16:00:26 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:27 Meeting started Wed May 17 16:00:26 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:27 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:27 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:31 o/ 16:00:34 o/ 16:02:09 #topic Announcements 16:02:14 o/ 16:02:19 * Octavia Xena in Extended Maintenance 16:02:29 last week, I forgot to mention that Octavia Xena is now in EM 16:02:45 we will not provide new releases for Xena 16:02:54 but we can still backport bugfixes 16:03:13 ack 16:04:21 any other announcements? did I miss something? 16:04:46 no 16:05:32 I don't have anything this week 16:05:33 #topic CI Status 16:05:35 ack 16:05:50 FYI the vexxhost nodes have been re-enabled in the nested virt pool 16:06:06 that triggers a lot of timeouts with the scenario job 16:06:39 to mitigate this issue, the scenario job is now splited in 2 jobs, it should reduce the timeout (we discuss it during the PTG) 16:07:23 (it is splited on octavia-tempest-plugin and on octavia master - we need to backport the patch on stable branches) 16:08:14 some non-voting jobs still have timeouts 16:08:19 * ipv6-only 16:08:20 * cinder-amphora 16:08:34 I think we could just run a smoke test (or a small subset of our tests) there 16:08:40 what do you think? 16:09:30 I thought those already were a limited list, but maybe I am remembering wrong 16:10:54 we could also try to further split those I guess. and maybe move them to periodic pipeline? 16:11:08 nop, they don't seem to have a limited list 16:13:11 I don't like the idea to move them to the periodic pipeline, I think it's important to catch potential issues in the check pipeline 16:14:01 I am fine with reducing the lists of tests to the most relevant ones as well 16:14:21 I'll propose patches 16:15:09 that's all I have for the CI 16:16:12 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:16:58 none from my side. I'm busy with other work. 16:17:05 The support for Rocky Linux is ready (amphora + host) 16:17:09 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/873489 16:17:13 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin/+/873490 16:17:37 last week was Bobcat milestone-1, so I guess we should now focus more on doing reviews 16:17:50 The main issue that I got was that rockylinux provides nftables but the opendev CI enforces iptables 16:18:06 FYI, I proposed the taskflow release, but there was already an MS1 release in progress. That should be released by now 16:18:56 oh great, it is needed for sqlalchemy2 16:22:16 #topic Open Discussion 16:23:53 anything else folks? 16:25:00 not really. I will start to try DPDK with octavia amps once I get my test setup working 16:25:10 tweining_: +1! 16:26:04 my fan makes noise now. I guess I've made some progress today. ;) 16:26:12 *my laptop's fan 16:26:54 :-) 16:27:33 SRIOV is going slow due to limited hardware 16:28:08 Lots of workarounds going on. Compiling a kernel at the moment 16:29:17 ok 16:29:21 nice features! 16:30:46 ok I guess that's all for this week 16:30:49 thank you! 16:30:54 have a good day 16:30:58 o/ 16:30:59 #endmeeting