21:01:13 <danwent> #startmeeting
21:01:13 <openstack> Meeting started Mon Jul  2 21:01:13 2012 UTC.  The chair is danwent. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot.
21:01:14 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.
21:01:19 <garyk> hi
21:01:21 <arosen> Hi
21:01:22 <salv-orlando> hi
21:01:29 <danwent> #info  agenda: http://wiki.openstack.org/Network/Meetings
21:01:57 <danwent> I'd like to keep things pretty tightly focused on F-2 for this meeting, as I know many of your are busily working away on finishing up code and reviews
21:02:24 <danwent> #info F-2 status: https://launchpad.net/quantum/+milestone/folsom-2
21:02:27 <PotHix> o/
21:02:59 <danwent> Overall, there's been a great effort to finish things up, very exciting
21:03:04 <danwent> gongys: https://launchpad.net/quantum/+milestone/folsom-2
21:03:11 <danwent> are we still blocked on that test?
21:03:18 <gongys> Yes.
21:03:28 <danwent> I reprod it internally, and it does seem to be that commit that breaks things, as I rolled back and did not get the test faiures
21:03:40 <danwent> gongys: is it correct that this was introduced in a later patchset?
21:03:56 <danwent> (i.e., can we do binary search to figure out the patchset that introduced it?)
21:04:33 <salv-orlando> I am looking at it - it seems the problem started in patch set #5
21:05:05 <danwent> Ok, figuring out that issue is probably top priority for the community at this point for F-2
21:05:17 <danwent> gongys: its really late for you, correct?
21:05:38 <danwent> we can bang on this issue and try to figure it out while you sleep
21:05:44 <gongys> not. it is morning here.
21:05:54 <danwent> ah, yes, very early… that's right.
21:06:00 <gongys> yes.
21:06:00 <danwent> ok, then we can just all pitch in :)
21:06:49 <gongys> ok.
21:06:52 <danwent> I also spoke with tr3buchet, lead for nova-network.
21:07:18 <danwent> he's going to talk to vishy about some aspects of how the nova + quantum integration works.
21:07:39 <danwent> i'm hoping we can defer any major changes until a later release, but its his call
21:08:08 <danwent> he had some good suggestions on how to change a couple things, which I will file as bugs that can hopefully be addressed in F-3
21:08:41 <danwent> gongys: are there any outstanding issues outside of the unit tests and the need for nova core dev reviews?
21:08:53 <danwent> (vish also said that he would review, so with trey that would be two)
21:09:30 <gongys> There are some minor comments happened last night, I will deal with them after the meeting.
21:09:50 <danwent> ok, great.  anything else on this review?
21:10:12 <danwent> whoops, just realized I sent out the wrong link above.  here is the review: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8916/
21:10:29 <gongys> and then deal with the jenkins failure on xenapi.
21:11:01 <danwent> salv-orlando: hopefully you can keep looking there, as you probably have some helpful background around the xenserver stuff.
21:11:16 <danwent> markmcclain:  DHCP status?  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9064/
21:11:31 <markmcclain> working through the latest set of comments
21:11:38 <salv-orlando> danwent: yes, if you can tell me how to repro after the meeting that would help - have been trying unsuccessfully in the last hour
21:12:06 <danwent> salv-orlando: oh… i just had to run the unit tests with gongys's patch.
21:12:27 <danwent> markmcclain: ok, anything you need other folks in the community to help with?
21:12:39 <salv-orlando> danwent: well, so the difference between my env and your env might pinpoint the root cause of the problem :)
21:12:56 <danwent> salv-orlando: indeed
21:13:01 <danwent> we'll talk later
21:13:29 <danwent> arosen:  sounds like OVS v2 plugin just went in?
21:13:38 <arosen> Yup
21:13:44 <danwent> great
21:13:47 <arosen> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9160/
21:14:02 <danwent> garyk: so path is cleared for LB v2 plugin, which needed a rebased after OVS v2? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9101/
21:14:24 <garyk> danwent: current;y rebasing and addressing commenst from aaron
21:15:17 <danwent> garyk: ok, but reasonable to expect that to land today (or wait, its really late for you?)
21:15:30 <garyk> danwent: maybe by end of meeting.
21:15:38 <danwent> maybe get a quick rev in, and if so, hopefully its good to merge
21:15:56 <garyk> ok
21:16:13 <danwent> or we can just do it early tomorrow, just really want it in before main openstack mtg.
21:16:25 <danwent> rkukura: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9069/
21:16:38 <rkukura> Plan to resubmit tomorrow, dropping V1 and adding V2.
21:16:51 <danwent> ok, i think that's the right strategy
21:17:11 <danwent> if possible, let's sync quickly on the API extension details after the main mtg.
21:17:17 <rkukura> OK
21:17:44 <danwent> zhhuabj, debo-os : quantum gating
21:17:53 <debo-os> pinged dean
21:18:05 <debo-os> for review
21:18:18 <zhhuabj> hi, dan, yesterday I have replied your mail about quantum gating
21:18:19 <debo-os> I think zhhuabj and I did some overlapping work
21:18:26 <danwent> yeah, he passed my request on about adding new quantum reviewers to devstack.
21:18:45 <debo-os> ok I will keep pinging devstack folks for our reviews
21:18:47 <danwent> with the amount of churn that will happen in quantum in the next month or two, we'll need a lot of changes to devstack.
21:18:59 <danwent> I will reping them as well :)
21:19:11 <danwent> so are all changes that are needed changes to devstack?
21:19:16 <judas> Deffo
21:19:27 <judas> I concur indefinitely
21:19:42 <debo-os> they are not really devstack changes
21:19:51 <debo-os> they are changes to the exercise script
21:19:57 <debo-os> and the euca tests are devstack changes
21:19:59 <danwent> debo-os: and can you create an issue for updating excercise scripts to use quantum v2 in F-3?
21:20:07 <debo-os> yes I will do
21:20:32 <garyk> danwent: any progress on core reviewer for devstack?
21:20:34 <danwent> thx.
21:20:52 <danwent> just mentioned above… dean passed my request on to the people who manage the devstack-core team
21:21:21 <danwent> i'll ping them again though, as devstack is definitely becoming a bottleneck here.
21:21:34 <danwent> and the best way to help is to contribute ourselves
21:21:45 <danwent> Ok, any other F-2 items we need to discuss
21:22:08 <danwent> any critical bugs that MUST be completed by the F-2 milestone release?
21:22:39 <danwent> #topic community topics
21:22:51 <salv-orlando> what's your opinion on bug 1019899
21:22:52 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1019899 in quantum "add support for requested_networks extension to Nova/Quantum v2 code" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1019899
21:23:06 <salv-orlando> should we make an extra effort to push it by folsom-2?
21:23:10 <danwent> salv-orlando: I'd really like to see that, and discussed it with Trey.
21:23:27 <danwent> it will be very confusing if "--nic" no longer works for spinning up a VM
21:23:37 <danwent> and it should be a pretty straightforward change
21:23:55 <danwent> If someone could grab that one, I'd appreciate it
21:24:04 <salv-orlando> ok, consider it taken
21:24:33 <danwent> thx
21:24:47 <gongys> After my change gets in, the issue should be easy to dealt with.
21:24:55 <danwent> gongys: agreed
21:25:17 <danwent> Ok, so on the ML we talked about dropping v1 support during folsom, specifically during the F-3 period.
21:25:18 <gongys> If no one seize it, I will fix it.
21:25:40 <danwent> I think there was rough consensus, but wanted to raise it here before considering it final
21:26:16 <danwent> going once, twice...
21:26:25 <danwent> #info: quantum will drop v1 quantum API support in Folsom-3 time period.
21:27:20 <danwent> other than that, I don't want to take the focus off of F-2 reviews and testing by discussing anything else.
21:27:47 <danwent> oh, one other thing is that we'll need someone to do the devstack work for DHCP, as I mentioned in my email this morning.
21:28:14 <danwent> arosen has done the base v2 devstack work, so we can build on that.
21:28:21 <danwent> (still out for review)
21:28:33 <danwent> #topic open discussion
21:28:40 <arosen> I can probably add that to what I have up on review if I figure out how to use the dhcp stuff.
21:28:53 <markmcclain> arosen: I can help you with it
21:28:57 <danwent> arosen: ok, that would be great.
21:29:05 <gongys> Don't make the review of one change too big.
21:29:20 <danwent> gongys: hehe, yeah, definitely do it as a separate review
21:29:34 <danwent> though we don't seem to have good luck even with short devstack reviews :)
21:29:40 <danwent> ok, any other open discussion?
21:30:05 <judas> Kjm
21:30:12 <judas> Smh
21:30:12 <gongys> my quantumclient binary name
21:30:20 <judas> 00110000
21:30:20 <gongys> it is quantumv2
21:30:22 <gongys> now
21:30:29 <danwent> gongys: yes… i think it should just be 'quantum'
21:30:31 <gongys> should I change it back into quantum.
21:30:46 <danwent> yeah, then we can get rid of the old one (currently, both are installed)
21:30:50 <gongys> So I will remove the old binary for v1.
21:31:02 <danwent> ok, anyone have concerns with that?
21:31:07 <gongys> After we drop v1.
21:31:20 <rkukura> Yes, after or at same time
21:31:30 <gongys> ok.
21:31:46 <danwent> ok, so it will continue to be quantumv2 for F-2, but then in F-3 we'll remove?
21:32:08 <gongys> yes.
21:32:13 <danwent> ok, sounds like a plan
21:32:14 <PotHix> Looks good to me :)
21:32:47 <danwent> ok, thanks folks.  keep up the good work reviewing.  Remember that starting tuesday we should shift to testing, and that any serious bugs should be flagged in a way to make sure i"m aware of them.
21:33:03 <danwent> (so i can let thierry know that we need them fixed before he pulls the milestone)
21:33:14 <garyk> danwent: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/9101/ is ready (i hope)
21:33:19 <danwent> have a good afternoon/evening/morning!
21:33:26 <danwent> garyk: just in time!  will take a look
21:33:30 <danwent> #endmeeting