17:01:11 <jaypipes> #startmeeting 17:01:12 <openstack> Meeting started Wed Feb 8 17:01:11 2012 UTC. The chair is jaypipes. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 17:01:12 <deshantm> jaypipes: I'll listen in 17:01:13 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 17:01:19 <jaypipes> deshantm: excellent :) 17:01:31 <dwalleck> JoseSwiftQA and BigData_Carlos are with Swift 17:01:47 <jaypipes> #link http://bit.ly/w4i5td 17:01:51 <dwalleck> And Vara (with Keystone) should be coming soon 17:02:01 <jaypipes> Above link to outstanding bugs in Tempest 17:02:31 <jaypipes> I'd like to go over the status of these bugs, figure out what's actually closed out, and get consensus on priority of remaining ones and assign to specific individuals 17:02:34 <Ravikumar_hp> Hi Jay 17:02:39 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: mornin. 17:03:01 <jaypipes> to get things, rolling, let's take this one: 17:03:03 <jaypipes> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/902371 17:03:04 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 902371 in tempest "Write Testcases for Server Fixed IP Addresses" [Medium,Confirmed] 17:03:12 <jaypipes> dwalleck: says that one is assigned to you... 17:03:58 <jaypipes> dwalleck: should we keep that assigned to you, at Medium? 17:03:58 <dwalleck> Correct. It's on our cards for this sprint 17:04:03 <dwalleck> Sure 17:04:10 <jaypipes> dwalleck: got it. ok, thx. 17:04:36 <jaypipes> dwalleck: marked it as Triaged since the bug mentions what needs to be done to fix... 17:04:57 <jaypipes> Next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/902360 17:04:59 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 902360 in tempest "Testcase: Write Testcases for Quota Operations" [Medium,Confirmed] 17:05:14 <dwalleck> Are there any docs on this feature? 17:05:20 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: you entered that one with nati... 17:05:28 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: it is an OS extension 17:05:36 <dwalleck> I haven't been able to find specs on some of these features 17:05:48 <jaypipes> sorry, my mistake, it is not an extension... 17:06:03 <Ravikumar_hp> I will pick up 17:06:06 <jaypipes> hmm, maybe it is... one sec, lemme check again 17:06:15 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: do you have spec docs for it? 17:06:39 <jaypipes> bcwaldon: around? 17:06:43 <Ravikumar_hp> Jaypipes: I need to look into that 17:06:53 <Ravikumar_hp> not sure 17:06:56 <jaypipes> bcwaldon: wondering about documentation for the os-quota-sets part of the API... 17:07:33 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: OK, I'm going to lower that to Low priority then and assign it to you. Please work with Brian Waldon to figure out where the docs are for it. 17:07:56 <Ravikumar_hp> Ok 17:08:35 <jaypipes> ok, next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/893844 17:08:36 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 893844 in tempest "Server personality file contents exceeds compute limit" [Low,Triaged] 17:09:11 <jaypipes> dwalleck: looks like that one is already done... 17:09:28 <dwalleck> Is it? I can't remember if I merge propped it.... 17:09:34 <jaypipes> dwalleck: test_server_personality.py shows two tests for exceeding number of personalities and file contents 17:09:46 <jaypipes> dwalleck: so I'm marking that fix committed... 17:10:00 <dwalleck> Gotcha, so I just missed closing it out 17:10:36 <jaypipes> ok, done. 17:10:40 <jaypipes> next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/893899 17:10:42 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 893899 in tempest "Append metadata on rebuild" [Medium,Triaged] 17:11:01 <jaypipes> checking to see if this also is completed... 17:11:16 <dwalleck> I don't have it in this sprint, but we can pick it up 17:12:03 <jaypipes> dwalleck: OK, so here's the deal on this particular one... 17:12:24 <jaypipes> dwalleck: looks like there *is* a test case (test_update_server_metadata) that validates this behaviour, so that's good. 17:12:40 <jaypipes> dwalleck: HOWEVER, the test case depends on side-effects from other test cases... 17:13:02 <dwalleck> jaypipes: Does it? That shouldn't be the case 17:13:58 <dwalleck> The metadata for the test server is reset for each test 17:14:31 <dwalleck> But I could easily check for the first two keys as well to complete this test case 17:14:37 <jaypipes> dwalleck: ah... 17:14:49 <jaypipes> dwalleck: yes, sorry, I missed the setUp method there... 17:14:57 <jaypipes> dwalleck: nm, carry on :) 17:15:03 <jaypipes> dwalleck: marking fix committed 17:15:41 <nati2> Hi 17:16:00 <jaypipes> OK, next one: 17:16:00 <jaypipes> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/900128 17:16:02 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 900128 in tempest "API Operations -Servers" [Medium,Triaged] 17:16:12 <jaypipes> dwalleck: this is one of those placeholder bugs... 17:16:25 <jaypipes> dwalleck: need to figure out if there are any remaining server actions not being tested... 17:16:47 <dwalleck> jaypipes: For whatever is documented we should have 17:16:57 <Ravikumar_hp> Jaypipes: API operations bug - should we close? since we already have testcases 17:17:05 <dwalleck> Sure 17:17:07 <nati2> Ah sorry this ticket is from my side 17:17:13 <jaypipes> closing it out now... 17:17:26 <nati2> No please not close it now 17:17:35 <nati2> We have test code https://github.com/ntt-pf-lab/tempest/tree/openstack-qa-tempest-900128 17:17:50 <nati2> But not prepared to request merge to the community 17:18:02 <nati2> and remove duplicated code 17:18:08 <jaypipes> nati2: the server actions are now tested in tempest... 17:18:18 <jaypipes> nati2: tempest/tests/test_server_actions.py 17:18:26 <nati2> jaypipes: Yes, but the list inlucdes more specific cases 17:18:46 <nati2> Sorry, the test list is now japanese. So I should translate it 17:19:13 <jaypipes> nati2: all of the tests in the ntt branch are in tempest... 17:19:38 <nati2> For example, it tests "Request for list server of another tenant - this should be 404" 17:19:42 <nati2> Something like this 17:20:06 <nati2> jaypipes: Yes, sorry. But after cleanup, I wanna submit this test code for community 17:20:32 <nati2> The ticket includes about 100 test cases. 17:20:51 <nati2> They tests more detail of each api, including boundary cases 17:21:05 <dwalleck> nati2: Are they listed anywhere? We're probably doing duplicate work here 17:21:29 <nati2> dwalleck: Yes some of that is duplicated. List is Japanese.. sorry https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ato6uknaqvE8dDV2RXhqaXE3Y2ZaeXBieVJPYmJtRGc&hl=en_US#gid=0 17:21:59 <nati2> So we should remove duplicated test case, then submit it for that community 17:22:43 <jaypipes> nati2: the problem with the medium tests in your branch is that they directly monitor the MysqL database for state changes... which is not something that black-box tests should do... 17:23:30 <nati2> jaypipes: Ah yes. I agree. This test looks not pure black-box test 17:24:28 <nati2> So we should fix some point of these test codes. 17:24:33 <jaypipes> nati2: OK, then I'm going to close the Server Operations bug and you should log specific bugs for black-box tests you wish to add to Tempest from the NTT branch, oK? 17:25:03 <nati2> jaypipes: OK, I'll add another bug 17:25:09 <nati2> more specific one 17:25:18 <jaypipes> nati2: for each specific test you want to add... 17:25:27 <nati2> jaypipes: k 17:25:32 <jaypipes> nati2: not a bug for a whole set of tests. 17:25:48 <nati2> jaypipes: I agree 17:26:07 <jaypipes> k. 17:26:12 <jaypipes> next one to discuss please: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/900915 17:26:13 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 900915 in tempest "Value error from self.img_client.get_image("")" [High,Incomplete] 17:27:10 <jaypipes> This is marked incomplete... nati2 can you please mark it Invalid or Confirmed after checking into the current code? 17:27:26 <jaypipes> nati2: a lot has changed since that bug was reported so it needs to be re-confirmed... 17:27:27 <dwalleck> I think was addressed when we improved exception handling. Correct? 17:27:32 <nati2> jaypipes: k 17:27:38 <jaypipes> dwalleck: yes, probably, but just want to make sure 17:27:48 <dwalleck> of course 17:28:18 <jaypipes> alrighty, next on the block: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/902374 17:28:19 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 902374 in tempest "Testcase: Write Testcases for Volumes" [High,Triaged] 17:28:23 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: you're up. 17:28:37 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: that one is assigned to Rajalakshmi 17:28:45 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: any status on it? 17:29:27 <Ravikumar_hp> Jaypipes: not started yet. will start early next week after finishing security group 17:29:43 <Ravikumar_hp> after finishing Write Testcases for Nova extension - security group /rules 17:29:51 <jaypipes> k 17:29:59 <Ravikumar_hp> ETA - 2/15 17:30:02 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: let's move onto that bug then :) 17:30:28 <jaypipes> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/902352 17:30:36 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 902352 in tempest "Testcase: Write Testcases for Nova extension - security group /rules" [Medium,In progress] 17:30:54 <Ravikumar_hp> yes. expect by Friday 17:30:59 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: if you could ping Rajalakshmi to address the few review comments, we should be able to get that one committed. 17:31:03 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: excellent, thx 17:31:09 <Ravikumar_hp> sure 17:31:26 <jaypipes> OK, next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/901652 17:31:27 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 901652 in tempest "System Process Trouble" [Medium,Triaged] 17:31:38 <jaypipes> nati2: I have Zero idea what that bug is about. Could you advise? 17:32:20 <nati2> jaypipes: K this is also from myside. As https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/900128, I will close 17:32:20 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 900128 in tempest "API Operations -Servers" [Medium,Triaged] 17:32:34 <nati2> jaypipes: And I will submit more specific bug for each test case 17:33:03 <jaypipes> nati2: but what is that System Process Trouble bug about? 17:33:11 <jaypipes> nati2: it's in Japanese, so I'm not sure... 17:33:47 <nati2> jaypipes: This test include process failure test. We shutdown some process during API, then check VM instance gose to Error state or not 17:34:04 <jaypipes> nati2: ah, is this the StackMonkey stuff? 17:34:12 <nati2> jaypipes: Yep 17:34:43 <ayoung> What is the Metadata entity in Keystone is used for? 17:34:52 <jaypipes> nati2: OK, please update the bug description to make that more clear and work on fleshing out the list of tests that are needed 17:35:10 <nati2> jaypipes: I agree. 17:35:15 <jaypipes> nati2: k, thx 17:35:21 <jaypipes> nati2: OK, next one to address: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/900717 17:35:23 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 900717 in tempest "API Operations-Common Parameter" [Medium,Triaged] 17:35:52 <jaypipes> nati2: that needs to be changed to list the *specific* tests that are needed. 17:36:07 <nati2> jaypipes: Yep 17:36:25 <jaypipes> nati2: I am going to bug you (pun intended) until these bugs are better defined :) 17:36:48 <nati2> I put these test ntt tag, so please skip them now 17:37:00 <jaypipes> all: OK, next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/900147 17:37:01 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 900147 in tempest "API Operations -Virtual Interfaces" [Medium,Triaged] 17:37:01 <nati2> jaypipes: OK I'll debug this 17:37:22 <dwalleck> Are there even docs for that feature? 17:37:42 <jaypipes> dwalleck: also something that needs to be checked with bcwaldon. I've tagged the bug with spec-needed 17:37:42 <dwalleck> I see many things in here that are not in the API or extensions docs.... 17:37:49 <dwalleck> gotcha 17:38:07 <jaypipes> dwalleck: yeah... we're getting through them, though... slowly. 17:38:15 <nati2> That's is also my side, so please skip 17:38:19 <jaypipes> OK, this next one should be pretty easy: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/900248 17:38:20 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 900248 in tempest "API Operations-Flavors" [Medium,Triaged] 17:38:30 <jaypipes> Unless I'm mistaken, we should be able to close that one? 17:38:44 <jaypipes> nati2: ? ok to mark that Fix Committed? 17:38:45 <nati2> yes close 17:39:08 <nati2> jaypipes: Not Fix commited 17:40:17 <jaypipes> nati2: Not fix committed? 17:40:45 <nati2> jaypipes: Yes, it not merged yet. So invalid? 17:41:21 <jaypipes> nati2: there are a lot of flavor functional tests in Tempest already... 17:41:36 <jaypipes> nati2: are you talking about white-box tests from NTT? 17:41:45 <nati2> jaypipes: Ah I agree. It fix commited 17:42:17 <jaypipes> k 17:42:47 <jaypipes> next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/893843 17:42:49 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 893843 in tempest "Create server with personality file that overwrites an existing file" [Medium,In progress] 17:42:51 <jaypipes> dwalleck: that's yours? 17:43:19 <dwalleck> jaypipes: Yes. I believe that should be done. It'll be in my next merge prop 17:43:44 <jaypipes> dwalleck: k. 17:44:27 <jaypipes> Next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/907434 17:44:29 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 907434 in tempest "Testcase: Server in error state due to invalid password should become active if password is changed again" [Medium,Triaged] 17:44:42 <jaypipes> dwalleck: that one also yours, but not in In Progress... 17:45:16 <dwalleck> jaypipes: Yes. There was a Nova bug associated with this that is in progress of being fixed 17:45:42 <dwalleck> It's odd behavior, so we're waiting for that to get in before we write this one 17:45:55 <jaypipes> dwalleck: ah, ok. Please do update the bug to mention the Nova bug accordingly 17:46:21 <jaypipes> dwalleck: same for https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/907436? 17:46:23 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 907436 in tempest "Testcase: Servers enters error status if invalid password included with Change Password request" [Medium,Triaged] 17:46:33 <dwalleck> Sure 17:46:42 <jaypipes> dwalleck: k, figured they were related... 17:47:20 <jaypipes> I am going to take the next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/917719 17:47:21 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 917719 in tempest "test_image_metadata makes assumptions about images" [Medium,Triaged] 17:48:23 <jaypipes> Next one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/917943 17:48:24 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 917943 in tempest "Test: Enhance test_image_metadata operations" [Medium,Triaged] 17:48:32 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: status on that? Is Sapan still working on it? 17:48:53 <Ravikumar_hp> Just started yesterday . 17:49:08 <Ravikumar_hp> It is a simple fix , and enahncement 17:49:32 <Ravikumar_hp> eta 2/15 17:49:50 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: excellent. I'll mark it in progress., 17:50:21 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: is https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/917945 similar? 17:50:22 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 917945 in tempest "Test: Enhance negative test of server metadata" [Medium,Triaged] 17:50:54 <Ravikumar_hp> same status . eta 2/15 17:50:59 <Ravikumar_hp> in progress 17:51:09 <jaypipes> Ravikumar_hp: got it. thx. 17:51:53 <jaypipes> dwalleck: next three are yours... first one: 17:51:54 <jaypipes> https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/917972 17:51:55 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 917972 in tempest "Implement multi-environment configuration" [Medium,In progress] 17:52:00 <jaypipes> status on that one? 17:52:20 <dwalleck> WIP. I can have it in by next week 17:52:30 <jaypipes> dwalleck: any response to my comment on that one? 17:53:01 <dwalleck> No I didn't. Let me look... 17:54:01 <dwalleck> We're doing it this way, but currently via command line arg. We can probably do an environment variable override as well 17:54:31 <jaypipes> dwalleck: ok. The env variable is already existing.... that method already works. :) 17:55:09 <dwalleck> Ahh, because of other changes you made. I see 17:55:17 <jaypipes> dwalleck: in any case, sounds like that one is still in the works... 17:55:24 <dwalleck> That's fine then, we can keep that if you'd like 17:55:33 <jaypipes> dwalleck: this one also needs a comment response: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/917973 17:55:34 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 917973 in tempest "Refactor authentication out of rest client" [Medium,In progress] 17:55:50 <jaypipes> dwalleck: but I won't hold up the meeting for it.. just letting you know :) 17:56:06 <dwalleck> jaypipes: Right. That one I've moved out of progress for now. Sounds like it needs more discussion 17:56:23 <jaypipes> gotcha 17:56:28 <jaypipes> dwalleck: and finally, this one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tempest/+bug/917978 17:56:29 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 917978 in tempest "Replace dictionary responses with domain objects" [Medium,In progress] 17:56:38 <jaypipes> still in progress? 17:57:31 <dwalleck> jaypipes: Done-ish, but I'm a bit concerned about how it will affect other people with existing tests. It's something we should probably have a discussion about 17:58:29 <jaypipes> k 17:58:35 <jaypipes> want to discuss now? 17:58:48 <dwalleck> If we have time? Sure 17:59:08 <dwalleck> Actually, we have 2 minutes...need to run to another meeting 17:59:21 <dwalleck> I'll send a mail out to the list with what I'm proposing 17:59:24 <jaypipes> dwalleck: ok, we'll discuss later 17:59:27 <jaypipes> soudns good. 18:00:12 <jaypipes> OK, so I appreciate everyone's input on bug statuses. I am hoping we can get 100% Compute API test coverage by E4 (1st Mar) 18:00:28 <jaypipes> So I will be pushing everyone to get those new test cases in and close out bugs... 18:01:33 <jaypipes> thx all. 18:01:37 <jaypipes> #endmeeting