16:00:25 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:25 Meeting started Wed Mar 1 16:00:25 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:25 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:25 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:26 o/ 16:00:30 Hi 16:00:43 o/ 16:01:31 #topic Announcements 16:01:38 * Antelope Release schedule: RC1 16:01:52 we are in the last days before RC1 (should be tomorrow or Friday) 16:02:08 we don't plan to release any additional RCs (unless we face a major issue) 16:02:31 the priority review list is still there: 16:02:35 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/octavia-priority-reviews 16:03:09 but we can still merge fixes I guess 16:03:09 any questions? 16:03:22 after this week 16:03:34 nop, only for important regressions 16:03:45 RC1 would be the final Release for Antelope 16:03:48 understood 16:04:40 I think we can merge fixes into the branch but they won't be in the release 16:04:43 not sure 16:05:26 The release is tagged based on the last RC 16:05:41 yeah 16:06:08 After RC1, if you want a patch in the release, you have to backport it to the stable branch, cut another RC release 16:06:28 right 16:06:32 Otherwise, they will just be in stable/antelope for a future release 16:06:45 makes sense 16:07:41 If you don't backport, they will be in bobcat 16:08:14 Usually we will call bobcat "open for merge" once we don't think we will have any more stable/antelope backports. 16:08:26 I.e. the final RC is done 16:09:10 ack 16:09:31 * Octavia PTG 16:09:41 I created an etherpad for the next PTG 16:09:46 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/bobcat-ptg-octavia 16:10:20 the date/time is still TBD 16:10:25 but you can add your topics 16:11:31 any other announcement? 16:12:13 congrats for being the new PTL! 16:12:27 (old and new) 16:12:39 lol thanks 16:14:09 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:14:11 twelve more years! 16:14:17 :D 16:14:27 I fixed an annoying warning with SQLAlchemy 16:14:35 I think it would be nice to have it in Antelpe 16:14:39 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/875367 16:14:49 and in stable releases too 16:15:48 I also proposed a commit to update the Octavia Policies 16:15:57 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/875620 16:16:08 it has 2xCR+2 W+1, so this is fine 16:16:37 there's a related octavia-tempest-plugin patch: 16:16:40 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin/+/872648 16:17:16 I'm going to recheck it 16:17:38 and BTW I updated the sqlalchemy2 patch chain (I aslo proposed a patch for Taskflow) 16:17:42 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:sqlalchemy2+project:openstack/octavia 16:17:50 (not urgent, but I think we need to merge it at the beginning of the next cycle) 16:19:39 lots of V-1 still 16:19:48 hmm yeah 16:19:56 I need to remove amphorav1 first 16:20:01 ;/ 16:20:03 :/ 16:20:22 so it's not ready for reviews yet 16:22:20 #topic Open Discussion 16:22:21 I did only reviews I think, so no update from me 16:22:26 ack 16:22:35 I have a question about CI jobs 16:23:14 I proposed a change for spliting the centos 9 stream scenario job into 2 jobs (because it often times out) 16:23:23 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin/+/874054 16:23:48 this testing buildset shows that it reduces the duration of the jobs: 16:23:50 https://zuul.opendev.org/t/openstack/buildset/424999dc143b4bedaee4d8b870561b32 16:24:06 my question: do you think we should do the same thing for non-c9s jobs? 16:26:30 not sure. I see a few non-voting jobs take more than 2h as well 16:27:02 before I started working on Openstack I considered every job taking more than 20 mins. slow :) 16:28:34 maybe this can be a topic for the PTG 16:32:38 ok, anything else for today's meeting? 16:35:37 ok! 16:35:41 thank you Folks! 16:35:44 #endmeeting