16:12:16 #startmeeting Octavia 16:12:16 Meeting started Wed Mar 8 16:12:16 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is johnsom. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:12:16 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:12:16 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:12:27 Ah, darn, we both had a space in front 16:12:45 what 16:13:06 We had a space before the # 16:13:11 Lol 16:13:49 I don't see it 16:13:54 #info See the channel archive for the start of the meeting, we had a meetbot fumble 16:14:01 oh yeah I see it 16:14:26 Thank you AI for being there when we need you 16:14:50 ;) 16:15:19 lstrip probably didn't exist when it was written 16:15:44 #chair gthiemonge 16:15:44 Current chairs: gthiemonge johnsom 16:16:26 any other announcements? 16:16:48 a reminder, the PTG etherpad is open: 16:16:52 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/bobcat-ptg-octavia 16:19:14 We need to update the link in ptgbot, it has: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/march2023-ptg-octavia 16:19:30 ack I'll do that 16:21:25 I'll skip the CI status topic, I have no update 16:21:46 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:22:51 I've worked on the removal of amphorav1, but I think the reviews can wait for the begining of the next release cycle 16:23:19 I'm also cleaning the amphorav1/amphorav2/amphorav2+jobboard jobs 16:23:19 I will be working on a tempest plugin patch. With the changes to the scoped tokens plan, some of the test assumed that admin would be a scoped token. This was incorrect, so I will go through those tests and fix the keystone_default_roles case. 16:23:38 It's admin tests that are impacted by this. 16:24:39 ack 16:29:30 #topic Open Discussion 16:30:06 PTG day/timeslot for the March virtual PTG? 16:30:59 PTG is March 27-31, 2023 16:31:23 any day is fine me 16:32:27 Tuesday? 16:32:34 for the timeslot, I would prefer 13-17 UTC (like the previous PTGs) 16:32:50 Ok, I can do that 16:32:58 maybe 14-17, we don't need 3 hours 16:33:03 s/3/4 16:33:15 14:00 is better for me if we don't need the time 16:33:27 any other opinions? 16:34:04 That will be 7am for me (don't forget daylight savings changes between now and then). 16:34:46 Sounds good to me. I could attend March 27-28, I will be on PTO afterwards 16:34:55 if you want we can do 2 x 15-17UTC? 16:35:19 14:00 is fine with me. I will be reasonably awake by then. grin 16:35:30 ok 16:40:17 ok folks, anything else? 16:41:32 alright, thank you! 16:41:34 #endmeeting