16:00:09 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:09 Meeting started Wed Jul 19 16:00:09 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:09 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:09 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:11 hi! 16:00:15 o/ 16:00:16 o/ 16:01:08 #topic Announcements 16:01:17 * Reminder: vPTG October 2023 Dates & Registration Kickoff 16:01:19 o/ 16:01:23 https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-July/034363.html 16:02:36 * Proposals for reforming extended maintenance 16:03:24 Omer Schwartz proposed openstack/octavia master: WIP Fix vip ports leak on fully-populated load balancer create https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/887593 16:03:36 FYI there's a proposal to replace the EM with "Unmaintained" branches 16:03:49 https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-July/034350.html 16:03:55 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/governance/+/888771 16:04:11 I haven't read all that stuff yet, but we need to have an eye on it 16:05:12 I like the idea of reducing the number of maintained releases 16:05:28 Yeah, seven is way too many 16:06:53 any other announcements folks? 16:07:05 nope 16:07:19 alright 16:07:20 maybe that octavia-lib 3.3.0 has been released? or was that a news last week already? 16:07:44 I don't remember 16:08:01 yeah this release provides the support for the HSTS RFE 16:08:04 anyway, I'm happy about it. thanks for the reviews 16:08:32 but it's quite a few more patches for HSTS still 16:08:37 guys, I'm skipping the CI status topic... nothing to report 16:09:36 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:10:07 FYI I rebased some old octavia-tempest-plugin commits (almost forgotten): "Add member test with multiple subnets on same network" 16:10:12 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia-tempest-plugin/+/815313 16:10:26 it helped me to indentify a bug with the amphorav1 driver 16:10:30 I proposed a fix: 16:10:37 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/888669 16:10:49 (the bug doesn't break anything, but the tests detects the incorrect behavior) 16:11:12 (note: it affects only stable branches because amphorav1 was removed from master) 16:11:47 I've updated a few of my HSTS patches after I received some feedback. 16:12:20 https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:hsts-haproxy the pytest patches are not directly related but it made debugging tests so much easier for me. 16:13:20 hopefully they will be merged soon, the feature looks good to me 16:13:36 seems the main patch passes the Zuul tests now. I think all patches are good now 16:13:49 i'm going to test them again 16:14:21 yeah, I will do some manual testing as well next week 16:16:15 #topic Open Discussion 16:16:21 I have one topic 16:16:34 There's a new bug "Reboot of Amphora does not work with altname in ip link" 16:16:44 https://bugs.launchpad.net/octavia/+bug/2027995 16:17:11 Basically, rebooting an amphora is not handled correctly, the vip/member interfaces are not moved to the amphora-haproxy ns 16:17:31 (reproduced on centos, don't know if ubuntu is affected) 16:17:41 so this line doesn't work: 16:17:47 https://opendev.org/openstack/octavia/src/branch/master/octavia/amphorae/backends/agent/api_server/templates/amphora-netns.systemd.j2#L29 16:18:17 yummy 16:18:20 Is that still needed with the new amphora-agent management of the interfaces? 16:18:46 uff, that line looks complicated 16:18:56 johnsom: yeah because the script doesn't move the ifaces to the namespace, basically it replaces ifup 16:19:17 so I think we need to replace that line with a script (python/shell?) 16:19:45 we could fix the line, but I would prefer another solution 16:20:00 I wrote that a long, long time ago... 16:20:22 Assigned to -> johnsom ;-) 16:21:17 I'll check maybe we can handle it in "amphora-interface" I don't remember if we store everything we need to move them 16:21:59 I think it should move into the amphora agent. Historically everything that was needed was stored in /var/lib/octavia/plugged_interfaces.sorted 16:22:27 Which comes from /var/lib/octavia/plugged_interfaces 16:22:43 but it needs to be done before "amphora-interface up all" (we can move it to the amphora-agent too) 16:22:47 But it seems like the agent should handle this on startup now 16:23:12 Right 16:23:17 ack 16:23:21 makes sense 16:23:48 I'll add a comment to the launchpad 16:24:24 thanks for the feedback tweining johnsom 16:24:53 any other topic for today folks? 16:25:21 not from me 16:25:26 nothing from me 16:25:44 Nope 16:25:57 alright! thank you! 16:26:03 #endmeeting