19:01:01 <mtaylor> #startmeeting 19:01:02 <openstack> Meeting started Tue Aug 21 19:01:01 2012 UTC. The chair is mtaylor. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot. 19:01:03 <openstack> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. 19:01:06 <mtaylor> CI anybody? 19:01:12 <jeblair> mtaylor: say "#meetingname CI" please 19:01:18 <mtaylor> #meetingname CI 19:01:19 <openstack> The meeting name has been set to 'ci' 19:01:22 <mtaylor> NEAT 19:01:23 <jeblair> thx 19:01:26 <mtaylor> when did that happen? 19:01:39 <jeblair> mtaylor: it's always been there -- i was going to look into adding that, and found it in the code 19:01:39 * mtaylor has brain damage clearly 19:01:45 <mtaylor> we should tell people 19:01:48 <jeblair> mtaylor: i believe it will change the output for logs 19:01:48 <mtaylor> heckj: did you see that? 19:01:51 <jeblair> mtaylor: better yet -- 19:02:01 <jeblair> mtaylor: i think we should make it a required argument for "startmeeting" 19:02:04 <dolphm> cooool 19:02:15 <mtaylor> jeblair: ++++ 19:02:24 <dolphm> is that why the meeting name was "keystone something something" for like a year? 19:02:28 <jeblair> mtaylor: why don't you endmeeting and we'll see where it goes? 19:02:32 <mtaylor> #endmeeting