16:00:24 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:24 Meeting started Wed May 31 16:00:24 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:24 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:24 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:32 o/ 16:00:34 o/ 16:00:37 hello 16:00:48 o/ 16:01:43 #topic Announcements 16:01:50 no announcement this week 16:01:57 does someone have one? 16:02:14 I will be hosting a forum session for Octavia at the Vancouver Summit 16:02:28 It is on Wednesday morning at 9AM. 16:02:43 Is anyone planning to attend the summit? 16:02:43 \o/ 16:03:39 Ok, it might be a quiet forum session. lol 16:04:12 If anyone is attending I will be there in person and happy to meet with people. 16:04:22 thanks johnsom! 16:05:58 #topic CI Status 16:06:02 good news 16:06:10 the CI is in a better shape this week 16:06:14 _this week_ 16:06:22 We should not see any timeouts on 2023.1 and master 16:06:36 don't hesitate to ping me in case of issues 16:07:01 The FIPS issue in devstack was fixed but our jobs are still failing (timeout when connecting to the Cirros VM) 16:07:07 https://zuul.openstack.org/builds?job_name=octavia-v2-dsvm-tls-barbican-fips&skip=0 16:07:19 I will open a new launchpad issue for this new error 16:08:49 Thanks, maybe I can take a look and see if something jumps out at me. It's a busy day 16:09:05 ping me if you don't see a comment 16:09:22 it's not urgent (it's not blocking us) 16:10:18 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:10:37 just a kind reminder that we have a lot of open patches on stable branches: 16:10:42 #link https://review.opendev.org/q/project:openstack/octavia+status:open+branch:%255Estable/.* 16:10:52 (a reminder to me as well ;-) 16:16:13 #topic Open Discussion 16:16:14 I have done some reviews, also making some progress in understanding the SRIOV process 16:16:37 I have one topic: 16:16:52 I'm working on the implementation of the Active-Active L3 Distributor spec 16:16:57 #link https://docs.openstack.org/octavia/latest/contributor/specs/version1.1/active-active-l3-distributor.html 16:17:21 so first, I'm not planning to use their DB schema, I will change some details 16:17:41 Boy I have not read that in a while. This was the Walmart plan right? 16:17:42 Question #1: do you think it requires an update of this spec? 16:17:57 hmmm, I don't remember, it's the BGP spec 16:18:04 Yeah, it was. 16:18:47 or should I create an new updated spec? 16:18:50 Umm, you could always copy it into a new version directory and make the required changes. Marking the old one and new as such 16:19:01 ack 16:19:08 I tihnk I will have more updates yeah 16:19:11 The old one had some patches, but didn't make it far. 16:19:32 I think a fresh review on a spec would be good too. 16:19:50 +1 16:20:22 this spec doesn't detail the new proposed API (only internals and DB changes) 16:20:38 I am excited that we have some good stuff moving forward, BGP, SRIOV, DPDK. 16:20:53 Yeah, that is not good 16:21:13 IMO we need to provide API calls for managing 2 new resources for BGP 16:21:22 - BGP peers (an external BGP daemon) 16:21:40 - BGP speakers (which is in the amphora in this implementation) 16:21:47 Question #2 16:22:21 do you think we can manipulate BGP objects with the Octavia API (a new endpoint like /lbaas/distributor/bgp/peer) 16:22:27 or do we need to have more "Generic" objects 16:22:31 Maybe a pass phrase field too? 16:22:44 ex: a new endpoint /lbaas/distributor which gets a {"type": "bgp-{peer,speaker}"} parameters 16:22:56 a passphrase field? 16:23:15 Don't you need to provide a pass phrase to some peers? 16:23:55 yeah there's an "auth_pass" parameter 16:25:30 Back to the API question #2, in REST you typically are talking about objects, so I would expect something more like /lbaas/distributor//bgp/peer/ if you go down that path. 16:26:21 yeah, to me, it looks like a good way to do that 16:26:24 In those documents "distributor" is a concept and does not always have to be implemented as an actual process. One proposal had an implementation, the other did not need one. 16:27:37 in my mind the distributor will be an object that links the LB (and the amps), speakers in the amps and a remote peer 16:27:49 Cool, so yeah, a proposal for that approach would be cool 16:28:10 Yep 16:28:32 cool, I will propose a new spec! 16:28:41 BTW I'm not targeting Bobcat 16:28:55 Maybe just keep in mind, there might be some reason to have an LVS distributor or an OVN distributor. 16:29:55 That should help guide the API to be flexible for future implementations using "shiny new ball technology" 16:30:18 I thought the LVS distributor spec was an old spec that was propsoed before the BGP spec 16:30:25 ah ok 16:30:26 I see 16:31:00 It was, the LVS approach was intended to be a gate testable approach as BGP peers in the testing environment was not a thing 16:31:44 But yeah, the odds of someone implementing that are fairly low now. 16:32:09 I would just use it as an idea to guide the API design to be flexible 16:33:22 ack 16:33:36 johnsom: thanks for your feedback! 16:34:52 Sure, NP 16:35:19 any other topics folks? 16:35:57 I don't have anything else 16:36:16 ok! 16:36:30 thank you guys! 16:36:35 #endmeeting