19:01:14 <mtaylor> #startmeeting 19:01:15 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 15 19:01:14 2012 UTC. The chair is mtaylor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:15 <LinuxJedi> o/ 19:01:16 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:27 <clarkb> o? 19:01:36 <clarkb> er o/ 19:01:42 <mtaylor> #topic gerrit trigger plugin 19:01:46 <mtaylor> jeblair: you go 19:01:47 <jeblair> that looks exactly like a person scratching their head 19:01:50 <mtaylor> what's up? 19:02:00 <jeblair> o? <- gerrit trigger plugin makes jim scratch his head a lot 19:02:05 <jeblair> so... 19:02:06 <mtaylor> indeed 19:02:14 <jeblair> our current changes have been merged upstream 19:02:21 <mtaylor> woohoo 19:02:33 <jeblair> darragh points out that a few things may have been missed, but i'm sure they can be fixed with small patches 19:02:48 <mtaylor> cool. does that mean we can close out https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/903375 19:02:49 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 903375 in openstack-ci "Finish and install new Gerrit Trigger Plugin" [High,Fix committed] 19:02:53 <soren> What were these changes? 19:03:01 <soren> Too many to enumerate? 19:03:33 <jeblair> i'm working on speculative execution, which will let us test lots of changes in parallel and merge them in series, maintaining our current behavior of testing patches "as they will be merged", but parallelizing the process for speed 19:03:45 <jeblair> mtaylor: i think so 19:03:49 <mtaylor> jeblair: awesome 19:04:02 <jeblair> soren: we added support for triggering on comment-added and ref-updated events 19:04:17 <jeblair> comment-added is what we use to trigger testing and merging on APRV+1 votes 19:04:29 <jeblair> ref-updated we use for building tarballs, etc, when changes land 19:04:51 <soren> jeblair: Neat. I was just sweating at the Gerrit trigger plugin a couple of hours ago for not supporting that. 19:04:55 <soren> Er... 19:04:57 <soren> swearing. 19:04:58 <soren> Mostly. 19:05:03 <mtaylor> soren: you should use ours 19:05:10 <soren> Clearly! 19:05:29 <mtaylor> hrm 19:05:38 <jeblair> we have a jenkins job that builds ours and has the hpi as an artifact 19:05:41 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: your changes to the docs for that don't seem to have made it to ci.openstack.org 19:05:54 <jeblair> so whatever crazynees we're working on is available pre-built 19:05:59 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: awesome, something to look at 19:06:44 <mtaylor> soren: https://jenkins.openstack.org/view/All/job/gerrit-trigger-plugin-package 19:06:45 <jeblair> so, immediate future work for me: continue working on spec-ex, fixing upstream merge problems as i go, and roll that out to openstack 19:06:46 <mtaylor> /lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/gerrithudsontrigger/target/gerrit-trigger.hpi 19:06:48 <mtaylor> gah 19:06:56 <mtaylor> soren: https://jenkins.openstack.org/view/All/job/gerrit-trigger-plugin-package/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/gerrithudsontrigger/target/gerrit-trigger.hpi 19:07:23 <mtaylor> jeblair: sounds fantastic. you are enjoying java threading I take it? 19:08:03 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: AH - I know why... 19:08:18 <jeblair> i'm hoping that the spec-ex patch will be pretty small, but there are a lot of events and listeners going on here, so it'll take a bit to get it just right. :) 19:08:31 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: when I was cleaning unused stuff from openstack-ci, I removed setup.py, but we use that to build docs... 19:08:41 <mtaylor> jeblair: cool 19:08:41 <LinuxJedi> haha! :) 19:09:23 <jeblair> (eol) 19:09:27 <mtaylor> sweet 19:09:31 <mtaylor> #topic etherpad 19:09:37 <mtaylor> clarkb: how's tricks? 19:09:51 <clarkb> I think linuxjedi merged the puppet module today 19:09:59 <mtaylor> I believe you are right 19:10:13 <LinuxJedi> I did, was I not supposed to? 19:10:18 <mtaylor> nope, that's great 19:10:39 <clarkb> there are a couple extra things that I hsould eventually fix in that module, but for now you get everything but ssl certs, backups, and the json settings file (because passwords) 19:11:11 <clarkb> Once I get accounts I can spin up a box to run that on and migrate the data from the old etherpad to the new 19:12:00 <mtaylor> clarkb: LinuxJedi would be more than happy to spin you up a machine :) 19:12:00 <clarkb> I suppose I should also document this which has not been done. 19:12:17 <mtaylor> clarkb: we have an openstackci account at rackspace that we use for important servers 19:12:26 <LinuxJedi> sure thing 19:12:28 <mtaylor> speaking of ... we should probably delete some old servers from the openstack account 19:12:33 * LinuxJedi makes a note... 19:12:37 <clarkb> that works for me too 19:13:11 <mtaylor> but yeah - docs would probably be splendid. :) 19:13:13 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: there is a stale meetbot server that can die 19:13:39 <mtaylor> there are several stale servers ... 19:13:41 <clarkb> document note is on the whiteboard 19:13:52 <mtaylor> Shrews: you around? 19:13:57 <Shrews> yup 19:14:01 <mtaylor> #topic pypi mirror 19:14:09 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: if you have a list of them I can clear them out 19:14:20 <Shrews> pypi mirror is initialized and up and running on http://pypi.openstack.org 19:14:27 <mtaylor> Shrews: ++ 19:14:35 <Shrews> right now, only updating once a day. may need to adjust that at some point 19:15:05 <Shrews> now trying to figure out how to use it correctly so that we fall back to normal pypi.python.org in case there is something we are not mirroring 19:15:21 * Shrews not 100% convinced that we ARE mirroring everything, but not sure how to verify 19:15:31 <soren> What makes you think we aren't? 19:15:57 <Shrews> soren: download size is around 6GB. from older posts about setting it up, i was expecting much more 19:16:57 <soren> Yeah, that doesn't sound like much 19:17:11 <clarkb> will it be a public mirror at some point? or is that more trouble than its worth? 19:17:47 <mtaylor> well, I'm mostly wanting it to reduce latency and make our stuff more resilient... not so sure I care if other people get benefit from it :) 19:18:07 <mtaylor> although there's really nothing preventing its use by anyone at the moment I guess 19:18:23 <Shrews> future stuff: see if pygerrit is worth anything 19:19:00 * Shrews done 19:19:08 <mtaylor> excellent ... 19:19:16 <mtaylor> #topic jenkins job filer 2.0 19:19:56 * LinuxJedi up? 19:20:09 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: yup 19:20:14 <LinuxJedi> ok, so... 19:20:43 <LinuxJedi> after massive complications with the puppet way of trying to create jobs in jenkins I have now re-written this in Python 19:20:58 <LinuxJedi> and it takes YAML scripts for job configuration parameters 19:21:04 <LinuxJedi> and is all nice and modular and stuff 19:21:13 <mtaylor> it makes me happy 19:21:32 <LinuxJedi> it also talks the Jenkins API so can add/modify/delete jobs without any reload/restart 19:21:40 <soren> Yeah, generating config.xml from Puppet templates doesn't seem like much fun. I've been doing that a fair bit the last while. 19:21:47 <LinuxJedi> and logs everything in the job config history correctly and stuff 19:21:53 <soren> LinuxJedi: Sweet. 19:22:01 <mtaylor> soren: you should look at LinuxJedi's new stuff ... I think you'll like it 19:22:05 <soren> LinuxJedi: So is Puppet involved in that at all? 19:22:20 <LinuxJedi> soren: yes, just to specify which projects to push live 19:22:28 <LinuxJedi> soren: and it executes the python script 19:22:55 <mtaylor> soren: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ci-puppet/tree/master/modules/jenkins_jobs 19:22:55 <LinuxJedi> soren: so nothing essential 19:23:23 <soren> LinuxJedi: I'll take a look. Thanks! 19:23:26 <clarkb> LinuxJedi: you wrote a new implementation of the api for it? 19:23:36 <LinuxJedi> next step is to make it support batches of jobs instead of having a long YAML per-project. I've made a start on this but it won't be finished until at least tomorrow 19:23:49 <LinuxJedi> clarkb: yes, I tried 4 different APIs, they all sucked 19:24:10 <LinuxJedi> clarkb: the only one that supported all the commands we needed didn't actually work :) 19:25:04 <LinuxJedi> it took me *much* longer testing those libraries than writing a new one too unfortunately 19:25:36 <mtaylor> sigh 19:25:58 <mtaylor> cool 19:26:02 <mtaylor> #topic openvz 19:26:02 <LinuxJedi> Stackforge RedDwarf (currently disabled) and Ceilometer are using it currently 19:26:16 <mtaylor> oops. 19:26:21 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: anything else? 19:27:30 <mtaylor> devananda: you wanna tell the nice folks how openvz support is going? 19:28:16 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: nothing else on jenkins jobs right now 19:30:08 <jeblair> mtaylor: is jclouds plugin far enough along to be used instead of devstack-gate on the HP internal jenkins for openvz (assuming that's the plan)? 19:30:34 <mtaylor> jeblair: I do not know. 19:31:35 <mtaylor> I'm going to see if I can do a unittests poc with it this week some time 19:31:45 <soren> I forget... Why do we care about openvz? 19:31:55 <mtaylor> the story so far on openvz is that we can finally build the kernel module 19:32:24 <mtaylor> soren: hp and rackspace both want nova to support it to use behind dbaas stuff ... the migrations feature I think it one of the big plusses iirc 19:32:44 <mtaylor> but we're not going to merge the patch until we can test the patch 19:32:56 <devananda> mtaylor: sorry, missed the ping... 19:32:58 <mtaylor> s/we/vish/ 19:33:00 <mtaylor> all good 19:34:58 <devananda> so, like mtaylor said, we've got a .deb package of openvz kernel that boots in ubuntu. 19:35:22 <LinuxJedi> devananda: you made it work with 3.x or is it an older kernel? 19:35:44 <devananda> i'll be working this week to get jenkins building and testing it (probably with significant help from jeblair) 19:35:52 <devananda> LinuxJedi: 2.6.32 19:35:59 <LinuxJedi> ah, ok :) 19:36:12 <devananda> that's the last one supported by openvz, as far as they've said to me 19:37:00 <devananda> as far as what tests to run on it, or gating, etc, i leave to others at this point :) 19:37:24 <mtaylor> yeah - I think for now we're just gonna focus on being able to spin up openvz enabled machines 19:37:44 <mtaylor> once we've got that, other folks can help actually drive testing and stuff 19:38:48 <mtaylor> #topic open discussion 19:38:50 <mtaylor> anything else ? 19:38:55 * LinuxJedi raises hand 19:39:00 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: go! 19:39:07 <LinuxJedi> stackforge email... 19:39:24 <LinuxJedi> the stackforge gerrit server has been migrated to a different cloud account 19:39:37 <mtaylor> ah yes. 19:39:40 <LinuxJedi> this needed to happen anyway, but was accelerated due to mail not actually sending 19:39:58 <LinuxJedi> about 20 minutes ago I was finally told why that happened and that it will happen again 19:40:21 * jeblair perks up 19:40:22 <LinuxJedi> so we need an action plan that will most certainly involve a relay server outside of HP Cloud 19:40:35 <LinuxJedi> jeblair, mtaylor: I've just emailed you the exact reason 19:41:06 * mtaylor is so happy ... 19:41:33 <LinuxJedi> yep, I want to use pointy things because it took a week to find out this information 19:41:44 <LinuxJedi> and I was told it when I wasn't even looking for it 19:42:18 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: do we know what the 25 rate limit actually is? 19:42:42 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: I didn't get that far, but it explains why a few cronspam were getting through 19:42:56 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: lets just assume really damn low for now 19:43:02 <mtaylor> yeah. that's probably fair 19:43:13 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: so low you will see that before PBL 19:44:02 <mtaylor> jeblair: any thoughts other than just running a mail relay on rackspace? 19:44:09 <jeblair> mtaylor: i don't think that's appropriate 19:44:15 <mtaylor> I don't either 19:44:22 <LinuxJedi> so I'm going to need to investigate this further this week 19:44:40 <mtaylor> it's possible we might be able to get the rate limiting lifted on our account I believe 19:44:43 <LinuxJedi> as there is an implied workaround on a case-by-case basis 19:44:46 <LinuxJedi> yep 19:45:28 <LinuxJedi> we just need to figure out who to talk to, and the guy I emailed you about is probably a good starting point 19:45:34 <mtaylor> great 19:46:18 <LinuxJedi> just wish *someone* had told me in all those mails in the last week :) 19:46:34 <LinuxJedi> I can't be the only person that is going to hit this :) 19:46:51 <LinuxJedi> </rant> 19:48:46 <jeblair> mtaylor: eom? 19:48:52 <mtaylor> yeah. I think so 19:48:54 <mtaylor> thanks everybody! 19:48:55 <clarkb> oh I will be out friday 19:48:59 <mtaylor> #endmeeting