16:00:26 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:26 Meeting started Wed Mar 29 16:00:26 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:26 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:26 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:30 Hi there 16:00:32 o/ 16:00:35 long time no see 16:00:35 o/ 16:00:43 lol 16:01:58 #topic Announcements 16:02:00 * PTG week 16:02:12 yesterday was the Octavia PTG session 16:02:16 really good discussions 16:02:34 in case you missed it, the notes are in the etherpad 16:02:41 #link https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/bobcat-ptg-octavia 16:03:58 bobcat will come with quite a few improvements as it seems 16:04:12 (if things go as planned) 16:04:41 I need to check the notes from other projects but I heard that there are some plans to deprecate more python-*client projects (barbican) 16:06:11 I don't think they are going to be able to deprecate python-barbicanclient in Bobcat. I think there is work to do on sdk for them. 16:06:35 right 16:06:48 we need to think about that in the next releases 16:07:04 I guess there is no date for the migration to Launchpad yet, but it will be announced in time here. 16:07:16 Yeah, we should probably check all of the clients. nova, glance, barbican, cinder 16:07:37 tweining: I'll send an email and prepare the patches to update the links 16:10:21 any other announcements? 16:11:51 #topic CI Status 16:12:00 CI is in a better shape this week :D 16:12:11 grenade and pep8 jobs are fixed 16:12:16 things are merging properly 16:12:48 still not sure on the status of the ubuntu jammy nested virt hosts from the vexxhost nodepool 16:13:09 no failure this week 16:13:44 Yeah, I'm not sure either. Neutron was also having similar issues. 16:14:00 It sounds like it was due to vexxhost still running bonic hypervisors with bugs 16:14:49 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1999249/comments/4 16:15:08 it seems that they were progressively updating those hypervisors, maybe it will be fine 16:15:41 only the grenade job failed, right? 16:15:57 nop 16:16:06 the scenario jobs 16:19:27 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:19:52 Folks pinged us on IRC to get review for: 16:19:59 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/877414 16:20:06 tweining: could you take a look ^ ? 16:20:31 sure 16:21:18 on my side, I rebased the amphorav1-removal patch chain 16:21:25 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:amphorav1-removal 16:21:29 I think it is ready 16:22:09 I rebased the changes for sqlalchemy2 on top of it, but it fails because we need to merge a patch in taskflow first (and to get a new release) 16:23:11 all the persons present know it already, but I mention it for the record: I updated patch for testing SLURP upgrades, and it should be ready for review too 16:23:27 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/860221 16:24:06 tweining: can you proactively backport it to 2023.1? just to check if it runs properly there 16:24:15 sure 16:24:39 thanks 16:25:10 Tom Weininger proposed openstack/octavia stable/2023.1: Add octavia-grenade-slurp CI job https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/878928 16:25:44 #topic Open Discussion 16:26:07 maybe one more comment to the slurp patch 16:27:02 before there was octavia-grenade-ffu in "periodic". I moved it to check, because I saw some other project did it that way too 16:27:54 I think we can remove the ffu job now we have the slurp job 16:28:20 yeah, the new job replaces the ffu job 16:28:41 ack 16:29:31 I think it's fine to have the slurp in the check 16:30:57 +1 16:32:14 any other topics for this week? 16:33:08 I hope next week I can present some profiling results. Apart from that nothing from my side. 16:33:15 +1 16:33:23 ok! thank you guys! 16:33:28 #endmeeting