16:01:01 #startmeeting Octavia 16:01:01 Meeting started Wed Jul 5 16:01:01 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:01:01 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:01:01 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:01:08 o/ 16:01:11 1 sec late :/ 16:01:13 hi 16:02:14 low attendance today 16:02:41 #topic Announcements 16:03:25 * Bobcat Release Schedule: Bobcat-2 Milestone 16:03:32 this week is Bobcat-2 16:04:04 we should have a new octavia-lib release by the end of the week 16:04:36 I think I approved the HSTS octavia-lib patch 16:04:49 yes, it will be included in octavia-lib 3.3.0 16:04:49 Or at least reviewed it 16:05:20 I'm going to check if we have new content in octavia-tempest-plugin and propose a new release for Bobcat-2 16:05:29 wdyt? 16:05:47 Yeah, a good idea to do a tag 16:06:08 ok I'm adding it to my todolist 16:08:50 do you have any other announcements? 16:09:48 Nope 16:09:57 #topic CI Status 16:10:06 it seems that the CI is ok now 16:10:12 I rechecked a few backports and they merged 16:10:32 Oh good! 16:12:03 added to my todolist: recheck the patches that add zed/antelope jobs to octavia-tempest-plugin 16:12:06 ok 16:12:43 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:12:54 I was on PTO these last days 16:14:22 johnsom: I updated https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-dashboard/+/886255 after you gave +2 (release note was missing and WIP was in the commit message), could you review it again? 16:14:42 Yep, no problem 16:14:57 thanks 16:15:14 now Bobcat-2 is passed, I will focus on reviews 16:15:37 don't hesitate to annoy me with your patches ;-) 16:16:35 Where are we at with the sqlalchemy2 chain? I know I did one pass on it, did it all merge or is it ready for another review pass? 16:17:24 good question 16:17:33 2 commits need to be rechecked 16:17:34 then 16:17:43 this one needs reviews: 16:17:55 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/861316/ 16:18:03 +3097 -2170 16:18:04 :/ 16:18:24 ack] 16:18:39 I'm rechecking the 2 commits 16:20:41 #topic Open Discussion 16:20:48 anything else? johnsom? 16:20:57 Nope, that is all for me today 16:21:08 ack 16:21:12 thank you! 16:21:17 #endmeeting