21:02:14 <ttx> #startmeeting 21:02:15 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Dec 13 21:02:14 2011 UTC. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:02:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 21:02:24 <ttx> Welcome everyone to our weekly general meeting ! 21:02:35 <ttx> Today's agenda: http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/TeamMeeting 21:02:48 <ttx> #info This is the last day before cutting milestone-proposed branches for Nova/Glance/Keystone/Horizon E2 21:02:57 <ttx> #topic Actions from previous meeting 21:03:07 <ttx> * joesavak/zns to sync with HP for updated status on their blueprints 21:03:18 <ttx> joesavak/zns: in particular, I'd like to know if keystone-swift-acls should be considered completed 21:03:38 <joesavak> I think it should. From what i understand the BP scope is beta only 21:04:08 <joesavak> per HP: 21:04:09 <joesavak> "Swauth ACLs are implemented and checked in by Liem. He expanded upon the contribution of another user to make things more modular, add user based ACLs, and memcache." 21:04:40 <ttx> ok, will mark completed then 21:04:47 <ttx> * vishy to find a victim or complete by himself nova-volume-snapshot-backup-api 21:04:55 <ttx> That was done, just needs a final review, afaict 21:05:01 <vishy> yes yes 21:05:11 <ttx> we'll mention it during nova status 21:05:13 <ttx> * vishy to sync with david-perez on finishing up nova-vm-state-management 21:05:18 <ttx> That's done 21:05:26 <ttx> * ttx to discuss options for getting a sane list of reviews with CI guys 21:05:35 <ttx> That's not done yet, pushing back: 21:05:41 <ttx> #action ttx to discuss options for getting a sane list of reviews with CI guys 21:05:55 <ttx> * jaypipes to get status updates from mtaylor on Glance packaging issues 21:06:17 <ttx> we'll mention that during the glance status, if Jay arrives before then 21:06:22 <ttx> #topic Keystone status 21:06:32 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/essex-2 21:06:46 <ttx> zns, joesavak: What's the status of portable-identifiers ? I see two reviews in progress. 21:07:07 <joesavak> yes - there'll be another review coming in for the user portable identifiers 21:07:16 <joesavak> once the 3 are reviewed, then we're good 21:07:34 <ttx> joesavak: Are they all going to make it today ? 21:07:43 <ttx> or should we defer that feature for E3 ? 21:07:53 <joesavak> ttx: no - we believe it should be tomorrow. Can we cut keystone e2 tomorrow? 21:08:43 <ttx> ideally I will create the branch tomorrow morning... so we have two options if you want this in E2 21:09:17 <ttx> we can wait a bit before branching, or you can backport them to milestone-proposed 21:09:26 <ttx> in this case, I'd rather defer or wait a bit 21:09:43 <joesavak> my preference is to wait a bit 21:09:45 <zns> ttx: good progress. We will need till tomorrow. 21:09:52 <ttx> joesavak: ok. 21:10:05 <joesavak> ttx: thanks 21:10:13 <ttx> #info wait to cut milestone-proposed branch for Keystone until tomorrow morning US time :) 21:10:27 <ttx> You also have two E2-targeted bugs left (that should be fixed by tomorrow): 21:10:33 <ttx> Bug 900916 (Support D5 API Contract, Critical, zns) 21:10:33 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 900916 in keystone "Support D5 API Contract" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/900916 21:10:42 <joesavak> a review is in for that 21:10:57 <ttx> and Bug 878759 21:10:58 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 878759 in keystone "better manual page with description needed for keystone." [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/878759 21:11:09 <zns> ttx: we are waiting on feedback. We have some already, but this is ready to go in. 21:11:21 <joesavak> I need to get info from koolhead to see if this is closed. 21:11:27 <ttx> not sure that last one is critical anyway 21:11:32 <joesavak> I don't think it is 21:11:35 <ttx> will keep it on list until tomorrow 21:11:48 <ttx> Quick look at the E3 plan at https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/essex-3 21:12:04 <ttx> joesavak/zns: Would be good to get the disruptive stuff early in the milestone 21:12:09 <ttx> rbac-keystone in particular 21:12:25 <ttx> so that the other projects can catch up with the feature if needed 21:12:33 <joesavak> agreed 21:12:41 <ttx> joesavak/zns: Anything else ? 21:12:53 <joesavak> not from me 21:12:55 <ttx> Questions for Keystone ? 21:13:21 <ttx> #topic Swift status 21:13:26 <ttx> notmyname: o/ 21:13:27 <notmyname> hi 21:13:49 <notmyname> I don't think I have anything, but I'm happy to answer questions 21:14:02 <ttx> Questions on Swift ? 21:14:37 <ttx> apprently not, that was fast :) 21:14:46 <ttx> jaypipes: around ? 21:15:27 <ttx> let's skip to give him a chance to join. Otherwise I'll abuse bcwaldon as a hotswap 21:15:33 <ttx> #topic Nova status 21:15:40 <bcwaldon> ttx: I'm here if you need me 21:15:43 <ttx> vishy: heya 21:15:50 <vishy> hi 21:15:52 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/essex-2 21:16:03 <ttx> vishy: Given how ambitious the plan was, I'd say the results are not too bad :) 21:16:14 <ttx> We need nova-volume-snapshot-backup-api in <-- please review 21:16:34 <ttx> missing +2s 21:16:47 <vishy> yes 21:17:01 <vishy> the security groups one we need to push 21:17:02 <ttx> Looks like xenapi-security-groups will be deferred to E3, unless someone from Citrix has a last-minute surprise 21:17:19 <ttx> vishy/westmaas: What's the state for internal-uuids ? Just a review away from completion ? Or are there more in the giant pipe ? 21:17:25 <vishy> not bad all of the essential and highs. 21:17:36 <vishy> one miss on the mediums and a few lows 21:17:40 <vishy> that seems reasonable 21:17:51 <westmaas> ttx, one last merge 21:18:04 <westmaas> https://review.openstack.org/#change,2244 21:18:06 <ttx> westmaas: ok, so would be nice to get that one in 21:18:44 <westmaas> we think the tests are a false positive, its re-running now 21:18:49 <ttx> #info last minute E2 reviews needed for: https://review.openstack.org/#change,2244 and https://review.openstack.org/#change,1202 21:18:50 <vishy> cool 21:18:51 <westmaas> and then we can close that bp out 21:18:56 <vishy> if the tests pass i will approve it 21:18:59 <ttx> The remaining six are Low ones, which will probably be deferred to E3, unless something fast happens tonight: 21:19:05 <ttx> (pci-passthrough, openvz-driver, aws-api-validation, deleting-compute-node-table, openstack-api-ssl and consolidate-testing-infrastructure) 21:19:20 <ttx> vishy: OK to cut the milestone-proposed branch early tomorrow morning with what's in ? 21:19:26 <vishy> yup 21:19:40 <ttx> #info milestone-proposed will be cut wed morning with what's in 21:19:47 <ttx> Two bugs on the E2-targets so far: 21:19:56 <ttx> Bug 899767 (danwent) 21:19:58 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 899767 in quantum "live_migration does not perform vif unplugging " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/899767 21:20:11 <danwent> ttx, this has two +1s 21:20:41 <ttx> would be good to get in before branching as well, will spare a backport 21:20:59 <danwent> we also have two other fixes related to Quantum that are being reviewed. working with trey and the nova-network team on those. I expect them in by tonight. 21:21:16 <ttx> #help please also review https://review.openstack.org/#change,2253,patchset=1 21:21:45 <ttx> Bug 901594 (ttx) 21:21:46 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 901594 in nova "Change in hostname exposition renders EC2 API unusable" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/901594 21:21:55 <ttx> This one is ready for review, but there is still some discussion on whether it's appropriate... 21:22:00 <ttx> vishy: made your mind yet ? 21:22:01 <danwent> #help other quauntum reviews https://review.openstack.org/#change,2265 and https://review.openstack.org/#change,2266 21:22:18 <ttx> danwent: do we need those in E2 for quantum to work ok ? 21:22:35 <ttx> if yes, would be good to target the corresponding bugs to E2 21:22:39 <danwent> ttx: first one prevents melange from working correctly, so I thin it is important. 21:22:49 * ttx adds 21:23:00 <danwent> otherone was found by Aaron Lee… not sure what it impacts. 21:23:06 <ttx> ..if only there was a bug ref 21:23:07 <vishy> approved the first one 21:23:21 <tr3buchet> danwent: i knocked out a few of them, but got busy again 21:23:22 <danwent> ttx: yes, great shame... 21:23:35 <ttx> danwent: can't track what's not in a bug or blueprint 21:23:39 <vishy> ttx: I think I'd like to leave it for now 21:23:40 <danwent> really appreaciate all of the help trey… 21:23:54 <danwent> ttx: yes, I will smack the appropriate party :P 21:24:04 <vishy> ttx: we can revert for essex if euca doesn't merge smoser's patch 21:24:20 <vishy> (and the dns support from wikimedia doesn't make it in) 21:24:21 <ttx> vishy: ok, will abandon and downgrade prio then 21:24:40 <ttx> Anything blatantly missing from this E2 buglist, things that *need* to be fixed before we can release the milestone ? 21:24:52 <vishy> ttx: more importantly, does anyone know? 21:25:28 <smoser> vishy, what is "dns support from wikimedia" ? 21:25:34 <ttx> #action ttx to reprioritize 901594 21:25:45 <ttx> vishy: do we have a blueprint for that ? 21:27:36 <smoser> i suspect its not a full work around, as i'm not terribly likely to want to use an openstack provided dns server just because i want to run an instance. 21:28:09 <ttx> vishy: still with us ? 21:28:33 <ttx> Intermission: Nova subteam leads: anything you wanted to add ? 21:28:48 <vishy> yes 21:28:49 <vishy> sorry 21:28:59 <vishy> there is a blueprint yes 21:29:21 <ttx> vishy: cannot find it, did they commit to a given milestone ? 21:29:40 <vishy> it ressurected itself 21:29:40 <vishy> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/public-and-private-dns 21:29:53 <vishy> i had marked it deferred because I didn't think it was happening 21:30:10 <ttx> vishy: E3 ? 21:30:36 <vishy> what about e3? 21:30:51 <ttx> #action vishy to properly resurrect public-and-private-dns and target it 21:31:03 <ttx> An early look at E3: https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/essex-3 21:31:08 <ttx> vishy: Do you have all you want in there ? 21:31:27 <vishy> I'm going to do a scrub today and send out an email to subteam leads 21:31:32 <ttx> Maybe you should communicate a bit more clearly than you don't really want new features after E3, that may trigger vocations :) 21:31:49 <ttx> vishy: Anything else ? 21:32:01 <vishy> good call 21:32:38 <ttx> Questions on Nova ? 21:32:51 <Vek> "vocations"? Well, the US *does* need more jobs, but... 21:33:04 * Vek ducks 21:33:21 <ttx> Let's switch to the next project 21:33:23 <ttx> #topic Horizon status 21:33:29 <ttx> devcamcar: o/ 21:33:33 <devcamcar> o/ 21:33:38 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/essex-2 21:33:59 <ttx> So you have 2 blueprints still in progress... 21:34:10 <devcamcar> ttx: one is in review right now 21:34:28 <devcamcar> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/cert-download 21:34:33 <devcamcar> so that one will land 21:34:44 <devcamcar> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/improve-visual-design 21:35:04 <devcamcar> encompasses a number of other fixes and as such will probably get moved to e3, though most of it is done 21:35:21 <ttx> devcamcar: can I cut the milestone-proposed branch around 1am your time if all features are in ? 21:35:25 <devcamcar> yes 21:35:44 <ttx> devcamcar: ok, just keep the blueprint status updated. Will wait if any of those are not marked implemented 21:35:53 <devcamcar> will do 21:36:02 <ttx> You also have 11 E2-targeted bugs 21:36:16 <ttx> The critical ones that aren't fixed today and happen tomorrow can be backported to milestone-proposed oce it's created 21:36:24 <ttx> once* 21:36:28 <devcamcar> sounds good! 21:36:48 <ttx> ok 21:36:55 <ttx> A quick look at: https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/essex-3 21:37:03 <ttx> Sounds ambitious like always, but sane :) 21:37:21 <devcamcar> indeed! 21:37:33 <devcamcar> we will have an additional full time resource during e3 as well 21:37:46 <ttx> #info horizon MP branch will be cut around 1am / 2am Pacific if all targeted blueprints are marked completed or deferred 21:38:11 <ttx> #info RelMgt will wait if any of those is still marked "Good progress" 21:38:25 <ttx> cool ! and welcome :) 21:38:29 <ttx> devcamcar: Anything else ? 21:38:46 <devcamcar> that's all! thanks 21:38:57 <ttx> Questions for Horizon ? 21:39:12 <ttx> jaypipes: still not around ? 21:39:53 <ttx> let's try to see if bcwaldon and me can make a convincing Mr Pipes. 21:40:02 <bcwaldon> I'll do my best 21:40:03 <ttx> #topic Glance status 21:40:10 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/essex-2 21:40:16 <ttx> Looks like protected-images will not make it ? 21:40:34 <bcwaldon> yep, I'm going to push that back to E3. It was temporarily abandoned 21:40:50 <bcwaldon> just made a note asking the author what the status is 21:40:54 <ttx> OK, so we have nothing to wait for, I can cut the milestone-proposed branch early tomorrow morning ? 21:41:10 <bcwaldon> ttx: yeah, there is one bug I want to get in 21:41:24 <ttx> bugs can still get in once the branch is cut 21:41:31 <bcwaldon> ok, then sure 21:41:35 <bcwaldon> we're all good 21:41:39 <ttx> (just needs to be targeted to E2 and proposed to milestone-proposed 21:41:40 <ttx> ) 21:41:42 <bcwaldon> completed 100% of our blueprints! 21:41:46 <bcwaldon> 1/1 21:41:48 <ttx> tss 21:41:55 <ttx> You also have 7 E2-targeted bugs left. 21:42:14 <ttx> not sure how many of those actually are E2-critical 21:42:16 <bcwaldon> some of those have reviews in progress that stalled out 21:42:27 <bcwaldon> I'll untarget some of them 21:42:31 <bcwaldon> I dont think any are critical 21:42:52 <ttx> bcwaldon: there were a number of them around packaging that Jay was supposed to discuss with mtaylor 21:43:01 <ttx> bcwaldon: I bet we need bug 901534 fixed 21:43:02 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 901534 in glance "Data loss of properties during normal server snapshot process" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/901534 21:43:15 <bcwaldon> yes, thats one I want in 21:43:29 <ttx> ok. 21:43:41 <ttx> #info Glance Mp can be cut tomorrow morning 21:43:54 <ttx> bcwaldon: Anything else ? 21:44:05 <bcwaldon> That's all 21:44:18 <ttx> Questions on Glance ? 21:44:44 <ttx> bhall: thx for the bugs :) 21:44:54 <bcwaldon> bug fixes! 21:45:02 <bhall> ttx: np :) 21:45:15 <ttx> #topic Incubated projects and other Team reports 21:45:21 <ttx> danwent, troytoman: o/ 21:45:22 <annegentle> o/ 21:45:27 <danwent> hello 21:45:29 <ttx> annegentle: o/ 21:45:31 <troytoman> o/ 21:45:34 <danwent> anne, go first :) 21:45:40 <annegentle> oh you're a gentleman :) 21:46:07 <annegentle> We had our Doc Team meeting yesterday. One decision that came out of it was to start a Launchpad project called openstack-org for tracking bugs and content requests for openstack.org 21:46:21 <ttx> cool! 21:46:24 <danwent> +1 21:46:25 <annegentle> #info Anne will create a Launchpad project called openstack-org for tracking bugs and content requests for openstack.org 21:46:44 <ttx> the process for updating was quite opaque so far :) 21:46:46 <lloydde> nice 21:47:48 <annegentle> We are also actively seeking input on the translation process I outlined on the mailing list. 21:48:21 <lloydde> O 21:48:25 <annegentle> Also looking to integrate translation process with translation of select bits of OpenStack.org content 21:48:34 <annegentle> Input welcomed! 21:48:35 <lloydde> oops, I've forwarded it to a couple of big tranlsators 21:49:03 <ttx> annegentle: anything else ? 21:49:06 <annegentle> lloydde: That's fine, just want to test the process and set expectations that it's new. 21:49:28 <annegentle> That's the highlights, Summary available at http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack-meeting/2011/openstack-meeting.2011-12-12-20.03.html. 21:49:43 * annegentle gives mic to danwent 21:49:47 <danwent> thx 21:49:49 <danwent> https://launchpad.net/quantum/+milestone/essex-2 21:50:02 <danwent> thanks to a big push in the last few days, we're in pretty good shap. 21:50:04 <danwent> shape 21:50:23 <danwent> two bps still in review, one open bp it is a documentation issue 21:50:36 <ttx> danwent: let me know if you need help to cut the MP branch 21:50:41 <danwent> 7 open bugs still, but all in review. 21:50:59 <danwent> ttx: thanks. we now have the permissions I believe, but will definitely let you know. 21:51:09 <danwent> that is all on my end. 21:51:26 <ttx> troytoman: your turn 21:51:52 <troytoman> we are planning to do an initial "release" of melange within a week of the E-2 milestone. 21:52:10 <troytoman> we just want enough time to make sure that everything works in a nova/quantum/melange configuration 21:52:25 <ttx> sounds good 21:52:26 <danwent> super simple, right? :) 21:52:38 <troytoman> of course! 21:52:57 <troytoman> ttx: i could use some pointers on how to actually do the release 21:53:11 <troytoman> mtaylor: we still need the repository for melange-client 21:53:34 <ttx> troytoman: ok, I'll point you to the material we have 21:53:44 <troytoman> otherwise, i think we are in good shape 21:53:56 <danwent> ttx: please send pointers my way as well. 21:54:10 <ttx> #action ttx to give danwent/troytoman more information on release process 21:55:03 <ttx> Any other team lead with a status report ? 21:55:35 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 21:55:51 <ttx> We plan to organize a big bug squashing event over two days early in January, where the goal will be to close as many bugs as possible 21:56:06 <ttx> It should happen in physical places like your local OpenStack community, and also online. 21:56:07 <annegentle> Love the bug squash. 21:56:18 <ttx> Stay tuned for more info on that. 21:56:41 <ttx> In other news, only a few days left to submit talks to the FOSDEM "Open Source Virtualization and Cloud" devroom: https://lists.fosdem.org/pipermail/fosdem/2011-November/001354.html 21:56:50 <ttx> (great excuse to come taste great beers) 21:57:05 <ttx> Anything else, anyone ? 21:57:41 <uksysadmin> I've a q (taking advantage) if that's ok on bug -> release process for Diablo? 21:57:56 <ttx> uksysadmin: sure, go ahead 21:58:20 <ttx> (if it fits in the next minute) 21:58:35 <uksysadmin> I run Diablo - on Oneiric from stable packages. For bug fixes - do I wait for Essex or are there planned updates? 21:59:01 <ttx> uksysadmin: we have a stable/diablo branch with backports of bugfixes 21:59:14 <ttx> uksysadmin: the stable team plans to do a 2011.3.1 at some point 21:59:20 <uksysadmin> ok - cheers 21:59:23 <vishy> bhall: ping 21:59:26 <vishy> oops 21:59:38 <ttx> on that good oops, we close 21:59:40 <vishy> (wrong channel) :) 21:59:43 <ttx> #endmeeting