16:00:29 <gthiemon1e> #startmeeting Octavia
16:00:29 <opendevmeet> Meeting started Wed Feb  5 16:00:29 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is gthiemon1e. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
16:00:29 <opendevmeet> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
16:00:29 <opendevmeet> The meeting name has been set to 'octavia'
16:00:31 <gthiemon1e> o/
16:00:43 <tweining> o/
16:00:44 <johnsom> o/
16:01:02 <gthiemon1e> yeah it's me gthiemonge
16:01:16 <gthiemon1e> #topic Announcements
16:01:21 <gthiemon1e> * 2025.1 Epoxy Release Schedule
16:01:31 <gthiemon1e> feature freeze is really close
16:01:59 <gthiemon1e> at the end of this month (Feb 24-28)
16:02:08 <gthiemon1e> so please review important patches
16:02:14 <gthiemon1e> I updated the etherpad with the reviews
16:02:30 <gthiemon1e> right now, there's no specific order, last updated reviews first
16:02:45 <gthiemon1e> I'll triage the review to prioritize feature/spec patches,etc..
16:02:53 <gthiemon1e> https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/octavia-priority-reviews
16:03:20 <gthiemon1e> that's all for the announcements, any thing else folks?
16:03:35 <johnsom> Thank you for updating that!
16:03:51 <tweining> nothing else from me
16:04:28 <johnsom> PTL elections start today
16:04:50 <gthiemon1e> wow
16:05:25 <johnsom> (ugh, the mailing list archive site is so slow....)
16:06:34 <johnsom> #link https://governance.openstack.org/election/
16:07:15 <johnsom> I think that is all Ihave
16:07:35 <gthiemon1e> thanks johnsom!
16:07:48 <gthiemon1e> #topic CI Status
16:07:52 <tweining> "today" is relative. it is tomorrow in europe
16:07:56 <gthiemon1e> no update here
16:08:38 <gthiemon1e> lol what happens if you send your nomination before the start date?
16:08:51 <gthiemon1e> #topic Brief progress reports / bugs needing review
16:08:57 <johnsom> Yeah, I was just going off the date in the email, I see there are times on the election page...
16:08:57 <tweining> you get disqualified ;)
16:09:44 <gthiemon1e> feature patches needing reviews: Custom Security Groups on VIP ports
16:09:48 <gthiemon1e> https://review.opendev.org/q/topic:%22custom_sg%22+is:open
16:10:15 <johnsom> I am working on the SR-IOV for members patch. I have a fix working for the port cleanup issue, however the network no-op driver has a flaw in that it is storing state in a global variable. Since the worker runs with two processes, this causes problems.
16:12:26 <gthiemon1e> johnsom: is it ready for reviews?
16:13:11 <johnsom> Reviews can certainly get started, the gates are still a bit wonky. I can push an update that fixes everything except the API no-op job. I still have some test coverage work to do as well
16:14:22 <gthiemon1e> I think I'll test it without noop, I will leave that to the CI
16:14:41 <johnsom> Ok, let me push an update
16:14:51 <johnsom> If you set the workers to 1, no-op will pass
16:15:13 <gthiemon1e> +1
16:16:40 <opendevreview> Michael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia master: Add support for SR-IOV member ports  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/octavia/+/920156
16:16:51 <johnsom> It's a big patch and growing sadly
16:18:28 <gthiemon1e> #topic Open Discussion
16:19:24 <tweining> nothing else from me. I was only doing reviews
16:19:34 <gthiemon1e> ack
16:19:46 <johnsom> I don't have anything else today
16:19:55 <gthiemon1e> ok guys
16:21:45 <gthiemon1e> then have a great rest of week!
16:21:47 <gthiemon1e> thank you!
16:21:49 <gthiemon1e> #endmeeting