I'm giving a -1 to the release patch 16:37:18 any other topics for today? 16:38:20 nothing from me 16:39:04 alright 16:39:07 thank you all! 16:39:11 #endmeeting