16:00:21 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:22 Meeting started Wed May 24 16:00:21 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:22 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:22 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:27 Hi 16:00:31 o/ 16:01:01 Hello 16:01:09 o/ 16:01:38 o/ 16:01:46 o/ 16:02:20 #topic Announcements 16:02:46 No announcement from me... Does anyone have any announcements? 16:02:54 Nope 16:04:24 ack 16:04:30 #topic CI Status 16:04:40 we need a followup commit for the configuration of the CI jobs 16:04:54 last week, I split the scenario jobs in 2 jobs in the check pipeline 16:05:06 but I didn't update the gate pipeline :/ 16:05:17 here is the new patch 16:05:21 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/883999 16:05:43 as it unblocks the gate, it will be approved right after this meeting, unless someone raises concerns about it 16:06:28 then I will squash this patch with https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/883131 16:06:40 and propose backports to the stable branches that use Ubuntu Jammy 16:07:22 FYI FIPS jobs are broken, it is not an octavia issue but a global issue 16:07:34 there's a bug in the Octavia LP 16:07:38 #link https://bugs.launchpad.net/octavia/+bug/2020434 16:07:47 I know that some folks are investigating it 16:09:36 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:10:27 I was on PTO, not much activity 16:10:46 I need some review/replies to the ACMEv2 implementation 16:10:59 here is the latest doc generated: https://426a74fa4eaec8e077a0-814491f7a8e968b50eeaf14b0c7f115f.ssl.cf5.rackcdn.com/877281/11/check/openstack-tox-docs/8486822/docs/contributor/specs/version1.1/letsencrypt.html 16:11:11 I have made some progress with my SRIOV investigation. I was able to manually attach a VF to an amphora. 16:11:22 Next step for me is putting together a spec for review 16:11:26 jdacunha4: ack, I'm adding it to my todo list 16:11:29 some questions from johnsom are not replied, i need some more inputs/discussions 16:12:23 I am very interested in seeing that SRIOV spec. 16:12:59 #link https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/877281 16:13:02 thx 16:14:30 I got DPDK working with amps in my devstack environment without any code modification. It seems as long as the compute node is configured for DPDK nova will automatically configure the guest to use a vhost user mode port, which is nice. 16:16:28 tweining_: do you know if the CPUs of the VMs are pinned automatically by Nova? 16:17:35 no, that is not Nova's job. 16:17:44 (I mean on the compute node) 16:18:02 I did that manually using ovs-vsctl 16:18:35 it's the job of the deployment tool basically 16:19:43 #link https://docs.openstack.org/nova/pike/admin/cpu-topologies.html 16:20:48 you can pin, but it's not really praticle 16:20:49 ok it's in the flavor 16:21:39 pinning cpus in the VM is unrelated to running DPDK on the compute node though 16:22:10 like nova is not able to spread out between numa, it will first full fill the first one and then do the second one 16:22:34 tweining_ yep 16:22:51 Typically with DPDK you will want the hypervisor CPUs pinned for the VM too, not just processes inside the guest 16:24:41 mmh, ok. I didn't think about that yet. 16:26:34 there's no rush ATM :) 16:30:04 anyway, I think there are quite a few patches that are waiting for review now 16:30:18 +1 16:30:35 #topic Open Discussion 16:31:50 any other topics, folks? 16:32:32 just for my understanding: do you expect Octavia to configure Nova to pin cpus for amp VMs? 16:33:08 if we can do it with the flavor, we don't need to do anything else in Octavia 16:33:40 yeah, hugepages need to be enabled in the flavor (or image itself) anyway 16:33:47 I think it is the "hw:cpu_policy=dedicated" property in QG's link 16:34:27 Yeah, that is a common setting 16:34:56 As also mentioned, NUMA can become an issue too. But we need to dance the line of not becoming a nova scheduler.... 16:36:35 ok, thanks. I think that's all from me 16:37:07 ok, I think that's it for this meeting 16:37:11 thank you guys! 16:37:13 #endmeeting