#openstack-meeting Meeting
Meeting started by ttx at 21:03:08 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/TeamMeeting
- Actions from previous meeting (ttx, 21:03:41)
- http://wiki.openstack.org/releasestatus/swift.html
- http://wiki.openstack.org/releasestatus/glance.html
- Swift status (ttx, 21:08:21)
- ACTION: ttx to push
update of Swift release PPA to 1.4.0 and creation of a common
OpenStack release PPA (ttx,
- Glance status (ttx, 21:13:41)
- Nova status (ttx, 21:20:04)
- ACTION: ttx to
consider untargeting/retrotarget Low specs to decrease noise
- Doc status (ttx, 21:27:25)
- Open discussion (ttx, 21:32:20)
- http://massachusetts.hometownlocator.com/cities/listcitiesalpha,alpha,e.cfm
if we want a 'E' name near boston :) (eday,
Meeting ended at 21:45:50 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- ttx to push update of Swift release PPA to 1.4.0 and creation of a common OpenStack release PPA
- ttx to consider untargeting/retrotarget Low specs to decrease noise
Action items, by person
- ttx
- ttx to push update of Swift release PPA to 1.4.0 and creation of a common OpenStack release PPA
- ttx to consider untargeting/retrotarget Low specs to decrease noise
People present (lines said)
- ttx (87)
- jesse_andrews (20)
- notmyname (16)
- jaypipes (16)
- annegentle (12)
- johnpur (12)
- Vek (11)
- dabo (10)
- spectorclan_ (10)
- devcamcar (9)
- tr3buchet (7)
- pvo (7)
- alandman (4)
- creiht (4)
- jkoelker (3)
- bcwaldon (2)
- eday (2)
- carlp (2)
- openstack (2)
- jk0 (1)
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