21:02:08 <ttx> #startmeeting 21:02:09 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 14 21:02:08 2012 UTC. The chair is ttx. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 21:02:10 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 21:02:15 <ttx> Agenda @ http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ProjectMeeting 21:02:28 <ttx> #info Folsom-3 should be cut at the end of the day, so we'll look into remaining targets and defer/consider exceptions where appropriate 21:02:42 <ttx> #topic Actions from previous meeting 21:02:47 <ttx> * comstud to create a Cells blueprint so that we can track it 21:02:53 <ttx> vishy: Can't find one yet. I guess this is Grizzly material now ? 21:04:10 <vishy> ttx: yes appears so 21:04:19 <ttx> #topic Keystone status 21:04:22 <ttx> heckj: o/ 21:04:25 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/keystone/+milestone/folsom-3 21:04:39 <ttx> Not much apparent progress since last week... 21:04:50 <ttx> document-deployment-suggestions-policy being doc-only can be postponed to RC1... 21:05:02 <ttx> heckj: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/pki : Defer/Will be merged today/Exception requested ? 21:05:12 <heckj> exception requested 21:05:25 <ttx> heckj: ETA for that ? 21:05:32 <heckj> based on feedback from the community, we really want to add in revocation support for the tokens - aiming to have it in within 1 week 21:05:53 <ttx> heckj: how self-contained is this feature ? 21:05:59 <heckj> very 21:06:10 <ttx> so it doesn't impact "regular use" of keystone ? 21:06:37 <heckj> nope - not even defaults. It's all for new use of PKI - default is the older token mechanisms 21:06:46 <ttx> heckj: i'm fine with it, especially if it's the only one in Keystone 21:06:56 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/ocf-support : Couldn't find code proposed... Deferred ? 21:06:57 <dolphm> yay 21:07:22 <heckj> ttx: change was abandoned - so deferring it 21:07:28 <ttx> heckj: Is that all the features that got in F3 ? Or is there anything we should retroactively create ? 21:07:57 <ttx> #info FFe for pki blueprint, if it gets merged in one week max 21:08:00 <heckj> That's really it 21:08:08 <ttx> From the Folsom blueprints, I'll also defer iana-register-port to Grizzly. 21:08:21 <ttx> heckj: Looking at F3-targeted bugs now, I see two bugs targeted... Are those really F3 publication blockers, or should they be removed from list ? 21:08:29 <heckj> ttx: they denied us - so will be relooking at that blueprint entirely 21:09:02 <ttx> (or pushed back to RC1 milestone) 21:09:05 <heckj> ttx: not blockers for the release 21:09:24 <heckj> can be easily kicked back to RC1 milestone - it's also out of the path for normal operation 21:09:24 <ttx> ok, great 21:09:30 <ttx> heckj: anything else ? 21:10:12 <heckj> I need to follow up with mtaylor and jeblair, but we might experiment with a feature branch to continue work on the V3 API while we continue to stabilize keystone for grizzly release 21:10:30 <ttx> you mean Folsom :) 21:10:36 <ttx> sounds like a cool experiment 21:10:40 <ttx> Questions about Keystone ? 21:10:41 <heckj> yeah - sorry, Folsom 21:10:42 <dolphm> heckj: good idea 21:11:17 <ttx> #topic Swift status 21:11:21 <ttx> notmyname: hey 21:11:24 <notmyname> howdy 21:11:25 <ttx> Great write-up to the list with recent features, thanks. 21:11:36 <ttx> I created 1.6.1 milestone for you, no date yet. Let me know when you have an ETA. 21:11:45 <notmyname> thanks. it's a great group of contributors 21:12:01 <notmyname> ok. I have an FYI though 21:12:27 <ttx> I can use that 21:12:33 <notmyname> based on a patch merged yesterday, and depending on what happens before the next release, there is a very good chance we may call the next one 2.0 21:12:51 <ttx> oooh. 21:13:34 <notmyname> the patch updated the on-disk format of the ring (a great fix from swifterdarrell) but it may require the version updated to communicate that 21:13:42 <bcwaldon> notmyname: curious what the reason is 21:13:55 <notmyname> I'll probably send an email to the openstack-dev list about it 21:14:03 <ttx> notmyname: sounds like a good plan 21:14:04 <bcwaldon> ha, looked up and hit enter, ill shh now 21:14:11 <ttx> notmyname: anything else ? 21:14:30 <notmyname> nope. swift meetup on Aug 30 if you are in the bay area 21:14:38 <ttx> #action notmyname to send an email to openstack-dev with 2.0 plans 21:14:42 <ttx> Questions on Swift ? 21:14:51 <notmyname> s/plans/thoughts 21:15:24 <ttx> #topic Glance status 21:15:28 <ttx> bcwaldon: o/ 21:15:31 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/glance/+milestone/folsom-3 21:15:41 <ttx> Only one left: 21:15:49 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/glance-deprecate-client : Looks like we should wait for this one, should be merged today ? 21:16:06 <ttx> or do you need slightly more time ? 21:16:09 <bcwaldon> if anyone can offer their opinion on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11359/, we can get that bp in today 21:16:23 <bcwaldon> ttx: the code is there, just need to get it reviewed/merged 21:16:48 <ttx> bcwaldon: ok, lets wait 21:17:01 <ttx> #help Priority glance review at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11359/ 21:17:08 <bcwaldon> hopefully somebody watching this meeting has a few minutes 21:17:13 <ttx> Is that all the features that got in F3 ? Or is there anything we should retroactively create ? 21:17:25 <bcwaldon> that would be it, afaik 21:17:32 <ttx> Looking at F3-targeted bugs now, I see two bugs targeted... 21:17:42 <ttx> Are they F3 blockers, or more like RC1 targets now ? 21:17:47 <bcwaldon> rc1 21:17:56 <ttx> ack 21:17:59 <ttx> bcwaldon: Anything else ? 21:18:11 <bcwaldon> I wanted to mention something about the v2.0 Images API spec 21:18:30 <ttx> go ahead 21:18:32 <bcwaldon> As Folsom-3 is our feature freeze, this is the point where we say "What's in the code is v2.0" 21:18:58 <bcwaldon> and I'm working on getting a nice markdown-formatted api spec for people to refer to 21:19:07 <ttx> kewl 21:19:12 <heckj> bcwaldon: nice! 21:19:29 <ttx> Questions on Glance ? 21:20:05 <ttx> #topic Quantum status 21:20:13 <ttx> danwent: around ? 21:20:17 <danwent> yup 21:20:23 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/quantum/+milestone/folsom-3 21:20:28 <ttx> Pretty long list of stuff under review here :) 21:20:31 <danwent> still clearing out some bugs 21:20:41 <danwent> so the way to think of it as there are 3 high priority things we're tracking 21:20:51 <danwent> and anything medium or below "gets in if it gets in" 21:21:17 <danwent> the provider net stuff is 90% in, we just keep lobbing off sub-commits 21:21:22 <danwent> OVS support is all that is left 21:21:44 <ttx> All the "needs review" here are expected to hit today ? Or do you need slightly more time ? 21:22:09 <danwent> I wouldn't mind more time for our 3 branches that are high priority and above 21:22:38 <danwent> but any of the lower stuff should either be merged tonight, or move on, in my opinion 21:22:45 <danwent> to help people focus on key items and testing. 21:23:01 <ttx> hmm, we'll see with Nova if it makes sense to delay F3 one more day to include a bit more stuff 21:23:18 <ttx> I won't ask if there was anything implemented that isn't already part of this list :) 21:23:19 <danwent> ttx: otherwise, the three big high priority branches can get merged 21:23:30 <danwent> we'd just lop off smaller bugs to fix any remaining issues. 21:23:50 <ttx> Looking at https://launchpad.net/quantum/+milestone/folsom-rc1 you targeted quite a few blueprints there 21:24:02 <ttx> taht's in addition to the 3 you already mentioned, right 21:24:24 <danwent> ack. two of those are testing infrastructure 21:24:33 <danwent> and two are in review already 21:24:44 <ttx> (but unlikely to hit today or tomorrow ?) 21:25:06 <danwent> if we have an extra day, the ones in review may hit. I just haven't been super involved in the reviews, so I can't say for sure. 21:25:16 <ttx> which ones are testing infra ? 21:25:26 <danwent> "agent for test" 21:25:36 <danwent> "v2 quantum versions of devstack exercise scripts" 21:25:51 <danwent> basically, those are one item, but they are going into separate repos, so two BPs. 21:26:02 <ttx> I'm fine with those hitting early in RC1 21:26:18 <danwent> the L3 CLI stuff is in review, but needs unit tests written 21:26:23 <ttx> especially the devstack one which probably doesn't land in Quantum anyway 21:26:30 <danwent> multi-host and rootwrap are the more concerning ones. 21:26:36 <danwent> yes 21:26:49 <ttx> What about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/ovs-security-filtering ? 21:26:59 <ttx> if it's really not started, sounds like grizzly to me 21:27:03 <danwent> this would likely be a very small vif driver 21:27:13 <danwent> if its about 200 lines of code, it won't go in :) 21:27:40 <ttx> what about https://blueprints.launchpad.net/quantum/+spec/metadata-overlapping-networks ? 21:27:52 <danwent> yeah, carlp mentioned that last week. 21:28:11 <danwent> this is one of those "oh shit.." issues, as nova's metadata API assumes clients have unique ips. 21:28:35 <ttx> hmm, could almost be considered a gap bug rather than a blueprint 21:28:51 <ttx> Those all kinda make sense, but added all together it makes me fear for Quantum stability 21:28:53 <danwent> yeah. we tend to create BPs for everything. 21:29:02 <ttx> in times when we need some stasis 21:29:21 * ttx should reassign the last one since he is no longer working on it 21:29:34 <danwent> agreed. as I mentioned, these aren't all for sure things we're looking for, more just things we're considering 21:29:48 <danwent> i'll do a write-up on this and get your thoughts. 21:30:00 <danwent> as I mentioned, rootwrap and multi-host seem the most possible to disrupt 21:30:05 <ttx> danwent: sure, I'll look into them into more detail and talk to you 21:30:19 <danwent> k, thanks 21:30:23 <ttx> #action danwent/ttx to discuss how to reduce the nmber of FFe in Quantum 21:30:35 <ttx> From the untargeted Folsom blueprints, should we just defer: 21:30:40 <ttx> official-v2-api-spec 21:30:44 <ttx> nova-quantum-interface-creation 21:30:49 <ttx> isc-dhcp 21:30:50 <ttx> ? 21:31:03 <danwent> v2 spec is going to be done, but its not code, just using an item to track it. 21:31:09 <danwent> all others are going to be deferred. 21:31:13 <ttx> ok 21:31:30 <ttx> On the bugs list, you should only keep F3 blockers 21:31:43 <danwent> yup, i'm half way to cleaning it out 21:31:43 <ttx> (those we'll need to fix and backport to milestone-proposed before Thursday) 21:31:56 <ttx> Ideally all of those should have someone assigned to fix 21:32:03 <danwent> agreed 21:32:06 <ttx> Otherwise it doesn't look like it's going to happen 21:32:11 <ttx> You can push back the others to Folsom-RC1. 21:32:17 <ttx> danwent: Anything else ? 21:32:26 <danwent> nope, back to hacking and reviewing :) 21:32:39 <ttx> danwent: stay around, we migth discuss a one-day delay once we get to Nova 21:32:46 <ttx> Questions on Quantum ? 21:32:53 <danwent> ok. do me a favor and ping my irc handle? 21:32:57 <ttx> sure 21:33:16 <danwent> i'll be rebasing :)( 21:33:21 <ttx> #topic Cinder status 21:33:28 <ttx> jgriffith: around ? 21:33:34 <jgriffith> Yep 21:33:36 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/cinder/+milestone/folsom-3 21:33:51 <ttx> This list grew quite a lot since last week :) 21:33:58 <jgriffith> Yes, that it did 21:34:15 <ttx> Are all those reviews going to land today ? 21:34:23 <jgriffith> *should* 21:34:50 <jgriffith> Most are close, minor fixes here and there 21:34:52 <ttx> in other words, can we defer anythign that doesn't make it by the end of the day ? Or would you appreciate just a few more hours ? 21:35:07 <jgriffith> Depends on when the end of your today is :) 21:35:14 <jgriffith> A few more hours would be great 21:35:24 <ttx> jgriffith: it's actually the beginning of my tomorrow. 21:35:42 <ttx> also known as midnight Hawai time 21:35:43 <jgriffith> I think everything that's in review now should be closed out by COB mountain time today 21:35:56 <ttx> ok 21:36:00 <ttx> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/cinder-notifications -> deferred ? 21:36:14 <jgriffith> LOL 21:36:23 <jgriffith> yes, that's the *one* that won't go probably 21:36:31 <jgriffith> yes, deferred 21:36:36 <ttx> netapp-volume-driver-cmode and create-volume-from-image got reviews merged, are they completed ? 21:37:04 <jgriffith> yes 21:37:12 <ttx> ok, willfix 21:37:13 <ttx> In the untargeted folsom list, I see: 21:37:19 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/cinder/+spec/implement-availability-zones 21:37:29 <ttx> should I mark this one deferred too ? 21:37:41 <jgriffith> That made it I believe... 21:37:54 * jgriffith checking... 21:38:16 <jgriffith> Yes, that made it 21:38:29 <ttx> linked stuff says "Partially implement blueprint implement-availability-zones" 21:38:30 <jgriffith> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11035/ 21:38:40 <ttx> so I was kinda wondering 21:39:02 <ttx> We can clarify that off-meeting 21:39:14 <ttx> Only one bug targeted to F3, that's bug 1023311 21:39:14 <jgriffith> k.. the second part was cinderclient which is going through now 21:39:15 <uvirtbot> Launchpad bug 1023311 in cinder "Quotas management is broken" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1023311 21:39:27 <ttx> Is it really a F3 blocker, which will get fixed in master and backported to milestone-proposed before Thursday ? 21:39:37 <ttx> Or should we just retarget it to RC1 to make sure it's fixed before release time ? 21:39:43 <jgriffith> RC1 21:39:56 <jgriffith> I've about got it, but honestly won't get back to it in time 21:40:07 <ttx> Will add implement-availability-zones to F3 targets 21:40:13 <ttx> jgriffith: Anything else ? 21:40:32 <jgriffith> Nope, just trying to push the pypi of cinderclient 21:40:37 <jgriffith> that's it 21:40:54 <ttx> Questions on Cinder ? 21:41:18 <annegentle> jgriffith: moving to docs after f3? 21:41:24 <gabrielhurley> ttx, jgriffith, mtaylor: can we get cinderclient pushed to PyPI? The entry for the package exists but no distributions were ever uploaded. It's non-existence is blocking the last Horizon blueprint (code's done, it just depends on a package that doesn't exist...). 21:41:26 <jgriffith> annegentle: Yes 21:41:48 <annegentle> jgriffith: great, thanks. I think the original "doc plan" we outlined on IRC still works. 21:41:50 <jgriffith> gabrielhurley: Working on it now, you should see it soon 21:41:54 <gabrielhurley> jgriffith: thanks 21:42:03 <ttx> #topic Nova status 21:42:06 <ttx> vishy: hey 21:42:22 <comstud> just in time 21:44:07 <ttx> hmm, maybe we'll do horizon first 21:44:12 <gabrielhurley> lol 21:44:22 <vishy> sorry 21:44:22 <ttx> #topic Horizon status 21:44:23 <vishy> :) 21:44:23 <heckj> heh 21:44:25 <ttx> arrrh 21:44:27 <gabrielhurley> ahaha 21:44:30 <ttx> #topic Nova status 21:44:36 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/nova/+milestone/folsom-3 21:44:36 <heckj> tease! 21:44:53 <ttx> vishy: this list is a mess :) 21:45:11 <vishy> yes it is 21:45:12 <ttx> ok, lets iterate through it... 21:45:17 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/general-host-aggregates : Implemented, right ? 21:45:21 <vishy> yes 21:45:32 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/task-management 21:45:33 <vishy> remaining work of converting availability zones will have to be in grizzly 21:45:53 <vishy> maoy: comments on that ^^ are we complete for now? remaining stuff done in bugs? 21:46:20 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/config-drive-v2 21:46:31 <maoy> vishy: it's a bit complicated. :) 21:46:46 <vishy> implemented 21:46:50 <vishy> marked 21:47:02 <vishy> maoy: so do we defer it to grizzly then? 21:47:35 <maoy> vishy: I'd revise the bp for folsom only and get a new one for grizzly 21:47:48 <maoy> vishy: there is a race condition that should be fixed in f-4 21:47:54 <vishy> maoy: ok can you revise it to what was done and mark it implemented? 21:47:58 <ttx> maoy: unfortunately tere is no f4 :) 21:48:07 <vishy> maoy: yes that can be reported as a bug 21:48:16 <maoy> ttx: oops. my bad 21:48:21 <vishy> maoy: and fixed for rc1 21:48:23 <maoy> vishy: yes i'll update it 21:48:28 <vishy> maoy: thanks 21:48:30 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/novaplugins 21:49:02 <ttx> looks like defer to me 21:49:08 <vishy> i still haven't heard from andrew whether it is done 21:49:11 <vishy> he got stuff merged 21:49:15 <vishy> but i don't know if it is complete 21:49:28 <ttx> right, but no more code in 21:49:33 <ttx> in all cases 21:49:48 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/deprecate-createserverext 21:50:04 <vishy> ttx: so i'm not exactly sure how we should deprecate an extension 21:50:17 <vishy> so i guess that one is kind of blocked? 21:50:28 <vishy> i mean we can warn when it is loaded i guess 21:50:44 <ttx> yeah I would add a DeprecationWarning 21:50:46 <vishy> right now createserverext is exactly the same as /servers/ 21:50:55 <vishy> so maybe we should just leave it and kill that blueprint 21:51:05 <ttx> kill kill 21:51:17 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/xenapi-live-block-migration 21:51:17 <markmc> yeah, probably best - not like it's much maintenance overhead 21:51:22 <vishy> that should make it 21:51:28 <ttx> vishy: today ? 21:51:34 <vishy> i think so 21:51:44 <ttx> I won't go over all the Low stuff... 21:52:02 <ttx> can we apply the "what gets in is in, the rest is Grizzly" rule ? 21:52:18 <vishy> ttx: i have a list of potential stuff to keep an eye on for ffe 21:52:24 <primeministerp> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11276 21:52:27 <primeministerp> ';) 21:52:30 <vishy> ttx: http://etherpad.openstack.org/nova-ffe 21:52:54 <vishy> and I would also like a special ffe to put everything that goes into cinder into nova-volumes 21:53:06 <vishy> we can drop it as one big chunk 21:53:23 <ttx> vishy: would one extra day of review significantly help in getting more in F3 and less in FFe ? 21:53:37 <annegentle> what is the ruling there? cinder v nova-volume? 21:53:45 <vishy> probably, there is a number of close stuff 21:53:48 <ttx> I've been pondering delaying F3 by one day since there is so much stuff "almost there" 21:54:00 <vishy> ttx: i buy that 21:54:36 <ttx> Would be good to apply some priority treatment though... Concentrate on stuff that is more important first 21:54:44 <ttx> danwent: would you buy that too ? 21:55:05 <danwent> as long as its a targeted extension, only at high priority stuff, then yes. 21:55:08 <vishy> my rationale on the dump from cinder -> volume is: there was uproar about removing nova-volume so we need to keep it and put in security fixes 21:55:16 * ttx kinda prefers to wait one day and get less FFes, so that stuff gets tested in F3 rather than randomly after 21:55:31 <vishy> a) cinder is the one being gated on so we should keep the code the same 21:55:33 <danwent> though i'm not sure how to enforce that, other than to actually branch, and just say that its OK to cherry-pick a select set of features over as well as bugs. 21:55:47 <vishy> b) security backports will be way easier if the code is in sync at folsom release 21:56:12 <vishy> ttx: do you buy that? 21:56:44 <ttx> vishy: yes, from security pov 21:56:54 <ttx> russellb: opinion ? 21:57:10 * russellb reads scrollback.. 21:57:36 <ttx> #info F3 cut for Quantum/Nova delayed by one day to let a few extra prioritized reviews in, in an effort to limit the number of FFe 21:57:48 <ttx> #info other projects may opt in 21:57:58 <russellb> yes, does seem like a good idea to keep the code in sync, backports would def be easier 21:58:10 <russellb> need to look closely at any compatibility/upgrade issues from the big dump though .... 21:58:13 <danwent> ttx: is it just the branch cut that is delayed, or also the final release? 21:58:19 <danwent> (of folsom-3) 21:58:24 <ttx> also F3 milestone publication, yes 21:58:32 <danwent> ok 21:58:32 <ttx> would be done on Friday (god, I hate that) 21:58:53 <ttx> vishy: Can I mark Deferred everything from https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/folsom that is not F3-targeted ? 21:59:01 <vishy> ttx: yes 21:59:16 <ttx> On the bugs side, there are 6 bugs targeted to F3... 21:59:24 <ttx> Could we refine that list to include only real F3 blockers ? 21:59:42 <ttx> Like "ZOMG I can't start an instance anymore" 22:00:14 <russellb> pretty sure that qpid one is fixed, *changes it* 22:00:42 <ttx> vishy: Anything else ? 22:01:08 <primeministerp> ttx: may speak for a sec 22:01:09 <vishy> i would suggest people doing reviews prioritize these: http://etherpad.openstack.org/nova-ffe 22:01:30 <ttx> #help Nova Review prio to http://etherpad.openstack.org/nova-ffe 22:01:32 <comstud> i just approved xenapi live migration 22:01:33 <ttx> primeministerp: sure 22:01:44 <primeministerp> would like to open up https://review.openstack.org/#/c/11276 22:01:52 <primeministerp> for reprioritization 22:02:04 <primeministerp> for review if possible 22:02:21 <primeministerp> to a higher priority 22:02:38 <med_> 3rd on vishy's list 22:02:42 <ttx> primeministerp: it's on vishy's prio list I just linked 22:02:46 <primeministerp> o 22:02:53 * primeministerp needs to refresh 22:03:00 <primeministerp> ttx: thx 22:03:00 <med_> (row 12) 22:03:04 <russellb> it's a good candidate for an exception if we don't get it in by the freeze 22:03:07 <ttx> but let's be honest... there is a risk that it won't get in... it was proposed very late 22:03:17 <russellb> but yes, that too 22:03:23 <russellb> it's a lot of code to review.. 22:03:25 <primeministerp> ttx: I understand 22:03:34 <ttx> Frankly I was amazed by the number of last-minute reviews 22:03:41 <ttx> not just yours 22:03:51 <vishy> ttx: it was kind of amazing actually :( 22:03:57 <ttx> It's so much easier to get your code in at any other moment of the 6-month-long cycle 22:03:58 <russellb> yeah we kinda got slammed in the last week or two 22:04:13 <ttx> Questions on Nova ? 22:04:17 <primeministerp> however quite honestly it would be a major milestone and help our community from a single source of code perspective 22:04:26 * ttx tries not to overrun too much 22:04:31 <primeministerp> give us the ability to file bugs properly 22:04:40 <primeministerp> etc 22:04:54 <ttx> ack 22:04:57 <russellb> 'tis on the exception candidate list 22:04:58 <ttx> #topic Horizon status 22:05:10 <ttx> gabrielhurley: thanks for your patience 22:05:12 <gabrielhurley> o hai 22:05:14 <gabrielhurley> ;-) 22:05:16 <ttx> #link https://launchpad.net/horizon/+milestone/folsom-3 22:05:29 <gabrielhurley> I'm so much happier with this milestone than I was last week 22:05:37 <ttx> switch-to-cinder-client got done ? 22:05:46 <gabrielhurley> it's merging right this second 22:06:02 <ttx> * https://blueprints.launchpad.net/horizon/+spec/translation-documentation -- sounds like this is doc and can be pushed back to RC1 in case of need 22:06:08 <gabrielhurley> yep 22:06:12 <ttx> You have an enormous list of F3-targeted bugs, I suspect most of them are not F3 publication blockers... 22:06:20 <gabrielhurley> all the wishlist stuff can be flat out deferred 22:06:27 <ttx> Should I push back to RC1 anything that is not FixCommitted when I cut the branch ? 22:06:32 <gabrielhurley> yep 22:06:36 <ttx> awesome 22:06:46 <gabrielhurley> of the remaining 8 there are no blockers, and most of them will be fixed today 22:06:56 <ttx> it might be end of day tomorrow, so you have a bit more time 22:07:00 <gabrielhurley> even better 22:07:11 <ttx> gabrielhurley: Anything else you wanted to mention ? 22:07:14 <ohnoimdead> woo hoo extra day! 22:07:25 <gabrielhurley> nope. just a thanks to everyone for helping tear through the end of the F3 milestone :-) 22:08:12 <ttx> Questions for Horizon ? 22:08:21 <ttx> ohnoimdead: yay, thank me for another sleepless night 22:08:49 <ttx> #topic Other Team reports 22:08:56 <ttx> Any other team lead with a (quick) status report ? 22:09:51 <annegentle> \o 22:10:04 <ttx> go for it 22:10:06 <annegentle> actually no, looking at the clock :) 22:10:10 <annegentle> I'll put it in an email 22:10:12 <ttx> heh 22:10:18 <ttx> #topic Open discussion 22:10:21 <ttx> Anything else, anyone ? 22:11:25 <ttx> #endmeeting