#openstack-meeting: Ceilometer
Meeting started by nijaba at 16:00:25 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda
- actions from previous meeting (nijaba, 16:01:43)
- jaypipes to create ceilometer cookbook (nijaba, 16:01:58)
- ACTION: jaypipes to
create ceilometer cookbook (nijaba,
- nijaba to do a second thouroughness check on API and report next week (nijaba, 16:02:57)
- nijaba to write description of component responsibility (nijaba, 16:11:33)
- ACTION: nijaba to
write description of componet responsibility (nijaba,
- Open Discusssion (nijaba, 16:12:19)
- ACTION: dhellmann and
nijaba to work on sessions for summit via email (nijaba,
- ACTION: nijaba to
give core reviewer rights to gmb (nijaba,
- ACTION: dhellmann to
ask jtrans about interest in reviewer status (dhellmann,
Meeting ended at 16:27:23 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- jaypipes to create ceilometer cookbook
- nijaba to write description of componet responsibility
- dhellmann and nijaba to work on sessions for summit via email
- nijaba to give core reviewer rights to gmb
- dhellmann to ask jtrans about interest in reviewer status
Action items, by person
- dhellmann
- dhellmann and nijaba to work on sessions for summit via email
- dhellmann to ask jtrans about interest in reviewer status
- gmb
- nijaba to give core reviewer rights to gmb
- nijaba
- nijaba to write description of componet responsibility
- dhellmann and nijaba to work on sessions for summit via email
- nijaba to give core reviewer rights to gmb
People present (lines said)
- nijaba (77)
- dhellmann (47)
- gmb (5)
- openstack (3)
- jgriffith (2)
- zul (2)
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