19:01:07 <mtaylor> #startmeeting 19:01:08 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Jan 31 19:01:07 2012 UTC. The chair is mtaylor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:09 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 19:01:31 <mtaylor> #topic meetbot 19:01:57 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi_cell: we have access to the meetbot/meetinglogs server now, so we can work our puppet magic on it 19:02:14 <LinuxJedi_cell> mtaylor: fantastic 19:02:17 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi_cell: which _also_ means that I can get you to add a couple of features ... 19:02:35 <LinuxJedi_cell> Sure thing 19:02:53 <mtaylor> a) I'd like to see see #startmeeting take an optional parameter which is a launchpad team containing the people who should have voting rights for votes 19:03:08 <LinuxJedi_cell> ++ 19:03:22 <mtaylor> b) I'd like to port in the voting feature from the ubuntu meetbot, so that someone can say "#startvote Do we like chicken" 19:03:35 <mtaylor> and then the bot will tally and record the results of that vote 19:04:10 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi_cell: more python for you! 19:04:28 <mtaylor> speaking of LinuxJedi ... 19:04:36 <LinuxJedi_cell> Looking forward to it:) 19:04:57 <mtaylor> branch expiration has gone live, and we've also got the pastebin sucked in to config management now 19:05:42 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi_cell: when you get bored, docs on the paste setup, yeah? (I think we should eventually have at least a top-level doc for each system/service we run/provide) 19:06:10 <mtaylor> #topic multi-python support 19:06:12 <LinuxJedi_cell> I'll do it before I get bored, will do with backups tomorrow 19:06:16 <mtaylor> awesome 19:06:36 <mtaylor> we've got multi-python testing rolled live for python-quantumclient (hi guinea pig) 19:06:45 <mtaylor> and the build slaves for it created and added 19:06:59 <mtaylor> so we should be able to start adding other projects to multi-python testing via tox this week 19:07:29 * LinuxJedi_cell jumping in car 19:07:35 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi_cell: have fun 19:07:48 <mtaylor> #topic Open Discussion 19:07:55 <mtaylor> anybody else got anything? 19:11:59 <jeblair> i've pushed the ksl branch 19:12:10 <jeblair> along with a merge commit for it 19:12:12 <heckj> yeah!!! (thank you!) 19:12:13 <mtaylor> hey! it's jeblair. w00t 19:12:23 <jeblair> https://review.openstack.org/#change,3572 19:12:26 * heckj is heads down in that KSL branch 19:12:35 <jeblair> there's the commit. 19:12:39 <jeblair> and the branch is called redux 19:12:44 * mtaylor has a few commits to submit to make it work in jenkins 19:12:56 <jeblair> so you can 'git checkout redux', and 'git review redux' 19:13:15 <heckj> we'll be doing work on the redux branch before merging it in - 19:14:08 <jeblair> i figured so. the merge commit is not straightforward to make, so i think the way to go is to just keep working on the branch and let me know when it's ready to go in and i'll update the merge commit change 19:14:33 <soren> Oh, I've got a question: 19:14:34 <jeblair> i mostly wanted to put in a strawman change so that people can see what the commit will do when we're ready 19:14:38 * soren just stumbled in 19:15:08 <mtaylor> hey soren 19:15:10 <heckj> ola! 19:15:23 <heckj> jeblair: sounds good 19:15:32 <soren> What's the status on the implementing the "try every revision of openstack on a bunch of different people's infrastructure" thing? 19:15:33 <jeblair> (and i'm volunteering to make the commit since we normally don't allow merge commits. in this case, one wrong step would give us 296 open changes for review) 19:15:43 <LinuxJedi> phew, back 19:16:50 <mtaylor> soren: so far, we keep getting to the point of getting a jenkins slave hooked in for someone, and then it just sits there 19:17:12 <mtaylor> we had an interesting chat with Daviey and jamespage yesterday about the Canonical OpenStack Jenkins 19:17:14 <heckj> jeblair: I will totally take you up on that when we're ready - because I would clearly make that misstep… twice or three times :-) And the channel would be flooded with heck hate. 19:17:39 <mtaylor> where I think an interesting first step (or possibly even long term approach) is for them to also run the gerrit trigger plugin on their jenkins 19:17:53 <mtaylor> to trigger builds and vote on changes similar to how smokestack is working 19:17:53 <soren> mtaylor: I heard a rumour they started doing that today. 19:17:58 <soren> Oh. 19:17:59 <soren> Not that. 19:18:04 <mtaylor> and then if that goes well long term 19:18:17 <soren> Or.. Meh, it's just something I heard in passing. Ignore it. 19:18:20 <soren> Ok. 19:18:22 <mtaylor> perhaps we can add a review category for them so that their jenkins has to pass 19:18:33 <soren> Hm.. It would really be ideal if we could somehow connect two Jenkins instances. 19:18:37 <mtaylor> jeblair brought up good a point about consolidated information presentation though 19:18:41 <mtaylor> yes, it would 19:18:58 <mtaylor> so far the plugin for jenkins that allows that isn't great 19:19:12 <soren> So, at Cisco, I'll probably be setting up an automated test rig of some stuff, but I'd like to use the same ressources for these "upstream" sorts of tests. 19:19:12 <mtaylor> soren: you're at cisco now, right? 19:19:36 <soren> ...but it's hard to share the ressources between our own Jenkins and someone else's who is using our servers as slaves. 19:19:41 <soren> mtaylor: indeed 19:19:53 <mtaylor> soren: agree 19:20:09 <mtaylor> soren: well - perhaps the canonical approach of installing the gerrit trigger plugin would be a good start 19:20:21 <soren> mtaylor: Yeah. 19:20:44 <soren> mtaylor: It's not like we use Jenkins to monitor the status of things much anyway. 19:20:48 <mtaylor> it does meet the criteria that we're interested in which is "vendors control and run the testing infrastructure they're donating" 19:20:50 <soren> We tend to focus on Gerrit. 19:20:55 <mtaylor> that is very true 19:20:59 <soren> It does seem like a natural place to aggregate the results. 19:21:15 <jeblair> the question is how they are aggregated in gerrit 19:21:23 <mtaylor> we'll need to figure out the 'right' way to do information display ... if we get 10 vendors doing their own gerrit voting, it's going to be very ugly to look at 19:21:27 <jeblair> my preference would be to see one report from jenkins with all the tests 19:21:47 <soren> How does it work now? 19:21:56 <soren> Does Smokestack have a special gerrit user? 19:22:11 <mtaylor> soren: it just has a gerrit user 19:22:14 <soren> Ok. 19:22:15 <jeblair> a hodge-podge of random comments from various test rigs all arriving unpredictably at different times isn't really information aggregation or display, it's information spam 19:22:31 <mtaylor> soren: and that gerrit user is unpriviledged and just votes like anyone else 19:22:39 <soren> jeblair: If we could silence the succesful ones, would that be helpful? 19:22:43 <jeblair> it's better than no information, but it's not nearly as nice as a simple list of jenkins tests 19:22:47 <jeblair> how would you know they ran? 19:22:54 <soren> jeblair: You wouldn't. 19:22:58 <soren> jeblair: WEll.. 19:23:03 <soren> I mean, sorry, yes of course you would. 19:23:05 <mtaylor> I wonder if we could combine the multiple jenkins talking to gerrit approach ... 19:23:07 <jeblair> people are now all the time asking whether smokestack has run on their tests, or how they can get it to do that 19:23:10 <soren> ...but you wouldn't get e-mailed about them. 19:23:15 <mtaylor> with the jenkins plugin that will report the status of jobs on another jenkins 19:23:23 <mtaylor> so that we could have the gerrit interaction be federated 19:23:29 <mtaylor> but still have a single information display page 19:23:47 * soren ponders 19:24:27 <jeblair> relying only on the gerrit trigger plugin, that extra info would not be aggregated, but if we could solve the problem of collecting output from a single gating job, that would work. 19:24:31 <soren> I mean, I can envision how it could work, but it would mean changing Gerrit's data model somewhat. 19:24:45 <jeblair> gerrit's dato model? how? 19:25:18 <soren> Well, if we let these test runnes report their results to gerrit, but not have it count as votes in the same fashion as human votes, we could present it differently. 19:25:27 <soren> *test runners 19:26:15 <mtaylor> soren: yeah - that's what I meant earlier by adding additional review categories ... that part is actually reasonably easy 19:26:29 <mtaylor> the tricky part is that the default display of that isn't really designed to be largely scalable :) 19:26:31 <soren> We could have another information box on the change page on Gerrit that shows a lot of green buttons and red dots that would be links back to the respective Jenkins instance's console output for the change. 19:26:38 <mtaylor> so we'll have a grid with a bazillion checkmarks 19:26:57 <soren> It could be collapsed by default. 19:27:15 <jeblair> whenever the topic goes to "reimplement jenkins in another system" i tend to think we should think about using jenkins. 19:27:24 <soren> Just an overall "25 succeses, 0 failures" that could expand to the full list. 19:27:37 <soren> ...or it could even show the failures by default and let you expand to see the full list. 19:27:49 <soren> IT all just gets so much easier if you have a simple programmatic way to tell them apart. 19:28:22 <soren> jeblair: I hear that. 19:28:51 <mtaylor> there may be a multi-step thing lurking in here 19:28:59 <soren> Another benefit of doing it all in Gerrit: 19:29:05 <mtaylor> perhaps doing the gerrit approach at first because it's pretty easy to get it going 19:29:17 <mtaylor> and then set someone on the task of making the jenkins aggregation plugin properly 19:29:25 <mtaylor> so that one jenkins can properly interact with another jenkins master 19:29:38 <jeblair> what's missing there now? 19:29:43 <mtaylor> because the use case of people contributing resources wanting to share those slaves with their own jenkins master is not going to go away 19:29:43 <soren> We've always talked about having multiple tiers of platforms: Supported, not-quite-supported, if-it-works-it's-a-frickin-miracle, it's-not-supposed-to-work 19:29:46 <soren> Or whatnot. 19:30:02 <soren> The "supported" ones might be privileged to give -2 votes. 19:30:13 <soren> The others, only -1. 19:30:30 <soren> I dunno. 19:30:39 <mtaylor> yeah, that's interesting 19:30:51 <soren> ...but that could be done through Jenkins, too, I suppose. 19:31:03 <mtaylor> jeblair: the main thing is proper federation ... as in, a slave jenkins that is itself a master 19:31:07 <soren> But you'd lose quite a bit of detail. 19:31:20 <soren> ...and every time Jenkins got another test result from somewhere, it might have to go back and re-vote. 19:31:31 <soren> ..which will have won us nothing in terms of information spam. 19:31:37 <jeblair> i'm wondering what's the hangup with the 'donated slave' model? 19:31:46 <jeblair> why can't resources be shared? 19:31:47 <mtaylor> the thing I said above... 19:31:51 <soren> I explained that further up. 19:31:56 <mtaylor> because you can't have a slave that's attached to two jenkins masters 19:32:12 <soren> 19:19 < soren> So, at Cisco, I'll probably be setting up an automated test rig of some stuff, but I'd like to use the same ressources for these "upstream" sorts of tests. 19:32:26 <soren> mtaylor: Well, you can, but they won't know about each other. :) 19:32:26 <jeblair> you can run two slaves on a host. 19:32:37 <soren> Which makes it very hard to do reliable tests for something like Nova. 19:32:42 <jeblair> and you can externally mutex any shared resources they have 19:32:56 <soren> ...which rather expects exclusive access to certain resources. 19:33:03 <soren> jeblair: How so? 19:33:11 <mtaylor> but the cisco jenkins already knows how to control how many things are supposed to be running on a given slave 19:35:06 <jeblair> lockfile? just thinking out loud. :) 19:36:08 <mtaylor> sure - so, I think there's a possible design nirvana and then some intermediary steps we can take between now and then 19:36:41 <jeblair> well, there's one more thing i'd like to say: 19:37:00 <jeblair> consider contributing dedicated resources to the project 19:37:03 <mtaylor> in a perfect world I don't think we want a quasi-jenkins dashboard in gerrit or a bunch of lockfile scripts running around to share slaves ... but both of those might be things we can do more quickly than implementing full-on jenkins federation 19:37:24 <jeblair> be a serious supporter of the openstack project by saying "we need to dedicate hardware to upstream testing" 19:37:45 <jeblair> at least two companies have donated project-wide testing resources, i'd like to see more. 19:37:58 <mtaylor> sure- but soren bringing this up isn't the first time it's been brought up as a concern by someone who is looking at donating resources 19:38:20 <soren> jeblair: I'm not going to say that that is an unreasonable request, but I believe a model where you can still use the resources for your own stuff if OpenStack doesn't need them is a sensible thing to offer. 19:38:48 <jeblair> ok. i think we're all on the same page. :) 19:38:58 <mtaylor> cool. 19:39:00 <soren> What's best? Having 5 machines for "upstream" and 5 machines for everything else, or having 10 machines that you share? 19:39:11 <jeblair> that's a good point 19:39:18 <soren> Multiply/divide as needed. 19:39:20 <soren> :) 19:39:24 <mtaylor> and I think that there isn't huge disparity on step 1 here ... which is that canonical are trying their own gerrit plugin for non-binding voting 19:39:42 <mtaylor> and I think we can sort of see how that goes for a little bit before we have to solve whether we add them as a category or not 19:39:46 <mtaylor> yeah? 19:39:48 <soren> Yeah. I don't think the information level will be too overwhelming for at least a couple of months. 19:39:55 <soren> And even if so, I think it's a good trade-off. 19:40:12 <mtaylor> yeah - sort of like getting smokestack to vote - it's not perfect, but it's more than we had before :) 19:40:21 <soren> Precisely. 19:40:55 <soren> Ok, great. This is enlightening. 19:40:57 <jeblair> we will shortly be up to 4 systems leaving feedback in gerrit, so i do think we need to go ahead and start solving the aggregation problem 19:41:20 <soren> That would be very welcome for sure. 19:41:47 <soren> I'd just hate to be without test results just due to potential information overload. 19:41:58 <jeblair> yep 19:42:07 <soren> "First world problem" doesn't exactly apply here, but close. 19:42:22 <mtaylor> maybe let's schedule time to discuss in person with a whiteboard at ODS? 19:42:25 <jeblair> organized testing > testing > no testing 19:42:44 <soren> Right :) 19:43:11 <soren> mtaylor: Let's do that. I hope we have some practical experience to base the chat on by then, though :) 19:44:22 <mtaylor> soren, heckj: speaking of ... 19:44:49 <mtaylor> fwiw, jeblair, LinuxJedi and I will be meeting in Boston the week of Feb 14 19:45:04 <mtaylor> you, or anyone else lurking, is more than welcome to come 19:46:01 <heckj> sounds nice - but I'll be on the VERY other side of the USA (hawaii) on vacation :-) 19:46:11 <mtaylor> heckj: BAH to vacation 19:46:13 <soren> I'll be in San Jose. 19:46:21 <mtaylor> Daviey, jamespage ^^^ you too 19:46:25 <soren> I'll think of you when I fly over Boston. 19:46:37 <mtaylor> yeah, it's cool - just wanted to make sure we'd invited you 19:47:09 <jeblair> mtaylor: i told you you should hold it someplace awesome 19:47:27 <jeblair> nobody wants to go to _boston_ in _februrary_ :) 19:47:30 <soren> Boston's not awesome? 19:47:35 <soren> Come on, Boston has.. 19:47:36 <soren> er... 19:47:39 <soren> No, you're right. 19:48:05 <mtaylor> blame HP 19:48:12 <jeblair> ok 19:48:12 <soren> I always do. 19:48:32 <soren> It's company policy. 19:48:39 <Daviey> hola 19:48:40 <soren> jk :) 19:48:48 * Daviey reads context 19:49:23 <Daviey> mtaylor: Yeah, i don't think i can justify flying out to Boston just for a beer... 19:49:28 <Daviey> would love to thou :) 19:49:48 <mtaylor> cool. also, we were talking a bit about your jenkins 19:49:50 <mtaylor> mostly nice things 19:50:14 <Daviey> mtaylor: right.. 19:50:29 <Daviey> mtaylor: We are maintaining it in silent mode for the time being. 19:50:39 <mtaylor> Daviey: seems like a good starting place 19:50:43 <Daviey> Testing trunk post commit, and stable/diablo pre-commit 19:50:50 <Daviey> (as a comment only, not gate) 19:51:40 <soren> Does the Jenkins gerrit plugin report back? 19:51:47 <soren> Or is that a custom built thing? 19:52:00 <jeblair> it's built in 19:52:04 <soren> Wicked. 19:52:07 <jeblair> you can customize what it does on success/failure 19:52:17 <jeblair> so what messages it leaves, whether/how it votes, etc 19:52:29 <jeblair> (per job or jenkins-wide) 19:52:47 <Daviey> yep, seems to be working well! 19:53:00 <mtaylor> Daviey: you guys using our fork of it for now? 19:53:25 <Daviey> mtaylor: yep 19:53:36 <mtaylor> great. we'll keep you in the loop if we update anything 19:54:15 <soren> Oh, there's a fork? 19:54:18 <soren> That's good to know. 19:54:23 <Daviey> thanks! 19:54:31 * soren hasn't a clue how to get custom plugins into Jenkins, though. 19:54:37 <jeblair> i have clearance to upstream our changes, will be starting that soon 19:54:39 <mtaylor> soren: it's easy 19:54:42 <mtaylor> https://github.com/jeblair/gerrit-trigger-plugin/tree/trigger-on-comment-added 19:54:58 <soren> Trigger on comment added? Seriously? 19:54:59 <Daviey> jeblair: Is that your emoployer issues? 19:55:00 <mtaylor> soren: you build it, it makes a file, you drop it in to the jenkins plugin dir 19:55:05 <soren> Why would you want to retest on every comment? 19:55:16 <mtaylor> soren: approval is a type of comment 19:55:25 <soren> Ah. 19:55:27 <mtaylor> soren: so you have to be able to respond to comment types 19:55:33 <jeblair> soren: it has a filter, we test on "APRV +1" 19:55:43 <soren> So the first approval sends it to testing? 19:55:59 <jeblair> Daviey: yes, it apparently took them a bit to okay that. 19:55:59 <mtaylor> the +1 vote in the approval column 19:56:13 <mtaylor> soren: a normal +1 vote from a person in code review is "CRVW +1" 19:56:19 <mtaylor> and a +2 vote is "CRVW +2" 19:56:32 <Daviey> well.. it was my plan to do testing when anyone proposes anything to diablo/stable. 19:56:32 <Daviey> The idea being is that it smokes it before a human looks at it 19:56:46 <Daviey> then the human can respond based on code review AND jenkins return 19:56:48 <soren> mtaylor: Oh. SO the tests don't run until someone has approved the patch? 19:57:01 <mtaylor> soren: for the openstack jenkins, yes 19:57:03 <Daviey> soren: that is an option. 19:57:13 <mtaylor> soren: although we're going to add pre-approval pep8 testing real soon now 19:57:21 <soren> What Daviey says sounds smarter. 19:57:27 <mtaylor> security risk 19:57:29 <Daviey> yep 19:57:31 <soren> I know. 19:57:33 <Daviey> discussing that atm. 19:57:36 <mtaylor> also 19:57:45 <mtaylor> it's not testing entirely the right thing 19:57:54 <soren> I've the one who's been saying that from day 1 when everyone else was saying "Just run the tests!" :) 19:58:00 <mtaylor> because it's testing the patch submitted, rather than the patch as merged as it will be applied 19:58:24 <mtaylor> however- if we get past the security issue, I think that what we might do is smoke test pre-approval 19:58:24 <Daviey> soren: I need to protect against someone including "rm -rf /" in setup.py :) 19:58:30 <mtaylor> and then re-test right before merge 19:58:31 <jeblair> ideally, we'll do both, as we address the security problem 19:58:37 <mtaylor> what jeblair said 19:59:08 <soren> Daviey: I understand entirely 19:59:14 <Daviey> i'm pondering a few things, one might be - creating the tarball in kvm. 19:59:23 <soren> Daviey: ...but that's the case even if it's been approved. 19:59:32 <mtaylor> destroying testing slaves is less of a problem if we are blowing them away and re-creating them every time 19:59:39 <mtaylor> which we're moving towards 19:59:39 <Daviey> I don't trust chroot or lxc yet. 19:59:46 <Daviey> soren: right 19:59:51 <mtaylor> so then it's just a problem of catching spam bots 19:59:59 <Daviey> mtaylor: right.. i don't care about the nodes 20:00:28 <Daviey> Well 20:00:35 <Daviey> spambots worry me less. 20:00:39 <Daviey> It's a pretty sterile enviroment 20:00:49 <mtaylor> python is pretty powerful :) 20:00:52 <Daviey> I had to get permission just to open up the firewall just to pypi 20:00:58 <soren> Oh, we're imposing on the PPB meeting slot. 20:01:05 <mtaylor> ppb isn't meeting 20:01:11 <mtaylor> our slaves are all public cloud images :) 20:01:16 <Daviey> Thye didn't meet last week either :/ 20:02:25 <mtaylor> however - I think we're probably good here. 20:02:45 <mtaylor> soren: obviously let us know if you want help on getting the modified gerrit-trigger-plugin going 20:03:04 <mtaylor> jeblair: we should probably get around to fixing the manual trigger page 20:03:14 <Daviey> soren: What are you testing, and on what platform? 20:03:23 <jeblair> mtaylor: yep 20:03:33 <Daviey> I power-read scrollback, so might have missed that 20:04:00 <Daviey> soren: fwiw, we have 12 machines. 20:04:21 <soren> Daviey: Nothing yet. I already told you I'm waiting for access to hardware :) 20:04:48 <Daviey> soren: right, but i'm guessing there is a plan? 20:05:08 <soren> Yes. Yes, there is. 20:05:15 <Daviey> i'm sure you are not just waiting on hardware to start thinking about what you are testing for, and on what platform. :) 20:06:06 <soren> I have a draft plan. 20:06:34 <soren> It would be unlike me if it didn't involve Ubuntu. 20:06:47 <mtaylor> soren: I'm SHOCKED! 20:06:49 <Daviey> cryptic++ 20:07:06 <Daviey> soren: you are crazy. 20:07:28 <soren> Daviey: That's never been proved. 20:07:58 <zns> zns here - sorry for being late. 20:08:44 <zns> * realizes the ppb is not meeting * 20:08:47 <soren> zns: You're excused. :) 20:09:01 <zns> soren: thanks :-) 20:09:35 <Daviey> DOes anyone have other ideas satisfying the security issue? 20:10:31 <soren> Yeah. 20:10:49 <soren> My idea from the beginning was to only run tests from people we know who are. 20:10:59 <soren> ..and where they live. 20:11:06 <soren> So we can hunt them down if they screw with us. 20:11:21 <jeblair> yeah, we've been thinking about that as well 20:11:30 <Daviey> Well yes, but can i trust you not to accidently break our ci lab with a rm -rf /? :) 20:11:37 <zul> hell no 20:11:39 <soren> ..and the same group of people could send other people's branches off for testing once they're confident it's not a cracking attempt. 20:11:51 <soren> Daviey: No. No, you can't. 20:12:05 <Daviey> soren: it needs to be a stronger model than that 20:12:24 <soren> Daviey: It works for Ubuntu? 20:12:48 <Daviey> soren: Not really. 20:13:12 <Daviey> soren: Can you r00t a buildd ? 20:13:23 <soren> Daviey: Yes. 20:13:55 <Daviey> soren: and you could break the host system? 20:14:24 <jeblair> i think our approach is going to generally be to a) be protected if that does happen (throwaway bulid slaves), combined with a small amount of deterence for that happening (signup process (the CLA is filling this for now but i'd still like to get rid of it) or using the reputation of the submitter to decide to run a check on upload) 20:14:24 <soren> Daviey: On the Ubuntu buildd's 20:14:25 <soren> ? 20:14:33 <soren> Daviey: Or the PPA ones? 20:14:36 <soren> (not the same thing at all) 20:15:23 <Daviey> right 20:15:29 <Daviey> Regardless, I want a stronger model. 20:15:31 <Daviey> :) 20:15:49 <Daviey> I also don't want to encourage levels of contributor 20:16:04 <Daviey> contributor and core is enough of a split IMO. 20:16:37 <Daviey> having degrees of contributor isn't ideal IMO. 20:17:21 <mtaylor> agree. I was originally advocating the only split being that you had to have landed at least one patch before we would run your stuff pre-approval 20:17:53 <mtaylor> between having signed the CLA and having convinced someone to land something at least once, it's likely we at least know you're a real person and where to find you 20:19:11 <soren> Daviey: I can root the Ubuntu buildd's. BUilds run as root. 20:19:25 <Daviey> nah, that is still crappy. 20:19:53 <Daviey> soren: heh, yes - but can you BREAK the infra? 20:21:02 <soren> Daviey: To the best of my knowledge, yes. 20:21:31 <soren> I could be wrong, of course. And I'm not going to test the hypothesis. elmo knows where I live. :) 20:21:43 <Daviey> heh 20:22:42 <soren> I depends on what you mean by "the infra", of course. I'm pretty sure I can take a buildd out. 20:24:08 <Daviey> But that is the 'node' that i don't care about.. because it can be recovered through out of band power management 20:24:33 <Daviey> and pxe booting a re-isnstall 20:24:33 <Daviey> The issue is the ftp-master, breaking that. 20:24:33 <Daviey> right? 20:25:09 <soren> Well, if taking out a single node isn't a problem, then running arbitrary code from random crackheads shoulnd't be a problem either. 20:25:11 <Daviey> I really don't worry too much about the node having woes, it's the incoming machibe 20:25:26 <soren> Howeve.r. 20:25:31 <Daviey> soren: Yes, but the jenkins server isn't a throwaway machine 20:25:37 <soren> The problem isn't someone doing an "rm -rf /". 20:25:45 <soren> You will discover that immediately. 20:26:03 <Daviey> We could do the incoming process on a throwaway node i suppose, but an extra level of complexity and speed 20:26:19 <soren> The problem is someone sneaking something in that will sit around and only much later add a backdor to Nova in an entirely unrelated commit or something. 20:26:35 <Daviey> soren: /I/ won't discover it... because it's hands-off 20:26:35 <Daviey> a forkbomb is just as inconvient. 20:26:44 <Daviey> yeah 21:00:16 <ttx> o/ 21:00:22 <notmyname> hi 21:00:40 <bcwaldon> ello 21:00:54 <ttx> zns, jaypipes, vishy, devcamcar: around ? 21:00:54 * bcwaldon is standing in for jaypipes 21:01:02 <ttx> ok 21:01:07 <ayoung> o/ 21:01:50 <zns> zns here 21:01:55 <Daviey> . 21:02:04 <ttx> Still missing bloody Californians. 21:02:19 <danwent> ttx: hey... 21:02:22 <bcwaldon> that's what happens when they go to $Texas 21:02:25 <ttx> danwent: woops. 21:02:50 <danwent> its just the bloody californias that you need for this meeting that are missing :) 21:02:58 <mtaylor> o/ 21:02:59 <ttx> ok let's start. I'll pretend we have the meetbot, just in case we can refeed it the log 21:03:00 <termie> ... 21:03:07 <mtaylor> we have it 21:03:10 <mtaylor> #endmeeting