16:00:13 #startmeeting Octavia 16:00:13 Meeting started Wed Dec 13 16:00:13 2023 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is gthiemonge. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 16:00:13 Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 16:00:13 The meeting name has been set to 'octavia' 16:00:15 hello 16:00:24 o/ 16:01:40 Light turnout today it seems 16:01:54 yep 16:02:08 #topic Announcements 16:02:17 * Train and Ussuri going EOL 16:02:23 FYI There are proposed patches to transition Octavia Train and Ussuri to End of Life 16:02:28 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/903188 16:02:33 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/releases/+/903280 16:02:50 I was going to mention that as well 16:03:07 I have not checked if there are open patches on those branches. 16:03:34 AFAIK we haven't backported to those branches for a long time 16:03:51 I'll double check and +1 the release patches 16:04:07 I usually just do a check that nothing is sitting open, then +1 the releases 16:04:14 +1 lol 16:05:48 * Cancelling next weekly meetings 16:06:04 Many folks are on vacation starting next week, I propose to cancel the meetings until EOY 16:06:19 so the next meeting would be: Jan 3rd 16:06:51 +1, I may not be able to make the 3rd either 16:07:14 ok np 16:07:25 I'll send the cancellation email to the ML 16:08:44 any other announcements johnsom ? 16:08:52 Nope 16:09:25 okay 16:09:39 skipping CI status... no update 16:09:43 #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review 16:10:23 I worked on updating the wsgi code for the impending failure of wsgi_scripts due to pip changes. 16:10:40 FYI I fixed a bug in the API when listing the resources with a boolean filter, the boolean was not correctly handled (treated as a string) 16:10:44 I might need to split out the removal of the wsgi_scripts setting, depending on how the goal goes 16:10:44 https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/903081 16:11:00 o/ 16:11:00 I see we're not far from merging for the RFE of lb resize. https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/885490 16:11:01 ack, thanks johnsom 16:11:13 pyjou: nice! 16:13:16 pyjou: I might be able to take a look at it next week 16:14:29 FYI a user has reported an issue when using rally when jobboard is enabled (with redis sentinel), I'll try to reproduce his env 16:14:35 https://bugs.launchpad.net/octavia/+bug/2046207 16:15:27 Yeah, I briefly looked at that. At first it looked like rally was simply not waiting, but reading deeper it seems like taskflow is having an issue. Maybe not configured right? 16:15:27 he's asking some interesting questions about the code, it's worth it that we take a closer look at it 16:15:55 yeah IDK 16:17:34 I've never tested jobboard with redis sentinel 16:17:59 Yeah, there are some interesting details when using sentinel 16:18:08 But I haven't looked at it in a while 16:18:56 FYI we donĀ“t use sentinel on our side 16:19:58 pyjou: ack 16:21:34 #topic Open Discussion 16:22:08 I wanted to point out the asynccore discussion are continuing on the openstack-discuss mailing list. 16:22:23 I tried to install octavia-dashboard recently and I can't get django to add the lbaas api. Have you had any problems recently? 16:22:25 yeah I saw that 16:22:59 #link https://lists.openstack.org/archives/list/openstack-discuss@lists.openstack.org/thread/ZDELQDQATE7ZJQKTG56JLRWRPBE5LOCH/ 16:24:01 It might be good if we try out that library and sponsor adding it to the global requirements. 16:25:16 I have not tried out installing dashboard recently 16:25:30 #link https://pypi.org/project/pyasyncore/ 16:26:23 I'll take a closer look if I can get a stacktrace but so far I've got nothing :( Thank you 16:26:57 I might be able to try later today 16:27:04 in case you're wondering: we don't even use the taskflow code that includes asyncore in octavia 16:27:49 Ah, that is good to know 16:28:09 asyncore is only in taskflow/engines/action_engine/process_executor.py 16:28:13 Then maybe we should not sponsor that 16:28:27 and we use the threaded executor 16:28:32 Right 16:28:42 we can sponsor the removal of the process executor :D 16:28:51 Lol, that is an option 16:29:02 that said, the python module is always included 16:29:57 A quick code search doesn't show any hits for that (though it's a config option in Octavia 16:30:32 https://opendev.org/openstack/octavia/src/branch/master/octavia/common/base_taskflow.py#L103-L112 16:31:06 IIRC it's based on the executor argument that is passed to taskflow, if it's a thread pool -> threaded executor 16:31:37 CONF.task_flow.engine is what I remembered 16:31:59 But that is just parallel vs serial I think 16:32:00 https://opendev.org/openstack/taskflow/src/branch/master/taskflow/engines/action_engine/engine.py#L505-L511 16:33:33 we can continue this discussion when we 're back in january 16:34:36 Yeah, I see mention of a "futures" process option. If that exists and does not use the asyncore stuff, the right answer may be to remove the asyncore option 16:34:50 I would have to go re-read this stuff 16:35:31 ack, same here 16:36:00 On a slightly unrelated note, Cloudflare has published a report on their 2023. It has some interesting stuff. 16:36:32 32% HTTP/1, 47% HTTP/2, 20% HTTP/3 16:36:54 ~34% on IPv6 16:37:33 Oh wow. Do you plan to support http3? AFAIK Haproxy support http3/quic? 16:38:22 It's on our roadmap for sure. The hold up is issues with the TLS library. OpenSSL does not support QUIC required for HTTP/3. 16:38:50 The distros are not excited about pulling in one of the alternate libraries that support it. 16:39:04 True I forgot this point :( 16:39:31 In recent versions of HAProxy, there is a mode that provides limited HTTP/3 support when using openssl, but it has poor performance 16:40:10 So, we are tracking it and have had some discussions with distros. It's likely Fedora will have an alternate library soon if they haven't already released it. 16:41:55 Interesting 16:44:37 johnsom: thanks for the update 16:45:33 any other topics guys? 16:45:49 That is all I have this week 16:46:46 ok! 16:46:59 thank you all! and see you in 2024! 16:47:05 o/ 16:47:12 #endmeeting