16:00:22 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:22 Meeting started Wed May 10 16:00:22 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:22 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:22 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:27 hi 16:00:28 o/ 16:00:53 o/ 16:01:18 o/ 16:01:53 #topic Announcements 16:02:02 * Bobcat Release Schedule: Bobcat-1 milestone 16:02:09 Bobcat-1! 16:02:25 we have made huge progress, the python-neutronclient code was removed from Octavia! 16:02:55 next step is the preparation for sqlalchemy2 16:03:05 Octavia is hosting an official forum session at the Vancouver summit. It is scheduled for 9am on Wednesday. 16:03:12 +1 16:03:38 I know that tweining (thanks!) already reviewed some of the sqlachemy patches, and as far I can tell, I will have to update them 16:03:49 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:sqlalchemy2+project:openstack/octavia 16:03:51 #link https://vancouver2023.openinfra.dev/a/schedule 16:04:22 yay! 16:05:49 any other announcemnts folks? 16:05:51 yeah, I think I saw one not passing the CI, but didn't check why 16:06:12 tweining: some patches require a new release of taskflow 16:06:50 oh, seems it is more than one 16:07:36 Are the taskflow patches merged? 16:07:41 johnsom: yes 16:07:50 Ok, I can propose a release today 16:08:19 +1 that would be great! 16:10:48 #topic CI Status 16:11:06 when enabling Ubuntu Jammy, we broke the CI for some stable branches that run Focal 16:11:17 this patch should fix all the branches: 16:11:21 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin/+/882722 16:11:42 already received a CR+2. johnsom, could you take a look? 16:12:10 Ok 16:12:18 there's also a child patch: 16:12:21 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin/+/882807 16:12:27 nothing else from me. I hope the forum at the summit will be well attended 16:12:38 it splits the scenario job in 2 jobs 16:12:52 Well, at least there will be a core member present at this one, unlike the Berlin summit 16:12:56 it would avoid a lot of TIMEOUT issues that we have had with the OVH nodepool 16:13:00 johnsom: lol 16:13:47 the jobs are splitted only in the octavia-tempest-plugin repo, we need to update the octavia branches with a similar patch (only projects.yaml) 16:15:25 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:15:43 nothing new from me here 16:15:51 maybe this patch that I mentioned last week: 16:15:57 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/881719 16:16:25 I have been working through SRIOV issues with KVM/libvirt 16:17:13 nice 16:18:12 IDK if I mentioned it last time already, but HSTS patches are ready for review. 16:20:13 ack 16:22:19 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-lib/+/880821 the octavia-lib patch should be reviewed first 16:22:56 ok 16:23:54 #topic Open Discussion 16:24:44 I wanted to highlight that neutron is moving forward with SRBAC new defaults enabled by default: 16:24:48 #link https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-May/033579.html 16:25:03 We should follow them on this transition 16:25:05 I saw that 16:25:09 should we do it too? 16:25:16 ok 16:25:38 OMG this is huge patch 16:25:56 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/neutron/+/879827 16:26:07 I don't think our patch will be large at all 16:26:16 mostly tests in their patch 16:26:37 I might be wrong though. lol 16:27:21 I may give it a try, unless someone wants to do it 16:27:51 * tweining_ hides 16:28:40 * johnsom steps back into the bushes 16:29:08 :D 16:30:16 ok, anything else Folks? 16:30:27 That was all I had this week 16:31:07 nothing else from me either 16:31:24 nothing from me 16:31:32 ack, thank you guys! 16:31:35 #endmeeting