#openstack-meeting-4: OpenStack Ansible Meeting
Meeting started by b3rnard0 at 16:01:29 UTC
(full logs).
Meeting summary
- Agenda & rollcall (b3rnard0, 16:01:54)
- https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/openstack-ansible#Agenda_for_next_meeting
- Review action items from last meeting (b3rnard0, 16:03:51)
- http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/openstack_ansible_meeting/2015/openstack_ansible_meeting.2015-03-12-16.00.log.html
- ACTION: odyssey4me
Solicit feedback from the mailing list as to whether os package
management should be part of the project? (b3rnard0,
- Blueprints (cloudnull, 16:11:30)
- https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ansible/+bug/1422936
was marked as "Fix Committed" as well (sigmavirus24,
- cloudnull: we now have a specs repo,
where all bp work should go into moving forward . (b3rnard0,
- ACTION: hughsaunders
convert that to a spec and resubmit it for approval (b3rnard0,
Meeting ended at 17:02:21 UTC
(full logs).
Action items
- odyssey4me Solicit feedback from the mailing list as to whether os package management should be part of the project?
- hughsaunders convert that to a spec and resubmit it for approval
Action items, by person
- hughsaunders
- hughsaunders convert that to a spec and resubmit it for approval
People present (lines said)
- cloudnull (68)
- andymccr (26)
- palendae (25)
- mattt (21)
- b3rnard0 (17)
- hughsaunders (13)
- Sam-I-Am (9)
- sigmavirus24 (7)
- sacharya (6)
- openstack (5)
- dstanek (4)
- alextricity (3)
- stevelle (2)
- Bjoern__ (2)
- rackertom (1)
- miguelgrinberg (1)
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