21:02:30 <ttx> #startmeeting 21:02:31 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Mar 20 21:02:30 2012 UTC. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:02:32 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic. 21:02:50 <ttx> Today's agenda: http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ProjectMeeting (nothing special) 21:02:59 <ttx> #topic Keystone status 21:03:05 <ttx> heckj: o/ 21:03:11 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/essex-rc1 21:03:21 <vishy> ttx: I will attempt to do it if i can jump out of my meeting 21:03:35 <ttx> 5 bugs left 21:03:40 <ttx> vishy: ack 21:03:42 <heckj> Everyone else is ahead, but we've made (and continue to make) good progress. Down to 5 bugs left, in progress on all. 21:03:55 <ttx> Looks like most of them will be fixed by the unexpected exceptions wrap change 21:03:59 <ttx> https://review.openstack.org/#change,5358 21:04:09 <heckj> We're hoping to be able to cut RC1 in the next day or two. 21:04:15 <heckj> ttx: yep - many are wrapped in there 21:04:26 <ttx> the other one is bug 932258, which is also proposed for review. 21:04:27 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 932258 in keystone "Role names should be globally unique and required" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/932258 21:04:36 <ttx> heckj: Are we missing anything critical in this RC list ? 21:05:06 <heckj> ttx: not that we're aware of at this time. Additional testing will be needed with RC1 (obviously), but per the keystone meeting this morning we're lookin' pretty good 21:05:10 <dolphm> 4 of the 5 are covered by review 5358, the last one by https://review.openstack.org/#change,5485 21:05:15 <ttx> 4 bugs suggested on https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bugs?field.tag=essex-rc-potential 21:05:38 * soren has one that probably should've been marked rc potential 21:05:53 <dolphm> soren: link? 21:05:55 <heckj> soren: let me know which one 21:06:03 <soren> Looking for it.. 21:06:26 <ttx> https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/952977 ? 21:06:27 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 952977 in keystone "Can't fetch EC2 credentials" [High,In progress] 21:06:34 <soren> https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/959294 21:06:35 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 959294 in keystone "Can't delete users" [High,Confirmed] 21:06:39 <soren> Oh,got triaged while I wasn't looking. 21:06:45 <heckj> tagged against RC1 already 21:06:53 <russellb> i'd put https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/938801 on rc-potential. not critical, but the code doesn't work at all otherwise 21:06:54 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 938801 in keystone "ImportError on pam - different naming in distros vs python package" [Medium,In progress] 21:07:16 <ttx> heckj: actually bug 959294 is not targeted against RC1 21:07:17 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 959294 in keystone "Can't delete users" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/959294 21:07:44 <heckj> ttx: I meant the previous one - lag in typing 21:07:54 <heckj> russelb: done 21:08:08 <russellb> heckj: rockin, thanks 21:08:36 <ttx> heckj: should we RC1ify 959294 ? or put it on essex-rc-potential ? 21:08:49 <heckj> I'll link it into potential 21:09:18 <heckj> If anyone thinks it should block, holler now 21:10:09 <ttx> heckj: not being able to delete users sounds bad to me 21:10:29 <jaypipes> wait, which specific bug is in question? 21:10:29 <annegentle> heckj: it was often brought up as a problem (not being able to delete users) 21:10:30 <heckj> ttx: be clear - do you think it should block the release? 21:10:48 <ttx> jaypipes: bug 959294 21:10:49 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 959294 in keystone "Can't delete users" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/959294 21:10:52 <jaypipes> k 21:10:54 <heckj> jaypipes: bug 959294 21:11:10 <ttx> heckj: IMO yes 21:11:18 <jaypipes> yeah, not being able to delete users is a major issue... 21:11:52 <heckj> Okay - I'm good with that 21:12:02 <dolphm> i'll pick it up 21:12:35 <ttx> heckj: so like you said, we are still one or two days away from Keystone RC1 21:13:01 <ttx> heckj: We'll make a daily status update in your mornings/my evenings to keep the thing under control 21:13:05 <soren> It /seems/ like a reasonably simple fix (I've spent all of 7 seconds looking at the code, so obviously I can make that determination). 21:13:08 <heckj> dolphm: thanks - logged and assigned 21:13:24 <ttx> heckj: and do RC1 as soon as it stops moving 21:13:38 <heckj> soren: patches always welcome! 21:13:52 <heckj> ttx: yep, ready to whack it with a machete 21:14:09 <ttx> heckj: anything else ? 21:14:20 <heckj> not from me. Questions on Keystone? 21:14:35 <heckj> We have doc updats pendind (formal and informal) - have been focused on RC1 issues first 21:15:27 <ttx> heckj: we are in much better shape today that yesterday :) 21:15:30 <ttx> than* 21:15:59 <ttx> #topic Swift status 21:16:04 <ttx> notmyname: o/ 21:16:05 <notmyname> yay swift 21:16:17 <ttx> notmyname: So we have an 1.4.8 proposed candidate up for testing 21:16:25 <notmyname> that is correct 21:16:39 <ttx> which we hope to release on Thursday. 21:16:42 <notmyname> we should have a go/nogo tomorrow for a formal release on the 22nd 21:16:50 <ttx> ack 21:16:58 <notmyname> at least that's the plan :-) 21:17:11 <notmyname> Daviey: no new features (client-facing) in 1.4.8 21:17:14 <ttx> this week is one of /those/ weeks 21:18:15 <ttx> Since there is no such thing as a bug in Swift, i won't ask if anybody has found a critical bug in 1.4.8 21:18:40 <ttx> (but if you did, you should speak up now before it's too late) 21:18:56 <ttx> notmyname: Anything else ? 21:19:12 <notmyname> no, not from me 21:19:24 <ttx> Questions on Swift ? anyone ? 21:19:39 <soren> Not a question, just a clarification: 21:19:46 <annegentle> what's the decision from packaging for 1.4.7 vs 1.4.8 21:19:59 <soren> Whether the features are client-facing or not is not the issue for Ubuntu. 21:20:16 <ttx> annegentle: Essex will be 1.4.8 21:20:22 <soren> It's simply about the fact that new features might introduce regressions. 21:20:30 <ttx> (or 1.4.8 will be Essex). 21:20:51 <soren> User-facing features have more problems, but any feature counts in terms of feature freeze. Strictly speaking. 21:20:58 <notmyname> soren: you can see the changelog for 1.4.8 here https://github.com/openstack/swift/blob/master/CHANGELOG 21:21:17 <annegentle> there are CLI changes in that CHANGELOG 21:21:23 <notmyname> no major features (like object versioning). a few minor updates 21:21:29 <notmyname> lots of bugs 21:22:26 <ttx> we won't make the decision for the Ubuntu release team between 1.4.7 and 1.4.8. 21:22:27 <soren> I (intentionally) didn't go looking. I just wanted to clarify. :) 21:22:32 <notmyname> annegentle: the release after 1.4.6 was intended to be our essex release (and released this week). we had something come up that made us want to cut a release earlier. that was 1.4.7. which gives us 1.4.8 this week 21:22:38 <soren> Not saying 1.4.8 poses a problem. 21:23:11 <ttx> soren: they migth require an FFe if they really want 1.4.8. 21:23:18 <ttx> but it sounds doable. 21:23:32 <ttx> annegentle: does that answer your question ? 21:23:37 <annegentle> ttx: yes 21:23:45 <notmyname> I wonder what they would do if we hadn't release 1.4.7 early 21:24:34 <ttx> notmyname: can we move to Glance ? 21:24:47 <notmyname> unless there are more questions 21:25:22 <ttx> doesn't seem so. So without further ado... 21:25:26 <ttx> #topic Glance status 21:25:31 <ttx> jaypipes: yo 21:25:41 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/essex-rc1 21:25:54 <ttx> So Glance is ready for RC1! 21:26:27 <heckj> Dolphm! Weren't you supposed to be logging hundreds of extra bugs so we could beat glance!?! :-) 21:26:30 <jaypipes> ttx: yes 21:26:33 <ttx> Unless someone has a surprise critical issue to suggest 21:26:41 <ttx> Speak now (or forever hold your peace). 21:27:18 <jog0> not critical but was hoping to get this in: https://review.openstack.org/#change,5548 21:27:33 <jog0> its a user pointing doc cleanup 21:27:44 <bcwaldon> yes, should get that in 21:27:57 <jaypipes> jog0: essex-rc-potential 21:28:07 <jaypipes> jog0: could you add a bug for tracking it> 21:28:09 <jaypipes> ? 21:28:15 <dolphm> heckj: =( 21:28:21 <jog0> jaypipes: sure 21:28:26 <jaypipes> jog0: cheers 21:28:36 <ttx> 3 bugs suggested on https://bugs.launchpad.net/glance/+bugs?field.tag=essex-rc-potential 21:28:41 <ttx> (soon 4) 21:28:48 <ttx> Including one "high" under investigation: bug 955527 21:28:48 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 955527 in glance "copy_from test case logic is invalid" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/955527 21:29:17 <ttx> jaypipes: will ping you at the end of the meeting so that we get the branches cut, and will publish RC1 tomorrow morning 21:29:22 <jaypipes> ttx: that one is actively being worked on. eglynn__ thinks it has to do with Amazon S3's write (lack of) guarantees 21:29:32 <annegentle> What are the ramifications for 944946? does it mean no images stored in swift? 21:29:50 <jaypipes> annegentle: have to work with chmouel on that one. 21:29:57 <annegentle> bug 944946 21:29:58 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 944946 in glance "Glance does not support auth server implementing 2.0 auth (ie: for Swift+Keystone)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/944946 21:30:14 <jaypipes> annegentle: it's slipped in priority, but I'd like to get it resolved 21:30:16 <annegentle> jaypipes: but what does it mean? :) 21:30:18 <jaypipes> annegentle: in RC2. 21:30:38 <jaypipes> annegentle: I think some of it is doc-related and some of it may need a slight change to the swift driver in Glance. 21:30:56 <jaypipes> annegentle: but I still need to understand it better from chmouel 21:31:04 <ttx> jaypipes: Anything else ? 21:31:08 <annegentle> jaypipes: ah, ok, understood. 21:31:57 <ttx> Other questions on Glance ? 21:32:28 <ttx> #topic Nova status 21:32:32 <ttx> vishy: hey 21:32:49 <ttx> Nova RC1 was published earlier today 21:32:55 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/nova/essex/essex-rc1 21:33:05 <ttx> Please take this one for a ride and file bugs. 21:33:10 <vishy> hi 21:33:39 <ttx> Bugs that you think should be fixed before release should be tagged "essex-rc-potential" 21:34:04 <ttx> 10 bugs suggested so far at https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bugs?field.tag=essex-rc-potential 21:34:22 <ttx> Including a critical one, so I suppose we'll have to respin the RC in the next few days 21:34:36 <ttx> vishy: anything you wanted to mention ? 21:34:43 <jog0> https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/957708 ? 21:34:45 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 957708 in nova "Invalid cidr in security group create raises "ERROR: local variable 'ip' referenced before assignment (HTTP 400)"" [Low,Fix committed] 21:35:15 <heckj> ttx: re-release of rc1, or move to an rc2? 21:35:26 <ttx> jog0: this one will probably be picked up by RC2 when the critical bug will be fixed 21:35:31 <ttx> heckj: rc2 21:35:36 * heckj nods 21:35:55 <vishy> ttx: only recommending that people focus on docs/testing rather than going crazy pushing stuff into folsom 21:35:57 <ttx> heckj: "respinning the rc" involves incrementing its number 21:36:05 <heckj> ah, very good 21:36:13 <vishy> ttx: i will write an email to the list to that effect 21:36:59 <ttx> vishy: ok 21:37:07 <jog0> ttx: but hasn't master branch moved on to folsom? 21:37:26 <heckj> jog0: I don't think any of them should until we've cut a full release 21:37:37 <heckj> nova/glance/keystone/etc. 21:37:51 <jog0> heckj: https://review.openstack.org/#change,5554 21:37:57 <ttx> jog0: yes. Bugfixes land in master branch first, then get backported to milestone-proposed branch (that contains the RCs) 21:38:28 <gabrielhurley> ttx: who should be responsible for that backport? 21:38:39 <jog0> gabrielhurley: +1 21:39:28 <ttx> gabrielhurley: once the bug is targeted and the new RC milestone opened, the PTL usually does it, but the author can help 21:39:52 <gabrielhurley> ttx: got it. so there will be a new RC milestone opened, then? 21:40:03 <gabrielhurley> (hasn't happened for horizon) 21:40:17 <ttx> gabrielhurley: when a new RC is deemed inevitable yes 21:40:21 <gabrielhurley> k. thanks. 21:40:46 <jog0> ttx: why open Folsom up at all? If you want people to focus on Essex still? 21:41:51 <ttx> jog0: because we don't want to block development too long 21:42:08 <ttx> jog0: also only non-disruptive bugfixes can land in the release branch now 21:42:26 <jog0> ttx: even though the Folsom summit is almost a month away? 21:43:02 <ttx> jog0: yes. Future evolutions might include development branches that are always open. 21:43:34 <ttx> jog0: that's how we decided to do it.. last design summit. We can revisit that next month :) 21:43:47 <ttx> vishy: Anything else ? 21:43:53 <ttx> Other questions on Nova ? 21:44:04 <vishy> nope 21:44:14 <jog0> ttx: thanks. I still think opening Folsom risks producing a lower quality Essex release as more people start Folsom 21:44:57 <ttx> jog0: not totally sure of that. I think doing it at RC1 is a good trade-off 21:45:16 <ttx> people not caring about the release just don't care about the release, frozen branch or not 21:45:24 <russellb> reality is, if people want to focus on folsom, they will ... 21:45:24 <ttx> #topic Horizon status 21:45:33 <russellb> patches just won't show up until a bit later, doesn't mean it wasn't being worked on 21:45:36 <russellb> IMO anyway :) 21:45:39 <ttx> ohnoimdead: o/ 21:45:41 <ohnoimdead> \o 21:45:48 <ttx> Horizon RC1 was published earlier today. 21:45:52 <ohnoimdead> rc1 dropped yo! 21:45:54 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/horizon/essex/essex-rc1 21:45:57 <gabrielhurley> woot! 21:45:57 <jog0> ttx: right perhaps a ML email will let people know to target the RC1 branch to back port 21:45:59 <ohnoimdead> like a dubstep bassline 21:46:28 <ttx> Same comments as for Nova: test and file "essex-rc-potential"-tagged bugs 21:46:34 <ohnoimdead> we've got a few bugs tagged essex-rc-potential which are mostly nice to have 21:47:10 <ttx> jog0: they should actually continue to fix bugs in master, and tag them essex-rc-potential if they want them taken in consideration 21:47:18 <ttx> ohnoimdead: 14 bugs suggested so far at https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bugs?field.tag=essex-rc-potential 21:47:28 <ttx> hmm, 10 now 21:47:32 <gabrielhurley> ttx: that's 10 now 21:47:42 <gabrielhurley> just did a triage pass about half an hour ago 21:47:45 <ttx> Also already including a critical one :) so looks like you'll have an RC2 too 21:48:01 <ohnoimdead> yeah, gabrielhurley cleaned that up a bit 21:48:08 <ttx> ohnoimdead: Anything else you wanted to mention ? 21:48:52 <ohnoimdead> ttx: just to get help from other folks in the community with testing. horizon is downstream of everything so we often expose hard-to-find bugs in underlying services 21:49:10 <gabrielhurley> I'm not ohnoimdead, but I'd like to mention we could really use some more translators. We've only got two languages out of our previous 6 translated right now. 21:49:26 <ohnoimdead> gabrielhurley: +1 21:49:33 <ttx> #help Horizon could really use some more translators. We've only got two languages out of our previous 6 translated right now. 21:49:53 <ttx> Other questions/remarks on Horizon ? 21:50:25 <ttx> #topic Incubated projects and other Team reports 21:50:30 <ttx> bhall, troytoman: yo 21:50:39 <bhall> hey 21:50:40 <ttx> danwent is away, said that Quantum RC1 is out, please test ! 21:50:49 <ttx> bhall: anything you wanted to mention ? 21:50:58 <bhall> that's it.. thanks :) 21:51:13 <ttx> troytoman-away: are you really away ? 21:51:19 <jkoelker> troytoman's in a meeting, all quiet on the melange front 21:51:36 <ttx> jkoelker: I need to talk to him about doing an RC1 for Melange at some point 21:51:40 <ttx> but will do PM 21:51:46 <jkoelker> I think we are good to go 21:52:03 <ttx> Any other team lead with a status report ? 21:52:06 <jkoelker> we havn't had a bug in a while crop up 21:52:07 <ttx> annegentle: docs? 21:52:27 <annegentle> ttx: definitely need config docs as specified by the doc bugs I mentioned last meeting and to the ML today 21:52:41 <annegentle> appreciate all the doc patches the last couple of weeks 21:52:50 <annegentle> configuration is a beast 21:52:56 <ttx> annegentle: hopefullt with RC1 out of the way more focus will go to docs 21:53:15 <annegentle> I'm laser focused on having good release docs 21:53:33 <ttx> also less changes should help 21:53:38 <annegentle> docs.openstack.org now points to /trunk, so please review, test, fix doc bugs 21:53:49 <annegentle> ttx: agreed 21:54:12 <ttx> annegentle: anything else ? 21:54:17 <annegentle> hopefully the Identity API docs can also get some lovin' soon 21:54:40 <annegentle> that's it from docs land. 21:54:41 <heckj> annegentle: yeps! Needs it quite a bit right now. Very confusing to write for it 21:54:55 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 21:55:01 <ttx> Anything else, anyone ? 21:55:25 <ozstacker> Hi all, Tristan here, organizer from the Australian User Group with a question to the project leads... I know it's a busy time and it'd be a late night gig but am wondering if any of you would be available to do a short talk about your project to our user group in Sydney early (very early actually) next week? 21:55:35 <ttx> Nice proposals coming in for the summit 21:56:10 <bcwaldon> ozstacker: flying people in? 21:56:18 <ttx> ozstacker: timing is a bit suboptimal, it's money time around here :) 21:56:31 <ozstacker> If I could I would... via WebEx 21:56:45 <ttx> ah. WebEx. 21:56:53 <ozstacker> yeah no problem I understand 21:57:08 <ozstacker> I have alternatives arranged so no stress if no can do 21:57:25 <bcwaldon> ozstacker: not sure you'll get commitment in this meeting, you might want to follow up offline 21:57:28 <ttx> ozstacker: maybe use email to contact the persons you're interested in directly 21:57:39 <ozstacker> ok will do 21:58:03 <ttx> and on those good words... 21:58:07 <ttx> #endmeeting