19:00:52 <mtaylor> #startmeeting 19:00:53 <openstack> Meeting started Tue May 22 19:00:52 2012 UTC. The chair is mtaylor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:00:54 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:07 <heckj> notmyname: okay - I'll kick you email and we'll grab some time. Sorry for slow/lack of responses, have been a bit under the gun lately 19:01:25 * mtaylor punches heckj for his laziness! 19:01:31 <notmyname> heckj: no worries. no rush 19:01:43 <mtaylor> that's the kind of discipline we hand out during the CI meeting ;) 19:01:45 * heckj throws pies back at mtaylor 19:01:57 * mtaylor goes to take a quick shower... 19:02:02 <jeblair> that makes it sound like used pied. 19:02:04 <jeblair> pies. 19:02:09 <dolphm> these meeting transitions can be rough 19:02:14 <heckj> heh 19:02:18 <jeblair> and messy 19:02:21 <mtaylor> dolphm: make sure you always wear body armor 19:02:32 <clarkb> and give mtaylor lots of room 19:02:35 <dolphm> lol 19:02:42 * mtaylor begins krumping 19:03:05 * dolphm switches to heavy armor 19:03:09 * LinuxJedi has no idea what krumping is but it sounds dirty 19:03:17 * mtaylor waits while people google krumping so they realize is a verb mtaylor could never pull off 19:03:36 <mtaylor> and with that ... who'd like to talk about CI stuff? 19:03:46 * clarkb is here 19:03:51 <LinuxJedi> *crickets* 19:04:01 <mtaylor> yeah. that's what I thought 19:04:13 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: why don't you start us off ... 19:04:19 <mtaylor> #topic stackforge updates 19:04:27 <LinuxJedi> so, Stackforge.... 19:04:56 <LinuxJedi> first up mail... 19:05:22 <LinuxJedi> if you were following last week you will know I spent some effort moving the Gerrit server to a new node 19:05:32 <mtaylor> yup. fun times 19:05:33 <LinuxJedi> this is because outgoing mail was getting blocked 19:05:47 <LinuxJedi> after I did that we found it was happening again 19:06:11 <LinuxJedi> it turns out that HP Cloud has rate limiting on port 25. This is to stop people using it as spam bots 19:06:18 <LinuxJedi> which is awesome, except for us 19:06:31 <LinuxJedi> we are working with teams to fix this for us, but it isn't going to be overnight 19:06:46 <LinuxJedi> so in the mean time Stackforge probably won't send you notifications for code review 19:07:18 <LinuxJedi> In other news we managed to add Heat to Stackforge and as of about 6 minutes ago it was green lighting on Stackforge Jenkins too 19:07:35 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: Jenkins Jobs next? 19:07:37 <mtaylor> woohoo! 19:07:50 <mtaylor> well, I was just going to mention for the folks following along at home... 19:08:00 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: what is it that's different about heat there LinuxJedi ? 19:08:15 <LinuxJedi> ah! I'm glad you asked (almost as if we scripted it!) 19:08:20 * mtaylor bows 19:08:48 * jeblair is still working on his script 19:08:49 <LinuxJedi> well, heat doesn't use a stackforge/project URL in github. It is using the repo it was born with (heat-api/heat) 19:09:07 <LinuxJedi> which caused a few minor issues which I have just fixed 19:09:17 <LinuxJedi> so in theory we could do this with other projects in the future 19:09:36 <LinuxJedi> (other Stackforge projects at least, Openstack has the CLA complication stopping us) 19:09:42 <clarkb> so no changes to github? 19:10:01 <soren> What the heck is heat? 19:10:03 <mtaylor> the bug links in gerrit are, of course, not correct... so we may want to eventually get that per-project bug-tracker feature coded up 19:10:03 <LinuxJedi> clarkb: the only change to github is the Stackforge org doesn't own the repo 19:10:08 * soren is late to the game 19:10:13 <clarkb> LinuxJedi: I see 19:10:21 <jeblair> I don't believe we should do that for openstack projects. we chose not to for good reason. 19:10:22 <LinuxJedi> soren: it is an api: https://github.com/heat-api/heat 19:10:25 <mtaylor> clarkb: they had to add the gerrit user to their repo with push access 19:10:29 <mtaylor> I agree with jeblair 19:10:38 <mtaylor> I think it's more relevant for stackforge projets 19:10:40 <mtaylor> projects 19:10:54 <LinuxJedi> ++ 19:11:10 * LinuxJedi was going to explain that bit better but didn't finish the script in time 19:11:21 <mtaylor> where they may not as much be using launchpad, etc. 19:11:21 <LinuxJedi> soren: they have #heat IRC channel if you want to chat to them 19:11:59 <mtaylor> the question of allowing any openid for stackforge also came up ... which also seems like it might be a more relevant choice, but isn't super high prior right now 19:12:15 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: oh yea, I had that down to bring up in this meeting 19:12:23 * mtaylor keeps stepping on LinuxJedi's toes 19:12:32 <LinuxJedi> hehe, no its ok, I should read my notes :) 19:12:56 <LinuxJedi> so, what mtaylor said. I don't know if we got to a consensus on this yet 19:13:37 <LinuxJedi> and I haven't figured it if there will be technical problems with it 19:13:53 <LinuxJedi> and it has been low priority for me to figure it out to be honest 19:14:08 <mtaylor> yup. I think we might get space to think bout that in a few weeks 19:14:25 <mtaylor> any questions on stackforge stuff? 19:14:34 <LinuxJedi> oh, one minor other thing with Stackforge, the sync and expire scripts work without manual intervention now 19:14:46 <mtaylor> oh good 19:15:25 <mtaylor> #topic job filler 19:15:31 <LinuxJedi> my notes are completely out of order for this meeting so I all probably miss something somewhere 19:15:58 * mtaylor should probably do the whole agenda thing again now that we have, you know, people 19:16:12 <LinuxJedi> ok, Jenkins Job Filler is a magic pony (or Python script as us devs call it) which given a bit of fairy dust (YAML) will spray Jenkins with jobs for projects 19:16:49 <LinuxJedi> it now actually works properly and is being rolled out onto real Openstack projects 19:17:10 <LinuxJedi> I've been assisting mtaylor with that (fixing what he breaks) 19:17:14 <mtaylor> cinder, python-cinderclient and python-swiftclient are all using it at the moment ... 19:17:23 * mtaylor can break things good 19:17:39 <LinuxJedi> and also making sure it is working on Stackforge too. 99% of Stackforge uses this and the 1% can probably be sorted tomorrow 19:18:25 <mtaylor> woot 19:18:41 <LinuxJedi> and the custom Jenkins library has been ditched now since everyone but me can get the stock library working ;) 19:18:41 * mtaylor is excited... it's getting us much closer to our consistent jobs goal 19:18:47 <mtaylor> hehehe 19:18:54 <clarkb> and the yaml fairy dust can be found in openstack-ci-repo? 19:19:04 <mtaylor> openstack-ci-puppet 19:19:04 <clarkb> er 19:19:08 <clarkb> ya that 19:19:12 <LinuxJedi> clarkb: absolutely, in the modules/jenkins_jobs/files dir 19:19:27 <mtaylor> for instance: https://github.com/openstack/openstack-ci-puppet/tree/master/modules/jenkins_jobs/files/projects/openstack 19:20:06 <LinuxJedi> it can do templating for projects that fit a box or it also supports oddities like Heat 19:20:23 <LinuxJedi> at some point it will support doing both at the same time for a project 19:21:10 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: only other thing I got is on the Openstack Jenkins slave upgrades 19:21:36 <mtaylor> so, we're holding off on rolling it out for the rest of the openstack projects until we get something sorted with our pypi mirror (I need to test how bad the external links thing is with nova) 19:21:53 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: let's come back to slave upgrades 19:21:58 <mtaylor> #topic pypi mirror 19:22:01 <mtaylor> Shrews: you around? 19:22:03 <LinuxJedi> oh, awesome. 19:22:06 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: sure thing 19:22:06 <Shrews> no! 19:22:16 <LinuxJedi> he is asquare 19:22:35 <Shrews> so, it turns out the pypi mirror software is not doing some things that we expect it to do, and doing some things that we don't expect it to do 19:22:44 <mtaylor> I love software 19:23:02 <Shrews> e.g.) doesn't appear to follow links, and only pulls the latest versions of packages 19:23:10 <Shrews> so that needs sorting out 19:23:42 <mtaylor> yah 19:24:00 <Shrews> but it can still be used with the proper pip.conf 19:24:22 <Shrews> installation via distutils/easy_install will likely be fail 19:25:01 <Shrews> end communication 19:25:15 <mtaylor> cool. thank ya 19:25:22 <mtaylor> while we're bugging you ... 19:25:28 <mtaylor> #topic work in progress 19:25:53 <Shrews> We will have a Work In Progress change state in Gerrit "real soon now" 19:26:07 <mtaylor> that's so exciting 19:26:12 <jeblair> sounds like it's a work in progress 19:26:13 <Shrews> a change in WIP will not appear in any reviewer's Review Requests 19:26:39 <Shrews> we can currently set it with "gerrit review", but can't do it through the UI quite yet 19:26:50 <Shrews> damn java 19:27:39 <mtaylor> Shrews: but gwt makes things easier! 19:27:47 <Shrews> so "gerrit review --workinprogress <id>" 19:28:01 <Shrews> mtaylor: uh huh, sure 19:28:22 <mtaylor> excellent. when we have that, I want to have our jenkins do --workinprogress when it sets a -1 VRFY review... 19:28:27 <clarkb> can you push to a WIP ref as well? so that it can start as a work in progress? 19:28:35 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: we should make the expire script do that once it is done 19:28:46 <Shrews> clarkb: no 19:28:51 <Shrews> oh, and also 19:29:05 <Shrews> it will automatically go back to Review in Progress on a new patchset push 19:29:16 <jeblair> it sounds like we may need an extra acl, if we want some users to be able to WIP something, but not everyone 19:29:27 <jeblair> so we can give it to jenkins and project-core 19:29:31 <Shrews> jeblair: right now, if you can abandon a change, you can WIP it 19:29:40 <Shrews> "WIP it good!" 19:29:43 <LinuxJedi> jeblair: ++ 19:29:48 <jeblair> Shrews: i believe that's sysadmin+owner 19:30:25 * Shrews forgets offhand, but that sounds right. project owner too 19:30:33 <mtaylor> yeah, I think jeblair is right - one of the problems with abandon has been that more people can't use it. if we can grant perms to core team and to jenkins, that would be stellar 19:31:04 <Shrews> mtaylor: i'll figure that out… after the button fiasco 19:31:10 <mtaylor> Shrews: ++ 19:31:31 * LinuxJedi will buy Shrews a mug of Java when he finishes 19:31:45 <mtaylor> hahaha 19:31:47 <Shrews> die. k thx 19:31:57 <LinuxJedi> :) 19:32:27 <mtaylor> alrighty... 19:32:38 <mtaylor> #topic better dashboard 19:32:46 <mtaylor> clarkb: how's that? 19:32:58 <clarkb> I think the first basic version is working 19:33:38 <mtaylor> sweet. is it worth popping into review status and landing in its current state? 19:33:55 <clarkb> basically it gives you three lists of patchsets. Changes you have submitted, changes you have starred + changes you are a reviewer on less patches whose latest patchset you have reviewed 19:34:07 <clarkb> finally you get a list of the patchsets for open changes that you have recently reviewed 19:34:27 <clarkb> if you think that functionality is worthwhile then sure 19:34:52 <mtaylor> honestly, even just the list of things I should be reviewing without the things I've reviewed is a great step forward 19:35:07 <clarkb> There are two missing pieces (potentaily just one though). Do we want to include watched changes in the second list? 19:35:24 <mtaylor> clarkb, Shrews: once WIP is landed, we might want to add "list of my WIP patches" somewhere (I know I always had trouble finding my WIP branches in lp) 19:35:26 <clarkb> the issue I have with that is projects are watched not individual changes so I htink that could get noisy 19:35:57 <mtaylor> clarkb: well, I think watched projects is currently used more than individual review requests 19:36:14 <mtaylor> clarkb: so I'd vote for yes ... anybody else? 19:36:46 <LinuxJedi> ++ 19:36:57 <jeblair> so.... 19:36:59 <jeblair> "changes you are a reviewer on less patches whose latest patchset you have reviewed" 19:37:06 <jeblair> that seems like the new thing here, yeah? 19:37:11 <clarkb> yes 19:37:38 <jeblair> but since we don't normally add people as reviewers, instead, relying on watched changes 19:37:46 <jeblair> that's not exactly what we need right now, right? 19:38:00 <clarkb> no, the watched changes should be added 19:38:19 <clarkb> but it will help as you become a reviwer when you submit comments 19:38:20 <jeblair> ok, i see you said that up there 19:38:44 <jeblair> so i think if that's added, i'm in support of giving it a test drive 19:39:13 <clarkb> the other missing piece is sorting the resulting list like ttx proposed 19:39:20 <clarkb> so that the most important changes show up first 19:39:47 <mtaylor> yeah, I definitely think we can land it before we get ttx sorting. that seems like a v2 feature 19:39:49 <jeblair> clarkb: if the "patches whose latest patchset you have reviewed" can be generalized and made into an item that can be generally used in gerrit queries, that could be really useful 19:40:14 <clarkb> jeblair: so that you could do status:open is:reviewed ? 19:40:21 <clarkb> or something like that 19:40:25 <jeblair> yeah, you can already do a lot of things like: 19:40:26 <jeblair> https://review.openstack.org/#/q/reviewer:corvus,n,z 19:41:16 <jeblair> so your last pane could be something like "reviewer:corvus and not latestreviewed" or something. i forget the grammar. :) 19:41:17 <clarkb> so it sounds like leaving it as a draft is probably good for now. I will work on adding watched changes and look into the query stuff 19:41:33 <mtaylor> cool 19:42:04 <mtaylor> #topic new devstack-gate madness 19:42:13 <mtaylor> jeblair: so you've been busy ... 19:42:27 <jeblair> i'm going to combine that and zuul, because that's how i wrote my script 19:42:32 <jeblair> i have a wall of text. i will try to paste it in such a way that i'm not kickbanned. 19:42:32 <mtaylor> great 19:42:42 <jeblair> i've been working on speculative execution of jenkins jobs 19:42:43 <jeblair> the idea is to be able to run gating jobs in parallel, but still have them merged in series. 19:42:43 <jeblair> so they are still tested in a strict order 19:42:43 <jeblair> i completed a simple proof of concept for most of the ideas using the gerrit trigger plugin 19:42:48 <jeblair> but in writing that, i realized that some of the things we wanted to do might be a little out 19:42:48 <jeblair> of scope for the gerrit trigger plugin, and further, some of the ideas are quite difficult to 19:42:48 <jeblair> implement in the trigger plugin, because its data structures aren't exactly set up in a way 19:42:48 <jeblair> that facilitates this. 19:43:17 <jeblair> . 19:43:18 <jeblair> so i thought it would be easier to implement this idea if the control for running tests and 19:43:18 <jeblair> merging changes was moved outside of gerrit trigger plugin, and into a new system that's 19:43:18 <jeblair> easier for us to maintain. i'm working on a python daemon that will monitor gerrit, trigger 19:43:18 <jeblair> jenkins jobs, report back, and merge changes as appropriate. it's actually going to give us 19:43:29 <jeblair> a lot more flexibility in the gating system, in that it will be able to make decisions about 19:43:29 <jeblair> whether to merge changes based on input not available to the gerrit trigger plugin, for example, 19:43:29 <jeblair> whether another change has been merged. it also will have fabulous logging. 19:43:29 <jeblair> i've made very good progress on this system. it's working name is "zuul". 19:43:36 <jeblair> . 19:43:47 <jeblair> any questions about that? 19:43:58 * mtaylor supports our new zuul overlords 19:44:33 <LinuxJedi> jeblair: Ghostbusters? 19:44:36 <jeblair> t 19:44:51 <Shrews> i'm against the fabulous logging (/me prefers just-ok-logging), but ++ !!! 19:45:21 <jeblair> Shrews: it'll be configurable. i'll look into adding an option to randomly drop important entries. 19:45:32 <Shrews> jeblair: awesomeness 19:45:46 <jeblair> okay, moving on to devstack-gate madness: 19:45:52 <jeblair> since the end goal is that we should be able to fire LOTS of tests in parallel in jenkins 19:45:52 <jeblair> (if we turned this on today, assuming enough nodes, we could see upwards of 50 tests running in parallel) 19:45:52 <jeblair> there's a problem with the way devstack-gate has been running. if we allowed it to run 19:45:52 <jeblair> in parallel, it would run as many jobs as there were executors for, and we might quickly run 19:45:52 <jeblair> out of nodes (which would fail tests). 19:46:02 <jeblair> . 19:46:03 <jeblair> so i took a page out of the jclouds playbook 19:46:03 <jeblair> (which is working toward being able to replace devstack-gate, but isn't there yet), and made 19:46:03 <jeblair> devstack-gate spin up machines built as jenkins slaves instead of dumb nodes. when they 19:46:03 <jeblair> come online, devstack-gate adds them to jenkins as first class slaves (with a 'devstack-oneiric' 19:46:10 <jeblair> node tag). the devstack integration test job is now configured only to run on 'devstack-oneiric' 19:46:11 <jeblair> nodes. when the job starts, the node is disabled so that no further jobs run on it. 19:46:11 <jeblair> the test itself now runs on the slave, rather than ssh-ing to the devstack node. 19:46:11 <jeblair> and when it is complete, the node is removed from jenkins and deleted. 19:46:23 <jeblair> . 19:46:25 <jeblair> the upshot of that is that in the near term, we should never get another error due 19:46:25 <jeblair> to being out of jenkins nodes, because jobs that need them will just queue up. 19:46:25 <jeblair> and in the long term, we'll be able to trigger lots of runs of the integration tests 19:46:25 <jeblair> and execute them in parallel as fast as we can spin up nodes. 19:46:40 <jeblair> <end> 19:47:40 <mtaylor> the first thing about zuul was cool 19:47:44 <jeblair> oh, and i should add, the switch from gerrit trigger plugin to zuul will have to happen all at once, so having, the jenkins job filler in place will make that much nicer. 19:47:46 <mtaylor> the second thing about jenkins slaves is really great 19:48:16 <jeblair> yes, in a couple weeks, all these things are going to come together, and we will have a very shiny machine. :) 19:48:57 <mtaylor> any more questions for jeblair? 19:49:06 <LinuxJedi> ever wonder by creating fantastic machines if we are going to make ourselves redundant? ;) 19:49:28 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi: I hope so 19:49:39 <LinuxJedi> yay! rise of the machines! 19:49:44 <jeblair> i don't want my job to be "merge changes". i'm happy to have a machine do that. :) 19:49:56 <clarkb> skynet will run on jenkins? 19:49:59 <LinuxJedi> true 19:50:14 <mtaylor> related to that ... 19:50:16 <LinuxJedi> clarkb: Nova is Skynet, didn't you get the memo? 19:50:19 <mtaylor> #topic jenkins slaves 19:50:52 <mtaylor> LinuxJedi upgraded the slaves, yeah? 19:51:09 <LinuxJedi> oh, so yes... 19:51:29 <LinuxJedi> one of the Jenkins slaves (oneiric5) started failing jobs overnight 19:51:33 <LinuxJedi> it was due to OOM 19:51:57 <LinuxJedi> I've upgrade oneiric 4,5,6 to have double the RAM. The others I'll probably do tomorrow now 19:52:05 <LinuxJedi> since I'm in meetings until I sleep 19:52:44 <LinuxJedi> it shouldn't affect anyone but we will only have half the nodes for an hour tomorrow 19:53:07 <mtaylor> cool 19:53:49 <mtaylor> related to that ... I've been working on getting jenkins slaves spun up via jclouds 19:53:57 <LinuxJedi> yay! :) 19:55:56 <mtaylor> I'm working on getting a base image built that we can use to spin up nodes - because running puppet from scratch, well, takes some time 19:56:15 <mtaylor> we've also got a couple of patches that need to land in jclouds plugin - because right now puppet is creating the jenkins user... 19:56:24 <mtaylor> and the jclouds plugin is ALSO trying to do this :) 19:57:36 <mtaylor> anyhow - I've submitted some patches to try to take care of that, and hopefully we'll have that going soon 19:58:07 <mtaylor> additionally, the auto image creation code is in jclouds 1.5 beta... so as soon as that gets released, it should be available for the plugin 19:58:15 <mtaylor> I tihnk that's all i've got there 19:58:30 <mtaylor> and we're about out of time - anybody else got anything real quick? 19:58:31 <LinuxJedi> mtaylor: time to wrap up anyway, call in 1.5 minutes 19:58:44 <mtaylor> great. 19:58:46 <mtaylor> #endmeeting