========================== #openstack-meeting Meeting ========================== Meeting started by mtaylor at 19:01:51 UTC. The full logs are available at http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2011/openstack-meeting.2011-12-06-19.01.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * CI todo list (mtaylor, 19:06:42) * LINK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/761935/ (mtaylor, 19:07:55) * ACTION: mtaylor turn the todo list into proper blueprints by 12/12 (mtaylor, 19:08:18) * AGREED: gerrit should handle/enforce CLA signing so devs don't have to (mtaylor, 19:21:47) * translations import (mtaylor, 19:22:30) * AGREED: have jenkins propose a translations change to gerrit and then have a gerrit hook that notices a translation change from jenkins that only contains changes to po/ and automatically accepts it (mtaylor, 19:31:56) * Integration testing and gating (mtaylor, 19:32:52) * LINK: http://reviewday.ohthree.com/ (dprince, 19:46:28) * LINK: https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/dev-gate-integration-tests-devstack-vm/ (jeblair, 19:51:54) Meeting ended at 20:02:54 UTC. Action items, by person ----------------------- * mtaylor * mtaylor turn the todo list into proper blueprints by 12/12 People present (lines said) --------------------------- * mtaylor (97) * jeblair (29) * anotherjesse (18) * _0x44 (16) * ArseneRei (10) * jaypipes (7) * jmckenty (6) * dprince (5) * lloydde (5) * heckj (3) * bengrue (2) * openstack (2) * vishy (1) * zns (1) * ttx (1) * uvirtbot (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4