22:02:01 <danwent> #startmeeting 22:02:03 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 24 22:02:01 2012 UTC. The chair is danwent. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 22:02:04 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 22:02:13 <danwent> ok, netstack meeting' 22:02:15 <salv-orlando_> hello! 22:02:19 <carlp> hey! 22:02:20 <davlap> hi folks! 22:02:20 <edgarmagana> Hi Folks! 22:02:24 <danwent> agenda: http://wiki.openstack.org/Network/Meetings 22:02:25 <markvoelker> o/ 22:02:25 <wwkeyboard> 'ello 22:02:29 <somik> hi folks! 22:02:30 <ttx> danwent: make that your first item :) 22:02:32 <danwent> first topic is talking with ttx + monty 22:02:33 <mestery_> 'sup guys! 22:02:40 <danwent> ttx: already one… see agenda :) 22:02:55 <ttx> danwent: damn, you're fast 22:02:58 <cdub> heh, convenient 22:03:07 <danwent> Ok, problem is that there is no automated tarball job for python-quantumclient 22:03:17 <danwent> so its hard to release it for E-3? 22:03:29 <ttx> danwent: it's also that I didn't plan to have quantumclient /melangeclient done for E3, tbh 22:03:32 <danwent> I really wanted to get it into E-3, so we could make sure distro packagers had time to adjust 22:03:47 <ttx> danwent: ok, let's see what we can do 22:04:09 <ttx> mtaylor: what's the status ? repo is up ? 22:04:20 <danwent> ttx: ok. don't want to cause more work for you. is this just a matter of mtaylor writing a script? 22:04:24 <danwent> ttx: yes, repo is up 22:04:33 <ttx> mtaylor: I'd need the repo set up, and tarball jobs for master and milestone-proposed... today 22:04:43 <danwent> oops, just kidding 22:04:51 <danwent> code is at: https://github.com/openstack/python-quantumclient 22:04:57 <mtaylor> and it's in gerrit, etc 22:04:58 <danwent> but ttx, you're talking about a different repo? 22:05:00 <ttx> if not, we can do an out-of-band quantumclient/E3 thing 22:05:13 <ttx> danwent: no, that one 22:05:35 <danwent> ok, i'll stop talking :) 22:05:54 <mtaylor> ttx: I think we should be able to get tarball job up asap - quantumclient is using the same version setting code as quantum and others 22:06:10 <mtaylor> ttx: I didn't set one up already because I wasn't sure if we should yet 22:06:18 <ttx> mtaylor: if the tarball job is up, I'll pick up quantumclient as part of the E3 regular process 22:06:30 <ttx> starting tomorrow morning 22:06:31 <mtaylor> cool 22:06:39 <danwent> mtaylor, can you give you the TODO? 22:06:43 <ttx> if not, we can upload a tarball for E3 out of band 22:06:54 <danwent> or rather, can I give you the TODO :) 22:06:56 <ttx> so that packagers are happy to play 22:07:01 <danwent> (too many late nights recently) 22:07:09 <danwent> thanks ttx 22:07:10 <ttx> danwent: would that work for you ? 22:07:13 <danwent> yup 22:07:15 <danwent> appreciate it 22:07:15 <ttx> ok, deal. 22:07:40 <danwent> #TODO #mtaylor try to setup a tarball job for python-quantumclient 22:08:26 <mtaylor> ++ 22:08:29 <danwent> I'll just assume mtaylor is off working on it already :) 22:08:33 <danwent> thanks mtaylor 22:08:39 * mtaylor is eating a sandwich, but yeah 22:09:07 <danwent> https://review.openstack.org/#q,status:open+project:openstack/quantum,n,z 22:09:12 <danwent> here are the open reviews. 22:09:32 <danwent> with respect to python-quantumclient, we still need to approve the change-set to split out the client code. 22:09:46 <danwent> salv, I believe you had some input on how exceptions are handled? 22:09:48 * mtaylor is working on that one 22:10:01 <mtaylor> not the exceptions - waiting for salv feedback on exception 22:10:16 <salv-orlando_> feedback is on the review page 22:10:19 <danwent> right now, we get away with not duplicating, because server depends on client, but its a bit odd that some server-only exceptions are included in the client. 22:11:00 <danwent> (reading) 22:11:21 <danwent> so can I take that as saying you're fine with the exceptions as is, for now? 22:11:22 <salv-orlando_> I think we can easily keep this odd thing and proceed with the split, as long as we file a bug for tidying up exceptions 22:11:45 <salv-orlando_> well, not really as it is on the changeset, as it is going to be deleted from the server package... 22:12:02 <salv-orlando_> are we creating a repository for quantum.common as well? 22:12:03 <danwent> ok, sounds good. such a large change makes me nervous, so i'd lke to get it in ASAP. I think there's a fair amount of testing that still needs to be done around packaging with the split. 22:12:50 <danwent> I think mtaylors approach was to take things that might go in a "common" and put them in "client". 22:13:01 <danwent> as the server depends on "client", and thus pulls the "common" code in. 22:13:07 <danwent> is that right mtaylor? 22:13:50 <danwent> apparently he's still eating his sandwich :) 22:13:52 <salv-orlando_> In that case we will probably need exceptions to stay in the server repository, too. Otherwise Quantum API would be unable to raise faults, I'm afraid. 22:14:08 <danwent> no, it works correctly, i believe 22:14:28 <danwent> the exceptions code is available to the server, because the server depends on the client. 22:14:43 <salv-orlando_> ah... that's the bit I was missing :) 22:14:53 <danwent> yeah… took me a while as well :) 22:15:01 <salv-orlando_> In that case we should be all right 22:15:15 <danwent> Ok, I still think we need to do a fair amount of testing + reviewing with this patch. 22:15:17 <cdub> and do we expect client -> common to happen before E4? 22:15:30 <danwent> cdub: I don't think we'll create a common 22:15:34 <cdub> or F+ 22:15:47 <cdub> danwent: ever? 22:15:48 <danwent> we may rework the exception code a bit so that there is no longer any "common" 22:15:54 <danwent> code 22:16:00 <danwent> which would probably be less confusing 22:16:27 <danwent> cdub: that is my guess. long-term, both packages should be able to depend on something like openstack-common. 22:16:36 <danwent> I don't think nova + novaclient have a shared library 22:16:40 <cdub> danwent: right, ultimately we'd like to be able to install server and client separately (not on same box) 22:16:42 <mtaylor> danwent: yes. sorry - multi-tasking kills me 22:16:44 <danwent> or most of the other openstack projects. 22:16:52 <danwent> cdub: you can do that already 22:17:04 <danwent> you can install and run client with independently 22:17:08 <danwent> no need for server. 22:17:20 <danwent> its just that when you install the server, you have to install the client as well. 22:17:23 <cdub> with server needing excpetion code provided by client? 22:17:25 <danwent> which you probably want for testing as well. 22:17:48 <salv-orlando_> mtaylor: danwent clarified that actually quantum-server will depend on quantum-client. I was afraid the exceptions module was not anymore available to the server. In this case, we can go ahead with the merge. 22:17:52 <danwent> That's the part we'd like to clean up, but its more of a style thing that a correctness thing. 22:18:24 <danwent> salv-orlando: OK, there are other things that need to be fixed in the patchset, but we will note that you have withdrawn your concern about the exceptions. 22:18:40 <mtaylor> salv-orlando_: ok. cool. 22:18:46 <danwent> cdub: can you explain your concern in more detail? or comment on the review? 22:18:48 <mtaylor> yes - need to sort the namespace pacakge issue 22:19:13 <mtaylor> which means we need to land a patch in horizon, right? 22:19:30 <danwent> dave, can you comments? 22:19:43 <davlap> mtaylor: so there's a pip requires we need to add to horizon 22:19:50 <davlap> and also need to make a mod to devstack.sh 22:19:54 <davlap> sorry.. stack.sh 22:20:09 <danwent> davlap: is horizon change required, or just suggested? 22:20:11 <mtaylor> davlap: cool. also, you were pointing to my old emonty repo and not the openstack repo 22:20:12 <davlap> stack.sh was creating fake quantum/client module in its tree which was imported before the client.. 22:20:16 <danwent> wasn't clear on that 22:20:29 <davlap> we need horizon change to capture the dep for installation of horizon 22:20:44 <davlap> ok.. great.. i'll take a look at the new one.. 22:20:45 <danwent> davlap: ok. its the right change anyway. 22:20:45 <cdub> danwent: sure, i'll comment in review, shouldn't effect merge ;) 22:20:51 <mtaylor> awesome 22:21:02 <mtaylor> should we poke heckj or someone about the horizon thing? 22:21:18 <danwent> mtaylor: i already pinged devmancar and you in an email. 22:21:22 <mtaylor> awesome 22:21:25 <heckj> huh? 22:21:30 <mtaylor> oh hey! there it is 22:21:32 <danwent> looping in heckj would be good 22:21:51 <heckj> I'm here and officially loopy 22:21:53 <mtaylor> heckj: we have a quantum.client package now, so we want horizon to use it 22:22:20 <mtaylor> heckj: -e git+https://review.openstack.org/p/openstack/python-quantumclient#egg=python-quantumclient-dev 22:22:47 <heckj> sounds good - pretty much a straight up deps change I think. Is it pushed to pypi now? (i.e. easy to get) or do we have to wrangle a git based PIP install for it? 22:22:57 <heckj> git, eh? 22:23:39 <heckj> dan - same API setup, or are there code changes to use this that will be needed as well? 22:23:51 <heckj> danwent^^ 22:24:09 <danwent> heckj: should just be a dependency issue 22:24:29 <danwent> there is stuff broken with horizon + quantum, but that's another discussion (for another day, but hopefully soon!) 22:24:43 <danwent> this dep change should get us to status quo 22:24:54 <debo-os> danwent: :) 22:25:14 <debo-os> I guess you meant creating networks etc 22:25:42 <danwent> debo-os: yeah, and integration with IPAM. 22:25:49 <danwent> essentially what we talked about at Essex summit 22:26:05 <danwent> ok, heckj, does that sound reasonablee? 22:26:27 <heckj> danwent: quite. I was just getting the latest code to make that change right now, see that it worked OK. 22:26:51 <danwent> ok, thanks. definitely ping us if you see problems. we will test it all with devstack as well once it is in. 22:27:29 <danwent> ok, so my final question with the repo split stuff is whether people have been testing generating packages from the repos. 22:27:56 <mtaylor> danwent: _hopefully_ zul and friends will start building us offical debs of these bad boys, right zul? 22:28:15 <zul> of what? 22:28:48 <danwent> mtaylor: yes, but some people build packages themselves with the setup scripts, so I want to make sure everything's happy before we drop E-3 22:29:04 <danwent> just want to make sure we're safe before we approve :) 22:29:24 <danwent> zul: quantum and python-quantumclient 22:29:44 <heckj> danwent: I've seen some packages generated from the managedIT guys too 22:29:55 <zul> danwent: quantum is already packaged in ubuntu/debian python-quantumclient not so much 22:29:58 * heckj is currently stealing zul's hard work there 22:30:18 <mtaylor> zul: it's just a split of the client libs from the quantum core 22:30:19 <zul> heckj: meh :) 22:30:30 <mtaylor> zul: you can blame me for that one 22:30:42 <zul> nnnnnngnnnnh 22:31:07 <heckj> how very…. articulate! 22:31:19 <danwent> Ok…. so are we good talking about the client repo split? 22:31:42 <danwent> anything else to bring up? This is a pretty big change, so we'll need everyone to pitch in on testing. 22:32:04 <danwent> thanks for your help mtaylor, heckj, zul 22:32:11 <heckj> np 22:32:13 <danwent> Ok, next up: API patches 22:32:17 <ohnoimdead> danwent: any idea on when the horizon + quantum discussion can happen? :) 22:32:25 <mtaylor> thanks everybody! 22:32:37 <danwent> ohnoimdead: definitely want to chat 22:32:49 <danwent> perhaps late this week? 22:32:51 <ohnoimdead> cool cuz we'd like to get that stuff working again 22:32:56 <danwent> once we get E-3 under controller 22:32:58 <danwent> control 22:33:04 <danwent> sweet, I would too :) 22:33:21 <danwent> ohnoimdead: please ping netstack list. 22:33:30 <ohnoimdead> doing now 22:33:41 <danwent> Ok, salv-orlando? 22:34:05 <danwent> salv-orlando_ 22:34:17 <danwent> probably asleep from coding all night 22:34:25 <salv-orlando_> nope 22:34:26 <salv-orlando_> not yet 22:34:45 <salv-orlando_> a possibly final changeset for api-error-codes has been pushed 22:35:06 <danwent> ok, so its pretty late and we have the repo split… minimizing other churn at this point is good. 22:35:26 <danwent> the filters seem like the most important other thing, as we want nova to start using the filters in E-4, if possible. 22:35:42 <danwent> error-codes is about good to go though, right? 22:35:49 <salv-orlando_> I'm happy with deferring pagination. 22:36:01 <salv-orlando_> error-codes is good to go. Feedback has been addressed. 22:36:18 <salv-orlando_> For api-filters it seems that we managed to agree on the plugin behaviour. 22:36:26 <danwent> ok, so let's try to get people to review error codes. 22:36:38 <danwent> should be a quick re-review 22:36:53 <salv-orlando_> Summarizing: a plugin might or might not implement the filters. For the filters it does not implement, the API layer would perform the filtering. 22:37:08 <salv-orlando_> This keeps the code in the API layer pretty simple and gives client a consistent experience. 22:37:11 <danwent> filters is more complex. Do we have two core reveiwers on that yet (I think it was just Aaron and I, last I checked) 22:37:42 <salv-orlando_> Yes, just the two of you. A contribution from somebody knowledgeable with the UCS plugin would be greast. 22:37:55 <danwent> volunteer? 22:38:27 <edgarmagana> dan: I take it 22:38:32 <danwent> this is mostly already reviewed, so it shouldn't be too bad. 22:38:37 <salv-orlando_> edgarmagana: thanks! 22:38:41 <danwent> great. 22:38:42 <SumitNaiksatam> yeah, I am looking at it too 22:38:54 <edgarmagana> I already reviewed but I was not sure about the plugin implementing or not the filters 22:39:01 <salv-orlando_> cool. So I will be able to address previous feedback in the next hour or so. 22:39:03 <danwent> ah, sorry, missed that edgar 22:39:24 <danwent> salv: hope you can stay up that late… we're all running on fumes :) 22:39:42 <danwent> ok, and so we'll defer the pagination? I think that's a good call. 22:39:43 <salv-orlando_> I have plenty of coffee 22:40:04 <salv-orlando_> and in case I should run out there's a supermarket open 24/7 near my home 22:40:29 <danwent> ok, so we also have reviews for linux-bridge plugin and ryu controller plugin. 22:40:57 <danwent> ryu we've already decided to bump. i personally think its pretty late to squeeze in linux-bridge given all the churn. 22:41:08 <danwent> sumit: is there a problem with just doing this first thing in e-4? 22:41:16 <debo-os> folks, for the new plugins: it would be good to try with devstack 22:41:49 <danwent> debo-os: yes, we'll definitely want to do full system testing for new plugins. 22:42:02 <debo-os> danwent: cool 22:42:03 <danwent> (ideally with your new system test framework :) 22:42:03 <SumitNaiksatam> yeah, I am fine 22:42:11 <SumitNaiksatam> we have one review from edgar 22:42:12 <edgarmagana> dan: I have an end-to-end testbed with devstack and the linux-bridge code, It is working very well so far! 22:42:20 <danwent> Ok. but it will be important that we don't let this go to late in E-4 22:42:20 <SumitNaiksatam> need one more for the linux bridge 22:42:55 <cdub> i think risk is low 22:43:01 <debo-os> edgar: did you get it automated in devstack.sh 22:43:01 <cdub> for linux-bridge e3, since it's a plug in 22:43:14 <debo-os> I can do the 2nd one 22:43:16 <danwent> Sumit: yeah, with a big chunk of new code, we definitely want to review it carefully. 22:43:27 <edgarmagana> debo: no, i had to do some manual confguration 22:43:33 <danwent> is there a big deal if we just do it next week? 22:43:50 <danwent> we're really overloaded already with code to review + test 22:44:00 <debo-os> edgar: by devstack we meant push button ... spec linuxbridge in the localrc and voila 22:44:05 <danwent> I'd much rather have those cycles go to making sure e-3 is not busted 22:44:29 <cdub> probably not, considering we'll probably going to spend more time w/ packaging anyway 22:44:40 <edgarmagana> debo: we need to modify the script and i am not working on that 22:44:51 <rkukura> linux-bridge would allow end-to-end testing of packages on fedora 16, which doesn't have OVS yet 22:44:56 <danwent> cdub: that would be my preference. we've already had a couple late nights 22:45:13 <edgarmagana> debo: I just wanted to have a full functional end-to-end testbed with two or more cloud computes 22:45:16 <cdub> yeah, it's a balance between testable (no ovs in fedora) and testable (busted) 22:45:21 <danwent> rkukura: definitely can get this in E-4 22:45:35 <danwent> is e-3 important in particular? 22:46:00 <debo-os> edgar: understand ... but we would want to get it automated soon 22:46:21 <debo-os> thats why danwent mentioned the test framework 22:46:23 <debo-os> :) 22:46:29 <cdub> rkukura: when's fedora OS testday? before E4? 22:46:34 <danwent> debo-os: you want to get this working in devstack, then testing it should be easy. 22:47:03 <debo-os> danwent: +! 22:47:19 <cdub> rkukura: oh, not until march8 22:47:40 <danwent> Ok, so next week is reasonable? 22:47:51 <cdub> wfm 22:47:57 <rkukura> could update packages to git snapshot after E3 22:48:31 <danwent> Ok, that way salv and I can review as well. which I would prefer. we're both out of cycles for e-3 22:48:50 <rkukura> understood 22:49:18 * cdub will give it proper review as well, and could use the extra time too 22:49:27 <danwent> debo, we could make testing this be part of the bug-squashing system test day as well 22:49:38 <danwent> that is Feb 2nd. would be cool if we coudl do some testing on RHEL 22:50:22 <danwent> ok, sounds good. 22:50:49 <danwent> wanted to talk about system test more general, but debo-os said he has to bail (meeting is running long) 22:51:02 <debo-os> danwent: sure 22:51:04 <danwent> #TODO: #debo-os will update system test BP with info about his tempest work. 22:51:37 <danwent> reminder: we are hosting bug-squashing day @ Nicira on Feb 2nd. 22:51:54 <danwent> will send out an invite with details after the release madness, but expect afternoon and early evening. 22:52:25 <danwent> emphasis will be on code quality + system test. Debo will hopefully be giving an overview of using devstack with quantum, and using tempest to create interesting test environments. 22:52:30 <edgarmagana> free pizza? 22:52:39 <danwent> you bet :) 22:52:40 <edgarmagana> and beers? 22:52:45 <danwent> maybe even free beer 22:53:01 <edgarmagana> ++ 22:53:20 <danwent> ok, any open discussion? 22:53:26 <debo-os> danwent: +1 for beer and devstack+quantum test env 22:53:32 <danwent> before we end this marathon meeting and get back to testing + reviewing 22:53:33 <danwent> ? 22:54:25 <debo-os> ciao! 22:54:25 <danwent> Ok, thanks folks. Please keep an eye on the netstack list in case critical bugs pop-up. 22:54:28 <carlp> danwent: you know there is an OpenStack meetup in SF that day as well? 22:54:32 <edgarmagana> adeu! 22:54:37 <danwent> carlp: yes 22:54:44 <carlp> danwent: OK, just checking :) 22:54:52 <danwent> enough people voiced a desire for closer location 22:55:02 <danwent> you know us bay area folks are so environmentally friends (or lazy) 22:55:03 <carlp> Fair enough 22:55:06 <danwent> :P 22:55:10 <danwent> ok, later folks! 22:55:16 <salv-orlando_> or the US-101 is alway so packed with traffic... 22:55:22 <danwent> indeed 22:55:24 <danwent> #endmeeting